Designing Advocacy Plan – Step One

Designing Advocacy Plan – Step One.

 It is most important to review the entire assignment explained in detail in the syllabus. There will be a three part submissions to the final Advocacy Plan. You are to begin with the first step assignment listed in the syllabus and described below: Step One: Assessing the Problem · Break down the problem: What do you want to change? Who is affected by the problem? · Set Goals: What would solve the problem? What is the best outcome? What is the worst? What compromises would you make to reach a resolution? · Recognize your biases: What perceptions do you have about the topic and those that may impede your efforts? · Troubleshoot early: What are the potential obstacles to getting the resolution you want? · Determine allies: Where can you go for help or advice? Who is on your side? Click on: Rubric Evaluation for Step One

Designing Advocacy Plan – Step One

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