Medical Coding By Sheila McCray

Medical Coding By Sheila McCray.

Study Guide

Medical Coding By

Sheila McCray



About the Author

Sheila D. McCray, MS, CCS, CCS-P, has worked in the healthcare industry since 1987 as a medical claims examiner, medical tran- scriptionist, medical transcription quality assurance editor, medical coder, healthcare instructional designer, and healthcare subject matter expert. She has also worked as an online adjunct professor for several online universities, teaching a variety of healthcare courses.

As a healthcare instructional designer, Sheila regularly writes, reviews, and revises courses about healthcare topics. She’s the owner of Avidity Medical Design, an instructional design consulting practice specializing in curriculum development for the healthcare sector.

Copyright Š 2016 by Penn Foster, Inc.

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Requests for permission to make copies of any part of the work should be mailed to Copyright Permissions, Penn Foster, 925 Oak Street, Scranton, Pennsylvania 18515.

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All terms mentioned in this text that are known to be trademarks or service marks have been appropriately capitalized. Use of a term in this text should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark.




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INTRODUCTION As the healthcare industry continues to grow at an amazing rate, and with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) being signed into law in March 2010, many insurance companies, physicians’ offices, hospitals, and other healthcare organizations urgently need qualified medical coders. Medical coders play a key role in the healthcare industry for several reasons. First, medical coders optimize physician and hospital reimbursement through precise coding that adheres to coding guidelines and reflects the content of a patient’s medical record. Second, because medical coders must ask questions to clarify any areas of ambiguity in the medical record prior to selecting their codes, they help keep the medical record up to date. As questions are clarified, the record is updated with documents that explain the areas questioned by the medical coder. Third, medical coders assign codes that reflect new diseases, disorders, therapies, treatments, and medical devices. Medical coders select codes that are also used for statistical research on diseases and disorders. These codes are used to gauge the effectiveness of medical treatments throughout the United States.

In this course, you’ll learn how to assign diagnosis and pro- cedure codes using ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS. You’ll also learn about the HCPCS Level I and Level II code set, which is used to assign codes for physician reimbursement in the out- patient setting. You’ll learn about assigning codes for office visits, surgeries, radiology procedures, medical devices, equipment, injections, supplies, and many other outpatient services.

OBJECTIVES When you complete this course, you’ll be able to

ďż˝ Describe the purpose of coding and the documentation used in coding

ďż˝ Assign ICD-10 codes using the ICD-10 coding manual

ďż˝ Correctly apply coding guidelines using ICD-10


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ďż˝ Assign codes to different body systems using ICD-10

ďż˝ Review coding for ICD-10

ďż˝ Assign codes for services and procedures using CPT and HCPCS Level II

ďż˝ Describe the relationship between HCPCS Level I and HCPCS Level II

ďż˝ Outline the types of services and procedures described in the CPT

ďż˝ Describe the types of patients seen in the outpatient setting

YOUR TEXTBOOK The textbook for your Medical Coding course is Step-by-Step Medical Coding. This textbook gives an overview of ICD-10- CM and ICD-10-PCS. It also covers CPT coding. Your textbook is divided into chapters. The table of contents, found on pages xxiii–xxx of Step-by-Step Medical Coding, out- lines the topics presented in each chapter. Take a few moments now to examine the table of contents to get a better feel for the topics and concepts you’ll be learning about. Next, read the preface on pages ix–xiv, which describes the depth, range, and purpose of the material presented. Now, look through the rest of your textbook. You’ll see that every chap- ter begins with a set of chapter topics and learning objectives, followed by a brief introduction to the topics you’ll explore. Read the learning objectives twice: once before you read each chapter, and again after you finish reading. This two-step learning approach reinforces your understanding of the major concepts covered in the chapter, and also confirms that you truly understand the material.

Instructions to Students2

CPT stands for Current Procedural Terminology. ICD stands for International Classification of Diseases. The number following the acronym ICD refers to the version. For example, ICD-10 is the tenth revision.



The back portion of Step-by-Step Medical Coding includes several helpful study resources. The textbook’s glossary on pages 755–769 defines important terms. You’ll find a detailed index on pages 787–802.

If you’re ever unsure about where to find specific codes that are referenced in the chapters, use the handy Coder’s Index on pages 775–786. This index lists the pages where you can find specific codes referenced in each of the chapters. The references to the ICD-10-CM codes begin on page 782.

Once you’ve explored the Step-by-Step Medical Coding text- book, you can use the textbook’s resources to refer to any topic that you want to review. Your textbook’s companion website provides Encoder practice exercises, extra coding cases, and an extra chapter on nursing homes, durable medical equipment (DME), and home health. Go to the intro- ductory pages of your textbook or click the link on your student portal for more information.

Please note that the textbook goes into much more detail about the ICD-10 coding system than we’ll be covering in the study guide. Remember to code to the highest level of speci- ficity when assigning your ICD-10 codes. The ICD-10 codes are listed in the answer section of the study guide.

In the later part of your course, you’ll turn your attention to HCPCS Level I and Level II. Take a few minutes now to review the chapters listed in Unit 3, the area of the text that covers CPT and HCPCS coding. Take some extra time to review the concepts and the guidelines for coding presented in this course. It will be well worth it in the long run! Re-read the chapters in your textbook until you feel certain that you understand every CPT guideline presented.

There are three types of exercises in the textbook: Quick Checks, Exercises, and Chapter Reviews. You should com- plete Quick Checks and Exercises as you come upon them during your reading. You can find Quick Check answers in Appendix C (pages 744–747) and Exercise answers in Appendix B (pages 723–743). You’ll be instructed on when to complete the Chapter Reviews in the instructions for each lesson assignment in this study guide. Answers to the Chapter Reviews are given at the end of this study guide.

Instructions to Students 3



Instructions to Students

Note: The questions found in the Chapter Reviews may include directions to find ICD-9-CM codes for diagnoses. Because ICD-10 has replaced ICD-9 as the standard coding system, you won’t have an ICD-9 book in which to find these codes; therefore, code for CPT and ICD-10 codes only.

YOUR STUDY GUIDE Use this study guide as a companion to your textbook. The study guide also includes a lesson study plan that helps you explore ICD-10 fundamentals quickly and easily.

