Entrepreneur magazine ranks franchises. Among the factors that the magazine uses in its rankings are growth rate, number of locations, start-up costs, and financial stability. A recent ranking listed the top 20 U.S. franchises and the number of locations as follows: Franchise Number of U.S. Locations Franchise Number of U.S. Locations Hampton Inns 1,864 Jan-Pro Franchising Intl. Inc. 12,394 ampm 3,183 Hardee’s 1,901 McDonald’s 32,805 Pizza Hut Inc. 13,281 7-Eleven Inc. 37,496 Kumon Math & Reading Centers 25,199 Supercuts 2,130 Dunkin’ Donuts 9,947 Days Inn 1,877 KFC Corp. 16,224 Vanguard Cleaning Systems 2,155 Jazzercise Inc. 7,683 Servpro 1,572 Anytime Fitness 1,618 Subway 34,871 Matco Tools 1,431 Denny’s Inc. 1,668 Stratus Building Solutions 5,018 These data can be found in the file Franchises. Create a PivotTable to summarize these data using classes 0–9,999, 10,000–19,999, 20,000–29,999, and 30,000–39,999 to answer the following questions. (Hint: Use Number of U.S. Locations as the COLUMNS, and use Count of Number of U.S. Locations as the VALUES in the PivotTable.) a. How many franchises have between 0 and 9,999 locations? b. How many franchises have more than 30,000 locations?
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