

Assertive behavior is the same thing as aggressive behavior.
Assertive behavior can be learned. An effective way to learn assertive behavior is to :
Take small steps to state your feelings in a non-threatening way.
Use Communications skills that enhance assertiveness
Be strong on solving the problem but soft on dealing with people.
All of the above
The win/win approach to negotiating a solution to a problem:
is to find a solution focusing on the interests of the parties rather than on the personalities.
Finds a solution where each side gives in on their position enough so that no one comes out a “winner”
Focuses on the personalities of the parties in hopes of shaming a party into a solution
Focuses on buildng a case for litigation should negotiations break down.
The avoidance style of negotiation involves avoiding or ignoring the conflict. This may be appropriate when:
When the parties are capable of openly discussing the issues.
when to conflict involves “survival of the fittest”
the conflict is too minor to resolve.
When the person causing the problem is waway on vacation and you want to solve the problem behind their back.
The first step in the conflicts resolution process is to:
Clarify the perceptions of the parties
Implement the options with integrity
Collect all of the facts.
Decide whether there is a true disagreement or only a misunderstanding.
Bullies are difficult to deal with in the work place but Backstabbers rarely cause significant conflicts.
Stress refers to which of the following two events:
The external stimulus or stressor and the physical or emotional response to that stressor.
The external stimulus or stressor and the unanticipated third party reaction to that stressor
The unexpected third party response to the stressor and our physical or emotional response to the stressor
The external event or stressor and the internal lack of any comprehension of the implications of the stressor.
Stress can be a powerful stimulus for growth if:
It keeps us from focusing on the most important aspects of our work
It causes enough physical and emotional discomfort that we have to step away from all of our problems.
if it motivates us to do our best work.
If it affects your co-workers as much as it affects you.
Stress causes the body to secrete hormones that can alter our brain function.
Stress is often caused by our own negative thinking and faulty reasoning.
Rumination is the process of:
Taking prompt steps to resolve issues causing stress
Going over and over again in your mind incidents that were embarrassing or showed when you failed. s
engaging in power struggles to make sure one’s position “wins” and the other “loses”.
ignoring past mistakes so that they no longer cause stress.
Which of the following can be warning signals of too much stress?
Tension or migraine headaches
Depression or moodiness
increased arguments
All of the above
Which of the following statements is true?
Getting enough sleep is way more important in dealing with stress than exercising
Exercise need only be done once every month or so in order to be effective in reducing stress.
Meditation can have a profound stress-reducing effect.
Resilience means the tendency to fall back into behavioral patterns that in the past have been shown to cause stress.
Laughing has proven to be effective in combating stress.
“Burnout” refers to:
An increase in adrenaline that boosts the energy level for a while
The termination of a workplace relationship because of an inability to understand one another.
Another word for being fired because of an ongoing personality problem.
a gradually intensifying pattern of physical, psychological, and behavioral dysfunction that evolves in response to a continuous flow of stressors.
Diversity is any dimension that can be used to differentiate groups and people from one another.
Inclusion within an organization is a state of being valued, respected, and supported.


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