The Incredible Journey of Oil

The Incredible Journey of Oil. Study questions for Crude: The Incredible Journey of Oil


Under what conditions did most oil form?


Did oil form from dinosaurs, as various oil companies have portrayed in corporate logos or advertising? Why or why not?


What role did oxygen play in the formation of oil?


When and where was oil discovered in such quantities that initiated rapid expansion of oil consumption?


After the Middle East, in what environments did oil companies begin to extract large quantities of oil?


Where and when did US oil production begin? How long did the first US oil fields produce?


What was the effect of the introduction of mass produced automobiles on the demand for oil?


Oil releases about ________ times more energy than it takes to produce it. Define energy density.


What are some of the products that can be developed from oil?


Describe the relationship between oil and modern food production.


During which decade did M. King Hubbert predict that US oil production would peak?


How are conditions of maximum oil formation (Jurassic) related to greenhouse conditions at the time?


What were some of the consequences of super-greenhouse events?


How does the rate of greenhouse gas increase from the Jurassic compare with our current rates of increase?


What are recent signs of climate warming?


Give an example of a feedback loop that could greatly increase global warming.

The Incredible Journey of Oil

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Osmosis WEEK 3 EXPERI. Please submit to the Week 3 Experiment dropbox no later than Sunday midnight.



·         Experiment 3 Exercise 1 – Diffusion: Movement of Solutes across a Membrane

·         Experiment 3 Exercise 2 – Osmosis: Movement of Water across a Membrane


Experiment 3 Exercise 1: Diffusion – Movement of Solutes across a Membrane

We will be using dialysis tubing to simulate a semipermeable membrane. This tubing allows small molecules (e.g., water, ions, glucose) to pass while preventing large molecules (e.g., macromolecules like proteins, starch, glycogen) from moving across.  Be sure you have read over the suggested material before starting this exercise and that you have reviewed the following animations:

Experimental Design


A.      The dialysis bag we will use is permeable to water and small molecules (e.g., less than 500 g/mol) and impermeable to large molecules (e.g., more than 500 g/mol).

B.      The dialysis bag is filled with a mixture of glucose (molecular weight = 180 g/mol) and protein (molecular weight = 10,000 g/mol) dissolved in water. A small subsample of the dialysis bag contents is saved and will be used in Step 4.

C.      The dialysis bag is then placed into a beaker of water. A small subsample of beaker water is also saved and is to be used in Step 4 as well.

The presence or absence of glucose and protein will be determined using indicators. Indicators change colors in the presence certain materials. The two tests that we’ll use are the Benedict’s test for simple sugars (e.g., glucose) and theBiuret test for the presence of proteins.

·         If glucose is present, the Benedict’s indicator will turn green. If no glucose is present, the solution will be blue.

·         If protein is present, the Biuret indicator will turn violet.  If the solution remains clear, then no protein is present.

4.    The subsample of dialysis bag solution and the beaker water are tested for the presence of glucose and protein. SeeTable 1 below for the results.

5.    The dialysis bag is then left in the beaker of water for 60 minutes.

6.    At the end of 60 minutes, the dialysis bag solution and the beaker water are again tested for the presence of glucose and protein. See Table 1 below for the results.


Table 1. Results of testing of the dialysis bag and beaker contents at the beginning and end of the Experiment.



1.    Summarize the results regarding the presence (+) or absence (-) of glucose and protein in the dialysis bag and beaker in Table 2 below (4 pts):



2.    Explain the movement or lack of movement of protein and glucose across the dialysis bag membrane (4 pts)

3.    Which solution, that in the bag or that in the beaker, is hypotonic compared with the protein solution (2 pts)?

4.    What factors affect the movement of molecules across a semipermeable membrane? Which factor plays the greatest role in biological systems (4 pts)?


5.    Briefly explain what active transport is and how it differs from passive transport, especially in terms of concentration gradients (4 pts).




Experiment 3 Exercise 2: Osmosis – The Movement of Water across a Membrane


Before starting, let’s see what you know about the terms hypotonic, isotonic and hypertonic. Examine the diagrams below. Note that the small green circles represent dissolved solutes like salt, glucose, and amino acids. You can assume that the additional space surrounding the solutes is water and that the tan area is INSIDE the cell.




1.      Define each term below in terms of solute concentration outside compared to the inside of the cell. You do not need to explain which direction water will move (3 pts).

a.      Hypotonic –

b.      Isotonic –
c.       Hypertonic –



1.    Open the following website to get started:

The Biology Place. No Date. Osmosis: Movement of Water across Membranes

B.      Read over the information presented and then Click on 

C.      Then, Click on .  Read through the information presented and be sure to click on Animate beneath the illustration.

