BIO 102 Lab 04: ELISA and Immunology

BIO 102 Lab 04: ELISA and Immunology. BIO 102 Lab 04: ELISA and Immunology


Instructions: Submit, pages 6 and 8 of this document. Print, complete both lab activities and answer the questions. Scan your lab pages using the free phone app AdobeScan, and upload your PDF to Canvas. Please be sure to write your name on your first page of work.



The human immune system contains several layers of defense, but before explaining them in depth, we must review some terminology. Starting with the answer sheet in this lab, and using your book, fill in the definitions from question #1 before continuing to read the remainder of this lab. You may also find it helpful to review diagrams in the book relating to antigen binding.

The broadest part of the immune system responds in the same manner to every antigen (ie., invader) it encounters. It is called the nonspecific immune system. It includes things like our skin, mucus membranes, ear wax, stomach acid, sweat, tears, vaginal secretions, antimicrobial proteins, and internal cellular defenses. The nonspecific immune system will mount the same response regardless of the nature of the antigen. It has no memory and doesn’t have the ability to recognize that a specific defense may have been ineffective against a pathogen in the past. The nonspecific immune system’s primary function is to prevent us from getting sick by attacking anything foreign and if that fails, to contain the pathogen until our adaptive immune system is activated.

The adaptive immune system “studies” each pathogen and learns how to effectively kill it. It also has memory of the pathogens it has faced in the past and will improve its effectiveness every time it encounters the same pathogen, meaning that the person doesn’t get sick from later encounters with the same pathogen, provided that pathogen is recognized. It includes two types of white blood cells (all types of white blood cells are called leukocytes), the B & T cells (B & T cells are also called B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes respectively). The B cells will begin releasing antibodies into the interstitial fluid and blood after they encounter a specific antigen. Each antibody is specific not for just that antigen, but a single epitope on the surface of the antigen. Once a B cell begins producing antibodies, they can remain present in the body for years. Vaccines stimulate our B cells into making antibodies so we don’t get sick if we encounter certain viruses. Some vaccines only require a few administrations and the immunity lasts for life, while others need to be reminded about that antigen, hence the need for vaccine “boosters.”

In this lab, we will investigate an important test called ELISA. ELISA stands for enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. It is used in many different ways, from diagnostic lab tests used by doctors to measure a patient’s exposure to a virus, to research lab investigations that and separate a specific protein among many. Though very specific and powerful, it can be easily performed and is a commonly found experiment in college biology courses. ELISA functions detect the presence of antibodies or a pathogen. ELISA has several varieties, but two of the most common are: direct ELISA, which uses artificially made antibodies to bind to the antigen, while indirect ELISA uses the person’s antibodies against a specific pathogen to determine if a person has encountered the disease before. In indirect ELISA the artificial antibodies bind to a person’s antibodies against a specific disease. In both direct and indirect ELISA, the artificial antibodies are engineered to change color when added to a special chemical. Direct ELISA is explained in the image on the next page.





Direct ELISA

Image from, Reteived 6/12/19





BIO 102 Lab 04: ELISA and Immunology 7




In indirect ELISA parts of the suspected pathogen are anchored to the sides of a well plate (a well plate is a small circular clear plastic dish). The person’s blood serum is allowed to sit in the plate long enough for any antibodies present (if the person has encountered that pathogen recently) to stick to the antigen that is part of the well plate. In the diagram to the left, the middle representation shows a green antibody attached to a purple enzyme cluster; the antibody is bound to the red viral antigen. The serum is then drained away, but the attached antibodies will remain, stuck. Then, artificial antibodies are added, which will only stick if the person’s antibodies are attached to the antigen in the well plate. A color change will occur if artificial antibodies remain stuck (the bottom diagram to the left shows the blue colored molecules which contain the dye and the artificial antibody). Thus, a clear solution means the person is not sick and a color change means the person has encountered the disease before.







The Live Lab ELISA Procedure (Performed When Meeting in Lab) – READ ONLY

Read through the procedure below. This document includes sample ELISA data. You will use these results to answer the questions.


Every person gets 1 “serum” sample tube (we will avoid using real human bodily fluids in lab). One of these samples contains the antibodies against a sexually transmitted or blood borne disease.

