Cultural differences and the effects of infertility on eudimonic well-being and self- esteem

Cultural differences and the effects of infertility on eudimonic well-being and self- esteem.

Cultural differences and the effects of infertility on eudimonic well-being and self- esteem. Self- compassion as a moderating effect on self-esteem and eudimonic well- being.

Top right corner: Name Date Center of page: Title of Project Paper I. Specific Aims In this section, tell me what you want to know. what is the issue/topic? What is the research question? What is your specific aim or goal? also include if you are interested in general findings, or findings in a specific population. II. Background and Significance In this section tell me why you want to know it. Here you will explain why this is important, why this is interesting, what does answering this question do/provide? Implications? Applications? In other words, why should anyone care? provide citations to justify any claims you make The purpose of this study is to acquire a better understanding on the effects of cultural values on women with infertility and the importance of these values when counseling women within this group. Self- compassionate mind training can help moderate the negative effects of infertility (low self-esteem, self-blame) in woman. III. Hypotheses In this section, tell me what you think the answer is.

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That is, what are your hypotheses (testable predictions)? What do you expect you’ll find? Why do you think so? Theoretical or empirical reasons to propose these possibilities? Again, cite your sources. I hypothesis that the value placed on women to bear children in different cultures can effect eudimonic well-being, purpose, self-esteem and satisfaction with life in women diagnosed with infertility. I also believe that self- compassion has a mediating effect on these negative effects caused by infertility. IV. Methods In this section, tell me how you would answer your research question. Would you conduct an experiment? Intervention? Do you need a control group? Would it be a survey? Observation? Justify your choice

Cultural differences and the effects of infertility on eudimonic well-being and self- esteem

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