Critical Reflection (Culture, Race, and Ethnicity)
Critical Reflection (Culture, Race, and Ethnicity).
Critical Reflection (Culture, Race, and Ethnicity)
The PORTFOLIO should be 2750 words long Students are required to compile a portfolio of critical reflection engaging with theories, readings and cultural texts. This is a submission of three 1,000-word reflections (3 x 1,000), analysis and evaluation of cultural texts. There should be evidence of reflection over time, episodic notes, recordings and reflections after reading literatures, viewing/listening to the texts and reflecting on theory. The portfolio would be submitted as a reflective piece where the student has critically evaluated three cultural texts (film, photo, advert, video, song, etc) using the readings on the reading list. Think about what interests you eg politics, art, film, advertising, news, museums, videogames. Find examples of these for your assessment. How can you use themes of this course to critically reflect on this ‘cultural text’? Think of the text itself but also the context (eg where is it, who’s the assumed audience, what could it mean to different audiences, what is the wider context, how does it fit in terms of power relations in society, globally, historically? Format Synopsis Questions raised Some thoughts on how to answer the question
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