Which Of The Following BEST Describes The Delaney Clause?

Which Of The Following BEST Describes The Delaney Clause?.

Question 1.1. (TCO 1) Which of the following BEST describes the Delaney Clause? (Points : 2)

Government action that prevents the intentional addition of compounds that have been shown to cause cancer in animals or humans
Government recommendation that all predatory fish be tested for mercury before being sold to the consumer
List of food additives generally regarded as safe; established in 1958 by the U.S. Congress
Pending legislation to ban irradiation as a method of food preservation


Question 2.2. (TCO 1) Which of the following is TRUE regarding the science of nutrition? (Points : 2)

As compared to many other scientific disciplines, nutrition is a young science.
Discoveries by the first nutritional scientists established the connection between deficiencies and illness.
In developed countries, current research in nutrition focuses on the relationship between diet and chronic diseases.
All of these are true.


Question 3.3. (TCO 1)  Which of the following is NOT an essential nutrient? (Points : 2)



Question 4.4. (TCO 1) Your grandmother has recently been diagnosed with Type II diabetes. Which of the following professionals is most likely to be qualified to offer your grandmother assistance in planning her diabetic diet? (Points : 2)

Registered Dietitian (RD)
PhD in nutrition
Medical Doctor (MD)


Question 5.5. (TCO 2) Which of the following are substances in plant foods that are not absorbed by the body? (Points : 2)

Dietary fiber
Simple sugars


Question 6.6. (TCO 2) The type of study that observes a large population to determine factors that may influence nutritional habits and disease trends is called a (n):(Points : 2)

case-controlled study.
clinical trial.
epidemiological study.
animal study.


Question 7.7. (TCO 2) Which of the following is associated with diets high in added sugars? (Points : 2)

Tooth decay
All of these


Question 8.8. (TCO 3) Not only is HCL produced in the stomach to help with enzyme transformation, another function of the stomach is to: (Points : 2)

neutralize stomach acid.
activate pepsinogen to form pepsin.
protect stomach cells from auto digestion.
emulsify fats.


Question 9.9. (TCO 3) Which of the following is exempt from standard food labeling regulations? (Points : 2)

All of these


Question 10.10. (TCO 3) Barbara has just been diagnosed with celiac disease. Which of the following foods would be most dangerous for her to consume? (Points : 2)

Rice cakes
Whole-wheat bread


Question 11.11. (TCO 4) Which of the following carbohydrates is the end product of photosynthesis? (Points : 2)



Question 12.12. (TCO 4) When fructose and glucose are bonded together, they form: (Points : 2)

table sugar.
malt sugar.
milk sugar.
fruit sugar.


Question 13.13. (TCO 4) ________ is a technique employed by some endurance athletes to increase their storage of muscle glycogen. (Points : 2)

Carbohydrate loading
Glycogen surging


Question 14.14. (TCO 5) Sex hormones and adrenal hormones are substances derived from which class of lipid? (Points : 2)

Fatty acids


Question 15.15. (TCO 5) Which of the following foods are rich sources of saturated fatty acids? (Points : 2)

Cashew nuts
Olive and canola oils
Canola and corn oils
Butter and lard


Question 16.16. (TCO 5) The vast majority of fat digestion and absorption occurs in the: (Points : 2)

small intestine.
gall bladder.


Question 17.17. (TCO 5) What are the three classes of lipids?(Points : 2)

Monosaccharide, disaccharides, and starch
Triglycerides, sterols, and phospholipids
Sterols, amino acids, and polysaccharides
Phospholipids, glycogen, and dipeptides

Pag 2

1. (TCO 6) Per gram, which of the following foods would contain the highest protein content? (Points : 2)

Cooked carrots
Skim milk
Whole-wheat bread


Question 2.2. (TCO 6) Well-planned vegetarian diets can reduce the risk of all of the following chronic diseases EXCEPT: (Points : 2)

heart disease.


Question 3.3. (TCO 6) Of the 20 amino acids relevant to the human body, how many are considered essential? (Points : 2)

They are all essential.


Question 4.4. (TCO 6) The absorption of proteins occurs in the: (Points : 2)

small intestine.
large intestine.


