Does These Issues Including Lobbyist, Safety, Efficacy or Therapeutic Equivalency or Is It Just About Money?

Does These Issues Including Lobbyist, Safety, Efficacy or Therapeutic Equivalency or Is It Just About Money?.


Does These Issues Including Lobbyist, Safety, Efficacy or Therapeutic Equivalency or Is It Just About Money?

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Paper must be APA, 12 font, double spaced, full citation is expected, with a minimum of 6 academic sources, and must also, include Abstract, Cover page and Reference page. Must include the following headings in the issue paper: Introduction, Background, Alternatives and Recommendations. I. Introduction: In this section, should specifically identify and define the issue or problem studying and outline its importance. Describe the theory of politics/public policy used to explain policy issue. Also use this section to limit the issue (i.e., describe the aspects of the issue that will not touch upon). II. Background: In this section, should briefly describe the history of the issue, literature review, trends and its status. Also provide context by describing relevant developments in other localities, states or countries. III. Alternatives: This section should describe various policy options that are available to address the issue. In some cases, there may be essentially two options (“yes, we should do this”, and “no, we should not”). With each alternative, must also specifically describe advantages and disadvantages of the proposed alternative. In this section, apply other theories of politics/public policy to explain issue alternatives. IV. Recommendation: In this section, should weigh the evidence and recommend (one or more) of the alternatives described in section III. Must be specific about how the conclusions were reached and on what evidence based the recommendation. In this section, apply other theories of politics/public policy to explain issue recommendations. At the very least, paper must substantively address and include…. * Theories of Politics and Public Policy * The Policy Process Model * Steps in the Policy Analysis Process * Types of Policy Analysis * Problem Analysis * Constructing Alternatives * Evaluative Criteria for Judging Policy Proposals * Ethical Questions * A Well-Researched Literature Review Please Thread/Weave Into Paper Each Critical Aspect of: Public Policy and Politics, Government Institutions and Policy Actors, Understanding Public Policy Making, Policy Analysis, Public Problems and Policy Alternatives, Assessing Policy Alternatives, Economic and Budgetary, Health Care Policy, Welfare and Social Security Policy and Education Policy.  The goal of the paper is to provide practical exercise that integrates public policy theory with practical application. 

Does These Issues Including Lobbyist, Safety, Efficacy or Therapeutic Equivalency or Is It Just About Money?

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