Everyone will then share “fluids” three times. DO NOT start a round of sharing until instructed to do so!!! Each fluid sharing will be done by transferring ½ of the contents from one person’s tube into the other person’s tube. The cap off the receiving tube & swirl, then ½ of the receiving tube’s fluid is transferred back to the original tube, thus each tube is roughly ½ original and ½ new sample. Every time you change serum solutions you need to change pipette tips or you will contaminate the samples.


Record your tube # here____________________


Round of fluid transfer Partner’s name Partner’s tube #


Again, no one should have a 2nd (or 3rd) partner until their instructor tells them to find one. At each round you only share with 1 other person!

Everyone should record their information on the spreadsheet on the projector/board while doing the ELISA test.

Now that everyone has done the fluid transfer it is time to find out who has the disease & see if you can figure out where the disease started.

Using a pen, mark one row of the well plate with +, the second with -, and then each person at your table gets a row with their initials. Each row should have 3 wells.

1. Transfer 1/3 of your serum sample into each of the well plates with your initials. The positive control goes into the 3 wells with the “+”, and the negative control goes into the plate with the “-”.

2. Allow the samples to remain in the well plate depressions for 3 minutes

3. Empty the plate in the sink and wash the sample depressions 3 times with ELISA wash solution, tap plate against a paper towel on the counter each time. Be careful not to allow fluid to spill from one well to another while washing & rinsing!

4. Add antibody (AB) to the washed out sample depressions and allow to sit for 3 minutes

5. Repeat #2

6. Add color substrate (CS) and allow to sit for 3-5 minutes

7. Positive reaction is blue, negative reaction is clear

8. Record who was “sick” on the projector/board.

9. Determine from the sharing & who was sick, what couple started off the disease.

10. Answer questions 2-5 on the answer sheet.


Sample ELISA results:

Each of the circular discs is a well, this would be called a 24-well plate because it contains 24 wells and a different sample can be run in each well. The blue color changes indicates a positive result, the clear (ie., see through) indicates a negative result.

Use the data in this table to answer the ELISA questions on the worksheet.


Sample Class ELISA Results Data Table
Patient’s Sample # Patient’s Name + or – First Partner’s # Second Partner’s # Third Partner’s #
1 Cary 5 14 24
2 Chris 4 12 15
3 Ryan + 6 10 14
4 Bo 2 9 23
5 Tim 1 11 13
6 Lei + 3 7 19
7 Vashti + 10 6 22
8 Geeta 11 13 21
9 Vijaya 12 4 11
10 Xin + 7 3 17
11 Jacob 8 5 9
12 Fred 9 2 16
13 Diane 14 8 5
14 Tiffany + 13 1 3
15 Thy 16 24 2
16 Yukti 15 18 12
17 Mary + 18 23 10
18 Michel 17 16 20
19 Vincent + 24 22 6
20 Yan yan 23 21 18
21 Beatrice 22 20 8
22 Swati + 21 19 7
23 Kirsten 20 17 4
24 Alex 19 15 1


*Disclaimer: the names are randomly chosen from instructor names at NVCC, spring 2020 semester. No matches or +/- results are actually true, all data was randomly selected and assigned.

ELISA Worksheet

1) Define the following terms dealing with the immune system


Antigen: _________________________________________


Pathogen: ________________________________________


Epitope: _________________________________________


2) Why did you run both positive & negative controls?





3) What is a false positive? How do you think one could come about using a test like the ELISA?





4) At the end of 3 rounds of fluid transfers, what percentage of the class had the disease?





5) You can narrow the initial outbreak down to 2 people, who are they?





6) Describe how an organization like the CDC could use results like those you obtained to track down “patient zero” for a disease outbreak.






7) Do you think this method shows a direct or indirect ELISA procedure? Why?