This study guide is divided into lessons, each with a practical overview of the topic, and several study assignments. Each reading assignment in Step-by-Step Medical Coding includes a series of practical coding exercises, which you’ll need to com- plete as you work through the textbook assignments. At the end of each lesson, you must complete an online, multiple- choice examination. Submit each examination for grading as soon as you complete it.

COURSE MATERIALS This part of your program includes the following materials:

1. This study guide, which offers an introduction to your textbook, plus

ďż˝ A lesson assignments page, which lists the study assignments in your textbook and lesson exams

ďż˝ Explanatory material, which emphasizes the main points of the instruction to support the chapter material covered in Step-by-Step Medical Coding


Important: If you don’t fully understand ICD-10 coding concepts

now, you won’t be able to apply the concepts later on when you start

to assign medical codes to diagnoses and procedures using each of

these code sets. Therefore, it’s very important that you take the time

to learn each concept before moving on to the next.



Instructions to Students 5

2. Your program textbook, Step-by-Step Medical Coding, which contains your assigned readings, exercises and answers

3. ICD-10-CM Professional Edition for Physicians

4. ICD-10-PCS

5. CPT

Make sure you have all of these materials before starting the course.

A STUDY PLAN Take the time to review the material as many times as you need to. Your effort will be well worth it in the long run!

Each of your textbook assignments helps you develop a solid foundation in diagnosis and procedural coding. Using codes for both diagnosis of diseases and the procedures used to treat them facilitates payment for health services, research into quality and cost, and planning for future healthcare needs. You’ll learn a great deal of technical information, so take your time as you move through each chapter.

To get the most out of this course, you’ll need to schedule several study periods over the course of the week. Devote at least one to three hours each day to reading, learning, and mastering each set of coding concepts. Again, it’ll be well worth it! If you devote the time to your studies now, as you move through the course, you’ll feel less stressed and frus- trated when you start to code. You’ll also begin to gain confidence for the intermediate and advanced medical coding scenarios that will come later.

Work through this study guide one assignment at a time. Keep your ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS references handy as you review each lesson. You’ll need them to complete the lesson exercises. Once you’ve finished all of the assignments included in each lesson, you’ll be ready to complete the exam.



Instructions to Students6

To get the most out of your studies, follow these steps to complete your assignments:

Step 1: Carefully note the pages where your assigned reading begins and ends. These pages are iden- tified in the Lesson Assignments section of this study guide.

Step 2: Skim through the assigned pages (in both the study guide and the textbook) for a general idea of their content. Try to develop an overall per- spective on the concepts and skills being taught and practiced in each assignment.

Step 3: Carefully read through the study guide’s assigned pages. These pages contain back- ground information about the material covered in the textbook.

Step 4: Read the assigned pages in your textbook, and take notes on any important concepts or terms.

Step 5: When you’ve mastered all of the material for each assignment, proceed to your next study guide assignment. Repeat steps 1–4 for the remaining assignments in each lesson.

Step 6: Once you’ve finished all the assignments, Quick Checks, Exercises, and Chapter Reviews in each lesson, proceed to the examination. Take your time with the exam. As you work, feel free to refer to your textbook, the study guide, and any notes you’ve taken.

Step 7: Repeat steps 1–6 for the remaining lessons in your study guide.

Remember: At any point in your studies, you can email your instructor for additional clarification. Now look over your les- son assignments and begin your study of medical coding with Lesson 1, Assignment 1.

Remember to regularly check your student portal. Your instructor may

post additional resources that you can access to enhance your learn-

ing experience.




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Lesson 1: Diagnosis Coding With ICD-10-CM For Read in the Read in the

study guide textbook

Assignment 1 12–16 Pages xviii-xxii

Assignment 2 17–22 Chapter 2, pages 26–40

Assignment 3 22–25 Chapter 2, pages 41–50

Assignment 4 25–27 Chapter 3

Assignment 5 27–29 Chapter 4

Examination 480822 Material in Lesson 1

Lesson 2: Procedure Coding With ICD-10-PCS For Read in the Read in the

study guide textbook

Assignment 6 31–47 Chapters 5–7

Assignment 7 47–50 Chapter 27

Examination 480823 Material in Lesson 2

Lesson 3: Evaluation and Management and Anesthesia Coding For Read in the Read in the

study guide textbook

Assignment 8 Pages 54–56 Chapter 8

Assignment 9 Pages 56–57 Chapter 10

Assignment 10 Pages 58–60 Chapter 11

Assignment 11 Page 61 Chapter 12

Examination 480824 Material in Lesson 3

Lesson 4: Surgical CPT Coding: Part 1 For: Read in the Read in the

study guide: textbook:

Assignment 12 Page 64 Chapter 13

Assignment 13 Page 65 Chapter 14

Assignment 14 Pages 66–67 Chapter 15



Lesson Assignments8

Assignment 15 Pages 67–68 Chapter 16

Assignment 16 Pages 68–72 Chapter 17

Examination 480825 Material in Lesson 4

Lesson 5: Surgical CPT Coding: Part 2 For: Read in the Read in the

study guide: textbook:

Assignment 17 Pages 74–75 Chapter 18

Assignment 18 Page 75 Chapter 19

Assignment 19 Pages 76–77 Chapter 20

Assignment 20 Pages 78–80 Chapter 21

Examination 480826 Material in Lesson 5

Lesson 6: Surgical CPT Coding: Part 3 For: Read in the Read in the

study guide: textbook:

Assignment 21 Pages 82–83 Chapter 22

Assignment 22 Pages 83–84 Chapter 23

Assignment 23 Page 85 Chapter 24

Assignment 24 Page 86 Chapter 25

Assignment 25 Pages 87–88 Chapter 26

Examination 480827 Material in Lesson 6

Lesson 7: Similarities and Differences between HCPCS Level II and CPT For: Read in the Read in the

study guide: textbook:

Assignment 26 Pages 90–93 No Readings

Graded Project 48082800 Materials in Lessons 1-7




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Diagnosis Coding with ICD-10-CM Medical coders review the documents in the patient’s medical record and abstract (collect clinical data) or retrieve informa- tion from specific documents. They then assign numeric or alphanumeric codes to each piece of data they retrieve.

Medical coders must use their skills in research, reasoning, and interpretation of medical coding guidelines to ensure that physicians and hospitals are reimbursed accurately and com- pletely for the services that they provide.

