Dilution Package Series

Dilution Package Series. Name: _________________ Section:___________

Please complete the following problems by filling in the missing boxes. Don’t forget units where needed.

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5. Complete the diagram to show how you would make a pond water dilution of 1:100,000


7. Calculate the amount of CFU/ml in the original sample: (your answer should be in scientific notation and include units)

8.Calculate the amount of CFU/ml in the original sample: (your answer should be in scientific notation and include units)

9A. You have counted an average of 4 CFU from having counted 3 large squares using the Quebec colony counter. What is the amount of CFU on this plate?

9B. The dilution factor of the plate in question 9A was 1:56,000. What is the amount of CFU/ml in the original sample?

Dilution Package Series

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