EA300B: Children’s Literature (II) : Discuss Sade’s gradual growth in Beverly Naidoo’s The Other Side of Truth.

EA300B: Children’s Literature (II) : Discuss Sade’s gradual growth in Beverly Naidoo’s The Other Side of Truth..

Discuss Sade’s gradual growth in Beverly Naidoo’s The Other Side of Truth. 

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You are expected to focus on the protagonist’s moral growth. You need to show how Sade was forced to grow up rapidly as she had to fend for herself, for her brother, and for her father.

From the murder of her mother, to the detension of her father and beyond. The intense and depressing happenings show how the challenges, hardships, death, trauma and scary experiences Sade faces mould her character. How does she manage to adjust and to deal with peer pressure? How does Sade’s dealing with adults in the novel affect her growing up?

You may want to compare Sade’s earlier attitude towards the bullies to her later bravery in airing her father’s story.


These are just brainstorming questions and are by no means an outline of your paper. You are expected to show some creativity and some originality of approach to your primary source. You are also expected to refer to critics’ views on the topic.


When it comes to planning your essay, it is highly recommended to set up an outline structure of points you wish to make, and then choose selected scenes, episodes from the novel to write about to flesh out your major points of discussion. In this type of essay, it is essential to make reference to the work you are discussing, as well as to the critical review of the literature on the topic. Use your readers and relevant articles from the e-library.


A thesis statement and a proper logical presentation of ideas are essential.


For this TMA, you will need to follow these steps:


Plan your essay ahead of time by writing a plan highlighting the main points you intend to cover.

Write a thesis statement stating your argument to be included on the first page of your essay.

Select some excerpts or scenes that relate to your argument. State what they say tell us, and add your own comments and interpretation. You need to analyse rather than narrate.

Make sure your essay refers to some quotations from the novel.

EA300B: Children’s Literature (II) : Discuss Sade’s gradual growth in Beverly Naidoo’s The Other Side of Truth.

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