

Each customer has a unique number, name, gender, age and ethnicity. Locations have a unique location number, type (church, government, etc), address, size, and date opened. A customer can visit many locations. A location can have many customers visit it or it is new and has no one visit yet. A volunteer has a unique employee number, employee name, title, and year hired. Some volunteers supervise other volunteers. Volunteer supervisors must have volunteers they supervise. Every location has at least one and generally many volunteers. A volunteer may not have worked at a location, but others may have worked at many locations. Each time a volunteer performs a specific job for a location the job type, date, and time are recorded.
A donor sponsors at least one and possibly several locations. A location may have several donors or none. A donor has a unique donor number, a name, address, and telephone number. For each location that a particular donor sponsors, the Foodbank wants to track the annual sponsorship contribution and renewal date.


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