2.      What concentration of salt is isotonic to animal cells (1 pts)?


3.      When cells are in isotonic solution, is there movement of water into or out of the cell?  If so, describe this movement (3 pts).


  1. Click on  .

    E.      Read through the information presented and be sure to click on Animate beneath the illustration. When ready, answer the following question.



4.      Describe the net movement of water molecules when cells are placed in a hypotonic solution.  Explain why water moves this way (3 pts).

Procedure (continued)

G.     Read through the information presented and be sure to click on Animate beneath each of the illustrations. Answer the following questions. Your answers should incorporate the terminology used in the animations.

5.      What happens to an animal cell when placed in a hypotonic solution (2 pts)?



6.      What happens to plant cells when placed in a hypotonic solution? What accounts for the difference in outcomes between animal cells and plant cells (3 pts)?



Procedure (continued)

8.    Click on  

I.     Then,  Read through the information presented and be sure to click on Animate beneath the illustration. Answer the following question.


7.      Describe the net movement of water molecules when cells are placed in a hypertonic solution.  Explain why water moves this way (3 pts).


Procedure (continued)

10.  Click on

K.      Read through the information presented and be sure to click on Animate beneath the illustration. Answer the following questions.

8.    Compare and contrast what happens to plant and animal cells when placed in a hypertonic solution. Be sure to use proper terminology (4 pts).

9.    Based on what you learned in this exercise, explain why salt might make a good weed killer (3 pts).


Week 3 Experiment Grading Rubric


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Diamond Biology B – Spring — Orange — Quintero, Crystal – Activities

Diamond Biology B – Spring — Orange — Quintero, Crystal – Activities.

4/28/2020 Diamond Biology B – Spring — Orange — Quintero, Crystal – Activities 1/18

Bio U7 Practice Test 1 A



Which of these point mutations to DNA triplet CGG would affect the protein made?

A lone wolf travels hundreds of miles from his original pack and joins a new pack in a different range, affecting the gene pool through which mechanism?





recombination of alleles

genetic drift

no effect

gene flow



4/28/2020 Diamond Biology B – Spring — Orange — Quintero, Crystal – Activities 2/18





Which of these correctly shows ecological succession in a lava field?

Bob has red hair. Where is the genetic code for red hair found?

In primroses, red, the dominant flower color, has incomplete dominance or intermediate expression. What will happen to the offspring if a heterozygous red primrose is bred with a homozygous white primrose? White is recessive.

A palm tree’s roots grow downward to the water source and anchor the tree so it is not easily uprooted by the wind. The roots growing downward is what type of plant response?

Soil is created. Moss and lichen arrive by birds to barren lava field. Fountain grass grows. Monkeypod trees grow.

Moss and lichen arrive by birds to barren lava field. Soil is created. Fountain grass grows. Monkeypod trees grow.

Moss and lichen arrive by birds to barren lava field. Fountain grass grows. Monkeypod trees grow. Soil is created.

Soil is created. Moss and lichen arrive by birds to barren lava field. Monkeypod trees grow. Fountain grass grows.

tRNA in the cytoplasm

DNA in the nucleus

in the mRNA in the ribosomes

the proteins assembled by the ribosomes

100% will be pink.

100% will be white.

50% will be red; 50% will be pink.

50% will be pink; 50% will be white.







4/28/2020 Diamond Biology B – Spring — Orange — Quintero, Crystal – Activities 3/18




How would deforestation in the Amazon affect the carbon cycle?

An ivy is placed on a counter. The vines begin to grow toward a window. What plant response causes this?

Transcription occurs in which organelle?

Carbon in biomass stays the same.

Carbon in biomass increases.

Atmospheric carbon increases.

Atmospheric carbon decreases.











4/28/2020 Diamond Biology B – Spring — Orange — Quintero, Crystal – Activities 4/18



Which of these molecules represents a protein?

Howard looks at a sample of pond water in the microscope. He sees cyanobacteria and plasmodium, a type of protist. What is one difference between the plasmodium and the cyanobacteria?

The plasmodium has a nuclear membrane.

The cyanobacteria is unicellular.

The cyanobacteria has a nuclear membrane.

The plasmodium is unicellular.



4/28/2020 Diamond Biology B – Spring — Orange — Quintero, Crystal – Activities 5/18





A lizard in a desert is colored brown to match the color of the sand. A few lizards have an adaptation that makes their top half blue. A new shrub with blue flowers is introduced to the desert. What is likely to occur in future generations?

In field mice, brown fur is dominant and white fur is recessive. If a field mouse that is heterozygous for brown fur breeds with a field mouse that is homozygous for white fur, what is the probability that their offspring will have white fur?

