Gabriel Comprehensive Community Health Care Center

Gabriel Comprehensive Community Health Care Center.

Gabriel Comprehensive Community Health Care Center


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Business Plan Now that you have approval for your idea, you are on your way to developing a new human services organization in your community. Develop a Business Plan for your new program after some considerable research. Begin by designing your Mission Statement. Are you considering a non-profit agency? If so, you will need a volunteer Board of Directors Consider how many people will serve on your board and when it will meet. What will the make-up of your board look like? If it is a for-profit organization or social entrepreneurship think about how you will incorporate your agency. Also, how many employees do you anticipate hiring? Will you use paid, professional staff or volunteers? Think about where your service will be provided. How much money will you need to get started? How will you fund the program? Will you charge a fee for services? Choose your organization’s name. Develop a strategic five-year plan and timeline. How will you market your new service and to what audience? Use of the Start Your Own Business textbook with reference to concepts in Chapters 6-10, plus 2 other outside scholarly resources are required. This assignments requires 5 – 8 pages of content. APA formatting is required

Gabriel Comprehensive Community Health Care Center

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