


Combine each set of sentences below into one logical and clear sentence. Your new sentence can be a compound, complex, or a compound-complex sentence. Use adverb and adjective clauses as well as coordinating conjunctions (“fan boys”) in your new sentences.

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NOTE: There may be several correct combinations of each set of sentences.

EXAMPLE: The girl was little. She pressed her nose against the window. The window was icy. She giggled with delight. She had never seen snow before.


  1. Since she had never seen the snow before, the little girl giggled with delight when she pressed her nose against the icy window.
  2. The little girl giggled with delight as she pressed her nose against the icy window, for she had never seen snow before.
  3. Pressing her nose against the icy window, the little girl giggled with delight, for she had never seen snow.


  1. The dancer was not tall. The dancer was not slender.
    The dancer was extremely elegant. (HINT: use “neither… nor”)

2. The sound of an automobile horn is muffled.
The sound is indistinct. The sound seems part of another world.

3. A few of the strikers obeyed the court order.
They returned to work. Most of the strikers remained on the picket line.

HINT: In sentence combinations 4-8, change the underlined sentence into adverb and adjective clauses.

  1. Benny played the violin. The dog hid in the bedroom. The dog whimpered.

5. Natural rubber is used chiefly to make tires and inner tubes.
It is cheaper than synthetic rubber. It has greater resistance to tearing when wet.

  1. Credit cards are dangerous. They encourage people to buy things. These are things that people are unable to afford. These are things that people do not really need.

7. Our neighbours installed a swimming pool.
The pool is in their backyard. They have gained many new friends.

8. The boy hid the gerbil. No one would ever find it.

HINT: In sentence combinations 9-13, use adjective clauses & adjective phrases (if possible)

  1. The first alarm clock woke the sleeper by gently rubbing his feet.
    The first alarm clock was invented by Leonardo da Vinci.

10.Some children have not received flu shots. These children must visit the school doctor.

11. Success encourages the repetition of old behaviour.
Success is not nearly as good a teacher as failure.

12. Oxygen is colourless. Oxygen is tasteless. Oxygen is odourless.
Oxygen is the chief life-supporting element of all plant life.
Oxygen is the chief life-supporting element of all animal life.

13. I showed the arrowhead to Rachel. Rachel’s mother is an archaeologist.

14. The waitress tugged the pencil out of her hair. Her hair was lacquered.
She licked the pencil point. She flicked over her bill pad.
She asked if she could take our order.


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