The Lower Limit Of The Intertidal Zone Is The

The Lower Limit Of The Intertidal Zone Is The. Write a 750- to 1,050-word Lab Report (see Appendix C) that describes the results from the Phototropism Virtual Laboratory.


Read Appendix C, which has headings required in a scientific report:  These subject headings and sections includes an introduction, a materials/methods section, a results section, a discussion section, and a conclusion.

Follow directions in Appendix C to complete the paper.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Direct Quotes are limited to 2 small quotes (less than 40 words).

Include all references and in-text citations – all should be formatted in APA style.  Include an in-text citation for each paragraph, and include a references section.  Assignments with either of these missing will be considered plagiarism and will not be graded.

Remember, you used the virtual lab as a resource.





Appendix C

University of Phoenix Material


Appendix C: Organizational Requirements for Phototropism Virtual Laboratory Paper


Introduction: Provide readers with the experiment’s background information, and present the hypothesis in 2 paragraphs. The introduction must be written in the present tense. Include the following points:


·         Discuss the difference between growth and turgor movement in plants. Define phototropism and gravitropism, and explain the fundamental mechanisms of each movement. Indicate why studying tropisms are important for plant science.

·         State your hypothesis of how meristem movement occurs in plants in response to sunlight. Explain how your hypothesis will be tested. In 1 to 2 sentences, explain what you expect will happen, and include at least one alternative outcome.

Methods: In 2 paragraphs, describe how the phototropism experiment was conducted. Include the following points:

·         Experimental design: Describe treatments for the test seedling and positive and negative controls. Why does the experiment include all three treatments? What does each treatment allow you to understand?

·         Data collection: How did you collect data? Over what time period was it collected?

Results: In no less than 2 paragraphs, describe the results. Include the following points:

·         Begin with a 1- to 2-sentence summary of your findings.

·         Include the graphs generated from your spreadsheet. Your graphs must be labeled. Summarize the results discovered in each graph, and compare results.

Discussion: In no less than 4 paragraphs, describe your findings, and consider their importance to plant science. Include the following points:

·         Summarize findings. State whether your hypothesis was supported.

·         Explain how phototropism occurs. Include at least one explanation from the text. Do your results allow you to support the explanation with 100% certainty? Why or why not?


Conclusion: Offer a summary of your findings. Indicate how this experiment will help scientists understand phototropism. Offer at least one example of what still must be learned about phototropism.


        BIO 204 Assignments (Week 1 to Week 5)

BIO 204 Week 1 Mitosis Lab

BIO/204 week 1 Plant Cell Organelles and Their Functions Worksheet

BIO 204 Week2 Applying the Concept of Membrane Transport Presentation

BIO/204 Week2 Process of Photosynthesis

BIO/204 week 3 Process of Light Reaction and the Calvin Cycle in Photosynthesis

BIO/204 week 3 Examining Primary and Secondary Growth and Movement of Sugar and Water

BIO/204 week 4 Root Anatomy

BIO/204 week 4 Photosynthetic Stages

BIO/204 week 5 Role of Major Hormones Presentation

BIO/204 week 5 Phototropism Virtual Laboratory

The Lower Limit Of The Intertidal Zone Is The

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Popular Culture’s Perceptions of Sexuality and Elderly People

Popular Culture’s Perceptions of Sexuality and Elderly People.

Assignment 2: Popular Culture’s Perceptions of Sexuality and Elderly People


Complete a web search to find a cartoon or advertisement in the popular media that conveys an image or message related to sexuality and older people. Examine the medium’s portrayal of sexuality in older adults by answering the following questions. Also, attach or provide the url of your cartoon or advertisement with your assignment submission.

Using a minimum of 1000 words, answer the following questions.  Be sure to use outside references (formatted in APA style) to support your conclusions.  Your job is to convince me that you have a clear understanding of the issues surrounding sexuality and the elderly.

  1. What is the message of the popular media cartoon, or advertisement?
  2. What examples of physiological, psychological, or social aspects of sexual development are conveyed? Explain.


  Possible points Student points and instructor feedback
The writer establishes a clear message from the chosen medium. All supporting ideas are strongly related to the topic. the 1000 word minimum is met. 30  
Examples of physiological, psychological, or social aspects of sexual development are clearly conveyed and evaluated. 30  
Responses are thoughtful and engaging. The writer may choose to use his/her unique experiences or view of the world as a basis for writing or to connect ideas in interesting ways. 30  
References are included in summaries and follow APA 6th ed. formatting style. 10  
Total 100  


Popular Culture’s Perceptions of Sexuality and Elderly People

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Human Osteology

Human Osteology. Name: ________________________________________ Section: ___________

ANT 3514C – Introduction to Biological Anthropology

Lab 4: Human Osteology
Use Appendix A of Your Textbook as a Guide. You may also refer to the following websites for this lab and any that follow:, http://, and (for this website you will need to create an account but it is free!)
Lab Objectives:

• Apply positional terminology to describe the relationships of osteological features

• Identify and label the largest bones and features of the human skull and skeleton

• Identify the human dental formula and different tooth types

• Examine the functional implications of different skeletal regions

• Understand the dynamic biology of the human skeleton over an individual’s lifespan

Purpose: To provide an introduction to basic osteological knowledge.