8) With an indirect ELISA, it tests not for the antigen, but antibodies against the antigen, does a positive test then mean the person currently has the disease in question? If not, what does a positive

Immunity & Vaccinations


Vaccinations are given to stimulate the production of antibodies without the animal actually getting the sick with a disease. Vaccinations come in many different forms, but the most common types are inactivated viruses or bacteria (also called attenuated bacteria or viruses). Attenuated means the pathogen has been disabled so it can’t cause the full-blown illness, but is still figuratively “alive” so the animal may get a very mild form of the illness. You can think of it as a recognizable, but harmless form of the pathogen. Inactivated vaccines, which are “dead,” often contain fragments of the original pathogen which are attached to another particle to attract B cells. As the body removes the attenuated (= inactivated) pathogen, the adaptive immune system learns, with an eye toward remembering this encounter with the “pathogen” (note that your immune system does not “know” that it only encountered a harmless form of the pathogen). It remembers by making antibodies against that disease which should prevent future infections.

In the last decade, a movement has started in the U.S., supported by Hollywood celebrities among others, who claim that vaccines are unnecessary. Some even claim that vaccines even cause autism. The claim that vaccines cause autism has been conclusively proven false through many studies conducted all over the world. One initial study, which caused the initial concern, was filled with many mistakes and after close examination, was determined to be invalid by many different scientists. See and for more information on this.

As to the first claim that vaccines are unnecessary against certain diseases, we will closely examine exactly how vaccines protect many people not just those who receive the vaccine.

In every population there will be people whose immune system is weakened. It could be weakened for many reasons: genetic (missing or damaged genes); the person is elderly, very young, allergic; or undergoing chemo or radiation therapy for cancer (which can cripple the immune system). These people often can’t receive vaccinations or if given, they won’t produce antibodies or sufficient numbers of antibodies to prevent them from getting sick.




This is a program that simulates the spread of the measles. On the left side of the screen will assume that only 80% of the people are vaccinated. The right side will assume that 95% of the people are vaccinated.

1. Select District of Columbia & for the city, select Washington D.C. Answer questions 1 & 2 about this simulation.


2. Now change the state to North Carolina. For the city select Hickory. Run the simulation again. Answer question 4 on the answer sheet.


3. Now change the state to New York & the city to New York. Run the simulation again. Answer question 5 on the answer sheet.



Disease Spread Simulation Answer Sheet

1) How long did it take for the disease to disappear on the vaccinated side for D.C.?




2) Make a hypothesis on why the 80% vaccinated side of D.C. Eventually saw the disease begin to slow down? About how many days did it take to slow down?



3) How does each side compare to D.C.?



4) Hickory has a population of about 40,000 people & D.C. Has about 630,000 people. What does this tell you about how population density affects disease spread?



5) How does New York city compare to D.C & Hickory? Explain why you think that is the case.



6) Based on these simulations and given that both measles and COVID-19 are both airborne proximity diseases, why are all the governors capping the size of gatherings?



7) For a blood borne (or STD/STI) based disease (like that simulated with the ELISA part of this lab), would limiting the size of gatherings be as effective at stopping the spread of those diseases? Explain.

BIO 102 Lab 04: ELISA and Immunology

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Effect of substrate concentration on enzyme function

Effect of substrate concentration on enzyme function.

  • Read through the introductory materials below.
  • Open the Unit 2 Experiment Answer Sheet and complete the following Experiment exercises this unit:
    • Experiment 2 Exercise 1A – Effect of substrate concentration on enzyme function (~30 min)
    • Experiment 2 Exercise 1B – Effect of pH on enzyme function (~30 min)
    • Experiment 2 Exercise 2 – Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis (~1.5 hrs)
  • Save your completed Unit 2 Experiment Answer Sheet and submit it by Midnight Sunday (CT).

Enzymes – Introduction

This unit we will examine enzyme function using a virtual simulation. Be sure to review our online lecture on Energetics and pp 80 – 82 in your book. As we have learned this unit, enzymes are biological catalysts that can lower the activation energy required to allow reactions to proceed. Enzymes are very sensitive to the environment in which they work, meaning changes in substrate concentration, temperature, pH, salts and other chemicals can drastically alter their function. This is one of the reasons the buffers we learned about last unit are so important!

When you are ready to begin these two exercises, go to:

Bioman. No date. Enzymatic (Links to an external site.)


