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For all 3 scenarios, you should write the following in section Online Assignment.

1. Select 2 components out of 5( CRE, MS, ME, F, BoC) and explain 1.

2. 2. Choose accurate 2 FITT principle for each scenario and explain 1. 2. 3.Choose Activities( Type, Frequency and Time ) Example is given in Point 1 1. Tennis –Monday, Tuesday —( 2 hours) 2. 3 4. Scenario 1 Cindy is a 35-year-old hospital worker. She works 3 days a week for 12 hours a day, usually from 11pm to 7am. She has 4 days off after she has completed her 3-day work week. Her body experiences a lot of soreness in her back and legs from all the lifting of patients that she has to do. She cannot sit in a chair for too long because of her soreness and would also like to lose weight 10 pounds in 4 weeks. 1. Using the 5 core concepts of fitness which ones would you recommend to Cindy? Please pick 2 out of the 5 and explain why you choose. 2. Use the F.I.T.T. principle for Cindy. Select any 2 principles out of 5 and explain why you choose. 3. Choose Activities (Type, Frequency and Time) Example is given in Point Eg. 1. Tennis –Monday, Tuesday —( 2 hours) 2. 3. 4. Scenario 2 John is a 25 yr./old a Computer Technician and has a regular 9-5, Monday -Friday job. He spends all day sitting at his job and is a little overweight. He is interested in losing 30pounds in the next few months to improve his health. John would also like to join a local soccer team but understands that he needs to run for long periods of time to play well. 1. Using the 5 core concepts of fitness which ones would you recommend to John? Please pick 2 and out of the 5 and explain. 2. Use the F.I.T.T. principle to explain how you would help John. Please pick 2 and explain. 3.Choose Activities (Type, Frequency and Time) Example is given in Point Eg. 1. Tennis –Monday, Tuesday —(2 hours) 2. 3. 4. Scenario 3 Donna is a 65yr./old senior woman and has a lot of difficulty with moving her body. Although she understands that this is just part of aging she is determined to be stronger. She would like to be able to go up stairs without feeling tired, walk for longer periods of time and easily get out of chairs after sitting for a while. 1. Using the 5 core concepts of fitness which ones would you recommend to help Donna? Please pick 2 and explain why you chose them? 2. Use the F.I.T.T. principle for Donna.Please pick 2 and explain why you choose them? 3.Choose Activities (Type, Frequency and Time) Example is given in Point Eg. 1. Tennis –Monday, Tuesday —(2 hours) 2. 3. 4.


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