Osteology is the detailed study of bones and teeth. It should come as no surprise that for many centuries people have been heavily invested in studying human anatomy for its medical applications. The fundamentals of human anatomy were understood by most ancient civilizations, and the study of anatomy in Western universities – even through the Middle Ages – was founded on the antique writings of the Greek physician Aelius Galenus (“Galen”) from the late 100’s A.D. Ironically, the laws of the Roman Empire that Galen served forbade the dissection of human beings, and therefore his anatomical descriptions were based not on the direct study of humans, but rather the comparative study of animals such as pigs and primates. It wasn’t until the Renaissance that intellectual curiosity in the human body was reborn and the study of human anatomy was pursued again in earnest. Principal among these anatomists were figures such as Henry Gray (of “Gray’s Anatomy”) and Georges Cuvier, who pushed the study of comparative anatomy to new limits and founded the field of paleontology.

While the skeleton plays an obvious role as the support system for the rest of the body—making movement possible, and protecting vital organs like the heart, lungs, and brain—a new understanding is emerging of bones as an important, dynamic organ of the body. Your bones achieve their shape thanks to the influence of the muscles, blood vessels, and nerves that surround them, but continue to change throughout life in response to activity, nutrition, and disease. In addition to vital metabolic and physiological functions, bones produce a hormone (an important messaging molecule in the body) named osteocalcin that plays a vital role in your body’s ability to maintain healthy blood sugar, regulate testosterone levels, and stave off depression.

Despite its deep roots in the study of anatomy, human osteology, especially in terms of variation and development, is still the subject of much new research utilizing state-of-the-art methods. Bone histology, laser scanning, computed tomography, and strain analyses are just some of the newest techniques used at both the micro and macro scale to examine the properties of human bone from every angle. Using such powerful methods, biological anthropologists are able to answer questions about human identity, ancestry, lifestyle, development, and evolution from studying bones alone

STATION 1: Anatomical Directions/Planes

Observe the articulated human and macaque skeletons, both in anatomical position, to answer the following questions. The definitions of these terms always have the same meaning, but the direction they point in will change based on an animal’s normal posture. For instance, think about how you, a biped, normally stand vs. a quadruped, like a dog (or a horse, or a baboon).


Anatomical Plane Definitions:

• Coronal Plane:

Divides the body into anterior and posterior halves.

• Sagittal Plane:

Divides the body into left and right halves.

• Transverse Plane:

Divides the body into superior and inferior halves

Use the definitions on page 2 of this lab to answer the following questions about the articulated human and macaque skeletons: (1 pt)


A is ______________________ or ______________________ to B on the human skeleton.

C is ______________________ or ______________________ to D on the macaque skeleton.

F is ______________________ to G on both the macaque and human skeleton.

The blue line runs along the ________________________ plane of the human skeleton.

STATION 2: Skull

The skull plays an important role in understanding evolutionary history. (1.25 pts)

( Photo credit: )


Name the three sutures marked with #s. Name the three bones marked with letters.

1. _______________________________ A. _______________________________

2. _______________________________ B. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ C. _______________________________

4. Which two bones make up the zygomatic arch?

STATION 3: Dentition

Because teeth preserve well in the fossil/archaeological record, they are often used in constructing phylogenetic relationships among living and extinct organisms. (1.25 pts) Examine the following pictures and answer the following questions.



1. What are the four human tooth types?

2. What is the human dental formula? Please write out in the standard order.

3. Name the bone that holds the upper teeth and the bone that holds the lower teeth.

STATION 4: Vertebral Column

Examine the vertebral column. There are 24 movable vertebrae – 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, and 5 lumbar. The sacrum and coccyx are fused vertebrae and form part of the bony pelvis. (0.5 pt) Watch this video:


1. The vertebrae bear body weight, anchor ligaments and muscles, and protect the spinal cord. What is the name of the repeating structure that separates each unfused vertebra?

2. Which group of vertebrae articulates with the ribs?

STATION 5: Pelvis

The human pelvis protects and supports abdominal organs, while anchoring muscles of the abdomen and lower limb. It is an area that provides critical information on locomotion patterns and sex determination. (1 pt)

1. Which three bones fuse to form the os coxa? Underline the bone on which you sit.

2. Just observe the ball-and-socket hip joint. Notice how the femoral head articulates with the acetabulum in this video ( You will see how this joint looks different from the shoulder joint in Station 6. (No written response is required here.)

STATION 6: Upper limb

Observe the provided specimen and the articulated skeleton near this station when answering these questions. (1.5 pts)


1. Which bone of the lower arm is on the same side as your pinkie? _________________ 2. Which bone of the lower arm is on the same side as your thumb? _________________

3. A) List the two bones that, along with the humerus, form the shoulder joint.

B) Name the two features of the distal humerus that articulate with the radius and ulna at the elbow joint.

4. Compare the shoulder joint ( to the hip joint in Station 5.

STATION 7: Hands & Feet

Compare the articulated hand ( bone/Articulated%20hand) and foot ( feet/bone/Articulated%20foot) . The rays or digits are numbered one through five beginning with the thumb or big toe. (0.5 pt)


1. What are some of the differences you observe between the hand and the foot? How can these differences be attributed to function?

Reading Assignment: Ruff CB (2006) Gracilization of the modern human skeleton. American Scientist 94(6): 508-514. (2 pts)

Do not copy from the text without proper quotation marks and attribution.

1. Define the following terms as they apply to skeletal material. Be sure your definitions make sense in an osteological context:

a. Robust:

b. Gracile:

2. Describe how bone properties change during the normal aging process throughout a modern human lifespan. (You can draw a diagram illustrating this if you wish, but if you do its meaning must be clear to receive credit.) Note that there are two phases to describe: 1) bone growth as the individual grows to maturity, and 2) bone degeneration in old age.

