Hamilton and History: Analyze, explain, and compare songs from the musical Hamilton and create comparisons between the songs and U.S. history.

Hamilton and History: Analyze, explain, and compare songs from the musical Hamilton and create comparisons between the songs and U.S. history..

You will evaluate how well the musical Hamilton does at presenting historical figures/events by close reading passages from the musical against your own historical research. Choose a character/characters, event, or series of events (key battles, cabinet meetings, etc.) that work together to create an argument. Analyze, explain, and compare songs from the musical Hamilton and create comparisons between the songs and U.S. history. Please evaluate the songs: “Say No to This” “The Reynolds Pamphlet” and “Burn”.

Hamilton and History: Analyze, explain, and compare songs from the musical Hamilton and create comparisons between the songs and U.S. history.

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