Database Prototyping Assignment

Database Prototyping Assignment.

Database Prototyping Assignment

Case Studies

Corporate Finance
Ross, Westerfield, Jaffe, and Jordan
12th edition
Chapters 8-11 & 13 Case Studies
Input boxes in tan
Output boxes in yellow
Given data in blue
Calculations in red
Answers in green
NOTE: Some functions used in these spreadsheets may require that
the “Analysis ToolPak” or “Solver Add-in” be installed in Excel.
To install these, click on “Tools|Add-Ins” and select “Analysis ToolPak”
and “Solver Add-In.”

Chapter 8

Chapter 8
Financing East Coast Yachts Expansion Plans with a Bond Issue
Input area:
Years to maturity 20
Required return 7.50%
Amount needed $ 50,000,000
Face value $ 1,000
Coupon rate 7.50%
Tax rate 21%
Year bond is called 7
Spread above Treasury 0.40%
Treasury rate at call 4.80%
Treasury rate at call 8.20%
Output area:
2) Price of coupon bond
# of coupon bonds needed
Price of zero coupon bond
# of zeroes needed
3) Repayment of coupon bonds
Repayment of zeroes
4) Year 1 interest payments:
Pretax coupon payment
Aftertax coupon payment
Value of zero in one year
Zero coupon growth
Zero coupon bond
5) Make whole price
Make whole price

Chapter 9

Chapter 9
Stock Valuation at Ragan Engines
Input area:
Shares owned by each sibling 150,000
Ragan EPS $ 5.35
Dividend to each sibling $ 320,000
Ragan ROE 21%
Ragan required return 18%
EPS DPS Stock price ROE R
Blue Ribband Motors Corp. $ 1.19 $ 0.19 $ 16.32 10.00% 12.00%
Bon Voyage Marine, Inc. 1.26 0.55 13.94 12.00% 17.00%
Nautilus Marine Engines (0.27) 0.57 23.97 N/A 16.00%
Industry average
Nautilus EPS w/o write-off $ 2.07
Output area:
1) Total earnings
Payout ratio
Retention ratio
Growth rate
Total dividends next year
Total equity value
Value per share
2) Industry EPS
Industry payout ratio
Industry retention ratio
Industry growth rate
Year Total dividends
Stock value in Year 5
Total stock value today
Value per share
3) Industry PE
Ragan PE (original assumption)
Ragan PE (revised assumption)
Stock price implied by
industry PE
4) Total earnings
Cash cow value
Percentage not attributable to
growth opportunities
Percentage attributable to
growth opportunities
5) ROE

Chapter 10

Chapter 10
A Job at East Coast Yachts
Input area:
10-year annual return Standard deviation
Bledsoe S&P 500 Index Fund 11.04% 18.45%
Bledsoe Small-Cap Fund 16.14% 29.18%
Bledsoe Large Company Stock Fund 12.15% 24.43%
Bledsoe Bond Fund 6.93% 9.96%
Risk-free rate 3.20%
Company stock expected return 16.00%
Company stock standard deviation 58.00%
Output area:
Bledsoe S&P 500 Index Fund
Bledsoe Small-Cap Fund
Bledsoe Large Company Stock Fund
Bledsoe Bond Fund
Company stock

Chapter 11

Chapter 11
A Job at East Coast Yachts, Part 2
Input area:
10-year annual return Standard deviation
Bledsoe Large Company Stock Fund
Bledsoe Bond Fund
Risk-free rate
Correlation 0.15
Output area:
Weight of stock fund Portfolio E(R) Portfolio standard deviation
Dominant portfolio:
Weight of stock fund
Weight of bond fund
Standard deviation
Expected return
Minumum variance portfolio:
Weight of large cap stock fund
Weight of bond fund
Expected return
Standard deviation
Sharpe optimal portfolio: (Using Solver)
Weight of large cap stock fund
Sharpe ratio
Weight of large cap stock fund
Weight of bond fund
Expected return
Standard deviation
Sharpe ratio

Chapter 13

Chapter 13
The Cost of Capital for Swan Motors
Input area:
Bond maturity Book value Price YTM
3/1/19 $ 920,000,000 94.347 2.028%
3/1/21 $ 1,380,000,000 92.625 2.754%
BV of debt $ 2,300,000,000
BV of equity per share $ 10.190
Stock price $ 232.36
Shares outstanding 129,800,000
Beta 1.400
3-month Treasury bill rate 0.06%
Market risk premium 7.00%
Tax rate 21%
Output area:
2) RE from CAPM
3) Company Beta
Ford 0.97
General Motors 1.44
Honda 0.74
Toyota 0.54
Fiat Chrysler 0.49
Volkswagen 1.97
Daimler Chrysler 1.55
Industry Average
RE with industry beta
4) Book value Percent of total Quoted price Market value Percent of total Yield to Maturity Book values Market values
5) Book value of debt
Book value of equity
Book value of company
Market value of equity
Market value of company
WACC using book value
WACC using market value

Database Prototyping Assignment

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