3. What cultural explanations have been used to account for the gracilization of the human skeleton during our recent evolution?

After Lab Activity: (1 pt)

Use Appendix A of your text and the following terms list to label the skeleton.














Os Coxa (also innominate bone)






Phalanges (use this term twice)

! Name: ________________________________________ Section: ___________

ANT 3514C – Introduction to Biological Anthropology

Lab 4: Human Osteology
Use Appendix A of Your Textbook as a Guide. You may also refer to the following websites for this lab and any that follow:, http://, and (for this website you will need to create an account but it is free!)
Lab Objectives:

• Apply positional terminology to describe the relationships of osteological features

• Identify and label the largest bones and features of the human skull and skeleton

• Identify the human dental formula and different tooth types

• Examine the functional implications of different skeletal regions

• Understand the dynamic biology of the human skeleton over an individual’s lifespan

Purpose: To provide an introduction to basic osteological knowledge.

Osteology is the detailed study of bones and teeth. It should come as no surprise that for many centuries people have been heavily invested in studying human anatomy for its medical applications. The fundamentals of human anatomy were understood by most ancient civilizations, and the study of anatomy in Western universities – even through the Middle Ages – was founded on the antique writings of the Greek physician Aelius Galenus (“Galen”) from the late 100’s A.D. Ironically, the laws of the Roman Empire that Galen served forbade the dissection of human beings, and therefore his anatomical descriptions were based not on the direct study of humans, but rather the comparative study of animals such as pigs and primates. It wasn’t until the Renaissance that intellectual curiosity in the human body was reborn and the study of human anatomy was pursued again in earnest. Principal among these anatomists were figures such as Henry Gray (of “Gray’s Anatomy”) and Georges Cuvier, who pushed the study of comparative anatomy to new limits and founded the field of paleontology.

While the skeleton plays an obvious role as the support system for the rest of the body—making movement possible, and protecting vital organs like the heart, lungs, and brain—a new understanding is emerging of bones as an important, dynamic organ of the body. Your bones achieve their shape thanks to the influence of the muscles, blood vessels, and nerves that surround them, but continue to change throughout life in response to activity, nutrition, and disease. In addition to vital metabolic and physiological functions, bones produce a hormone (an important messaging molecule in the body) named osteocalcin that plays a vital role in your body’s ability to maintain healthy blood sugar, regulate testosterone levels, and stave off depression.

Despite its deep roots in the study of anatomy, human osteology, especially in terms of variation and development, is still the subject of much new research utilizing state-of-the-art methods. Bone histology, laser scanning, computed tomography, and strain analyses are just some of the newest techniques used at both the micro and macro scale to examine the properties of human bone from every angle. Using such powerful methods, biological anthropologists are able to answer questions about human identity, ancestry, lifestyle, development, and evolution from studying bones alone

STATION 1: Anatomical Directions/Planes

Observe the articulated human and macaque skeletons, both in anatomical position, to answer the following questions. The definitions of these terms always have the same meaning, but the direction they point in will change based on an animal’s normal posture. For instance, think about how you, a biped, normally stand vs. a quadruped, like a dog (or a horse, or a baboon).


Anatomical Plane Definitions:

• Coronal Plane:

Divides the body into anterior and posterior halves.

• Sagittal Plane:

Divides the body into left and right halves.

• Transverse Plane:

Divides the body into superior and inferior halves

Use the definitions on page 2 of this lab to answer the following questions about the articulated human and macaque skeletons: (1 pt)


A is ______________________ or ______________________ to B on the human skeleton.

C is ______________________ or ______________________ to D on the macaque skeleton.

F is ______________________ to G on both the macaque and human skeleton.

The blue line runs along the ________________________ plane of the human skeleton.

STATION 2: Skull

The skull plays an important role in understanding evolutionary history. (1.25 pts)

( Photo credit: )


Name the three sutures marked with #s. Name the three bones marked with letters.

1. _______________________________ A. _______________________________

2. _______________________________ B. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ C. _______________________________

4. Which two bones make up the zygomatic arch?

STATION 3: Dentition

Because teeth preserve well in the fossil/archaeological record, they are often used in constructing phylogenetic relationships among living and extinct organisms. (1.25 pts) Examine the following pictures and answer the following questions.



1. What are the four human tooth types?

2. What is the human dental formula? Please write out in the standard order.

3. Name the bone that holds the upper teeth and the bone that holds the lower teeth.

STATION 4: Vertebral Column

Examine the vertebral column. There are 24 movable vertebrae – 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, and 5 lumbar. The sacrum and coccyx are fused vertebrae and form part of the bony pelvis. (0.5 pt) Watch this video:


1. The vertebrae bear body weight, anchor ligaments and muscles, and protect the spinal cord. What is the name of the repeating structure that separates each unfused vertebra?

2. Which group of vertebrae articulates with the ribs?

STATION 5: Pelvis

The human pelvis protects and supports abdominal organs, while anchoring muscles of the abdomen and lower limb. It is an area that provides critical information on locomotion patterns and sex determination. (1 pt)

1. Which three bones fuse to form the os coxa? Underline the bone on which you sit.

2. Just observe the ball-and-socket hip joint. Notice how the femoral head articulates with the acetabulum in this video ( You will see how this joint looks different from the shoulder joint in Station 6. (No written response is required here.)