This part of your program will introduce you to this exciting field. You’ll learn all about ICD-10 medical coding and the steps involved in assigning diagnosis and procedure codes using this code set. The material that follows will lead you step-by-step through a wide range of ICD-10 coding exam- ples, offering invaluable tips and suggestions that you can use along the way. You’ll also find Quick Checks and Exercises in your textbook. Be sure to complete all of these additional practice tools to help you fine-tune your coding skills, master the fine points of ICD-10 coding, and learn about a wide range of medical terms. Doing so will further sharpen your skills, strengthen your ability to accurately interpret these terms, and, in turn, translate these terms into accurate code.

By choosing to learn medical coding, you’re embarking on a journey that essentially means learning a new language. Although this new language may seem a bit complicated and overwhelming at first, it becomes easier once you learn the basics of ICD-10 coding (and with lots and lots of practice). Your confidence will increase as you learn the basics and then apply what you learn to basic coding scenarios.

The important thing to remember is that you don’t ever have to feel lost. The coding steps, along with the coding guide- lines, tell you exactly what you need to do. If you do feel yourself getting off track though, connect with other students in the program on the Medical Billing and Coding Academic Space on the Penn Foster Community. You can see if other students are encountering the same difficulties and learn



Medical Coding10

how they’ve overcome these difficulties. You can also create study groups and find study buddies to help make your learning experience even better.

Your instructor is also a valuable resource. You can connect with your instructor on the Medical Billing and Coding Academic Space. It’s always much better to ask for help, rather than become frustrated and try to figure things out on your own. As you move forward, you’ll find yourself becoming more comfortable with the medical terms, processes, and pro- cedures that coders use every day. Just remember not to put too much pressure on yourself to master coding overnight. When you begin to code, don’t expect to get every single code right—you won’t. The key to learning medical coding is being willing to make mistakes. Experienced coders had to make many coding errors along the way to gain the experience they now have. When you make an error in your code selection, retrace your steps and find out where you went wrong, so the next time you’ll be less likely to make the same mistake. Remember that a mistake is never a mistake if you learn from it! Keep this in mind as you move forward through your coding courses.

By the time you finish Medical Coding, you’ll have gained many of the skills you need to accurately assign ICD-10 codes.

As a medical coder, you’ll use the ICD-10-CM (often called ICD-10 or I-10), to assign different codes depending on the circumstances surrounding the patient encounter. The patient encounter is the episode of care that takes place on one or more specific dates, when the physician evaluates the patient and provides treatment. During the encounter, the patient relates the symptoms or chief complaint that brought the patient to the office, clinic, or hospital. Based on the patient’s reported symptoms, as well as the results of any examinations, x-rays, laboratory reports, or specialist consul- tations, the physician will determine the most likely cause of the patient’s symptoms, or diagnosis. If the patient comes in complaining of coughing, sneezing, and congestion, the physician may ultimately determine that the patient has influenza. As a coder, you’d assign the diagnosis code for flu, along with codes that pertain to the service or treatment pro- vided in relation to the patient’s flu. Likewise, if the patient is



Lesson 1 11

seen because of difficulty walking due to a swollen ankle, an x-ray may reveal a fracture, in which case the physician’s diagnosis would be ankle fracture. The physician may also determine that the patient has more than one diagnosis, in addition to the one that brought him or her to the office. The physician may determine that in addition to the fractured ankle, the patient has several chronic conditions that require treatment. Examples of chronic conditions include hyperten- sion, diabetes mellitus, and any conditions that require ongoing treatment or monitoring and regularly prescribed medication. You’d assign diagnosis codes for the fractured ankle and the chronic conditions that require ongoing treatment.

As a medical coder, you’ll use the ICD-10-CM to look up the patient’s diagnosis (or diagnoses if there’s more than one). After you find the diagnosis, you’ll review the code descrip- tions, follow any additional instructions that are provided in the ICD-10-CM regarding code assignment, and then assign your code. You’ll then follow the same process to assign sub- sequent diagnosis codes. If you’re working as an inpatient coder, you’ll also use the ICD-10-CM to assign procedure codes for inpatient surgical procedures.

OBJECTIVES When you complete this lesson, you’ll be able to

ďż˝ Define the process of medical coding

ďż˝ Explain the tools used by medical coders

ďż˝ Outline the skills necessary for a successful career in medical coding

ďż˝ Summarize examples of medical coding certifications

ďż˝ Describe other careers in medical coding

ďż˝ Summarize the history of medical coding

ďż˝ Explain the process of general equivalence mapping

ďż˝ Summarize how to use ICD-10-CM



Medical Coding12

ďż˝ Explain the guidelines for the first-listed diagnosis

ďż˝ Explain the steps for accurate coding

ďż˝ Locate and assign codes in ICD-10-CM

ďż˝ Summarize key concepts of multiple coding, acute and chronic condition coding, and laterality coding

ASSIGNMENT 1 Read through the following material in your study guide. Then, read the Introduction in your textbook, Step-by-Step Medical Coding.

Introduction to Medical Coding Recent changes in healthcare have created a great demand for medical coders. An older population; advances in techno – logy; an increased demand for healthcare services; and an increase in the number of medical tests, treatments, and pro- cedures means that the number of people seeking healthcare services has increased. Additionally, the increased use of outpatient facilities means that the government is exerting greater control and becoming more involved with services provided to Medicare and Medicaid patients. These changes in healthcare have resulted in an increased demand for certi- fied medical coders.

Prominent healthcare organizations in the field of medical coding include the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) and the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC). Both of these organizations offer credentials in medical coding. Certifications offered by both organizations are nationally recognized and accepted by healthcare employ- ers worldwide. Most coders choose to sit for one of four certifications: the CPC-A, CPC, CCS, or CCS-P.

The CPC-A and the CPC are both offered by the AAPC. CPC (Certified Professional Coder) indicates that you’ve completed the necessary educational requirements and now have experi- ence in the field. In CPC-A, the A stands for apprentice. The CPC-A demonstrates that you’ve completed the necessary



Lesson 1 13

educational requirements for a career in coding, but haven’t yet obtained the required experience in reviewing, abstract- ing, interpreting, and correctly assigning codes. After you earn the required two years of full-time coding experience, the A is dropped from the credential and you become a CPC.

