Gene Mapping by Homologous Recombinatio
Gene Mapping by Homologous Recombinatio. Gene Mapping by Homologous Recombination (30 points) .*In  the  3rd  Edition  of  Snyder  and  Champness:  Pages,167-184  (Gene  mapping using  Hfr crosses, transduction), 243-263 (Conjugation background), 332-339 (Transduction/Phage background), 429-435  (Homologous  recombination  background). If  you  have  a  different edition, look in the table of contents of your book for titles similar to the ones listed.this for background info…you have to write full lab report of( exp2 ) including into,disscution,calculation,methods,conc,graph,references…etc,I will keep you updated with my new info which will be this Thursday,,You have to use my class data which will be on the excel sheet to do the calculation and explanation,last order was weak on the (last questions answering part)which is the last part of the report I got 21 points off because it was not complete and it need more explanation ,so try to avoid that weakness please
Experiment II: Gene Mapping by Homologous Recombination
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Order Paper NowSeptember 13, 2016
Introduction •  Rifampin resistant mutants form spontaneously
when a culture of Escherichia coli HR171is growing.
•  To map the mutation we are going to measure the frequency of recombination between your rifR sample and the wild type rifS .
•  We will be using two methods of measuring recombination: – Conjugation – Transduction
•  Transfer genetic information using a conjugative plasmid
•  If an Hfr strain is used, the plasmid will integrate into the chromosome and the entire chromosome will be transferred
•  The further a gene is on the chromosome from the origin of transfer (oriT) the less likely it will be transferred
•  Transfer genetic information using a bacteriophage
•  DNA from one bacterium is packaged into a phage head which is inserted into another bacterium upon infection
•  The closer two genes are to each other on a chromosome, the more likely they are to be packaged and transferred together
Today •  Preparing for Conjugation and Transduction
•  Transduction: –  Add 5 µl of 0.1 M CaCl2 in a 1.5 ml Eppendorf
tube –  100 µl of culture of E. coli KL227 –  Add 50 µl of P1 (we will add for you) –  Incubate at 30°C for 10 min –  Plate 50 µl on LB plate with chloramphenicol –  Incubate plate at 30°C, overnight
Today •  Conjugation: •  Need to have single colonies!
– Innoculate 2 tubes •  Inoculate 2ml of LB + rif (the tube with the red top) with one colony from your rif plate (recipient).
i.e. Your rpoB mutant from last week
•  Inoculate 2ml of LB with one colony from of Hfr KL16 (donor)
•  Incubate in 37°C shaker at 200 rpm
Please  Cleanup
•  Place glass culture tubes in tray in the back of lab •  Empty biohazard cylinder into orange bin at end of
bench •  Wipe down bench with disinfectant •  Wash your hands
•  Thank you!
Suggested Reading: •  In the 3rd Edition of Snyder and Champness: •  167-184 (Gene mapping using Hfr crosses,
transduction) •  243-263 (Conjugation background) •  332-339 (Transduction/Phage background) •  429-435 (Homologous recombination
background) •  If you have a different edition, look in the
table of contents of your book for titles similar to the ones listed
Gene Mapping by Homologous Recombinatio
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