STATION 6: Upper limb

Observe the provided specimen and the articulated skeleton near this station when answering these questions. (1.5 pts)


1. Which bone of the lower arm is on the same side as your pinkie? _________________ 2. Which bone of the lower arm is on the same side as your thumb? _________________

3. A) List the two bones that, along with the humerus, form the shoulder joint.

B) Name the two features of the distal humerus that articulate with the radius and ulna at the elbow joint.

4. Compare the shoulder joint ( to the hip joint in Station 5.

STATION 7: Hands & Feet

Compare the articulated hand ( bone/Articulated%20hand) and foot ( feet/bone/Articulated%20foot) . The rays or digits are numbered one through five beginning with the thumb or big toe. (0.5 pt)


1. What are some of the differences you observe between the hand and the foot? How can these differences be attributed to function?

Reading Assignment: Ruff CB (2006) Gracilization of the modern human skeleton. American Scientist 94(6): 508-514. (2 pts)

Do not copy from the text without proper quotation marks and attribution.

1. Define the following terms as they apply to skeletal material. Be sure your definitions make sense in an osteological context:

a. Robust:

b. Gracile:

2. Describe how bone properties change during the normal aging process throughout a modern human lifespan. (You can draw a diagram illustrating this if you wish, but if you do its meaning must be clear to receive credit.) Note that there are two phases to describe: 1) bone growth as the individual grows to maturity, and 2) bone degeneration in old age.

3. What cultural explanations have been used to account for the gracilization of the human skeleton during our recent evolution?

After Lab Activity: (1 pt)

Use Appendix A of your text and the following terms list to label the skeleton.














Os Coxa (also innominate bone)






Phalanges (use this term twice)

! Name: ________________________________________ Section: ___________

ANT 3514C – Introduction to Biological Anthropology

Lab 4: Human Osteology
Use Appendix A of Your Textbook as a Guide. You may also refer to the following websites for this lab and any that follow:, http://, and (for this website you will need to create an account but it is free!)
Lab Objectives:

• Apply positional terminology to describe the relationships of osteological features

• Identify and label the largest bones and features of the human skull and skeleton

• Identify the human dental formula and different tooth types

• Examine the functional implications of different skeletal regions

• Understand the dynamic biology of the human skeleton over an individual’s lifespan

Purpose: To provide an introduction to basic osteological knowledge.

Osteology is the detailed study of bones and teeth. It should come as no surprise that for many centuries people have been heavily invested in studying human anatomy for its medical applications. The fundamentals of human anatomy were understood by most ancient civilizations, and the study of anatomy in Western universities – even through the Middle Ages – was founded on the antique writings of the Greek physician Aelius Galenus (“Galen”) from the late 100’s A.D. Ironically, the laws of the Roman Empire that Galen served forbade the dissection of human beings, and therefore his anatomical descriptions were based not on the direct study of humans, but rather the comparative study of animals such as pigs and primates. It wasn’t until the Renaissance that intellectual curiosity in the human body was reborn and the study of human anatomy was pursued again in earnest. Principal among these anatomists were figures such as Henry Gray (of “Gray’s Anatomy”) and Georges Cuvier, who pushed the study of comparative anatomy to new limits and founded the field of paleontology.

While the skeleton plays an obvious role as the support system for the rest of the body—making movement possible, and protecting vital organs like the heart, lungs, and brain—a new understanding is emerging of bones as an important, dynamic organ of the body. Your bones achieve their shape thanks to the influence of the muscles, blood vessels, and nerves that surround them, but continue to change throughout life in response to activity, nutrition, and disease. In addition to vital metabolic and physiological functions, bones produce a hormone (an important messaging molecule in the body) named osteocalcin that plays a vital role in your body’s ability to maintain healthy blood sugar, regulate testosterone levels, and stave off depression.

Despite its deep roots in the study of anatomy, human osteology, especially in terms of variation and development, is still the subject of much new research utilizing state-of-the-art methods. Bone histology, laser scanning, computed tomography, and strain analyses are just some of the newest techniques used at both the micro and macro scale to examine the properties of human bone from every angle. Using such powerful methods, biological anthropologists are able to answer questions about human identity, ancestry, lifestyle, development, and evolution from studying bones alone

STATION 1: Anatomical Directions/Planes

Observe the articulated human and macaque skeletons, both in anatomical position, to answer the following questions. The definitions of these terms always have the same meaning, but the direction they point in will change based on an animal’s normal posture. For instance, think about how you, a biped, normally stand vs. a quadruped, like a dog (or a horse, or a baboon).


Anatomical Plane Definitions:

• Coronal Plane:

Divides the body into anterior and posterior halves.

• Sagittal Plane:

Divides the body into left and right halves.

• Transverse Plane:

Divides the body into superior and inferior halves

Use the definitions on page 2 of this lab to answer the following questions about the articulated human and macaque skeletons: (1 pt)


A is ______________________ or ______________________ to B on the human skeleton.

C is ______________________ or ______________________ to D on the macaque skeleton.

F is ______________________ to G on both the macaque and human skeleton.

The blue line runs along the ________________________ plane of the human skeleton.

STATION 2: Skull

The skull plays an important role in understanding evolutionary history. (1.25 pts)

( Photo credit: )


Name the three sutures marked with #s. Name the three bones marked with letters.

1. _______________________________ A. _______________________________

2. _______________________________ B. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ C. _______________________________

4. Which two bones make up the zygomatic arch?

STATION 3: Dentition

Because teeth preserve well in the fossil/archaeological record, they are often used in constructing phylogenetic relationships among living and extinct organisms. (1.25 pts) Examine the following pictures and answer the following questions.



