Open the Trust data-set
a. Assume that questions q12a to q12k measure a single latent theoretical construct attitude toward purchasing chicken
b. Using factor analysis, extract the single latent factor using image factoring as a method
c. Check the scree diagram – is it consistent with the choice of retaining a single factor?
d. Interpret the factor loadings – which items show a positive contribution to the factor and which ones a negative contribution?
e. Save the factor scores and show the average by country. Which country shows the highest attitude? Do results change noticeably with different score estimation methods?
f. How much of total variability does the factor reproduce?
g. Exclude items with negative wording (q12c, q12i, q12k) and compute the alpha reliability index (HINT: use SCALE / RELIABILITY ANALYSIS).
h. Run factor analysis again to look for a single factor measuring overall attitude.
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