The Lower Limit Of The Intertidal Zone Is The

The Lower Limit Of The Intertidal Zone Is The. Question

1 of 25

The lower limit of the intertidal zone is the

average high tide.

average middle tide.

lowest tide.

lowest edge of the rocky substrate.

None of the above choices are correct: it varies according to type of substrate.


2 of 25

The particular characteristic most widely used in classifying intertidal communities is which of the following?

Type of tides

Relative exposure to air

Type of substrate

Type of seaweeds

Relative immersion by water


3 of 25

Which of the following strategies is not used to avoid desiccation in the intertidal?

Closing shells

Crowding in areas that are always moist

Burrowing into substrate


Moving out of tide pools


4 of 25

Most sessile animals living on rocky shores are which of the following?

Deposit feeders


Detritus feeders

Filter feeders



5 of 25

If a rocky shore highly exposed to wave action is compared to a similar rocky shore that is a lot less exposed to wave action, one should expect that barnacles living on the more exposed shore show a

wider vertical distribution.

narrower tolerance to salinity.

narrower tolerance to temperature.

narrower vertical distribution.

higher resistance to predators.


6 of 25

Byssal threads are used by mussels to cope with.


wave shock.

restricted feeding.

salinity changes.

temperature changes.


7 of 25

Vertical zonation on rocky shores is mostly the result of differences in tolerance to


wave action.






8 of 25

This organism is typical of the upper intertidal on rocky shores.




Sea anemones



9 of 25

The middle intertidal is characterized by which of the following?

Constant wetting by splash and spray

Long exposure to air

Steady immersion

Exposure and immersion on a regular basis

Splashing during high tide and complete exposure at low tide


10 of 25

Intertidal organisms from exposed areas sometimes have thicker shells than their counterparts from less exposed areas. This is thought to be an adaptation to


restricted feeding.

wave shock.

salinity changes.

temperature changes.


11 of 25

Predation by sea stars on rocky shores ultimately results in

fewer species.

less wave action.

a decrease in the number of seaweeds.

an increase in the number of mussels.

more species.


12 of 25

Ecological succession ultimately results in

a climax community.

an upper-limit stage.

competitive exclusion.

keystone predation.

vertical zonation.


13 of 25

Which of the following is generally considered to be the greatest limiting resource in the rocky intertidal?




Availability of mates

Light availability


14 of 25

Which of these organisms is typically a very rare component of soft-bottom intertidal communities?

Burrowing organisms

Detritus feeders



Deposit feeders


15 of 25

Most animals living on sandy beaches are included among which of the following?


Deposit feeders





16 of 25

Fine sediments are characteristic of

shores exposed to wave action.

rocky shores.

areas with wide temperature fluctuations.

calm, less exposed shores.

areas that experience considerable water flow.


17 of 25

The interstitial water in muddy bottoms

has plenty of oxygen since temperature is much higher than in the water column.

accumulates oxygen as a result of photosynthesis by inhabitants of the sediment.

recirculates oxygen very frequently so it is high.

is deficient in oxygen.

is deficient in oxygen but only during the day.


18 of 25

The main source of food in muddy-bottom intertidal communities is




large prey



19 of 25

On Atlantic shores, the dog whelk (Nucella lapillus) has two color forms: white-shelled and brown-shelled. Survival of one form over the other form in a region appears to be related to



substrate type.

prey availability.



20 of 25

What organism would be most likely to be found in the upper intertidal zone of a rocky shoreline?



Encrusting algae


Irish moss


21 of 25

In soft-bottomed intertidal communities, locations with strong waves and currents are most likely to have which type of bottom?







22 of 25

Meiofauna live

on rocky shores.

on sandy bottoms.

between grains of sediment.

in burrows.

in the water column.


23 of 25

A species that significantly influences the structure and diversity of its community is a ______________.

predator species

keystone species

prey animal

primary producer

apex predator


24 of 25

The best reason for putting a cage over certain organisms in an intertidal study area is so that __________________.

other organisms can be kept out of the study area

biologists can control when certain animals mate

their respiration rates can be measured

they can be removed from the area

body measurements can be taken


25 of 25

Two sediments that are very rich in detritus are ______________.

sand and gravel

sand and clay

silt and gravel

clay and sand

silt and clay


The Lower Limit Of The Intertidal Zone Is The

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UMUC Biology 102/103 Lab 7: Ecological Interactions

UMUC Biology 102/103 Lab 7: Ecological Interactions.

