Companies generally base their positioning either on product attributes, product benefits, or beliefs and values. How is each of these two brands positioned?
Companies generally base their positioning either on product attributes, product benefits, or beliefs and values. How is each of these two brands positioned?.
Question 3 (24 marks)
Companies generally base their positioning either on product attributes, product benefits, or beliefs and values. How is each of these two brands positioned? Which brand’s positioning is more effective? Explain your answer.
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Mark breakdown:
6 marks for each brand positioning identification ( 2x 6 = 12 marks)
12 marks for a relevant explanation
Question 4 (36 marks)
Give an overview of the pricing, marketing communications, and distribution strategies of each of the two brands. What would you keep or change in these three domains to better serve what you believe to be the target market (as per your answer to Question 1) of each of these two brands and to strengthen their competitive position in the market? Explain your answer.
Mark breakdown:
3 marks for the description of each of the three marketing mix elements per brand (2 x 3x 3 = 18 marks)
3 marks for the explanation of the decision about each of the three elements and per brand (2 x 3x 3 = 18 marks)
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