Critically evaluate the role and impact of culture within strategic ethical decision-making in business engagement across cultures, and critically appraise ethical leadership in this and in other type of companies.

Critically evaluate the role and impact of culture within strategic ethical decision-making in business engagement across cultures, and critically appraise ethical leadership in this and in other type of companies..

Part 2 Case Study Based Report – 4000 words; 80 marks


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Task 1: 3000 words; 60 marks


Critically evaluate the role and impact of culture within strategic ethical decision-making in business engagement across cultures, and critically appraise ethical leadership in this and in other type of companies.


Read the given Case Study/ scenario. Should Mike make the decision to work only with English-speaking customers? Is that an ethical solution given the globalised nature of business? Are there any alternatives? (give examples). Justify your recommendations.

Critically evaluate the role and impact of culture within strategic ethical decision-making in business engagement across cultures, and critically appraise ethical leadership in this and in other type of companies.

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