Child and Adolescent Development Paper
Child and Adolescent Development Paper.
For this assignment you will examine how child/adolescent developmental theories apply to a case. You will have three options for which kind of case you use. You can: 1) Write about your own development, 2) interview a person you know to get the information, or 3) analyze a main character in a book or movie, or a famous/historical person. If you interview a person, or use a famous/historical person, the person should be at least 25 years old. If you use a book or movie character, you need to use a main character that is shown or written about over a span of many years. If you plan to use option 3, you must get your instructor’s permission to use the person or character for your paper ahead of time. Here is the information you need to have in your paper. Please clearly delineate each section with a heading. Also, use at least 3 academic/research sources in your paper. Your paper will consist of 3 sections: 1) Background information about the individual (demographic information) 2) Childhood/adolescence information 3) Application of theory Here is the information you need to have in your paper. Please clearly delineate each section with a heading. Also, use at least 3 academic/research sources in your paper.
Section 1: Demographic Information 1) Age 2) Race/ethnicity, 3) Sexual orientation and gender identification (i.e. what gender do they self-identify as) 4) Birthplace 5) Family information such as current relationship (e.g. divorced, etc.), if they have children, number of siblings, and any other information that is available. Also, were they raised by their biological parents, adopted, etc. 6) Current location/residence and how long they have lived there. 7) Education: What is their current highest level of educational achievement? 8) Occupation
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Order Paper NowSection 2: Childhood/Adolescence Information about the person’s childhood and adolescence should include all of the following sections. If you cannot get answers to all of the questions that is acceptable, but you should provide at least some
Child and Adolescent Development Paper
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