

  • 1st assignment task (with 3 subparts): (a) List three of your favorite brands and briefly describe your reasons for why they are among your favorite brands (Note: you should list brands here that you have actually purchased in the past); (b) looking over the list of 4 company orientations in the “III. Company Orientations” section on page 2 of the “Introduction to Marketing” set of lecture notes (in the “Content” section of our D2L classroom), pick one of your three favorite brands that you listed for part (a) above and discuss which orientation you believe that brand predominantly adopts and describe examples for that brand that illustrate the orientation you choose here. Make sure to integrate lecture/course reading concepts in your answer.

  • 2nd assignment task: Take a look over the “IV. Customer Relationship Management” section on pages 2-3 of the “Introduction to Marketing” set of lecture notes (in the “Content” section of our D2L classroom) and write about a personal example (about you or your family/friends as consumers) for different one of your three favorite brands that you listed for part (a) of the 1st assignment task above that illustrates one of the bulleted ideas in “Typical Marketing Activities” column in either the “Providing a Satisfying Experience” row or the “Sustain a Committed Relationship” row in the “Relationship Stage” column (on page 3)—note, please do not pick one of the bulleted ideas in the “Meeting and Getting Acquainted” row for this assignment. Make sure to integrate lecture/course reading concepts in your answer.

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  • Important requirement: the text for your total combined answers in your MS Word document should be between one-half of a single-spaced page (minimum) to one full single-spaced page (maximum) in length (either 11-pt or 12-pt font size).

    • Important note: the line spacing in your MS Word document should be set as “single.”


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