CCS and CCS-P are certifications offered by AHIMA. CCS (Certified Coding Specialist) demonstrates that you’ve gained proficiency in assigning codes to inpatient as well as outpatient medical records. CCS-P indicates that a coder is adept at coding medical records in the outpatient setting, such as in the physician’s office, emergency room, or clinic. Although many coders do, it isn’t necessary to earn more than one credential to demonstrate proficiency in a certain area of coding. At least one credential is needed to gain entry into the field of medical coding.

Success in medical coding means being able to convert medical terms into standardized numeric and alphanumeric codes for physician and hospital reimbursement. The rule of thumb for medical coding is: If it wasn’t documented, it wasn’t done.

While coders are primarily concerned with correct interpreta- tion of coding guidelines, accurate code assignment, and optimized reimbursement for physicians and hospitals, medical coding also involves ethical concerns. Medical coders must ensure that the codes they select accurately reflect what’s in the patient’s medical record. All diagnosis and procedure codes should be assigned based strictly on the content of the medical record.

Coders use standardized code sets to assign codes for diag- noses, procedures, drugs, medical devices, supplies, and equipment. (You’ll learn more about the code set used for drugs, medical devices, supplies, and equipment later in Medical Coding). Accurate and complete coding helps mini- mize turnaround in terms of medical claims processing, and as a result, it helps expedite reimbursement for physicians and hospitals. In addition to increasing the likelihood of faster claims turnaround, accurate and complete coding also minimizes the likelihood of fraud. Medical coders are required by law to assign codes based only on the documentation in the medical record. Assigning codes that aren’t supported by



Medical Coding14

the medical record to increase reimbursement constitutes fraud and can result in civil and criminal penalties for healthcare facilities.

Proficiency in medical coding means learning both how to determine the specific piece of data that requires a code assignment and the rules for assigning your codes.

Coders use two types of tools to assign codes: textbooks and encoders. Encoders are coding software programs that you can use to locate and assign diagnosis and procedure codes. However, when you test for a medical coding certification such as the CPC-A, you’ll be required to use your coding textbooks to assign codes. The textbooks that you’ll use in this course are

ďż˝ The International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (commonly referred to as ICD-10-CM)

ďż˝ The International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Procedure Coding System (commonly referred to as ICD-10-PCS)

Being a Coder To be successful in medical coding, you must be

� Detail oriented. In medical coding, the old adage “little things mean a lot” is especially true. The descriptions for two codes may be identical except for one word. That one word may be the difference in choosing code A vs. code B. If you’re good at picking up on the little things, then you’ll enjoy coding.

� A detective. If you like being a sleuth and researching coding guidelines to understand how, when, and where you should assign a specific code, then you’ll like med- ical coding.

Note: As you proceed through your assigned reading, be sure to

complete the Quick Checks and Exercises, which will reinforce the

reading material.



Lesson 1 15

� A good storyteller. Much of coding involves reading the medical record and then painting a mental picture in your mind of what took place, as if you were right there in the doctor’s office or emergency room. If you can visualize what occurred based on what you read in the medical record, you’ll love medical coding.

� Analytical. If you’re good at analyzing pieces of infor- mation from different documents in the same record and finding contradictory information, then medical coding is a great career choice for you. Maybe you’re working on a medical chart for a patient who was admitted to the hospital. Dr. Brown’s report indicates that the patient has diabetes, which is well controlled on insulin, but Dr. Smith’s report indicates that the patient has diabetes, but it isn’t well controlled on insulin. These are two dif- ferent doctors saying two different things about the same patient’s diabetes, and hence, these two statements would translate into two different diabetes codes for the same admission. You would need to determine which statement is correct so that you can assign the right code.

In the previous example, you’d need to send a query to the hospital to determine whether the patient’s diabetes is con- trolled or out of control. You’d then assign your diabetes code based on the answer you receive from the hospital, and the answer would be placed in the patient’s medical record so that the record is kept up to date.

You develop each of these skills as you proceed through Medical Coding, as well as the courses that follow.

In addition to being able to accurately review and abstract clinical data from the medical record, good computer skills are essential to your success as a medical coder for several reasons.

1. If you work from home, you’ll need to set up a connec- tion to your employer’s office or the hospital client to which you’re assigned in order to access medical charts.

Your company’s IT department or the hospital’s technical support department will help you do this. You may need to access and navigate specific websites and download certain programs to sign in to the system and begin to



Medical Coding16

code your charts. The setup process should be relatively simple, but you’ll need to be able to follow the directions provided by the IT person to set up the website links on your computer and begin coding.

2. On a daily basis, you’ll log in to the website provided by your company, retrieve charts, open reports within each chart, and review the documents to locate your codes.

3. You’ll also need to go online to research medical or surgical terms that pertain to a specific diagnosis or pro- cedure. This is why it’s important to complete courses in medical terminology, anatomy, and physiology in addi- tion to your coursework in medical coding.

Once you start working as a coder, you’ll find that the oppor- tunities in coding are plentiful, from coding for doctors’ offices and hospitals to educating new coders. You’ll likely have more than one kind of coding position during your career. You might initially start working as a medical coder and later become a medical coding auditor, for example. A medical coding auditor reviews the charts coded by the med- ical coders, pinpoints errors, and provides feedback on making corrections. The auditor also provides references to supplemental coding documents to help coders improve their accuracy. You might become a medical coding supervisor, overseeing a team of medical coders and assigning accounts. Or, you may choose to specialize in one particular area of medical coding, such as cancer registry, where you review medical records and capture diagnoses for cancer patients, and obtain a medical coding certification in cancer registry.

Now that you’ve completed Assignment 1, it’s time to review the Introduction to Step-by-Step Coding. As you review the Introduction, you’ll learn more about the anticipated job growth in the medical coding field, as well as the salaries for credentialed medical coders, categorized by region, job responsibility, workplace, work setting, and job level.



Lesson 1 17

ASSIGNMENT 2 Read through the following material in your study guide. Then, read Chapter 2, pages 26–40, of your textbook, Step-by-Step Medical Coding.

History of ICD-10 Medical Coding In order to understand the history of ICD-10-CM in relation to medical coding, it’s necessary to understand how ICD-10 evolved and why it’s necessary for accurate coding.

