

Open the Trust data-set, run a canonical correlation analysis on the following two sets of variables, the first referring to safety and risk aspects of chicken, the second related to trust in information on chicken safety

a. What are the values of the canonical correlations?

b. How many canonical correlations should be retained according to the Wilks’ Lambda test?

c. Look at the canonical loadings for each set and comment on those for the first canonical correlation

d. Explore the cross-loadings between the first two canonical correlations and comment on them

e. Is the first canonical correlation relevant in explaining variability of the second one?

f. Compute the sample averages of the four canonical scores


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If a company has $1 million to spend on a new strategy and is considering market development versus product development, what determining factors would be most important to consider?

Purpose Petronas is featured in the opening chapter case as a firm that engages in excellent strategic planning, despite being hurt recently by falling oil prices. The purpose of this exercise is to give you practice extending a company’s global strategy into new geographic regions. Instructions Step 1 Visit the website and review the company’s latest Annual Report. Especially assess where and in what respect does Petronas do business in Asia, Australia, and the Middle East. Identify six countries that Petronas currently does not do business with. Step 2 Based on your analysis in Step 1, evaluate the six countries identified in terms of their business culture, environment, and attractiveness for Petronas to begin doing business there. Step 3 Rank order the six countries identified and evaluated in terms of a proposed plan for Petronas to begin doing business in these places. Prepare a two-page executive summary to support your suggested plan.


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Good morning, I want you to complete the FMEA table for lathe Machine with Six parts that I will put below you must choose these six parts that I will put it and I will give an example of how to solve the table. As you see in the table below i write about head stock to show you how to solve the table.

–Functions of Lathe Machine Parts

1)Ways : Ways are the guide rails in through which different parts of the lathe machine moves. It is used for the precise movement of the carriage and other mounted parts. Ways may be inner ways and outer ways.
2) Carriage: carriage holds the tools and provides movement of the tool in both cross and longitudinal directions. For taper turning and facing cross feed is used for conventional turning carriage provides longitudinal feed. Carriage contains some other parts . It runs through the outer ways.
3)Tailstock : tailstock is used for centering the job when a long job is tied on
the chuck. It provides a good support to damp the vibration. It is generally mounted on the inner ways.Tail stock is arranged to slide along the bed and can be locked to it at any convenient point; the upper portion of the unit is fitted with what is variously called a “barrel”, “spindle” “ram” or “shoot” that can be moved in and out of the main casting by hand, lever or screw feed and carries a “Dead Centre” that supports the other end of work held (by variouS means) in the headstock..
4) Cross Slide : Cross Slide is mounted on the carriage. Its function is to provide cross feed of the tool and its movement is perpendicular to the center of the lathe machine.
5) Compound Rest: Compound rest is set up over the cross slide and it can move in a circular path 6)Emergency Stop Button: This button is used for turning off the machine if there is risk involved while operating the machine


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Segment 1. Individual Risks & Risk Management

A. Describe three (3) “risks” in your own life. Explain the actual loss exposure (e.g., Driving to campus, I could cause an accident and be liable for damage to another person’s car.)
B. Discuss the risk management techniques you could employ to address your loss exposure:
i. Which will you insure against?
ii. What losses will you retain?
iii. How might you use any the following risk control methods (be sure to review the concepts as explained in Chapter 3 and ID the use of at least one in connection with at least one of your risks): Prevention, Reduction, or Avoidance
Segment 2. Auto
A. Identify two (2) loss exposures you might face related to personal automobiles.
B. Identify the coverages under a Personal Auto Policy (PAP) that would cover each of those loss exposures, if any (both the coverage name and letter).
C. How might you be able to manage those risks with techniques other than purchase of insurance (retention, prevention, reduction, avoidance)?
Segment 3. Home
A. Identify two (2) loss exposures you might face related to a home.
B. Identify the coverages under a Homeowners Policy (HO-3) that would cover each of those loss exposures, if any (both the coverage name and letter).
C. How might you be able to manage those risks with techniques other than purchase of insurance (retention, prevention, reduction, avoidance)?


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