Examine a single war and discuss how that war and its results influenced the development of military organization,strategy OR technology.
Examine a single war and discuss how that war and its results influenced the development of military organization,strategy OR technology..
Term paper 5-6 pages long (double-spaced). In the paper, the student will examine a single war and discuss how that war and its results influenced the development of military organization,strategy OR technology. The Term Paper IS NOT to be a simple overview of a particular war from American history (and it should not address military organization, strategy, AND technology related to one war). Any such submission will be treated as “off topic” and graded accordingly. In this paper, students are expected to use several external sources (as well as the course text). Any direct quotes and any information not considered “common knowledge” must be properly cited in footnotes or (preferably) endnotes and a bibliography must accompany the paper. Notes, the bibliography, and the paper text must conform to Chicago/Turabian Style, though the notes and bibliography do not count toward the overall length requirement. The paper will be graded on a 300-point scale based on the following criteria:
a. Does the paper conform to proper length and style requirements?
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Order Paper Nowb. Is the paper’s topic appropriate for the assignment? c. Does the paper have an identifiable thesis and is that thesis both clear and reasonable? d. Is the thesis supported by reasonable evidence and examples from the sources? e. Are the evidence and examples properly cited? f. Overall, is the paper well organized and clearly and accurately written?