Every tRNA has an anticodon. What is the purpose of an anticodon?

A human baby weighs 8 pounds at birth and 150 pounds as an adult. Which statement is true about the person’s growth?

The population of brown and blue lizards will stay the same.

The population of brown lizards will increase.

All the brown lizards will die out and only blue lizards will be left.

The population of blue lizards will increase as they can use the flower for shelter and camouflage.





Anticodons tell the tRNA when to begin retrieving amino acids.

Anticodons help the tRNA retrieve the correct amino acid.

Anticodons tell the tRNA when to stop retrieving amino acids.

Anticodons help the tRNA retrieve the correct nucleic acid.

The number of cells increased because of mitosis.

The cells grew bigger during the G1 and G2 growth phases.

The cells grew bigger as the person developed.

The number of cells increased because of meiosis.



4/28/2020 Diamond Biology B – Spring — Orange — Quintero, Crystal – Activities 6/18





The zebra mussel is an invasive species. Which statement is most likely true if the zebra mussel is introduced to a new environment without predators?

Proteins are assembled on which part of the cell?

This type of cell can develop into different types of blood cells in a body.

A Pacific island receives a large quantity of precipitation. This enables bacteria to grow and reproduce rapidly. What is true of an island in the tropics?

Zebra mussels will disrupt the community and cause native species to decline as they eat all the food.

Zebra mussels will not cause a significant change in the community.

Zebra mussels will become the keystone species.

Zebra mussels will become part of the climax community.

smooth ER

rough ER

Golgi apparatus


pluripotent stem cell

totipotent stem cell


multipotent stem cell

The bacteria eat oil in an oil spill.

People are more easily infected with bacterial disease.

Decomposition of a dead mouse occurs rapidly.

Bacteria are in competition with fungi.



4/28/2020 Diamond Biology B – Spring — Orange — Quintero, Crystal – Activities 7/18





Fossils of whales and whale ancestors show a change in species over time. The ancestral species are no longer in existence. What type of evolution most likely occurred with whales?

A golf course is next to a river. The fertilizers they use for the golf course get washed into the river. What might happen as a result of the excess fertilizer?

What is the name of the organization level that is missing from this picture?

A runner uses all available oxygen for respiration. She then notices that her legs are becoming sore. Which of these statements is most representative of respiration?


punctuated gradualism

punctuated equilibrium


The water warms due to excess nitrogen.

Fish die due to algae blooms.

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria die off.

Fish die due to nitrogen-fixing bacteria.





Her body is producing lactic acid because she is breathing too hard.

Her body is producing lactic acid as a result of doing aerobic respiration.

She has been running too long.

Her body is producing lactic acid as a result of doing anaerobic respiration.



4/28/2020 Diamond Biology B – Spring — Orange — Quintero, Crystal – Activities 8/18

24. What type of molecule is shown in the picture?

amino acid

nucleic acid





4/28/2020 Diamond Biology B – Spring — Orange — Quintero, Crystal – Activities 9/18

25. Which two species are the most closely related?

guinea pig and rabbit

tree shrew and manatee

duck-billed platypus and elephant shrew

lemur and bonobo



4/28/2020 Diamond Biology B – Spring — Orange — Quintero, Crystal – Activities 10/18



Look at the cross-section of a woody stem. Where is the xylem tissue located?

Cockroaches have low genetic diversity, yet are in no danger of going extinct. Which statement is most correct about the reproductive success of cockroaches?

only in the roots and not shown in the picture

toward the outside of the stem

throughout the stem

toward the center of the stem

Cockroaches have adaptations to be able to live in any environment.

Cockroaches have adaptations that allow for interbreeding without any harm.

Cockroaches have evolved to be generalists.

Cockroaches are the “fittest” of all beetles.



4/28/2020 Diamond Biology B – Spring — Orange — Quintero, Crystal – Activities 11/18



4/28/2020 Diamond Biology B – Spring — Orange — Quintero, Crystal – Activities 12/18

28. Identify Creature X using the dichotomous key.

Creature X

Creature Y



4/28/2020 Diamond Biology B – Spring — Orange — Quintero, Crystal – Activities 13/18

1 – a. Organism has a small head – go to 2 b. Organism has a large head – go to 3

2 – a. Organism has a narrow body – go to 6 b. Organism has a round body – go to 7

3 – a. Organism has a narrow body – go to 4 b. Organism has a round body – go to 5

4 – a. Organism has a curly antennae – go to 9 b. Organism has a straight antennae – go to 17

5 – a. Organism has short arms – go to 18 b. Organism has long arms – go to 19

6 – a. Organism has a curly antennae – go to 11 b. Organism has a straight antennae – go to 12