The United States started using ICD-10 to report mortality in 1999, but didn’t fully adopt ICD-10 until October 1, 2015. However, the United Kingdom actually began using the ICD-10 in 1995, along with 200 other countries, that used all or part of ICD-10. The World Health Organization (WHO) still main- tains the ICD, although they stopped supporting the ICD-9 in 2012. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) along with the American Hospital Association (AHA) and the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) are responsible for maintaining the ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS. ICD-10-PCS replaced ICD-9-CM Volume 3 as the component used to assign procedure codes for patients having surgery in the hospital. We’ll cover ICD-10-PCS later in this course.

ICD-10-CM was created for several reasons. First, ICD-9-CM had run out of room to expand. New diseases and new disor- ders are constantly being discovered, and the ICD-9-CM code set didn’t have room for any new codes. Since the ICD-9-CM code structure didn’t include sufficient detail about the patient’s condition, these codes needed to be revised for greater specificity and more comprehensive coverage of each element of the patient’s diagnosis.

ICD-10 is a new and improved version of the old ICD-9 code set. The ICD-10 is like a huge rubber band that can stretch to put more detail into each code, thereby eliminating the need for multiple codes while simultaneously improving specificity. The reason that more information can be packed into each ICD-10 code is because of its revised structure. ICD-10 incorporates common fourth- and fifth-character sub- classifications in one code. For example, a patient who is



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diagnosed with abusing alcohol and also having mood disor- ders because of the alcohol abuse can now be assigned to one code in ICD-10, rather than two codes in ICD-9. Each ICD-10 code can accommodate six characters, and even expand to seven characters, whereas ICD-9 codes only con- tained four digits and could only expand to a maximum of five characters. In a case involving a patient with complications resulting from diabetes mellitus, for example, the coder would have had to assign two codes: one for the diabetes mellitus and one for the complication resulting from it. However, ICD-10 can expand to combine everything in one code.

Symptoms can be combined with the diagnosis in the same code. Injury codes can be expanded to include more details, such as whether the patient is being seen the first time for the injury, whether it’s a subsequent visit, or whether the visit is due to a sequel, an aftereffect of a disease or injury.

The structure of ICD-10-CM is similar to the structure of the old ICD-9-CM, but the new ICD-10 code set includes two additional chapters: one pertaining to diseases of the eye, and one pertaining to diseases of the ear. ICD-10 also adds infor- mation pertaining to ambulatory and managed care visits.

In summary, improvements offered with ICD-10-CM include

ďż˝ Adding information that pertains to ambulatory and managed care visits

ďż˝ Expanded codes pertaining to injury

ďż˝ Extensive injury code expansion to increase the speci- ficity of each code

ďż˝ Combining diagnoses and symptoms in one code, thereby reducing the number of codes required to report a condition

ďż˝ Adding a sixth character to the diagnosis code

ďż˝ Incorporating subclassifications of fourth and fifth characters

ďż˝ Updating codes for diabetes mellitus and making them more specific

ďż˝ Making code assignment more specific



Lesson 1 19

Unlike ICD-9-CM, the category codes in the ICD-10-CM begin with a letter. The following sample illustrates the structure of the ICD-10-CM system:

Chapter 1: Certain Infectious and Parasitic Diseases (A00-B99)

Chapter 2: Neoplasms (C00-D49)

Chapter 3: Diseases of the Blood and Blood-Forming Organs (D50-D89)

Chapter 4: Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases (E00-E89)

Chapter 5: Mental, Behavioral and Neurodevelopmental Disorders (F01-F99)

General Equivalence Mapping (GEM) You may wonder how to confirm whether you have the cor- rect ICD-10-CM equivalent code that matches the code that you would have chosen in the earlier ICD-9-CM code set. The general equivalence mapping (GEM) files were developed to help you map ICD-10 codes back to the old ICD-9 code set and vice-versa. General equivalence mapping is bidirectional, meaning that you can map the new ICD-10 codes back to the original ICD-9 codes, and map the original ICD-9 codes to the new ICD-10 codes.

Mapping ICD-9 codes to ICD-10 codes is called forward mapping. When you map ICD-10 codes back to their original ICD-9 codes, the process is called backward mapping. One thing to keep in mind: when you review the GEM files to determine the equivalent mapping codes, you’ll notice that the GEM files don’t include decimals. Remember this when you map your codes. You’ll have to mentally insert the deci- mal point so that you understand the code that you’re seeing in the GEM file. For example, in ICD-9-CM, the diagnosis code for salmonella meningitis was 003.21. When you locate this ICD-9-CM code in your GEM file, you’ll see 00321, with- out the decimal. The new equivalent ICD-10-CM code is A02.21. So the old ICD-9-CM code 003.21 maps directly to the new ICD-10-CM code, which is A02.21. This is an



Medical Coding20

example of forward mapping. If you found the ICD-10-CM code first, and then found the old ICD-9-CM code second, you would have done backward mapping.

There’s one GEM file for forward mapping and one GEM file for backward mapping. The GEM file for forward mapping has three columns in this order: ICD-9, ICD-10, and Flag. The GEM file for backward mapping also has three columns: ICD-10, ICD-9, and Flag. It all depends on the direction that you’re going in terms of mapping your codes.

Medical Coding By Sheila McCray

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Bio Lab Classification And Evolution

Bio Lab Classification And Evolution.


UMUC Asia DE lab – Evolution © UMUC – all rights reserved.


Lab 8. Evolution


Evolution is often defined as change over time, usually in response to a change in the environment. What this means is that the gene pool of a population shifts as time passes.

What is a gene pool? It is simply the collection of all the available alleles of all the genes on all the chromosomes in the population. What’s a population? It is the group of individuals that have geographic and behavioral mating access to each other. Geographic access is obvious; the dandelions in a yard in Virginia are not in the same gene pool as those in a yard in Pennsylvania, even if they are the same species. They could mate if they were brought together, but dandelion pollen doesn’t blow that far, so they are geographically isolated. Behavioral mating access can be less obvious; one example would be a stag that keeps all other males out of his territory and mates with all the does. The other stags are not allowed to mate, so their genes are not in the pool.

A great deal of the time for most species, evolution is not occurring. The gene pool stays the same, because the environmental situation is not changing. In the early days of population genetics, people argued over whether dominant alleles could “take over” a gene pool without any selection. Two mathematicians, Hardy and Weinberg, showed that this would not happen.

The basis of their argument is that the gene pool will not change, and the frequency of the various alleles will stay the same if the following conditions are met:

¡ The population is large.

¡ The population is freely interbreeding at random (this excludes the stag and the does).

