CMS2019 Global Hollywood
CMS2019 Global Hollywood.
The Task This task requires you to analyse a particular aspect of Hollywood cinema, with reference to both course materials and additional academic sources that you identify through your own research. There are three possible topics from which you can choose one: 1) Analyse either the narrative, mise en scene, or genre in any Hollywood film of your choosing.
2) Identify three characteristics of ‘classical Hollywood’ cinema through research and analyse how they operate in a classical Hollywood film of your choosing, including identifying how the film you chose is a ‘classical Hollywood’ film.
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Order Paper Now3) Identify three characteristics of ‘New Hollywood’ cinema through research and analyse how they operate in a New Hollywood film of your choosing, including how the film you chose is a ‘New Hollywood’ film. Materials from the course and beyond, including academic references sourced from the USQ Library and journal databases, should be used. This is an academic work and should use academic formats and modes of address.
The assignment can be structured however you feel it best to convey your analysis. Apply a structure that enables you to present your analysis fully. Requirements Word Length: 2000 words Weighting: 40% of total course marks Format: Formal academic essay, with supporting theory referenced Referencing Style: Harvard AGPS Supporting References: a minimum of TEN (10) SUPPORTING REFERENCES should be applied
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