

A part requires three processing steps on two machines in the sequence A-B-B. The demand for this part is 30,000 units per week. The company operates six days per week, 24 hours per day, and the company performing maintenance activities for all machines for three hours daily. Given the following performance data. Operation Machine Standard Time Efficiency Reliability Defects A 3 min 95% 92% 4% 2 B 1 min 94% 91% 6% 3 B 2 min 93% 90% 4% d- The total time of maintenance (for 4 weeks) = min e-The amount of available time = v min f- The number of machines required for operation 1 = v machine v machine g- The number of machines required for operation 2 = h- The number of machines required for operation 3 = v machine v machine i- The total number of machine A required for production j- The total number of machine B required for production = v machine


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