

Corporate sustainability practices can have a positive impact on recruitment, retention, and employee engagement. Willis Towers Watson’s 2018 Global Workforce Study showed that a firm’s reputation for social responsibility (including environmental work) is one of the top 10 drivers of employee engagement worldwide. How do employers engage employees in their sustainability efforts? Some of the steps include public sustainability goals; senior executive support; and training, policies, and programs that integrate sustainability into employee roles.

There are many ways to motivate employees to modify their behaviour and actions to become more sustainable:

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management feedback
salary and bonuses
competition/peer inducements

modified job requirements

opportunities for growth

All of these incentives need to be aligned with organizational goals or there will be incongruence and any behavioural changes will be short-lived. Different organizations could use combinations of the above incentives that fit their culture. For example, Intel ties corporate sustainability goals to its annual performance bonus.

Which of the above incentives would have the greatest impact on your behaviour?


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