Question 5.5. (TCO 7) What is needed to convert Vitamin D to its active state? (Points : 2)

Calcium consumption
Intestinal bacteria
All of the above


Question 6.6. (TCO 7) The malabsorption of fat puts those at risk for developing a: (Points : 2)

Vitamin C deficiency.
Vitamin D deficiency.
mineral deficiency.
all of the above.


Question 7.7. (TCO 7) Due to the fact that newborns do not have enough bacteria in their small intestine to make _______, they are given an injection of this nutrient.(Points : 2)

Vitamin K


Question 8.8. (TCO 7) The absorption of calcium is inhibited by________. (Points : 2)

Vitamin C
Vitamin D
oxalic acid
essential fatty acids


Question 9.9. (TCO 8) Water has a high heat capacity. What does this term mean? (Points : 2)

Water is resistant to changes in temperature.
Water heats up or cools down very quickly.
Water provides a useful source of stored kilocalories.
Water transports the energy-yielding nutrients throughout the body.


Question 10.10. (TCO 8) Which organ is primarily responsible for maintaining fluid balance? (Points : 2)

Small intestine


Question 11.11. (TCO 8) What is the primary reason why we sweat? (Points : 2)

Maintain blood volume
Maintain sodium balance
Excrete waste products
Regulate body temperature


Question 12.12. (TCO 8) Which of the following stimulates the thirst mechanism? (Points : 2)

Increased concentration of solutes in the blood
Elevated blood volume and pressure
Lubrication of the mouth and throat tissues
All of these


Question 13.13. (TCO 9) Which of the following BEST describes an eating disorder? (Points : 2)

A psychiatric condition that requires a physician’s diagnosis
Any condition in which one’s eating behavior changes more than six times per year
General term that describes a variety of abnormal or atypical eating behaviors
Any behavior in which one attempts to reduce one’s body weight below a healthy range


Question 14.14. (TCO 9) What is the standard criterion used for diagnosing an eating disorder? (Points : 2)

Analysis of atypical food behavior
Disordered eating questionnaire
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders


Question 15.15. (TCO 9) In which of the following events would carbohydrate loading be the most beneficial? (Points : 2)

Weight lifting
Baseball game
Cross country skiing
100-yard dash


Question 16.16. (TCO 10) What is a teratogen? (Points : 2)

Any substance that can cause a birth defect
The name of a pre-term baby
The fertilized egg
The process of implantation of the fertilized egg


Question 17.17. (TCO 10) Due to the fact that the demand for red blood cells increases during pregnancy, what nutrient is needed regularly? (Points : 2)

All of the above


Question 18.18. (TCO 10) All of the following are physiological changes that typically occur with aging EXCEPT: (Points : 2)

decreased lean body mass.
decreased bone density.
decreased fat mass.
decreased immune function.

Which Of The Following BEST Describes The Delaney Clause?

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Biology Practical And Term Project

Biology Practical And Term Project.

Each student is responsible individually responsible for designing and completing a Term Project presented as a Power Point to an audience that you put together. You may enlist the help of other persons if they are needed to completing your Term Project. Presentations will take the form of a Power Point and should last from 5 to 10 minutes.

Creating the Project

The Term Project must result in making a contribution to “making my world a better place to be” and it must be “environmental” in nature. Procedure: look around your world for something that isn’t working, is missing or could be improved for ideas for your Term Project. Be sure your Term Project can be completed and presented within the time allotted and get started right away.

Creating the Term Project or finding an organization to volunteer for is an important part of the learning associated with the requirement so do not ask the instructor to think of a project or find an organization for you. Once the Term Project is identified, you need to create a written plan and design (with timelines) to execute it. Your plans must be firmed up and given or sent to me for feedback and approval early enough to give yourself the time necessary to complete and present it.

Completing the Project:

You may enlist people to assist you in completing the project if you so choose. Attribution is expected if you enlist or are assisted by others. Receiving assistance will not lower your grade. You are to take a series of digital photographs to record the “before”, “during” and “after” of completing your Project. Err on the side of taking too many pictures instead of not having enough. These visualizations will serve to document your Project and to enhance your Power Point presentation. Be sure to include at least one picture showing each person working on the Project. Power Points lacking photographs of you and /or your group engaged in completing the Term Project will receive a considerably lower grade than those with said photographs.

