Doubly fed induction generators (DFIG) based wind turbines (DFIG-WT)
Doubly fed induction generators (DFIG) based wind turbines (DFIG-WT).
Task 2 (50%) Carry out simulation studies based on the Matlab/Simulink and the Simpowersystems Toolbox (available from the CSD-based Matlab). You should utilise the detailed or phase model of Wind Farms provided by the Simpowersystems Demos (type power_wind_dfig.mdl at the Matlab Command Window).
This task includes the following subtasks: a) Understanding the simulation model; b) Explain the dynamic response of the decoupled active and reactive power control under grid voltage drop, verify the low voltage ride through functionalities; c) Test the system with variable-speed wind power input, verify the MPPT functionalities.
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