¡ No individuals are taking their alleles out of the population (emigrating) or adding their alleles to the population (immigrating), so the percentages of the alleles can’t change because of migration.

¡ There are no mutations, so no new alleles appear.

¡ None of the alleles has a selective advantage (in other words, there aren’t any combinations of alleles that give some individuals a better chance of surviving that anyone else).

Here is the mathematical basis of their argument:

Imagine a simple situation in which a gene has only two alleles, A and a, and A is dominant. Let the frequency of A, expressed as a decimal with a value less than one, be p, and let the frequency of a, expressed as a decimal with a value less than one, be q. Because there are only two alleles, every allele must be either A or a, so,

p + q = 1

By definition, p and q are also the frequencies of the alleles in the eggs and sperm produced by this species. These sperm and eggs can come together in four ways when random mating occurs.

1. The chance that a male p sperm will meet a female p egg is p x p, or p2. The children produced by this cross will be genetically AA and express the dominant allele; they will have the A phenotype.

2. The chance that a male p sperm will meet a female q egg is p x q, or pq. The children produced by this cross will be genetically Aa and express the dominant allele; they will also have the A phenotype.

3. The chance that a male q sperm will meet a female p egg is also p x q, or pq. The children produced by this cross will also be genetically Aa and express the dominant allele; they will also have the A phenotype.

4. The chance that a male q sperm will meet a female q egg is q x q, or q2. The children produced by this cross will be genetically aa and express the recessive allele; they will have the a phenotype.

These four situations are the only possibilities, so

p2 + pq + pq + q2 = 1 (1.0 represents 100% of all possible events in a mating)

When we combine the middle two terms, we get

p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1

These two formulas,

p + q = 1

p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1

summarize what is known as the Hardy-Weinberg Law.

However, usually we don’t know the frequency of the alleles in a population; in most cases, we can’t even see the gametes! If we want to know what the frequencies of the alleles are, we have to use these two formulas to figure it out.

The most important things to remember are the two formulas above. In these formulas,

¡ p = the frequency of the dominant allele

¡ q = the frequency of the recessive allele

¡ p2 = the frequency of individuals in the population who are homozygous dominant

¡ 2pq = the frequency of individuals in the population who are heterozygous

¡ q2 = the frequency of individuals in the population who are homozygous recessive


· Three colours of beans (chili, pinto and navy are good, but any three contrasting objects will do – M&Ms, coins, beads, etc).

¡ Two bowls

¡ A pocket calculator (MS Windows has one too)


Two alleles which control hair texture are incompletely dominant to each other, and the phenotypic expression of hair texture is a function of which alleles are present. The genotypes and phenotypes are:

Genotype Phenotype
C1C1 curly
C1C2 wavy
C2C2 straight

This is where Hardy-Weinberg comes in. Recall:

p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1.0


p2 = the frequency of the C1C1s

2pq = the frequency of the C1C2s

q2 = the frequency of the C2C2s

These percentages will remain stable through all subsequent rounds of mating of this population.

Please refer to the following table for calculation references. Also, please adjust the calculations for the rest of the tables.

Please submit this Lab Report Sheet in Webtycho in the Assignments folder.

Data Sheet – Sample table and calculations:


Student answers to questions

1. In the absence of selection, what happens to gene frequencies in a population?

Type your answer here. This textbox expands as you type.

2. What have you learned about population genetics so far? i.e., what do these results tell you about how genes in a gene pool behave under tightly controlled (i.e., artificial/hypothetical) circumstances?

Type your answer here. This textbox expands as you type.

<more below>


You’ll use your three colours of beans (or any 3 objects of your choice), from this point on, to represent the individuals in your population.  The red (chili) beans represent the homozygous dominants (C1C1 – curlies), the mottled (pinto) beans the heterozygotes (C1C2 – wavies), and the white (navy) beans the homozygous recessives (C2C2 – straights). 

Pick the beans (objects) two at a time and record your results here. Use the example above (page 6) to help you in your calculations).

Experiment 1

In this first exercise, you are going to determine what happens when you allow your population of 80 to interbreed freely.

In a bowl, place the correct numbers of the three colours of beans to represent the population of 80 people.  For 20 C1C1s, 40 C1C2‘s, and 20 C2C2’s, you would choose 20 red beans, 40 pinto beans, and 20 white beans (or any three different objects you chose).  Mix them thoroughly and then, without peeking (i.e., at random), withdraw two beans (or two objects).  Record the genotypes represented by the two beans.

Example :  if you withdraw a white bean and a pinto bean the first time, then you will record one (1) C2C2 x C1C2; you have mated one pair.

Put your first two beans in the second bowl and continue to draw pairs of beans from the first bowl until you have withdrawn all 40 pairs.  Your records will now show a series of 80 random matings from this population.

There are six possible combinations:

1. C1C1 x C1C1 (two chili beans),

2. C1C1 x C1C2 (one chili, one pinto),

3. C1C1 x C2C2 (one chili, one navy),

4. C1C2 x C1C2 (two pintos),

5. C1C2 x C2C2 (one pinto, one navy), and

6. C2C2 x C2C2 (two navies).

Record the total number for each of the six matings.

Data sheet (fill in the BLUE and YELLOW areas).

(see page 6 for detailed calculation help).

      MATINGS OFFSPRING = Matings x 4 C1S C2S  
C1C1 X C1C1          
C1C1 X C1C2          
C1C1 X C2C2          
C1C2 X C1C2          
C1C2 X C2C2          
C2C2 X C2C2          
P= Frequency of C1 =  
Q= Frequency of C2 =  

3.    How do these compare with the parental generation?

Type your answer here. This textbox expands as you type.

4.    What principle have you demonstrated with this exercise?

Type your answer here. This textbox expands as you type.

<scroll down for more>

Experiment 2

Put your beans back in the bowl.  This time, withdraw only 20 pairs (= 20 random matings), and record the results as you did in Task 1.

Next, calculate the offspring of this generation:  again, assume 4 offspring per mating.  Total the numbers of C1C1s, C1C2s and C2C2s. and then calculate the allele frequencies.  Finally, determine the genotypic frequencies.


Data sheet (fill in the BLUE and YELLOW areas).

(see page 6 for detailed calculation help).

