Operations Forecasting

Operations Forecasting.

Operations Forecasting

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Human Health And Environment

Human Health And Environment. EESA10 Human Health and the Enviroment Due Monday, February 9th, at 5 pm SHARP dropboxes located outside SW511A

NAME: Student #: T.A. Surnames

(circle) Peter Quincy Ng Abu-Mannu

Use a word processor (i.e. typed). No title page (use header instead) print on both sides to save paper. Amandeep Saini Mayaran-Sorak

Assignments should have top/bottom 1.8cm margins, right/left 1cm margins, single spaced, and 12 point font Steven Huryn Sritharan-Zou

NB: Please answer each question separately, i.e. parts A, B, C should be three different paragraphs, and not one Please hand-in your assignment according to the TA

Late assignments will not be accepted without a doctor’s note. corresponding to your order of your surname

Late assignments should go into the dropbox.

Inadequate Marginal Adequate Good Excellent

1A.Identifying the major sources of community water supply 0 0.5 1

1B. Identifying water use per sector 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Reference 0 1

1C. Identifying Municipal Water Prices and Conservation Significance 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

1D. Pros and Cons of Bottled Water Use 0 1.5 3 4 5

Reference 0 1

TOTAL for question 1: _________out of 12

Inadequate Marginal Adequate Good Excellent

2. Interpretation of DDT Use and Recommendations: 5 reasons 0 1.5 3 4 5 Reference 0 1

TOTAL for question 2: _________out of 6

Inadequate Marginal Adequate Good Excellent

3. Recommendation and reasons on reporting back the results:3 reasons 0 1.5 3 4 5

Reference 0 1

TOTAL for question 3: _________out of 6


Additional Comments:

Assignment 1

EESA10 Human Health and the Enviroment Due Monday, February 9th, at 5 pm SHARP dropboxes located outside SW511A

NAME: Student #: T.A. Surnames

(circle) Peter Quincy Ng Abu-Mannu

Use a word processor (i.e. typed). No title page (use header instead) print on both sides to save paper. Amandeep Saini Mayaran-Sorak

Assignments should have top/bottom 1.8cm margins, right/left 1cm margins, single spaced, and 12 point font Steven Huryn Sritharan-Zou

NB: Please answer each question separately, i.e. parts A, B, C should be three different paragraphs, and not one Please hand-in your assignment according to the TA

Late assignments will not be accepted without a doctor’s note. corresponding to your order of your surname

Late assignments should go into the dropbox.

Inadequate Marginal Adequate Good Excellent

1A.Identifying the major sources of community water supply 0 0.5 1

1B. Identifying water use per sector 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Reference 0 1

1C. Identifying Municipal Water Prices and Conservation Significance 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

1D. Pros and Cons of Bottled Water Use 0 1.5 3 4 5

Reference 0 1

TOTAL for question 1: _________out of 12

Inadequate Marginal Adequate Good Excellent

2. Interpretation of DDT Use and Recommendations: 5 reasons 0 1.5 3 4 5 Reference 0 1

TOTAL for question 2: _________out of 6

Inadequate Marginal Adequate Good Excellent

3. Recommendation and reasons on reporting back the results:3 reasons 0 1.5 3 4 5

Reference 0 1

TOTAL for question 3: _________out of 6


Additional Comments:

Assignment 1

Human Health And Environment

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Case Study

Case Study.

“Can Suminoe Oysters Save Chesapeake Bay?” by Nieman & Liu Page 

Annapolis, January 2008 “If you don’t do the right thing, we will take matters into our own hands.”

State Senator Ben Fisher hung up the phone slowly. ” at was one of his constituents, one of the many he had heard from that day, each one angrier than the last it seemed. His was the swing vote on the Assembly bill funding the full-scale introduction of sterile Suminoe oysters to the Maryland side of the Chesapeake Bay. ” e bill was an attempt to try to off -set the eff ects of declining populations of native oysters in the bay, the result of habitat degradation, over-harvesting, and disease. Introducing the Suminoe oysters would be an expensive and risky undertaking, but there were costs—both environmental and economic—of doing nothing, too.

Environmentalists were divided, “clean” versus “pristine.” Some demanded widespread seeding of the imported oysters to deal with worsening water quality that was wiping out aquatic life in the bay. Others warned that this could be a bigger disaster than kudzu. Test introductions in Virginia had been limited and closely monitored—and so far so good. But scientists warned that a few oysters would be fertile and might proliferate, forcing out the last of the Eastern oysters or interbreeding with the native species – bringing who knew what changes to the already damaged ecosystem?

