

Bill has been a successful manager for Allied Foods for 4 years and recently took over one of Allied Food’s most profitable business units. Sue is one of 5 sales-reps that report directly to Bill. Sue has worked at Allied Foods for 9 years and has generally performed well throughout her tenure.

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With almost certainty, each time Bill tries to implement a new initiative, even policy or process, Sue expresses doubt that any change will be effective, usually ending her statements with, “we tried this already – old program new name- been there, done that – it’ll never work.”

  1. What should Bill do about Sue? Provide at least two transformational behaviors he could enact, and critique their weaknesses in light of the change required in Sue.
  1. Have you ever encountered someone like Sue before? If so, what did you do? If not, why do you think you have not yet?


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