1. What are the four human tooth types?

2. What is the human dental formula? Please write out in the standard order.

3. Name the bone that holds the upper teeth and the bone that holds the lower teeth.

STATION 4: Vertebral Column

Examine the vertebral column. There are 24 movable vertebrae – 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, and 5 lumbar. The sacrum and coccyx are fused vertebrae and form part of the bony pelvis. (0.5 pt) Watch this video:


1. The vertebrae bear body weight, anchor ligaments and muscles, and protect the spinal cord. What is the name of the repeating structure that separates each unfused vertebra?

2. Which group of vertebrae articulates with the ribs?

STATION 5: Pelvis

The human pelvis protects and supports abdominal organs, while anchoring muscles of the abdomen and lower limb. It is an area that provides critical information on locomotion patterns and sex determination. (1 pt)

1. Which three bones fuse to form the os coxa? Underline the bone on which you sit.

2. Just observe the ball-and-socket hip joint. Notice how the femoral head articulates with the acetabulum in this video ( You will see how this joint looks different from the shoulder joint in Station 6. (No written response is required here.)

STATION 6: Upper limb

Observe the provided specimen and the articulated skeleton near this station when answering these questions. (1.5 pts)


1. Which bone of the lower arm is on the same side as your pinkie? _________________ 2. Which bone of the lower arm is on the same side as your thumb? _________________

3. A) List the two bones that, along with the humerus, form the shoulder joint.

B) Name the two features of the distal humerus that articulate with the radius and ulna at the elbow joint.

4. Compare the shoulder joint ( to the hip joint in Station 5.

STATION 7: Hands & Feet

Compare the articulated hand ( bone/Articulated%20hand) and foot ( feet/bone/Articulated%20foot) . The rays or digits are numbered one through five beginning with the thumb or big toe. (0.5 pt)


1. What are some of the differences you observe between the hand and the foot? How can these differences be attributed to function?

Reading Assignment: Ruff CB (2006) Gracilization of the modern human skeleton. American Scientist 94(6): 508-514. (2 pts)

Do not copy from the text without proper quotation marks and attribution.

1. Define the following terms as they apply to skeletal material. Be sure your definitions make sense in an osteological context:

a. Robust:

b. Gracile:

2. Describe how bone properties change during the normal aging process throughout a modern human lifespan. (You can draw a diagram illustrating this if you wish, but if you do its meaning must be clear to receive credit.) Note that there are two phases to describe: 1) bone growth as the individual grows to maturity, and 2) bone degeneration in old age.

3. What cultural explanations have been used to account for the gracilization of the human skeleton during our recent evolution?

After Lab Activity: (1 pt)

Use Appendix A of your text and the following terms list to label the skeleton.














Os Coxa (also innominate bone)






Phalanges (use this term twice)

! Name: ________________________________________ Section: ___________

ANT 3514C – Introduction to Biological Anthropology

Lab 4: Human Osteology
Use Appendix A of Your Textbook as a Guide. You may also refer to the following websites for this lab and any that follow:, http://, and (for this website you will need to create an account but it is free!)
Lab Objectives:

• Apply positional terminology to describe the relationships of osteological features

• Identify and label the largest bones and features of the human skull and skeleton

• Identify the human dental formula and different tooth types

• Examine the functional implications of different skeletal regions

• Understand the dynamic biology of the human skeleton over an individual’s lifespan

Purpose: To provide an introduction to basic osteological knowledge.

Osteology is the detailed study of bones and teeth. It should come as no surprise that for many centuries people have been heavily invested in studying human anatomy for its medical applications. The fundamentals of human anatomy were understood by most ancient civilizations, and the study of anatomy in Western universities – even through the Middle Ages – was founded on the antique writings of the Greek physician Aelius Galenus (“Galen”) from the late 100’s A.D. Ironically, the laws of the Roman Empire that Galen served forbade the dissection of human beings, and therefore his anatomical descriptions were based not on the direct study of humans, but rather the comparative study of animals such as pigs and primates. It wasn’t until the Renaissance that intellectual curiosity in the human body was reborn and the study of human anatomy was pursued again in earnest. Principal among these anatomists were figures such as Henry Gray (of “Gray’s Anatomy”) and Georges Cuvier, who pushed the study of comparative anatomy to new limits and founded the field of paleontology.

While the skeleton plays an obvious role as the support system for the rest of the body—making movement possible, and protecting vital organs like the heart, lungs, and brain—a new understanding is emerging of bones as an important, dynamic organ of the body. Your bones achieve their shape thanks to the influence of the muscles, blood vessels, and nerves that surround them, but continue to change throughout life in response to activity, nutrition, and disease. In addition to vital metabolic and physiological functions, bones produce a hormone (an important messaging molecule in the body) named osteocalcin that plays a vital role in your body’s ability to maintain healthy blood sugar, regulate testosterone levels, and stave off depression.

Despite its deep roots in the study of anatomy, human osteology, especially in terms of variation and development, is still the subject of much new research utilizing state-of-the-art methods. Bone histology, laser scanning, computed tomography, and strain analyses are just some of the newest techniques used at both the micro and macro scale to examine the properties of human bone from every angle. Using such powerful methods, biological anthropologists are able to answer questions about human identity, ancestry, lifestyle, development, and evolution from studying bones alone

STATION 1: Anatomical Directions/Planes

Observe the articulated human and macaque skeletons, both in anatomical position, to answer the following questions. The definitions of these terms always have the same meaning, but the direction they point in will change based on an animal’s normal posture. For instance, think about how you, a biped, normally stand vs. a quadruped, like a dog (or a horse, or a baboon).