  1. Click on “Start a New Game” and follow the on-screen instructions.
  2. When you get to the “Main Menu”, click on “Experiments”.  You will have to click twice.
  3. Click “OK” and follow the on-screen instructions.  Please note that you do not need to submit the answers from the quiz.

You will need an understanding of the different types of experimental variables in order to correctly graph your results. There are three different types of variables:

Independent Variable: This is the variable that the experimenter manipulates and is expected to affect the dependent variable. For example, if you think the amount of sunlight affects plant growth, you would vary the amount of light a plant receives (e.g., 2 hrs/day, 4hrs/day, 6 hrs/day). The amount of sunlight would be the independent variable.

Dependent Variable: This variable is expected to vary depending on the independent variable. In the example above, plant growth would be the dependent variable, because it is dependent on the amount of sunlight it receives.

Control Variable: This type of variable includes factors (there may be many) that could affect the outcome of your experiment. By holding these variables constant in all treatments, the experimenter knows that only the independent variable is affecting the outcome. In the example above, the variables you would want to hold constant would be things such as temperature, water and nutrients.

When graphing your results, the two variables of interest are the independent and dependent variables. The independent variable is always graphed on the x-axis and the dependent variable is always graphed on the y-axis. When you generate a graph, you must also always label each axis and include any units of measure.

When you are ready to begin, use the instructions in the Unit 2 Experiment Answer Sheet to complete these exercises.

Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis – Introduction

In this exercise, you will have the opportunity to explore the relationship between the air we breathe and the plants around us. Be sure to review our online lecture on Energetics and Chapters 6 and 7 in your book; particularly pp 92-93.

Cellular respiration is the metabolic pathway in which all plants and animals extract usable energy (ATP) from foods either eaten (animals) or synthesized (plants). Yes, plants perform cellular respiration! This is because the energy they generate via photosynthesis is used to produce sugars. It is these sugars that are then broken down by cellular respiration to provide the energy to carry out plant cellular functions, just like in animal cells!

Cellular respiration and photosynthesis are linked by their reactants and products. Here is a chemical summary of the two reactions:

Cellular Respiration:     Oxygen + Glucose » Energy + Carbon dioxide + Water

Photosynthesis:             Energy + Water + Carbon dioxide » Glucose + Oxygen

What do you notice about the reactants and products of these two processes? RIGHT! The reactants of cellular respiration are the products of photosynthesis and the products of cellular respiration are the reactants of photosynthesis. Without photosynthesis and the production of oxygen, aerobic cellular respiration could not occur. And, carbon dioxide levels would increase significantly!

In this exercise, you will demonstrate this relationship between these two important processes using snails and Elodea, a water plant. When you are ready to start this exercise, go to:

Virtual Labs Simulation (Links to an external site.)

If a link to Carbon Transfer through Snails and Elodea is not directly available, then follow these instructions:

  • Select Missouri as your location and click Go
  • Click on the Go beneath Biology 2010
  • Under the Labs heading, click on Virtual Labs
  • Click on Carbon Transfer through Snails and Elodea

You will need to open the Unit 2 Experiment Answer Sheet and follow the instructions carefully. The simulation is a little clunky to use and if you don’t do things right, you will have to start over. You must complete certain steps before you can proceed.

Effect of substrate concentration on enzyme function

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Biology Homework 4

Biology Homework 4. 1. Chimpanzees exhibit 99% genetic similarity to humans. Cows share approximately 80% of their DNA sequence with humans. Scientists can predict the relative age of a common ancestor using DNA sequences. Which of the following statements regarding molecular clocks is true?

A. Molecular clocks cannot provide information regarding the relatedness of organisms or how distantly related common ancestors are from descendant species.

B. Chimpanzees, humans, and cows were at one time more closely related, but due to genetic drift have become more distantly related from one another.

C. Cows do not share a common ancestor with chimpanzees and humans, and any genetic relatedness is by chance.

D. The common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans lived more recently than the common ancestor of cows, chimpanzees, and humans.

E. The common ancestor of cows, chimpanzees, and humans lived more recently than the common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans.

2. Researchers often use mice to evaluate potential medications for treating human disease. If a medication is successful in the mouse model, it then must be further tested in human clinical trials. Which of the following best explains why clinical trials are necessary?