On your own and without assistance, complete this Lab 7Answer Sheet electronically and submit it via the Assignments Folder by the date listed intheCourse Schedule (underSyllabus).

¡         To conduct your laboratory exercises, use the Laboratory Manual located under Course Content. Read the introduction and the directions for each exercise/experiment carefully before completing the exercises/experiments and answering the questions.

¡         Save your Lab 7Answer Sheet in the following format:  LastName_Lab7 (e.g., Smith_Lab7).

¡         You should submit your document as a Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) file for best compatibility.


Pre-Lab Questions


1.     Would you expect endangered species to be more frequently generalists or specialists? Explain your answer.


2.     How does temperature affect water availability in an ecosystem?


3.      Choose a species and describe some adaptations that species developed that allow them to survive in their native habitat.


Experiment 1: Effects of pH on Radish Seed Germination

Natural soil pH depends on the parent rock material from which it was formed and processes like climate. Soil pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of the soil. Acidic soils are considered to have a 5.0 or lower pH value whereas 10.0 or above is considered a strong basic or alkaline soil. The pH of soil affects the solubility of nutrients in soil water and thus it affects the amount of nutrients available for plant uptake. Different nutrients are available under differing pH conditions.

In this experiment we will look at the effect of pH on the germination and growth rate of radish seeds in order to determine the range of pH tolerance for the seed. Acidic or basic water will be used in order to stimulate acidity or alkalinity in soil.


2 mL 4.5% Acetic Acid (Vinegar), C2H4O2

Permanent Marker

(3) 5 cm Petri Dishes

3 pH Test Strips

Radish Seed Packet


2 mL 15% Saturated Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking


Soda) Solution, NaHCO3

*Paper Towel Sheets (cut to fit into the petri dish)


*Sunny Location


*You Must Provide




1.     Use the permanent marker to label the top of each of the three petri dishes as Acetic Acid, Sodium Bicarbonate, or Water.

2.     Carefully cut three small circles from the paper towel sheets. The circles should comfortably fit within the bottom of the petri dish.

3.     Place the circles in the dishes, and wet them with approximately 2 mL of each respective solution (acetic acid, sodium bicarbonate, or water).

4.     Gently press the reaction pad of three, pH test strips onto the wet paper towels. Record your data in the first row of Table 1.

5.     Arrange 10 radish seeds on each paper towel in each petri dish. Make sure the seeds have space and are not touching. Then, place the top of the petri dish on the bottom.

6.     Place the petri dishes in a sunny or well-lit, warm place. Be sure to keep the paper towels moist for the length of the experiment with the appropriate solution if any of the towels dry out.

7.     Observe the seeds daily for seven days, and record the number of seeds that germinate in Table 1. Note when the seeds crack and roots or shoots emerge). On the seventh day, record the lengths of radish seed sprouts (mm or cm).

Table 1: pH and Radish Seed Germination
Day and Initial pH Acetic Acid Sodium Bicarbonate Water
Initial pH      
Day 1      
Day 2      
Day 3      
Day 4      
Day 5      
Day 6      
Day 7      


Post-Lab Questions


1.     Compare and construct a line graph based on the data from Table 1 in the space below. Place the day on the x axis, and the number of seeds germinated on the y axis. Be sure to include a title, label the x and y axes, and provide a legend describing which line corresponds to each plate (e.g., blue = acetic acid, green = sodium bicarbonate, etc…).




2.     Was there any noticeable effect on the germination rate of the radish seeds as a result of the pH? Compare and contrast the growth rate for the control with the alkaline and acidic solutions.



3.     According to your results would you say that the radish has a broad pH tolerance? Why or why not? Use your data to support your answer.





4.     Knowing that acid rain has a pH of 2 – 3 would you conclude that crop species with a narrow soil pH range are in trouble? Explain why, or why not, using scientific reasoning. Is acid rain a problem for plant species and crops?