Anatomical Plane Definitions:

• Coronal Plane:

Divides the body into anterior and posterior halves.

• Sagittal Plane:

Divides the body into left and right halves.

• Transverse Plane:

Divides the body into superior and inferior halves

Use the definitions on page 2 of this lab to answer the following questions about the articulated human and macaque skeletons: (1 pt)


A is ______________________ or ______________________ to B on the human skeleton.

C is ______________________ or ______________________ to D on the macaque skeleton.

F is ______________________ to G on both the macaque and human skeleton.

The blue line runs along the ________________________ plane of the human skeleton.

STATION 2: Skull

The skull plays an important role in understanding evolutionary history. (1.25 pts)

( Photo credit: )


Name the three sutures marked with #s. Name the three bones marked with letters.

1. _______________________________ A. _______________________________

2. _______________________________ B. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ C. _______________________________

4. Which two bones make up the zygomatic arch?

STATION 3: Dentition

Because teeth preserve well in the fossil/archaeological record, they are often used in constructing phylogenetic relationships among living and extinct organisms. (1.25 pts) Examine the following pictures and answer the following questions.



1. What are the four human tooth types?

2. What is the human dental formula? Please write out in the standard order.

3. Name the bone that holds the upper teeth and the bone that holds the lower teeth.

STATION 4: Vertebral Column

Examine the vertebral column. There are 24 movable vertebrae – 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, and 5 lumbar. The sacrum and coccyx are fused vertebrae and form part of the bony pelvis. (0.5 pt) Watch this video:


1. The vertebrae bear body weight, anchor ligaments and muscles, and protect the spinal cord. What is the name of the repeating structure that separates each unfused vertebra?

2. Which group of vertebrae articulates with the ribs?

STATION 5: Pelvis

The human pelvis protects and supports abdominal organs, while anchoring muscles of the abdomen and lower limb. It is an area that provides critical information on locomotion patterns and sex determination. (1 pt)

1. Which three bones fuse to form the os coxa? Underline the bone on which you sit.

2. Just observe the ball-and-socket hip joint. Notice how the femoral head articulates with the acetabulum in this video ( You will see how this joint looks different from the shoulder joint in Station 6. (No written response is required here.)

STATION 6: Upper limb

Observe the provided specimen and the articulated skeleton near this station when answering these questions. (1.5 pts)


1. Which bone of the lower arm is on the same side as your pinkie? _________________ 2. Which bone of the lower arm is on the same side as your thumb? _________________

3. A) List the two bones that, along with the humerus, form the shoulder joint.

B) Name the two features of the distal humerus that articulate with the radius and ulna at the elbow joint.

4. Compare the shoulder joint ( to the hip joint in Station 5.

STATION 7: Hands & Feet

Compare the articulated hand ( bone/Articulated%20hand) and foot ( feet/bone/Articulated%20foot) . The rays or digits are numbered one through five beginning with the thumb or big toe. (0.5 pt)


1. What are some of the differences you observe between the hand and the foot? How can these differences be attributed to function?

Reading Assignment: Ruff CB (2006) Gracilization of the modern human skeleton. American Scientist 94(6): 508-514. (2 pts)

Do not copy from the text without proper quotation marks and attribution.

1. Define the following terms as they apply to skeletal material. Be sure your definitions make sense in an osteological context:

a. Robust:

b. Gracile:

2. Describe how bone properties change during the normal aging process throughout a modern human lifespan. (You can draw a diagram illustrating this if you wish, but if you do its meaning must be clear to receive credit.) Note that there are two phases to describe: 1) bone growth as the individual grows to maturity, and 2) bone degeneration in old age.

3. What cultural explanations have been used to account for the gracilization of the human skeleton during our recent evolution?

After Lab Activity: (1 pt)

Use Appendix A of your text and the following terms list to label the skeleton.














Os Coxa (also innominate bone)






Phalanges (use this term twice)

! Name: ________________________________________ Section: ___________

ANT 3514C – Introduction to Biological Anthropology

Lab 4: Human Osteology
Use Appendix A of Your Textbook as a Guide. You may also refer to the following websites for this lab and any that follow:, http://, and (for this website you will need to create an account but it is free!)
Lab Objectives:

• Apply positional terminology to describe the relationships of osteological features

• Identify and label the largest bones and features of the human skull and skeleton

• Identify the human dental formula and different tooth types

• Examine the functional implications of different skeletal regions

• Understand the dynamic biology of the human skeleton over an individual’s lifespan

Purpose: To provide an introduction to basic osteological knowledge.

Osteology is the detailed study of bones and teeth. It should come as no surprise that for many centuries people have been heavily invested in studying human anatomy for its medical applications. The fundamentals of human anatomy were understood by most ancient civilizations, and the study of anatomy in Western universities – even through the Middle Ages – was founded on the antique writings of the Greek physician Aelius Galenus (“Galen”) from the late 100’s A.D. Ironically, the laws of the Roman Empire that Galen served forbade the dissection of human beings, and therefore his anatomical descriptions were based not on the direct study of humans, but rather the comparative study of animals such as pigs and primates. It wasn’t until the Renaissance that intellectual curiosity in the human body was reborn and the study of human anatomy was pursued again in earnest. Principal among these anatomists were figures such as Henry Gray (of “Gray’s Anatomy”) and Georges Cuvier, who pushed the study of comparative anatomy to new limits and founded the field of paleontology.

