Criminal Justice Book Review Venkatesh, S. A. (2008).

Criminal Justice Book Review Venkatesh, S. A. (2008)..

 The Book is Venkatesh, S. A. (2008). Gang leader for a day: A rogue sociologist takes to the streets. Book Review Length. Each student must write two book reviews, one book review on the book “Policing Gangs in America” and one book review on “Gang Leader for a Day.” Your book reviews must be between 4 and 5 pages each. If you hand in less than 5 pages the proportion of the paper missing will be deducted from your grade. For example, if you write a 2-page paper the maximum number of points you can receive for the assignment is 50 (i.e., because 50% of the paper is missing). For every hour that your paper is late you lose .5 points. For example, if you turn in your paper 24 hours late you lose 12 points. Exceeding the 5-page limit will not help you obtain a better grade. Be concise and cover all your points within the 5-page limit. Format. You must use the formats and procedures outlined in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. If you do not use this citation style five points will be deducted from your paper. There are copies of the manual in the reference area of the library. You are required to use 1” margins, 12-point font, double-spaced and Times New Roman. Make sure that you add page numbers to each page – with the exception of the title page. Five points will be deducted for each formatting error. For example, if a student uses 2” margins and 14 point font 10 points will be deducted from their final grade. If you have any questions see the instructor. Content. Your review should consist of the following: Section 1. Introduction Section 2. Concise and accurate summary of each chapter of the book. In other words, what is the stated purpose of each chapter; what are the main issues covered; and how does the author try to make his point (e.g., through the use of statistics, references to other sources). This section should be an objective description of the chapter. Section 3. How does the book fit in with other class material? Does it make points that are consistent with other class material, or are the arguments, evidence presented, and so on, conflicting? Section 4. Strength and weaknesses of the book. In your view, what were the best parts of the book; what did you learn from it; what did you like about it. On the other hand, what do you see as the weaknesses, problems of the book? Was it biased, was it written well, did the author only give you part of the story? In balance do you think the strengths of the book outweigh the weak parts? Section 5. References-If you refer to other books, articles, or other materials in your review, be sure to properly cite it and include a complete reference at the end of your review.

Criminal Justice Book Review Venkatesh, S. A. (2008).

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