Term Project presentations will take the form of a Power Point presentation to an audience you create toward the end of the Term. Presentations should last from 5 to 10 minutes in length.

Evaluation and Grading of the Project:

I will grade each Term Project on a scale of 200 points according to the criteria and percentages below:



Evaluation of Presentation of Power Points

Environmental impact and evidence of knowledge and learning gained (50%). Organization and quality of the presentation made (10%). Clarity of presentation of the presentation made (10%). Originality and creativity evidenced by the project (10%). Accuracy and neatness of written presentations made (10%). Spelling and grammar of written presentation modes (10%).

Biology Practical And Term Project

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Lab 4 – Protists & Fungi

Lab 4 – Protists & Fungi. Name:

Lab 4 – Protists & Fungi


1. Describe the differences between Protists, Fungi and Prokaryotic cells.

2. Describe how to separate Protists based on their nutrition.

3. Look at examples of Protists and label specified structures.

4. Describe how Fungi obtain nutrients.

5. Look at examples of Fungi and label specified structures.

Reading assignment: Read 16.6 – 16.9: There is also a power point of this material.

For this worksheet you will search the internet for examples of the given organism. You must list the reference (web site) that you used for each picture that you copy into the worksheet. You need to choose unlabeled photographs of microscope slides that show all of the structures, that you will then label. Refer to the file “How to Label an Image” found on Bb > Lab Assignments > Lab Background Information.

List 2 differences between prokaryotic bacteria and protists.

A Paramecium caudatum is a unicellular heterotroph. What does this mean?

Phytoplanton are marine autotrophs. What does this mean?

Protists are eukaryotic. Is it possible for a prokaryotic organism to be an autotroph? Explain.

A. Protozoa

1. Amoeba proteus – Using the internet find a photograph of a slide of an amoeba. Copy the photograph (listing the source) into this worksheet and label the nucleus and pseudopod.

What is the pseudopod?

How do these protists ingest food?

2. Paramecium caudatum – Find a photograph of a slide of a paramecium and label the nucleus.

What structure allows this organism to move?

3. Plasmodium vivax is also a protozoan and a parasite.

What disease results when humans are infected with this organism?

How do humans acquire this protozoan?

Please watch the video on Plasmodium’s life cycle:

What cells does the parasite target in the human host?

Where does sexual reproduction take place in the parasite’s life cycle?

B. Algae

1. Volvox (colonial algae) – Find a photograph of a slide of Volvox and label the parent colony, juvenile (or daughter) colony, and vegetative cells.

2. Spirogyra– Find a photograph of a slide of Spirogyra in the asexual stage and label the chloroplasts and cell wall.

Find a second photograph of a slide of Spirogyra in the sexual stage and label the zygotes, female filament (with zygote), male filament (empty) and conjugation tubules.

What is conjugation?

C. Fungi

List 2 differences between protists and fungi.

Describe how fungi obtain nutrients.

List 2 problems caused by fungi and 2 benefits provided by fungi.

1. Yeast (unicellular fungus) – Find a photograph of a slide of yeast.

2. Breadmold – Rhizopus. Find a photograph of a slide of Rhizopus in the asexual stage and label the hyphae, sporangia, and spores.

Find a second photograph of a slide of Rhizopus in the sexual stage and label the gametangium and zygospore.

3. Coprinus Mushroom – Find a photograph of a slide of Coprinus (not a picture of a mature mushroom) and label the cap, stalk, gills, and spores

Once you have completed the worksheet you need to submit it using Blackboard.

Take Lab Quiz 4. This quiz covers the information from sections 16.6 – 16.9.

These are the organisms that you will find images of and the structures you must identify.

Kingdom Protista


Amoeba proteus – pseudopodia, nucleus

Paramecium caudatum – nucleus


Volvox – multicellular colonial alga

parent colony juvenile colony vegetative cells

Spirogyra – multicellular filamentous alga (2 drawings)

chloroplasts pyrenoids cell walls

female filament zygotes male filament conjugation tubes

Kingdom Fungi


Breadmold – Rhizopus (2 drawings)

asexual: hyphae sporangia spores

sexual: gametangium zygospore

Coprinus Mushroom

cap stalk gills spores

Lab 4 – Protists & Fungi

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Virtual Lab 5: Ecosystem simulator

Virtual Lab 5: Ecosystem simulator. Virtual Lab 5: Ecosystem simulator

Read the Overview and launch this ecolosystem simulator . Familiarize yourself with the simulator interface. Notice that you can control which species are present in your environment initially and what the diets of each species are. The types of species possible in the program are Plants (A,B,C), Herbivores (A,B,C), Omnivores (A,B) and one top Predator. You can control the diet of each by indicating what they feed on. By setting up different starting configurations you can investigate the evolution of this simulated ecological system.