While the skeleton plays an obvious role as the support system for the rest of the body—making movement possible, and protecting vital organs like the heart, lungs, and brain—a new understanding is emerging of bones as an important, dynamic organ of the body. Your bones achieve their shape thanks to the influence of the muscles, blood vessels, and nerves that surround them, but continue to change throughout life in response to activity, nutrition, and disease. In addition to vital metabolic and physiological functions, bones produce a hormone (an important messaging molecule in the body) named osteocalcin that plays a vital role in your body’s ability to maintain healthy blood sugar, regulate testosterone levels, and stave off depression.

Despite its deep roots in the study of anatomy, human osteology, especially in terms of variation and development, is still the subject of much new research utilizing state-of-the-art methods. Bone histology, laser scanning, computed tomography, and strain analyses are just some of the newest techniques used at both the micro and macro scale to examine the properties of human bone from every angle. Using such powerful methods, biological anthropologists are able to answer questions about human identity, ancestry, lifestyle, development, and evolution from studying bones alone

STATION 1: Anatomical Directions/Planes

Observe the articulated human and macaque skeletons, both in anatomical position, to answer the following questions. The definitions of these terms always have the same meaning, but the direction they point in will change based on an animal’s normal posture. For instance, think about how you, a biped, normally stand vs. a quadruped, like a dog (or a horse, or a baboon).


Anatomical Plane Definitions:

• Coronal Plane:

Divides the body into anterior and posterior halves.

• Sagittal Plane:

Divides the body into left and right halves.

• Transverse Plane:

Divides the body into superior and inferior halves

Use the definitions on page 2 of this lab to answer the following questions about the articulated human and macaque skeletons: (1 pt)


A is ______________________ or ______________________ to B on the human skeleton.

C is ______________________ or ______________________ to D on the macaque skeleton.

F is ______________________ to G on both the macaque and human skeleton.

The blue line runs along the ________________________ plane of the human skeleton.

STATION 2: Skull

The skull plays an important role in understanding evolutionary history. (1.25 pts)

( Photo credit: )


Name the three sutures marked with #s. Name the three bones marked with letters.

1. _______________________________ A. _______________________________

2. _______________________________ B. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ C. _______________________________

4. Which two bones make up the zygomatic arch?

STATION 3: Dentition

Because teeth preserve well in the fossil/archaeological record, they are often used in constructing phylogenetic relationships among living and extinct organisms. (1.25 pts) Examine the following pictures and answer the following questions.



1. What are the four human tooth types?

2. What is the human dental formula? Please write out in the standard order.

3. Name the bone that holds the upper teeth and the bone that holds the lower teeth.

STATION 4: Vertebral Column

Examine the vertebral column. There are 24 movable vertebrae – 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, and 5 lumbar. The sacrum and coccyx are fused vertebrae and form part of the bony pelvis. (0.5 pt) Watch this video:


1. The vertebrae bear body weight, anchor ligaments and muscles, and protect the spinal cord. What is the name of the repeating structure that separates each unfused vertebra?

2. Which group of vertebrae articulates with the ribs?

STATION 5: Pelvis

The human pelvis protects and supports abdominal organs, while anchoring muscles of the abdomen and lower limb. It is an area that provides critical information on locomotion patterns and sex determination. (1 pt)

1. Which three bones fuse to form the os coxa? Underline the bone on which you sit.

2. Just observe the ball-and-socket hip joint. Notice how the femoral head articulates with the acetabulum in this video ( You will see how this joint looks different from the shoulder joint in Station 6. (No written response is required here.)

STATION 6: Upper limb

Observe the provided specimen and the articulated skeleton near this station when answering these questions. (1.5 pts)


1. Which bone of the lower arm is on the same side as your pinkie? _________________ 2. Which bone of the lower arm is on the same side as your thumb? _________________

3. A) List the two bones that, along with the humerus, form the shoulder joint.

B) Name the two features of the distal humerus that articulate with the radius and ulna at the elbow joint.

4. Compare the shoulder joint ( to the hip joint in Station 5.

STATION 7: Hands & Feet

Compare the articulated hand ( bone/Articulated%20hand) and foot ( feet/bone/Articulated%20foot) . The rays or digits are numbered one through five beginning with the thumb or big toe. (0.5 pt)


1. What are some of the differences you observe between the hand and the foot? How can these differences be attributed to function?

Reading Assignment: Ruff CB (2006) Gracilization of the modern human skeleton. American Scientist 94(6): 508-514. (2 pts)

Do not copy from the text without proper quotation marks and attribution.

1. Define the following terms as they apply to skeletal material. Be sure your definitions make sense in an osteological context:

a. Robust:

b. Gracile:

2. Describe how bone properties change during the normal aging process throughout a modern human lifespan. (You can draw a diagram illustrating this if you wish, but if you do its meaning must be clear to receive credit.) Note that there are two phases to describe: 1) bone growth as the individual grows to maturity, and 2) bone degeneration in old age.

3. What cultural explanations have been used to account for the gracilization of the human skeleton during our recent evolution?

After Lab Activity: (1 pt)

Use Appendix A of your text and the following terms list to label the skeleton.














Os Coxa (also innominate bone)






Phalanges (use this term twice)

! V

Human Osteology

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BBC Life Primates Film And Questions

BBC Life Primates Film And Questions.


Answer these questions before watching the video by using your text or searching online for answers.  Then use the link above to watch the film and answer the other questions.


1.   All animals in this episode of Life are from the Primate order.  This is the full classification of the Primate order.  List one major characteristic that helps define each level.



