Future in education – The move towards competency based education
Future in education – The move towards competency based education.
Future in education – The move towards competency based education
Write a research paper (suggested length of 20–30 pages) that includes the following: A. Provide an introduction in which you do the following: 1. Identify an open-ended problem in education. a. Explain your current thinking about the future of education posed by the open-ended problem you have identified, supporting your explanation with research-based evidence. B. Choose five aspects that influence your open-ended problem, which can include but are not limited to the following: • teachers and standards • high-stakes assessments • curriculum/instruction • methodology • technology • bilingual/ELL • special education • public policy • diversity and inclusion 1. Identify two possible approaches and discuss how they address the open-ended problem, using each of the 5 aspects chosen in part B. Note: The same two possible approaches should be used for each of the 5 aspects. Note: For example, a proponent of public school Montessori may have an approach that differs from the approach of a proponent of homeschooling. Or, a proponent of self-contained special education may have an approach that differs from the approach of a proponent of full-inclusion special education. a. Provide evidence to support your discussion from part B1. i. Discuss the quality of evidence, including the credibility and bias of the provided information or evidence relevant to the possible approaches presented in part B1. b. Discuss the underlying assumptions of the possible approaches presented in part B1. 2. Discuss how two of the influencing aspects chosen in part B and the possible approaches from part B1 impact each other. 3. Analyze the pros and cons of implementing each of the possible approaches from part B1. 4. Propose your solution to the open-ended problem identified in part A1. a. Discuss potential criticisms of the solution you proposed in part B4 and ways of addressing those criticisms. 5. Reflect on what education would look like in the future if the solution from part B4 were implemented. 6. Summarize the main points from the research paper. for paper – Students are pushed to learn a set amount of state standards for each grade level. They are driven in the class to cover every standard that is required. They may never comprehend the information, but they are taught the information. After a year of teaching the students will receive a passing grade or failing grade. They may pass with 70%, but did they learn the information? Does the letter grade mean the students understood the information? Standardized testing average grades based on all students. Does that show a student’s knowledge of the course? More and more schools and colleges are moving away from letter grades and requiring students to reach competency or mastering the content. (Western Governors University, Reed College, Brown University)
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