Cryptography Basics: Basic Cryptography

Cryptography Basics: Basic Cryptography.

“Basic Cryptography” will be the first section of your job aid. It should include two parts:

1. A description of the basic elements of cryptography including the following: o the roles of encryption and decryption in public and private keys o the differences between asymmetric and symmetric key cryptography o public key infrastructure o the nature of encrypted data regarding randomness and entropy

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2. An explanation of the possible significance of this information for the agency; that is, how does an examiner know whether encrypted data is present? What are the examiner’s options for dealing with encrypted data? Prepare a 2-page document organized in bulleted form (APA format). Refer to in-class readings and outside resources for your content. Remember that your audience is composed of temp workers or new hires—that is, nonexperts. Review your summary carefully for accuracy and completeness.

Cryptography Basics: Basic Cryptography

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