Kingdom:  Animalia


Phylum:  Chordata


Class:  Mammalia



2.   A cladogram for the major groups of primates is shown to the right.  The order is divided into two categories:  prosimians and anthropoids.


a.   Which group evolved earliest?





b.    Which group(s) evolved most recently?





c.   Would humans be considered prosimians or anthropoids?





d.     According to this cladogram, which group of primates is most closely related to humans?






Primates are divided into two groups:  Prosimians and Anthropoids.  This table summarizes the differences.


  Prosimians Anthropoids
Brain Size Smaller Larger
Nails vs. Claws Claws Nails
Vision Partial binocular vision (both eyes facing the same direction working together) Binocular and color vision
Body Size Smaller Larger
Habitats Tropical rainforests Tropical rainforests, grasslands, temperate forests, wetlands
Diurnality Either diurnal (daytime) or nocturnal (nighttime) Almost all diurnal
Olfaction Strong sense of smell Weaker sense of smell
Opposable Digits Some have opposable thumbs and big toes All have opposable thumbs; Most have opposable big toes



Answer these questions from the opening segment of the video.


3.   Describe what is unique about primates in regard to these characteristics:


a.   Hands –


b.   Eyes –


c.   Intelligence –


d.   Social Interactions –


e.   Memory –


Hamadryas  Baboons


4.   Are these baboons prosimians or anthropoids?




5.   Describe the social hierarchy of these baboons.




6.   What is the cause of the conflict between the two troops of baboons?





Japanese Macaque “Snow Monkeys”


7.   Are these macaques prosimians or anthropoids?




8.   These animals are the most northernly-living monkeys.  How are they built differently than other monkeys to survive the harsh winters of the Japanese Alps?




9.   Describe the social hierarchy of these macaques and how it relates to the hot springs.




Western Gorilla

Gorilla gorilla


10.                Are gorillas prosimians or anthropoids?




11.                Describe the social hierarchy of these gorillas.




12.                Would these gorillas be considered herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores?




13.                How does the silverback male gorilla communicate his territory to other gorillas?




Spectral Tarsier

Tarsius tarsier


14.                Are tarsiers prosimians or anthropoids?




15.                Tarsiers are completely carnivorous.  What is their food source?




16.                The tarsiers have three sets of adaptations that enable them to be successful nocturnal hunters.  Describe the adaptations tarsiers have in each of these body parts:


a.   Eyeballs:



b.   Ears:



c.   Legs:



17.                How do the tarsiers communicate with each other?  What reasons do they have to communicate?




18.                The Lar Gibbons also communicate, but for a different reason.  Explain what.




Phayre’s Leaf Monkeys

Trachypithecus phayrei


19.                Are the leaf monkeys prosimians or anthropoids?




20.                Why are the baby leaf monkeys a bright orange color?




21.                Describe the social system of leaf monkeys, especially in relation to caring for babies.





Ring-Tailed lemur

Lemur catta


22.                Are the lemurs prosimians or anthropoids?




23.                Explain how male and female ring-tailed lemurs use scent markers as a means of communication.




24.                How do males compete for the opportunity to mate?



Pongo borneo


25.                Are the Orangutans prosimians or anthropoids?




26.                How long do Orangutans raise their young?  Is this unusual?




27.                What skills does the mother teach her child before it reaches adulthood?




Chacma baboons

Papio ursinus


28.                Are the baboons prosimians or anthropoids?




29.                Why is gathering food such a challenge for Chacma baboons?




30.                What unusual food source do the baboons eat, and where do they find it?




31.                What physical adaptations to the baboons have that allows them to eat mussels?




White-faced Capuchins

Cebus capucinus



32.                Are the capuchins prosimians or anthropoids?





33.                If capuchin monkeys are not strong enough to open clams, how do they eat them?





34.                What do brown-tufted capuchins do differently?  Explain why this is considered a more advanced skill.














Pan troglodytes


35.                Are the chimpanzees prosimians or anthropoids?





36.                Describe two examples of how the chimpanzees use tools.





37.                Describe the skill of nut-cracking.  Why is this considered a more advanced skill than the capuchins?





38.                What unusual social characteristics do chimpanzees exhibit?
























Primates are an order of mammals; one that the human species falls within.  The order is divided into different families based on characteristics such as presence of a prehensile tail, opposable thumb, whether they are ground-dwelling or tree-dwelling.



Order Marsupialia








“Short legs and tail”



Order Primates

“Opposable Thumbs”



Order Perissodactyla

“Odd-Toed Hooved”



Order Chiroptera

“Adapted for Flight”



Class Mammalia



Order Primates




“Prosimians of Madagascar”





“Big Eyes”



Old World Monkeys

“Non-Prehensile Tail”



New World Monkeys

“Prehensile Tail”





“Long Arms”




“Person of the Forest”




“The Largest Primates”



Chimpanzees and Bonobos “Closest to Humans”



















Order Eulipotyphla

“Insectivores with Snouts”




“Gnawing Hervivores”
































Tarsiers Old World Monkeys New World Monkeys Gibbons Orangutans Gorillas Chimpanzees Humans IUCN Red list Status
Hamadryas Baboon                    
Japanese Macaque                    
Western Gorilla                    
Spectral Tarsier                    
Lar Gibbon                    
Owl  Monkey                    
Ring-Tailed Lemur                    
Chacma Baboon                    
White-Faced Capuchin                    












Mark which category the primate is found and then look up their endangered status on the IUCN red list and provide details.

BBC Life Primates Film And Questions

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