NEEDS TO BE 4 FULL LENGTH PAGES. TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE. Uploaded are my previous writings. The class is college approaches to literature. Whatever you write, please do so similarly to my style and efforts of writing. The paper needs to be on the feminist approach of Macbeth. Feminist approach: concerned with “…the ways in which literature (and other cultural productions) reinforce or undermine the economic, political, social, and psychological oppression of women” (Tyson 83). This school of theory looks at how aspects of our culture are inherently patriarchal (male dominated) and aims to expose misogyny in writing about women, which can take explicit and implicit forms. This misogyny, Tyson reminds us, can extend into diverse areas of our culture: “Perhaps the most chilling example…is found in the world of modern medicine, where drugs prescribed for both sexes often have been tested on male subjects only” (85). Feminist criticism is also concerned with less obvious forms of marginalization such as the exclusion of women writers from the traditional literary canon: “…unless the critical or historical point of view is feminist, there is a tendency to underrepresent the contribution of women writers” (Tyson 84).


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