5.     Research and briefly describe a real world example about how acid rain affects plants. Be sure to demonstrate how pH contributes to the outcome, and proposed solutions (if any). Descriptions should be approximately 2 – 3 paragraphs. Include at least three citations (use APA formatting).



UMUC Biology 102/103 Lab 7: Ecological Interactions

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English Composition

English Composition.

Study Guide

English Composition














C o

n t

e n

t s

C o

n t

e n

t s



INTRODUCTION Welcome to English Composition. You may be surprised to find out that, even now, you’re already a writer. You’ve probably done a great deal of writing as a student and per- haps in other roles, as well. Maybe you’ve kept a diary, tried your hand at poetry, or written a short story. Maybe you have a job or a voluntary position that requires records, reports, or case notes. Even if you’ve never thought of such activities as writing experience, they are.

This course is designed not to make you a writer from scratch but to encourage your growth as one. Both the textbook and the instructors will guide you in developing the skills and techniques of effective writing through practice. You’ll learn to make conscious decisions using particular tools to communicate more effectively and efficiently to your reader.

COURSE OBJECTIVES You’ll learn to apply different writing strategies in varying arrangements to explore, develop, and refine written work according to your purpose and audience.

When you complete this course, you’ll be able to

n Identify the steps in the writing process

n Use prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing to write formal, college-level essays

n Distinguish between different patterns of development

n Apply an appropriate pattern of development to a specific purpose and audience

n Write effective thesis statements

n Write effective introductions and conclusions

n Develop paragraphs using topic sentences, adequate detail, supporting evidence, and transitions

n Define plagiarism and academic honesty


In s

tru c

tio n

s In

s tru

c tio

n s



Instructions to Students2

n Employ responsible research methods to locate appropri- ate secondary sources

n Quote, paraphrase, and summarize secondary source material correctly and appropriately

n Use Modern Language Association (MLA) citation and documentation style to reference secondary source material correctly and appropriately

n Apply the conventions of standard written American English to produce correct, well-written essays

COURSE MATERIALS This course includes the following materials:

1. This study guide, which serves as a companion to your textbook, contains an introduction to your course and

n A list of lessons and reading assignments

n Exercises and self-check quizzes to help you learn the course content, and then synthesize and apply your knowledge to journal entries and essays

2. Your course textbook, Successful College Writing, which contains the assigned reading material

YOUR TEXTBOOK Your primary text for this course is Successful College Writing, Sixth Edition, by Kathleen T. McWhorter. Begin reviewing the text by reading the table of contents on page xxvii–xlv. Then follow the study guide for directions on required reading assignments. Note the following features of your text:

n The “Writing Quick Start” features at the beginning of each chapter are short introductions designed to help you get a head start on the material. Make sure you work through the exercises, even though they won’t be formally evaluated.



n The major headings and subheadings break down each chapter’s content into manageable sections. Exercises and model essays are also important parts of every chapter.

n Modern Language Association and American Psychological Association style guides for citing and documenting your research. These can be found beginning on page 616 in Chapter 24.

n The grammar handbook includes information and exercises on the foundational elements of writing, such as grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, and word choice.

ACADEMIC SUPPORT AND ONLINE RESOURCES Penn Foster’s digital library offers students access to online resources in all major disciplines and courses offered at Penn Foster, as well as one of the most comprehensive academic databases available today, Expanded Academic ASAP.

Penn Foster’s librarian is available to answer questions about research and to help students locate resources. You can find the librarian in the Community, by using the Contact an Instructor link in the Help Center in your student portal, and the Ask a Librarian link in the library.

Grammar Resources is offering discounts to Penn Foster students who register for a year of service. For a discounted fee, Penn Foster students have unlimited access to the Grammarly’s grammar, spelling, and punctuation check, as well as the plagiarism check. For students who have limited experience with research writing, Grammarly could be the helping hand you need to negotiate the research papers in your future.

To learn more about Grammarly or to register for an account, please contact an English instructor.

