

Open the Trust data-set

a. Assume that questions q12a to q12k measure a single latent theoretical construct attitude toward purchasing chicken

b. Using factor analysis, extract the single latent factor using image factoring as a method

c. Check the scree diagram – is it consistent with the choice of retaining a single factor?

d. Interpret the factor loadings – which items show a positive contribution to the factor and which ones a negative contribution?

e. Save the factor scores and show the average by country. Which country shows the highest attitude? Do results change noticeably with different score estimation methods?

f. How much of total variability does the factor reproduce?

g. Exclude items with negative wording (q12c, q12i, q12k) and compute the alpha reliability index (HINT: use SCALE / RELIABILITY ANALYSIS).

h. Run factor analysis again to look for a single factor measuring overall attitude.

Do results improve?


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his exercise gives you an opportunity to discuss in class ethical and legal issues related to methods being used by many companies to spy on competing firms. Gathering and using information about competitors is an area of strategic management that Japanese firms do more proficiently than American firms. Instructions On a separate sheet of paper, write down numbers 1 to 18. For the 18 spying activities that follow, indicate whether or not you believe the activity is ethical or unethical and legal or illegal. Place either an E for ethical or U for unethical, and either an L for legal or an l for illegal for each activity. Compare your answers to those of your classmates and discuss any differences. 1. Buying competitors’ garbage 2. Dissecting competitors’ products 3. Taking competitors’ plant tours anonymously 4. Counting tractor-trailer trucks leaving competitors’ loading bays 5. Studying aerial photographs of competitors’ facilities 6. Analyzing competitors’ labor contracts 7. Analyzing competitors’ help-wanted ads 8. Quizzing customers and buyers about the sales of competitors’ products 9. Infiltrating customers’ and competitors’ business operations 10. Quizzing suppliers about competitors’ level of manufacturing 11. Using customers to buy out phony bids 12. Encouraging key customers to reveal competitive information 13. Quizzing competitors’ former employees 14. Interviewing consultants who may have worked with competitors 15. Hiring key managers away from competitors 16. Conducting phony job interviews to get competitors’ employees to reveal information 17. Sending engineers to trade meetings to quiz competitors’ technical employees 18. Quizzing potential employees who worked for or with competitors


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Sue Helms Appliances wants to establish an assembly line to manufacture its new? product, the Micro Popcorn Popper. The goal is to produce


poppers per hour. The? tasks, task? times, and immediate predecessors for producing one Micro Popcorn Popper are as? follows:


Performance Time?(mins)

Task Must Follow Task Listed Below








?A, B



?B, C






?D, E







In the diagram, there are 6 circles labeled using the letters from A to F. There are 8 of arrows, and each arrow connects one circle to another circle. The arrows are situated in the following manner: A to B, A to C, B to C, C to D, B to D, C to E, D to F, and E to F.

?a) The theoretical minimum number of


?(round your response up to the next whole? number).

?b) The assignment of tasks to workstations should? be:?(Hint: Number workstations sequentially in terms of precedence relationships and combine any applicable? tasks.)


Workstation? #





Station 2

Station 5

Station 3

Station 1

Station 6

Station 4



Station 2

Station 5

Station 6

Station 4

Station 1

Station 3



Station 5

Station 1

Station 2

Station 3

Station 6

Station 4



Station 4

Station 3

Station 1

Station 5

Station 2

Station 6



Station 2

Station 3

Station 1

Station 6

Station 4

Station 5

Were you able to assign all the activities to workstations equivalent to the theoretical minimum? workstation?




?c) The efficiency of the assembly line? =

enter your response here?%

?(enter your response as a percentage rounded to one decimal? place).


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In this assignment you will develop a PowerPoint presentation that explores how the nine Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) cultural dimensions can affect many aspects of management functions or responsibilities—planning, communication, decision-making, risk management, ethics, social responsibility, human resource management—in an international business environment. Your PowerPoint presentation must accomplish the following: Address all nine GLOBE cultural dimensions. For each dimension, you must correlate at least one management aspect that can be impacted by it. You must correlate each of the seven aspects listed above, and then use two additional aspects of your choice. You may choose any management aspect that applies to international business; however, you may only use each aspect once. Each dimension should be correlated to a distinct aspect. For each aspect/dimension correlation, offer a real-world example to illustrate the impact. Explain how the cultural dimension applies in each of your examples. Examples may also only be used once, resulting in each correlation having a unique example. Use the Speaker Notes feature in PowerPoint for each content slide to elaborate on the slide content. Each slide must have at least 50 words of Speaker Notes. Use at least two sources to support your presentation, one of which may be your textbook. Be creative in choosing your examples. You are encouraged to present examples from a wide variety of cultures or regions. For instance, try not to limit your examples to all Latin American countries or cultures. Choose examples that demonstrate your understanding of how the dimensions are applied globally. Your PowerPoint presentation must be at least 10 slides, not counting the title or reference slide. You must use at least three sources to support your presentation


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