A. Mice are much smaller than humans.

B. Mice and humans evolved independently of one another.

C. Mice and humans have very different biochemistries.

D. Mice and humans live in different environments.

E. Mice and humans have only 80% genetic similarity.

Biology Homework 4

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The Cell, The Fundamental Unit of Life

The Cell, The Fundamental Unit of Life. Name:       Sec:


Chapter 3: The Cell, The Fundamental Unit of Life


Module 3.5 The nucleus houses DNA packaged as chromosomes.


1. The       houses the majority of a cell’s DNA.


2. Complete the following diagram of a nucleus:












3. You are a biologist looking at samples of pond water. Using a microscope to investigate your samples, you identify a cell with a nucleus. Briefly explain how you know immediately that this is not a prokaryote. Additionally, without further investigation, would you be able to determine if it was a plant or animal cell?


4. Complete the following table regarding the nucleus:

  Nuclear Envelope Nuclear Pores Nucleolus Nucleus



5. Complete the following diagram that illustrates that relationship between DNA, chromatin, and chromosomes:
























Module 3.6 Several organelles participate in the production of proteins.


6. True or False; If false make it a true statement: DNA controls the functions of a cell by performing all of those functions itself.


7.       is the process by which an RNA copy is made from DNA.


8. You discover a new drug that blocks the movement of substances through the nuclear pores of the nucleus. Would you drug affect transcription, translation, or both? Briefly explain your answer.


9. From the information in question 8, would your drug have any effect on bacteria? Briefly explain your answer either way.


10. In transcription, DNA is to RNA as       it to       in translation.


11. Insulin is a protein hormone that is released into the bloodstream from cells in your pancreas. Which of the following organelles is responsible for its export from the cell:

a. |_| ribosomes

b. |_| endoplasmic reticulum

c. |_| golgi apparatus

d. |_| nucleus


12. Complete the following table regarding the involvement of organelles in protein synthesis:

  Endoplasmic reticulum Ribosomes Golgi Apparatus Vesicles


13. You expect cells that are responsible for the synthesis of hormones (like testosterone) to be rich in which of the following:

a. |_| ribosomes

b. |_| rough endoplasmic reticulum

c. |_| smooth endoplasmic reticulum

d. |_| golgi apparatus



14. Label the following diagram, which is an overview of protein synthesis:


























a.       f.

b.       g.

c.       h.

d.       i.



Module 3.7 Chloroplasts and mitochondria provide energy to the cell.


15. True or False; If false, make a true statement: An animal cell contains chloroplasts and mitochondria.


16. Plants use       to power the production of sugar.


17. The process of photosynthesis occurs primarily in a plant’s leaves. What organelle (related to photosynthesis) would you expect to be present in the cell of a plant’s leaves?

a. |_| ribosomes

b. |_| chloroplasts

c. |_| nucleus

d. |_| mitochondria

18. Complete the following diagram of a chloroplast:













19. What happens to the CO2 you release as a result of cellular respiration?


20. Complete the following diagram of a mitochondria:








21. CO2 is to       as       is to cellular respiration.


22. Briefly explain how animals and plants work to cycle the elements carbon and oxygen through an ecosystem.


23. Complete the following table comparing chloroplasts and mitochondria:

  Mitochondria Chloroplasts




Module 3.8 Various cellular organelles provide storage, movement, and shape.


24.       are organelles that can store water, nutrients, toxins, or fat.


25. True or False, If false make it a true statement: Cilia are more numerous than flagella.


26. Any drug that inhibits the function of flagella likely affects what cellular function?


27. Complete the following table regarding organelles:

  Vacuole Cilia Flagellum Cell Wall Cytoskeleton


28. Certain human cells are highly motile, which means they can move throughout the tissues of your body. Other than a flagellum or cilia, what other organelle is directly involved in a cell moving through your tissues?


29. Which of the following is responsible for providing a connection that holds cells together:

a. |_| cell wall

b. |_| vacuole

c. |_| flagellum

d. |_| extracellular matrix


30. Label the diagram below, which illustrates the nucleus and cytoskeleton of a human cell

The Cell, The Fundamental Unit of Life

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