Instructions to Students 3



Other online resources for grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and mechanics include the following:

A STUDY PLAN Read this study guide carefully, and think of it as a blueprint for your course. Using the following procedures should help you receive maximum benefit from your studies:

1. Read the lesson in the study guide to introduce you to concepts that are discussed in the textbook. The lesson emphasizes the important material and provides addi- tional tips or examples.

2. Note the pages for each reading assignment. Read the assignment to get a general idea of its content. Then, study the assignment. Pay attention to all details, espe- cially the main concepts.

3. To review the material, answer the questions and prob- lems provided in the self-checks in the study guide.

4. Complete each assignment in this way. If you miss any questions, review the pages of the textbook covering those questions. The self-checks are designed to allow you to evaluate your understanding of the material and reveal weak points that you need to review. Don’t submit self-check answers for grading.

5. After you’ve completed and corrected the self-checks for Lesson 1, complete the first exam.

6. Follow this procedure for all seven lessons.

Instructions to Students4

Daily Grammar:

Blue Book of Grammar and Mechanics:

Guide to Grammar and Writing, sponsored by Capital Community College Foundation:

Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab:



Instructions to Students 5

Note: Future lessons will include completing prewriting and essay examinations, submitting journal entries, and attending webinars.


Study Pace You have a study time limit for the semester, but not one specific to English Composition. You must pace yourself wisely through the semester’s courses. Allow sufficient time for reading, prewriting, drafting, revising, and grading. To learn more about study time and when to complete each assignment, see the ENG100 FAQ supplement on your student portal.

Because the course goal is to help you grow as a writer, you’ll use the process approach to writing to identify your strengths and improve weaknesses. The prewriting assignments for Lessons 4 and 5 will help you to develop and organize your ideas, and must be evaluated before your essays for those Lessons will be accepted. If you have other courses available for study, you may work on those and submit those exams while also working to complete this English course.

Course Journal Your course journal is an ongoing assignment that will be evaluated at regular intervals during the course. Instructions for the course journal are at the end of this introduction.

Required Webinars Webinars are live classes that students attend online. There are two required webinars in English Composition: “The Writing Process” and “Research Writing and Citation and Documentation.” The English Composition course information includes webinar instructions and the webinar schedule. Read the webinar instructions to learn how to regis- ter for a webinar. Webinar classes are offered at a variety of times to fit students’ schedules. To earn a passing grade in the webinar, you must log in on time, participate actively, stay for the entire class, and focus on the presentation, not other applications on your computer. There is nothing to submit on your My Courses page.



Instructions to Students6

Exam Submissions Use the following information for submitting your completed exams:

1. Multiple-choice examinations (Lessons 1, 2, 3, and 6): You’ll submit your answers for these exams online.

2. Written examinations (Lessons 4, 5, and 7): Essays must be typed, double-spaced, in Times New Roman 12 pt. font and left justification. Use 1-inch margins on all sides. Note that most word-processing programs are set at 1 inch by default. Indent the first line of each new paragraph by one tab (five spaces). Tabs are generally set by default as well. Each page must have a properly for- matted header containing your name, student number, exam number, page number, mailing address, and email address, as in the following example:

Jane Doe 23456789 25020200 Page 2 987 Nice Street My Town, AZ 34567

Name each document using a unique file name which will help you identify the file, such as this example: Process Analysis Johnson.

Exams may be submitted in Rich Text Format or MS Word. Preview your document before you submit to ensure that your formatting is correct. You should take care to check that the document you’ve uploaded is the one containing your final work for evaluation.

Evaluation Evaluation usually occurs within seven business days of receipt. Exams are scored according to the parameters of the exam assignment using the associated evaluation chart located in the study guide. Your instructors will apply the grading criteria, ensuring all essays are evaluated in the same way. They may also include feedback on both the essay and the evaluation chart. Evaluations are monitored by the department chairs of both the General Education Department



Instructions to Students 7

and Exam Control Department to ensure accuracy and reliability. To read the instructor’s comments, click on the View Project button next to your grade for the exam, then download the Instructor Feedback File. Be sure to save the Instructor Feedback File to your computer since it’s available on your student portal for just a brief time.

