Write And Analysis Three Solutions About The Case

Write And Analysis Three Solutions About The Case. Alternative Solutions

In order to limit the impact of e-cigarettes on the sales of tobacco cigarettes, tobacco companies can lobby for additional regulation of this new product category. Increased regulation will help to “level the playing field” and reduce the advantages enjoyed by e-cigs as a consequence of their largely unrestricted marketing. Among the areas for increased regulation of e-cigarettes, the tobacco companies can lobby federal, state, and local governments to ban television and radio broadcasting of e-cig advertising, prohibit online sales of this product category, and proscribe e-cig use in public places. These changes will reduce some of the advantages of e-cigs over tobacco products, thereby presumably slowing the market acceptance of this product category.

The tobacco companies can also lobby the federal government to regulate e-cigarettes as an over-the-counter pharmaceutical. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) would then regulate product approvals and monitor the distribution of e-cigs across the United States. Compliance, in the form of application submissions, clinical testing, and pre-market approvals, will be costly for applicants. This will likely limit the number of new entrants in this market, and will therefore help to reduce the intensity of market competition.

In order to further blunt the effect of new entrants in the marketplace, tobacco companies can acquire any promising e-cig brands in order to manage the marketing communications and distribution of these products – or perhaps to simply discontinue these lines. Lorillard acquired Blue eCigs and is seeking to grow this product without cannibalizing the sales of its tobacco cigarettes. Similarly, Altria and Reynolds American could acquire existing product lines in order to manage competition in the tobacco industry.

Write And Analysis Three Solutions About The Case

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Questions For AP Environmental Science Class

Questions For AP Environmental Science Class.

I need these questions answered in 3-5 sentences each. 7. Compare and contrast species richness and species evenness. Use an example to explain. 8. How are species phylogenies determined? 9. List the classification system from the most broad to the most specific. 10. Speciation is an example of microevolution or macroevolution? Explain. 11. Explain 2 ways mutations may occur. Are they good or bad? Explain. 12. Explain how recombination occurs. 13. Give 2 examples of how humans are purposefully or inadvertently directing evolution of organisms. 14. List the 5 key ideas of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection. 15. Describe the 3 random evolutionary processes. 16. Give an example of how genetic drift may have a greater effect in small populations. 17. What are some ways the bottleneck effect may occur and why might this lead to an extinction of a population? Give an example of the founder effect. 18. Explain how Darwin’s finches are an example of allopatric speciation. 19. Give an example of sympatric speciation. 20. How long does evolution take? 21. Explain how the rate of environmental change, genetic variation, generation time and genetic engineering effect evolution. 22. Explain the difference between fundamental niche and realized niche. Give an example. 23. Would you rather be a niche generalist or niche specialist? Explain. 24. Can we predict future species distribution? Justify your answer. 25. What obstacles may prevent a species from being widely distributed? 26. Explain 3 reasons why species may go extinct when their habitat changes. 27. How can fossil records be useful for environmentalists? 28. What is the consensus on how the dinosaurs became extinct? 29. What is causing the 6th mass extinction?

Questions For AP Environmental Science Class

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Microscopy For Microbiology

Microscopy For Microbiology. Please note that I already have all the answers to this lab and the only thing I need is the PICTURES to go with it. I will not adjust the price of this post. Thank you!

I do not have my lab kit as yet and so the MICROSCOPE is what I do not have, so again all I need is the answers to the questions related to the pictures. I need the pictures of the magnified letter. PLEASE DO NOT GOOGLE THIS AND USE THEM, I WILL KNOW!!!!

Lab Reports:

You need to write:

1. Background

2. Procedure- can be in paragraph or step by step format.

3. Answer the Questions at the end.

Microscopy for Microbiology – Use and Function

Hands-On Labs, Inc. Version 42-0249-00-02

Lab Report Assistant

This document is not meant to be a substitute for a formal laboratory report. The Lab Report Assistant is simply a summary of the experiment’s questions, diagrams if needed, and data tables that should be addressed in a formal lab report. The intent is to facilitate students’ writing of lab reports by providing this information in an editable file which can be sent to an instructor.


Exercise 1: Getting to Know your Compound Microscope

Data Table 1. Microscope Components.

Letter Component Name Component Function





Data Table 2. Total Magnification.

Lens Ocular Magnification Objective Magnification Total Magnification
Low Power      
High Power      
Oil Immersion      

Data Table 3. Field of View.

Lens Total Magnification Field of View (mm) Field of View (µM)
Low Power      
High Power      
Oil Immersion      


Data Table 4. Letter e Viewing Results.

Lens Photograph Observations
Oil Immersion    




A. Describe the details in the slides “Letter e” that become visible as the power changed from scanning power, to low power, to high power.

B. Why is it important to calculate the diameter of the field when first using the microscope?



Exercise 2: Viewing Prepared Microbe Slides

Data Table 5. Prepared Slide Viewing Results.

Slide Photograph Total Magnification




















A. Using the field of view calculated in Exercise 1 for the high power lens, approximately how far across are each of the cells in the Bacteria Coccus Form slide in Data Table 5? Show your calculations.

B. Detail techniques you found helpful for focusing on the various slides in this exercise.




Exercise 3: Preparing Wet-Mount Slides

Data Table 6. Wet-Mount Viewing Results.

Slide Photograph Total Magnification
Cheek Cell Smear  



Dental Tatar Smear  






A. Describe the similarities and differences between the cheek cell wet mount and dental plaque wet mount.

B. How did the process of preparing wet-mount slides become easier as you prepared the second wet-mount slide of this exercise?

Microscopy For Microbiology

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