

Identify tools and methodologies to assess the process for monitoring team performance and initiate
changes where necessary.

* Identify different tool and methods you can use to monitor team performance. E.g. balance
scorecard, assessment activities, congruence model and etc.

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Evaluate team performance against agreed objectives of the plan and address problematic

* Using a table format, you can compare your team performance with the agreed performance.

* You can explain what has been achieved and what has not been achieved.

* If there is a difference between what was initially agreed to your current performance, you need to
discuss how are you going to address it. You can use coaching, mentoring, performance
improvement plan, training and development.

Critically evaluate the impact of the team performance in contributing to meeting strategy.

* You can discuss what is the impact if employees don’t perform well or perform well. How will it
impact your organisation?


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