A. In a couple of sentences describe what happens when you start with only two (A&B) and then all three plant species present.

When only A & B plant species are there and we run the stimulator, the population of Plant a increases and becomes maximum and that of plant B decreases to 0. As the time passes by, species of A decreases and that of B increases such that in long run we have equal distribution of Species A & B.

When we run the simulator with all the three plant species, The consequence of Plant A & B is same but there is no plant of type C.

In this case there are only producers. They harness the sun energy and grow. The favourable ones boom and the others are overshadowed in the process.

B. Describe how many herbivores and omnivores you added (and what they eat) in order to create an ecosystem in which all three plant species can coexist. (if you cannot accomplish the survival of Plant C describe your best configuration. Describe your ecologies by identifying the species present and their diet, for instance:

Omnivore A eats Herbivore A, Herbivore A eats plant A and plant B, Herbivore B eats plant A, All plants present.

All the three varieties of plant A, B & C co-exists when we add Herbivore A, B, & C

Herbivore A eats Plant A & C, Herbivore B eats Plant A & B and Herbivore C Eats Plant B & C.

Omnivore A eats Herbivore A & B and Omnivore B eats Herbivore B & C

Top Predator eats both Omnivore A & B. In this ecosystem all the varieties have a co-existence.

C. If you can accomplish part B, see if you can get all of the species to coexist. (limit your time on this entire experiment to 90 minutes)

D. If we assume that this simulation is a reasonable oversimplification of a typical ecosystems food web what does it tell us about biodiversity and ecology- are they robust or fragile? In general is an ecosystem’s biodiversity preserved as it responds to change?

Virtual Lab 6: Evolution: Sex and the Single Guppy

This simulation follows a set of real life experiments in evolution and natural selection. Familiarize yourself with the interface, guppies, guppy predators, and the experiment. Use an “even mix” of the different guppy color types to start. Run three experiments one with each of the combination of predators. Each experiment should run for five or more generations. Type your solutions in bold face text.

•   State the percentage that each color type makes up in your guppy population both before and after you have let five generations pass. With each experiment state a conclusion that is consistent with your observation.

1. Rivulus only

131 guppies

2. Rivulus and Acara

3. Rivulus, Acara and Cichlids.

•   What two selection pressures are operative?

Virtual Lab 7: Anatomy and Dissections

A. Dissections

1. Earthworm

A. Identify items 1 & 2 on the external dorsal (back side) surface of the worm.

B. Identify items 3, 4, & 5 on the external ventral (belly side) of surface of the worm.

C. Identify item 2 in the image of the worm’s internal morphology w/o the digestive tract.

D. Describe sexual reproduction in worms.

2. Fetal Pig

A. Use the Anatomical References guide. To what region of the body does dorsal, ventral, anterior, and posterior refer to?

B. Investigate the Nervous system. The pig is similar to the human in many ways.

Name four large regions (lobes) of the brain and indicate where they are located and what functions they have in humans.

B. Comparative Hominid Anatomy

•   Compare the the skull casts of a chimp, AustralopithicusHomo erectusneanderthal, and modern Homo sapiens. Be sure to use the lateral view.

•   Describe features that are common and different between the cranial structure of these creatures. What patterns do you see? •   Describe the basic timeline and sequence of evolution for the creatures listed above. Be explicit.

Virtual Lab 8: Human Impact

A. Water footprints

•   Describe the water crisis. How is it impacting women and children globally? What is happening with the Ogalala (be specific)?

Water crisis refers to lack of access to safe water sources. Inadequate drinking water supply is among the world’s major causes of preventable morbidity and mortality.

