Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence. INTRODUCTION:

Today’s business environment requires emotional intelligence (EI) for intrapersonal and interpersonal interactions. As a business professional, it is essential that you apply the principles of EI to positively impact the effectiveness of the organization.

Before completing this task, you will need to take the Global Leadership Foundation’s Emotional Intelligence Test (GEIT) in the Web Links section. You will then use the results of this EI self-assessment as a baseline for improving intrapersonal and interpersonal interactions.

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A.  Complete and submit your GEIT results by attaching a PDF or a screenshot of the test results page to your submission.

B.  Apply either the research of Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer or Daniel Goleman to explain two ways you can improve your intrapersonal areas of opportunity, self-awareness, and self-management from your GEIT results.

C.  Describe two EI communication techniques that can improve your interpersonal relationship areas of opportunity, social awareness, and relationship management from the GEIT results.

D.  Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

E.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

I am attaching the GEIT Test results below. Please refer to that.

D082 – Emotional and Cultural Intelligence, Task 1



A.  Complete and submit your GEIT results by attaching a PDF or a screenshot of the test results page to your submission.


A screenshot of a cell phone  Description automatically generated


B.  Apply either the research of Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer or Daniel Goleman to explain two ways you can improve your intrapersonal areas of opportunity, self-awareness, and self-management from your GEIT results.

After taking the Global EI Test, I realized that my scores were not low, however, improvement is needed in several areas. Two ways I can improve my intrapersonal, self-awareness and self-management is by becoming more aware of my own personal thoughts and not allowing an emotional impulse to decide for me. By being more aware of myself and my personal thoughts and feelings, I can prevent these from getting in the way of any non-personal decisions I have to take. Emotional impulses can be negative ones that sometimes get in the way of your workday and as a result, bad decisions are made. These bad decisions are later regretted when your emotional impulse has mitigated, and you realize you should have acted differently.


C.  Describe two EI communication techniques that can improve your interpersonal relationship areas of opportunity, social awareness, and relationship management from the GEIT results.

  Two EI communications techniques I would use to improve my interpersonal relationship areas of opportunity, social awareness, and relationship management would be to listen and be aware of nonverbal cues and conducting routine self-assessments of myself. Active listening is a crucial part of understanding others; however, nonverbal cues are just as important. A lot is said by a person’s personal appearance and many times, they might say they are ok, but their body language tells you otherwise. Noticing these nonverbal cues can lead you to ask more questions or empathize more with others. Assessing my personal feelings and emotions will also help me improve my EI. Regularly asking myself how I feel and if I can understand my own thoughts will help me to know what is happening to me internally.


D.  Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.


E.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Emotional Intelligence

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