Greek Philosophy and the Humanist Legacy

Greek Philosophy and the Humanist Legacy.

 Description Each essay must be 150–200 words and include the word count in parentheses. Each essay must be well-structured, be carefully edited. Essay 1 After you have viewed the website “Khan Academy – Raphael, School of Athens” address the following prompt: Raphael painted these marvelous works of art in 1509–1511. In your own words, describe what you think the values were that he was striving to communicate to his culture through his painting “The School of Athens.” Essay 2 After you have viewed the presentation “How Should We Then Live” by Dr. Francis Schaeffer, address the following prompt: In the Roman culture, almost all religions were tolerated, but Christianity was persecuted. List and discuss several reasons why this occurred.

Greek Philosophy and the Humanist Legacy

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