Ben gazed out his offi ce window. “CLEAR THE BAY!” said one of the banners that blocked his view of the sailboats in the harbor. “DON’T TINKER WITH A NATIONAL TREASURE!” warned another.

Business interests held all sorts of positions. “We’d rather see those tax dollars go into developing infrastructure for high-end development,” a major developer with plans for summer homes, condos and retail shops had emailed Ben. “Do you know what that land is worth under those broken-down, abandoned fi shing shacks?” He didn’t need to add that he put a lot of money into political campaigns.

” e owner of a fi sh market had called earlier in the day, worried that the oysters, whether native or otherwise, might not be fi t for eating as a result of all the pollution they fi ltered from the water. She had few oysters to sell now—would the new ones appeal to customers?

” e Delmarva Peninsula poultry producers didn’t want any more controls on the nutrient load entering the bay. ” ey felt there were too many controls as it was, and warned that more controls would hamper their operations. ” ey were all in favor of the oysters as a solution. So were the charter-boat owners who wanted clear water for the rockfi sh.

The commercial fishing industry wanted the oysters too, and now. Boats were idled and processing plants were handling trucked-in Louisiana oysters. The biggest plant in Ben’s district said it would close this year if things didn’t change. These new oysters grew three times as fast, they said. It wasn’t too late to save an industry.

Can Suminoe Oysters Save Chesapeake Bay? by Valerie Nieman Department of English Department of Journalism and Mass Communication North Carolina A&T State University Zhi-Jun Liu Department of Geography University of North Carolina—Greensboro



“Can Suminoe Oysters Save Chesapeake Bay?” by Nieman & Liu Page 

Image Credit: Copyright © Robert Kyllo. Copyright ©  by the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science. Originally published // at http://www.sciencecases.org/chesapeake_bay/chesapeake_bay.asp Please see our usage guidelines, which outline our policy concerning permissible reproduction of this work.

On the other hand, the State of North Carolina was threatening a lawsuit, fearful that the nonnative oysters would spread down the coast and aff ect their beds. ” ey cited the destructive virus brought in by oyster introductions decades ago.

And many of Ben’s constituents were in an uproar over the expense that Marylanders would bear for the oyster option—or the alternative. Towns and cities didn’t want to spend money to upgrade their sewer systems when so much pollution came from out-of-state.

Even within the Senator’s own family there was division. His father, who had started tonging oysters when he was a boy, said it was time to let the old ways go, that fi shing was no way to make a living these days. Spend the money elsewhere. His daughter, a member of a cultural preservation group, pleaded: “We need to preserve the watermen culture. We need the oysters.”

And now this dramatic phone call—desperate people threatening to take the matter into their own hands and dump imported oysters—nonsterile ones that could reproduce and spread—into the bay to restore the beds. ” e debate had dragged on too long, they said. A decision had to be made.

Senator Ben Fisher left his offi ce and walked down the echoing hall to the Assembly chamber, where he would have to cast his vote.

Questions . Who is being aff ected by this decision and how? . If the decision is made to introduce the Suminoe oysters, what might be the long-term eff ects on

the environment, the communities, the people? . Any choice implies other lost opportunities. In what alternative ways might this money be spent

to deal with the Chesapeake Bay’s problems and serve constituents? . What might this region look like in  years if nothing is done? . What should Senator Ben Fisher do?


Case Study

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Biology Forum Post

Biology Forum Post. This week we continue to look at a case study about Dr. E.L. Trudeau, who performed a seminal early experiment validating the germ theory of infection. Part II of our discussion places the findings of Trudeau’s Rabbit Island experiment in a broader social context

Read through (make sure you include the question Answer any 3 questions the attached case study. numers) and write your post in a narrative format based on your answers to the questions.

Post must be 250 words.

I have attached Part 2 of the case study that has the questions to answer. Only chose 3 out of the 4 questions to answer, not all need to be answered.


Page 5“A Simple Plan” by Karen M. Aguirre

Part II – Tuberculosis in Social Context E.L. Trudeau was quick to distinguish between a helpful therapy and a cure. He opened the Adirondack Cottage Sanitarium, where poor and rich alike could come and receive the bene” ts of fresh air, plenty of sunlight, rest, and abundant but simple nourishing food. Hundreds bene” ted. Similar institutions opened up in the U.S., and the movement was already well underway in Western Europe. But the cure would only come in the 1950s with the discovery of antibiotics that were e# ective against the mycobacterium.

Question 1: $ e curve shown in Figure 2 has three parts, from 1700–1800, 1800 to approx. 1955, and 1955 to approximately 1985. $ e data used to produce the curve are from Western Europe, but a similar one could be expected for the United States. From what you know of the history and culture of the United States and Western Europe, write a sentence telling why each part of the curve looks the way it does. In looking just at this graph, what would you predict about the death rate from TB in 2000 and 2005?