Water related health burdens are borne by women and children who may forego schooling and childhood in order to transport water from distant sources. Women and children are also often responsible for the gathering of fuel wood both for cooking and for boiling the polluted water.

The High Plains stretch northward from West Texas to Wyoming and South Dakota, and in natural conditions form a dry grassland. There is less than 16 inches of rain a year near the Rockies and in West Texas, but that increases eastward to 28 inches in central Kansas. The rainfall varies a great deal from year to year, however. The steady gradient of increasing rain to the eastward, but varying yearly rainfall, means that the optimal western limit for growing crops such as corn, rather than grazing cattle, shifts each year. This problem is made worse because there is hardly any water surplus: evaporation levels are very close to precipitation levels. Apart from the constraints on farming, this fact means that there is little recharge of ground water from precipitation: ground water percolates only very slowly eastward in underground aquifers from the areas where Rocky Mountain snowmelt recharges them.

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) began intensive research on the Ogallala in 1978. It found that the Ogallala had discharged perhaps 3 maf/yr into springs and rivers before development: this, then, would be a sustainable yield from the aquifer as it used to be, compared with the 1980 pumping rate of 18 maf/yr.

•   Describe what the water footprint is and how it is estimated.

The water footprint of an individual, community or business is defined as the total volume of freshwater used to produce the goods and services consumed by the individual or community or produced by the business. Water use is measured in water volume consumed (evaporated) and/or polluted per unit of time.

A water footprint can be calculated for any well-defined group of consumers (e.g., an individual, family, village, city, province, state or nation) or producers (e.g., a public organization, private enterprise or economic sector). The water footprint is a geographically explicit indicator, not only showing volumes of water use and pollution, but also the locations. However, the water footprint does not provide information on how the embedded water negatively or positively affects local water resources, ecosystems and livelihoods.

•   Report the two or more estimates of your water footprint (and the calculator(s) that you used).



•   Describe three ways that you (or your society) could reduce your water footprint.

We can use public transport, or pooled vehicles for going to office , we can decrease the use of gasoline

We should not waste potable water. We can store rain water and use for watering our plants.

B. Carbon footprints

•   Describe what has happened to atmospheric CO2 over the last 100,000 years and how this is thought to be impacting the climate.

Over the last 100,000 CO2 content has been increasing due to excessive use of fuel, human population, large scale deforestation

In the distant past (prior to about 10,000 years ago), CO2 levels tended to track the glacial cycles. During warm ‘interglacial’ periods, CO2 levels have been higher. During cool ‘glacial’ periods, CO2 levels have been lower.  This is because the heating or cooling of Earth’s surface can cause changes in greenhouse gas concentrations.

•   Describe what the carbon footprint is and how it is estimated.

Carbon footprint is a shorthand to describe the best estimate that we can get of the full climate change impact of something. That something could be anything – an activity, an item, a lifestyle, a company, a country or even the whole world.

An individual’s, nation’s, or organisation’s carbon footprint can be measured by undertaking a GHG emissions assessment or other calculative activities denoted as  carbon accounting 

•   Report two or more estimates of your carbon footprint (and the calculator(s) that you used).



•   Describe two ways that you (or your society) could reduce your carbon footprint.

One of the most popular ways utilizes trees in a process called Carbon Sequestration.  Trees naturally absorb CO2 and release oxygen back into the environment.  You only need to know how many trees it takes to offset your Carbon Footprint.  Every tree is different and absorb these emissions at different rates depending on type and age. 

The most common way to reduce the carbon footprint of humans is to  Reduce, Reuse, Recycle . In manufacturing this can be done by recycling the packing materials, by selling the obsolete inventory of one industry to the industry who is looking to buy unused items at lesser price to become competetive. Nothing should be disposed off into the soil, all the ferrous materials which are prone to degrade or oxidise with time should be sold as early as possible at reduced price.

•   Describe two ways that you would advocate we adapt society-wide in order to reduce our national carbon footprint. Be explcit.

The national carbon footprints can be reduced by reducing our energy consumption. We should use less of Air conditioning and warming systems.

We should use less fuel and try to save water consumption. We should go in for public transport system and use cycles for transportation to nearby areas.

We should recycle material like newspaper use recycled paper. We should recycle rain water and use it for gardens.

Virtual Lab 5: Ecosystem simulator

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