      MATINGS OFFSPRING = Matings x 4 C1S C2S  
C1C1 X C1C1          
C1C1 X C1C2          
C1C1 X C2C2          
C1C2 X C1C2          
C1C2 X C2C2          
C2C2 X C2C2          
P= Frequency of C1 =  
Q= Frequency of C2 =  

5.    How do these last P and Q (frequencies) compare with the P (parental) generation (Experiment 1)?

Type your answer here. This textbox expands as you type.

6.    If you repeated this experiment (i.e., you selected another 20 pairs from the bowl) would you expect to get the same result?  Why or why not?

Type your answer here. This textbox expands as you type.

7. What principle have you illustrated this time?

Type your answer here. This textbox expands as you type.

<scroll down for more>

Experiment 3

Now you are going to assume that your population has been invaded by an ET which is a human predator.  It particularly fancies people with curly hair – eats them preferentially – and when it moves on (looking for more of its favourite lunch), your population has been denuded of curlies (C1C1).

Set up your new population in the bowl, and go through the mating (bean picking/ withdrawal) procedure again, recording your results.  Again, assume that each mating produces four offspring.

(see page 6 for detailed calculation help).

      MATINGS OFFSPRING = Matings x 4 C1S C2S  
C1C2 X C1C2          
C1C2 X C2C2          
C2C2 X C2C2          
P= Frequency of C1 =  
Q= Frequency of C2 =  

8.    What is going on?

Type your answer here. This textbox expands as you type.

9.    How have the relative proportions of C1s and C2s changed?

Type your answer here. This textbox expands as you type.

10.    What principle have you demonstrated here?

Type your answer here. This textbox expands as you type.

<scroll down for more>

Experiment 4

Go back to your population in Experiment 3.  This time, assume that through some further natural disaster which has discriminated against people with wavy hair, half the wavies have also been lost.  Allow this population to breed at random and determine the outcome of the next generation.

(see page 6 for detailed calculation help).

      MATINGS OFFSPRING = Matings x 4 C1S C2S  
C1C2 X C1C2          
C1C2 X C2C2          
C2C2 X C2C2          
P= Frequency of C1 =  
Q= Frequency of C2 =  

13.    What is going on this time?

Type your answer here. This textbox expands as you type.

14.    What if this trend continues?

Type your answer here. This textbox expands as you type.


15.   Summarize what you have learned from this lab about the principles of evolution.

Type your answer here. This textbox expands as you type.

Define (one short sentence each):

1) Evolution

2) Microevolution

3) Macroevolution

4) Genetic Drift

5) Natural selection

What did you learn about or in each of the following?

a) The Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

b) Experiment 1

c) Experiment 2

d) Experiment 3

e) Experiment 4


Page 2 of 15

Bio Lab Classification And Evolution

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In the Yearly Mortality Bill for 1632, consumption referred to:









Question 2 

Cyclic variations in the occurrence of pneumonia and influenza mortality may reflect:


seasonal variations in cases of influenza.


the fact that influenza is a disappearing disorder.


long-term changes in mortality trends.


both A and B

Question 3 

Which of the following is not usually an aim of epidemiology?


To describe
the health status of the population


To fund new public health programs


To explain
the etiology of disease


To predict
the occurrence of disease


To control
the distribution of disease

Question 4 

Indicate the level of prevention that is represented by screening for breast cancer


Primary Prevention Active


Primary Prevention Passive


Secondary Prevention


Tertiary Prevention

Question 5 

The difference between primary and secondary prevention of disease is:


primary prevention means control of causal factors, while   secondary prevention means control of symptoms.


primary prevention means control of acute disease, while   secondary prevention means control of chronic disease.


primary prevention means control of causal factors, while   secondary prevention means early detection and treatment of disease.


primary prevention means increasing resistance to disease,   while secondary prevention means decreasing exposure to disease.

Question 6 

Indicate the level of prevention that is represented by pasteurization of milk


Primary Prevention Active


Primary Prevention Passive


Secondary Prevention


Tertiary Prevention

Question 7 

Determining workload and planning the scope of facilities and manpower needs, particularly for chronic disease. Is this a use for incidence or prevalence data?


This is a use primarily for incidence data.


This is a use primarily for prevalence data.


This application could apply equally for both incidence and   prevalence data.


This is a use for neither incidence data nor prevalence data.

Question 8 

An epidemiologic survey of roller-skating injuries in Metroville, a city with a population of 100,000 (during the midpoint of the year), produced the following data for a particular year:

Number of skaters in   Metroville during any given month



Roller-skating   injuries in Metroville



Total number of   residents injured from roller-skating



Total number of   deaths from roller-skating



Total number of   deaths from all causes



The cause-specific mortality rate from roller-skating was:


90/600 × 100,000


90/100,000 × 100,000


90/1,800 × 100,000


90/900 × 100,000

Question 9 

To provide a direct estimate of the risk of developing a disease. Is this a use for incidence or prevalence data?


This is a use primarily for incidence data.


This is a use primarily for prevalence data.


This application could apply equally for both incidence and   prevalence data.


This is a use for neither incidence data nor prevalence data.

Question 10 

Which of the following statements most accurately expresses the breeder hypothesis for schizophrenia?


The conditions of life in lower-class society favor its   development.


The conditions of life in upper-class society favor its   development.


The illness leads to the clustering of psychosis in the impoverished   areas of a city.


The illness is associated with increases in creative talents,   which contribute to wealth-enhancing achievements.

Question 11 

Descriptive epidemiology has the following characteristics (Choose the incorrect


provides the basis for planning and evaluation of health   services.


allows causal inference from descriptive data.


allows comparisons by age, sex, and race.


uses case reports, case series, and cross-sectional studies.


identifies problems to be studied by analytic methods.

Question 12 

A null hypothesis is most similar to which of the following?