In recent years, a combination of development of antibiotic resistant strains of MTb along with the creation of a reservoir of immunocompromised people by the worldwide AIDS epidemic have contributed to a resurgence of tuberculosis in the United States and a worldwide upswing in TB cases and deaths. $ is resurgence has been accompanied by a resurgence of interest in the disease by scientists asking new questions about the nature of true host genetic susceptibility/resistance genes for tuberculosis, about virulence genes within the mycobacterium itself which might o# er new drug targets, and about the epigenetic factors that may in% uence disease predisposition and outcome in people with tuberculosis.

Question 2: Tuberculosis causes nearly 2 million deaths worldwide each year. Between 1985 and 1992, cases of TB in the United States increased by 20 percent, as shown in Figure 3. Write a paragraph suggesting a few reasons why this resurgence of TB might have occurred in the United States.

Question 3: $ e resurgence lasted until approximately 1992, then, in the United States, it began to abate. In 2005 the TB case rate in the U.S. was 4.8 per 100,000, as the U.S. medical community brought the epidemic under control (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, National Prevention Information Network, n.d.). However, in U.S. prisons and all over the world TB remains a serious health problem. In the U.S., zero tolerance drug laws have resulted in a burgeoning incarcerated population, which constitutes a signi” cant reservoir of disease, with a far higher incidence rate than the general population. In New York prisons, the incidence rate of TB is 156.0/100,000compared to the rate of 10.4/100,000 in the general population (U.S. Agency for International Development, 2009). Considering all you have learned in Parts I and II, discuss why these rates may be so much higher in prison.

Figure 3: TB Cases in the United States

Figure 2: Western European mortality statistics—TB deaths over time (Based on Murray, 2001).

1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 20001700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000

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Page 6“A Simple Plan” by Karen M. Aguirre


Photo in title block Š Paul Lemke | Dreamstime.com, id#18581133. Case copyright held by the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science, University at Bu# alo, State University of New York. Originally published December 18, 2012. Please see our usage guidelines, which outline our policy concerning permissible reproduction of this work.

In 2006, there were 9 million new cases of tuberculosis worldwide, many of these caused by drug-resistant strains of the mycobacterium. Scientists struggle to ” nd new drugs that will be e# ective against the resistant strains and to propose better treatment regimens involving more direct observation of treatment (DOT) to assure patient compliance. Additionally, many have called for public acceptance and physician support for more responsible dispensing of antibiotics. $ ese are di0 cult and complex problems that require a resolve on the part of many sectors coupled with a willingness to devote adequate resources to a ” ght a disease that most often strikes people in the poorest of places.

Additionally, it is certainly the case that many modern TB cases occur in a global incarcerated population of approximately 8 million (U.S. Agency for International Development, 2009). Many of those incarcerated were political prisoners taken prisoner in war zones. Conditions in the prisons include inadequate ventilation, poor nutrition, negligent healthcare, HIV co-infection, and rampant despair. How does this resonate with what you’ve learned of E.L. Trudeau’s experience in the late 19th century?

We know a lot about how to prevent and treat tuberculosis. $ ere is much more to be learned. In 2010, 8.8 million people in the world fell ill with TB and 1.4 million died (World Health organization, 2012).

Question 4: All of the following factors are important in causing the worldwide resurgence of tuberculosis: (a) emergence of strains that are resistant to one or more of the available antibiotics e# ective against MTb; (b) incomplete or inadequate understanding by scientists of the details of the host/pathogen interaction in MTb infection; (c) lack of a universally-accepted vaccine; (d) lack of ” nancial support for science and for public health initiatives in developing countries; (e) famine; (f ) geopolitical instability in the developing world; and (g) inadequate public awareness of public health issues. If you were a billionaire philanthropist like Warren Bu# et or Bill Gates, where would you focus your e# orts against tuberculosis?

References Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), National Prevention Information Network. ! e Changing

Epidemiology of TB. http://www.cdcnpin.org/scripts/tb/tb.asp Last accessed: 10/12/12. Murray, J.F. 2001. A $ ousand Years of Pulmonary Medicine: Good News and Bad. European Respiratory Journal

17(3): 558–565. U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). 2009. Guidelines for Control of Tuberculosis in Prisons. http://

pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNADP462.pdf Last accessed: 10/12/12. Who Health Organization. 2012. Tuberculosis Fact Sheet. http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs104/en/ Last

accessed: 10/12/12.

Biology Forum Post

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