7 – a. Organism has a curly antennae – Roundus tricurlus b. Organism has a straight antennae – go to 8

8 – a. Organism has spots – Roundus trispottis b. Organism has no spots – Roundus squintus

9 -“ a. Organism has round eyes – Narrowus trifurrus b. Organism has narrow eyes – go to 16

10 – a. Organism has round eyes – Roundus diheadfuzzus b. Organism has narrow eyes – Roundus difuzzus

11 – a. Organism has round eyes – go to 15 b. Organism has narrow eyes – Narrowus trispottis

12 – a. Organism has short arms – go to 13 b. Organism has long arms – go to 14

13 – a. Organism has fur – Narrowus difuzzus b. Organism has no fur – Narrowus bareus

14 – a. Organism has spots – Narrowus longspottis b. Organism has no spots – Narrowus tippus

15 – a. Organism has a tail – Narrowus trifuzzus b. Organism has no tail – Narrowus quadspottis

16 – a. Organism has two feet – Narrowus curlus b. Organism has three feet – Narrowus squintflippus

17 – a. Organism has spots – Narrowus dispottis b. Organism has no spots – Narrowus fuzzflippus

18 – a. Organism has a curly antennae – Roundus bareus b. Organism has a straight antennae – Roundus puffus

19 – a. Organism has two feet – go to 10 b. Organism has three feet – Roundus headfuzzus

Narrowus trispottis

Narrowus longspottis

Roundus tricurlus

Narrowus dispottis



4/28/2020 Diamond Biology B – Spring — Orange — Quintero, Crystal – Activities 14/18





What is one difference between photosynthesis and respiration?

A cat is in the same order as a dog, the same class as a monkey, and the same family as a tiger. Which animal is the cat least related to?

An eagle and a grizzly bear both hunt for salmon. What type of relationship does the eagle have with the salmon?

Cells need nutrients to perform their many functions. Which two organ systems interact to deliver nutrients to the cell?

Respiration is done by plants.

Photosynthesis creates useful energy.

Photosynthesis uses glucose as a reactant.

Respiration uses glucose as a reactant.









muscular and digestive

endocrine and digestive

circulatory and digestive

reproductive and digestive



4/28/2020 Diamond Biology B – Spring — Orange — Quintero, Crystal – Activities 15/18




Why is crossing over in meiosis important?

A cheetah is adapted for running at high speeds. This helps the cheetah be able to catch a gazelle. Lions also eat gazelles. What type of relationship does the cheetah have with a lion?

An influenza virus attacks a human. Which two organ systems fight the virus?

It aids in cytokinesis.

It decreases the probability for mutations.

It makes four unique daughter cells.

It increases genetic diversity.





nervous and cardiovascular

endocrine and immune

circulatory and immune

digestion and endocrine



4/28/2020 Diamond Biology B – Spring — Orange — Quintero, Crystal – Activities 16/18



Which level of this trophic pyramid represents 10% of the energy?

Which two body systems would defend a person from a fire?

primary consumers

tertiary consumers


secondary consumers

immune and integumentary

nervous and cardiovascular

integumentary and nervous

muscular and endocrine



4/28/2020 Diamond Biology B – Spring — Orange — Quintero, Crystal – Activities 17/18



Which organisms are missing from this food web?

Which type of tissue forms the woody portion of a sycamore tree?

producers and decomposers

tertiary consumers and producers



primary xylem

secondary phloem

primary phloem

secondary xylem



4/28/2020 Diamond Biology B – Spring — Orange — Quintero, Crystal – Activities 18/18

40. Photosynthesis occurs in the ___ organelle in phytoplankton.





Diamond Biology B – Spring — Orange — Quintero, Crystal – Activities

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Testing DreamWorld Analysis Report

Testing DreamWorld Analysis Report. University of North Carolina BUS 342-11D Exam 2 University of North Carolina BUS 342-11D Exam 2_2016

Question Exam 2_2016 Question 1 Among GCC economies, which of the following has the the lowest per capita oil and gas production?Bahrain


Saudi Arabia


Question 2 Among the following countries, which one has the lowest female labor participation rate?




Saudi Arabia


Question 3 Among the following economies, which one is not an OECD member?





Question 4 Commercial shariah is similar to Western business laws in most aspects.


Question 5 During 2000-2007, absolute poverty in Russia fell by more than 50%.



Question 6 GCC economies’ development can be attributted to the genuinely entrepreneurial class in these economies.



Question 7 How many economies in the GCC region have a “full-fledged” democracy?





Question 8 In 1997, black market accounted for higher share of retail activity in Tajikistan than in Ukraine.



Question 9 In GCC economies, bureaucrats are not involved in busineses.



Testing DreamWorld Analysis Report

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