Positive declaration


Negative declaration


Implicit question


Explicit question

Question 13 

Which of the following data sources is most likely to provide a representative sample of the general health status of a population?


hospital outpatient statistics


absenteeism data


data from public health clinics


a morbidity survey of the general population

Question 14 

Cautious use of information from death certificates is warranted because:


certificates are not available for everyone who dies


certificates are often erroneous for date of death and sex


cause of death information may not be correct


autopsy results are not included

Question 15 

Ecologic studies:


are expensive and require a great deal of time to conduct


are a good approach for generating hypotheses


provide accurate measurements of exposure


yield results that can be applied directly to individuals

Question 16 

A large medical center’s oncology program reported an increased number of cases of pancreatic cancer during a certain month. The hospital’s epidemiologist decided to research the problem. Tumor registry records were searched to identify all cases of pancreatic cancer during a five-year period; cancer patients were matched with patients treated for other diseases during the same five-year period. All subjects in the study were questioned about lifestyle factors including alcohol, tea, and coffee consumption. The resulting data are as follows:




Cancer Patients

Other Patients















Tea Drinking






Coffee Drinking






Note:   Total number of male cancer patients = 200.
Total number of female cancer patients = 150.
Total number of male patients (other diseases) = 300.
Total number of female patients (other diseases) = 300.
Does this study have an exposure status variable?




Yes, lifestyle


Yes, disease type


Yes, sex of patient

Question 17 

In case-control studies, the odds ratio is used as an estimate of the relative risk. In order for this approximation to be reasonable, some conditions must be met. Which of the following conditions is not necessary in order to use the odds ratio to estimate the relative risk?


With respect to exposure, controls are representative of the   population to which you want to generalize your results.


The event (disease) under study is rare in the population.


The exposure in question is rare in the population.


Cases are representative of all cases.

Question 18 

As an epidemiologist you are going to investigate the effect of a drug suspected of causing malformations in newborn infants when the drug in question is taken by pregnant women during the course of their pregnancies. As your sample you will use the next 200 single births occurring in a given hospital. For each birth a medication history will be taken from the new mother and from her doctor; in addition, you will review medical records to verify use of the drug. [N.B.: These mothers are considered to have been followed prospectively during the entire course of their pregnancies, because a complete and accurate record of drug use was maintained during pregnancy.]
The resultant data are:
Forty mothers have taken the suspected drug during their pregnancies. Of these mothers, 35 have delivered malformed infants. In addition, 10 other infants are born with malfunctions.
The number of individuals who both did not take the drug and did not give birth to infants who were malformed was:











Question 20 

Which of the following individuals helped draw people’s attention to the method of cohort analysis?









Question 21 

A new screening test for Lyme disease is developed for use in the general population. The sensitivity and specificity of the new test are 60% and 70%, respectively. Three hundred people are screened at a clinic during the first year the new test is implemented. Assume the true prevalence of Lyme disease among clinic attendees is 10%.
Calculate the following values:
The predictive value of a positive test is:











Question 22 

Drs. Poke and Jab (2014) conducted an employee health program that used 5 screening tests at the same time to detect diseases among workers. Which type of program is this?


Selective screening


Mass screening


Ad hoc screening


Multiphasic screening

Question 23 

Sensitivity and specificity of a screening test refer to its:









Question 24 

You have just finished administering a food/drink questionnaire to ill and non-ill participants in a Minnesota summer picnic party. The ill individuals developed moderate to severe diarrhea 16 to 46 hours after the picnic. Six persons experienced vomiting. The following data were collected:





Number of people

Number of people


Food item


Not ill



Not ill



Hot dogs
















Potato salad








Ice cream
















Which food item appears to be the most probable vehicle for the salmonella (agent) infection associated with the illness?


Hot dogs




Potato salad


Ice cream



Question 25 

An outbreak of salmonellosis occurred after an epidemiology department luncheon, which was attended by 485 faculty and staff. Assume everyone ate the same food items. Sixty-five people had fever and diarrhea, five of these people were severely affected. Subsequent laboratory tests on everyone who attended the luncheon revealed an additional 72 cases.
Foods served at the luncheon included home-canned olives, chicken salad, homemade flavored drink mix, freshly baked rolls, and raw vegetables. Based on your understanding of foods that potentially are capable of transmitting salmonella, the most likely source of the outbreak was:


home-canned olives


chicken salad


drink mix


freshly baked rolls


raw vegetables

Question 26 

The site where a disease agent enters the body is the:




portal of entry




portal of exit

Question 27 

A situation in which the combined effect of several exposures is greater than the sum of the individual effects:









Question 28 

It has been suggested that occupational exposure to benzene in the petroleum industry increases the risk of developing leukemia. The levels of benzene to which workers in this industry have been exposed were high from 1940 to 1970, but since 1970 have been significantly reduced. What kind of study design, using petroleum workers, would provide the most useful information on whether benzene affects incidence rates of leukemia in this industry? You may assume that records of individual worker assignments to jobs involving benzene exposure have been maintained by the industry.




Retrospective cohort


Prospective cohort





Question 29 

The type A behavior pattern is hypothesized to be a risk factor for:


chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


coronary heart disease


rheumatoid arthritis



Question 30 

Which of the following statements describes a stressful life event?


discrepancy between husband and wife in social and educational   status


goodness of fit between the characteristics of the person and   environment


an occurrence that might cause readjustments in people’s   activities




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1. A plant with red flowers is crossed with a white-flowered plant of the same species. All the seeds, when grown, produce plants with red flowers. Assuming that the flower color is controlled by a single pair of alleles, which allele is dominant and which is recessive?


2.How does inbreeding increase the incidence of recessive disorders in a population?


3. In cats, the allele (S) for short fur is dominant to the allele (s) for long fur. What is the phenotype of a cat with the genotype Ss?



The genetic disorder phenylketonuria (PKU) is caused by a recessive allele (n). The family tree below shows the incidence of the disease over three generations. What are the chances that Peter is the carrier of the PKU allele that resulted in his having an affected son?


5. In cats, the allele (S) for short fur is dominant to the allele (s) for long fur. In an Ss genotype, which allele is expressed in the phenotype?


6. When a particular gene is said to be ‘sex-linked’, on which chromosome is that gene usually present?


7. In cats, the allele (S) for short fur is dominant to the allele (s) for long fur. Which of the following genotypes is (i) heterozygous (ii) homozygous dominant? SS, Ss, ss


8. Why does an individual always have only two alleles for a given gene?


9. The genetic disorder phenylketonuria (PKU) is caused by a recessive allele (n). The family tree below shows the incidence of the disease over three generations.  What is the genotype of Jane’s husband?


10. In cats, the allele (S) for short fur is dominant to the allele (s) for long fur. What is the genotype of a true-breeding, long-furred cat?


11. The genetic disorder phenylketonuria (PKU) is caused by a recessive allele (n). The family tree below shows the incidence of the disease over three generations.


What are the genotypes of the grandparents?


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