Retakes You’re required to complete all assigned work, including a retake for any first-time failing attempt. The evaluation of any first-time failing exam for English Composition will include a Required Retake form. That form must then be included with your retake exam submission to ensure proper handling. If the assigned work isn’t provided, submissions will be evalu- ated according to the criteria, but points will be deducted for not following the instructions. Please review school policy about retakes in the Student Handbook.

Plagiarism Carefully review the academic policies outlined in your Student Handbook on your student portal. The first submis- sion that departs from this policy earns a grade of 1 percent. If it’s a first-time submission, the student may retake the exam (see the retake policy in the Student Handbook). A sec- ond such submission on any subsequent exam results in failure of the English Composition course.

Grammar and Mechanics The focus of this course is to engage you in the writing process so you learn to make deliberate decisions about which writing strategies will best help you accomplish your purpose for your audience.



Instructions to Students8

Essay assignments require you to apply standard conven- tions of American English, which include correct and appropriate grammar, diction, punctuation, capitalization, sentence structure, and spelling. The course provides various revision exercises throughout the self-checks and lesson examinations so that you can apply these conventions during the editing and proofreading phases of your writing. For more information on the fundamentals of writing, refer to the Academic Support and Online Resources section.


Six Traits of Good Essay Writing Your writing assignments will be evaluated on six traits of good writing. The instructions for each exam include the grading evaluation form, or rubric, that instructors will use to grade your work. It’s important to review the rubric for each exam before you submit to ensure that you have met all the requirements..


Ideas and Content

The essay’s content is clear, original, and pertains to the assigned subject. In addition, you should have a well- developed thesis that fits the topic, audience, and purpose of the assignment. There should be enough evidence (which shouldn’t be from outside research unless that is part of the assignment) to help the reader understand the point you’re making and to keep the reader’s interest.



Instructions to Students 9

Citation and Documentation

When you incorporate borrowed content from other sources into your writing, you must cite and document your sources using Modern Language (MLA) format. For more information on MLA format, refer to Chapter 24 in your textbook.


All essays need a clear beginning, middle, and end. Consider each paragraph as a mini-essay, containing a thesis that’s related to the main purpose of the entire essay. Thinking this way can help your essay retain unity and make sense. Use transitional phrases to ease the movement and make connec- tions between the paragraphs.


Use the appropriate point of view for the style of essay you are writing: first person for personal narratives; third person for critical essays.

Word Choice

Don’t use slang, jargon, Internet abbreviations, or profanity. Remember, these are college-level essays; they require formal, proper American English writing.

Sentence Fluency

Mix your sentence styles. Readers dislike reading all short, choppy sentences or a series of long sentences.


Run a spell check and grammar check, and proofread the essay. In addition, ensure that you met the length and format requirements.



Instructions to Students

Skill Levels All these criteria are evaluated according to skill levels. Here’s an explanation of the skill levels:

Skill not evident. (69–0) If the essay scored in this category, the assignment either doesn’t include this required element or severely lacks this trait.

Skill emerging. (70–79) If the assignment scored in this cat- egory, the writing lacks the trait or is below average for a college-level paper.

Skills developing. (80–89) If the essay scored in this cate- gory, the essay shows effort and competence but indicates a lack of complete understanding or command in this area.

Skill realized. (90–100) If the assignment scored in this category, the writing demonstrates that you’re in command of the skills.




Instructions to Students 11

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U se p re w rit in g, d ra fti ng ,

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an d ap pr op

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w rit te n es sa ys



Instructions to Students12




































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English Composition

"Looking for a Similar Assignment? Get Expert Help at an Amazing Discount!"

WHY RNA In Cells Differs From DNA

WHY RNA In Cells Differs From DNA. 7-1 RNA in cells differs from DNA in that ___________________. (a) it contains the base uracil, which pairs with cytosine (b) it is single-stranded and cannot form base pairs (c) it is single-stranded and can fold up into a variety of structures (d) the sugar ribose contains fewer oxygen atoms than does deoxyribose 7-2 Transcription is similar to DNA replication in that ___________________. (a) an RNA transcript is synthesized discontinuously and the pieces are then joined together (b) it uses the same enzyme as that used to synthesize RNA primers during DNA replication (c) the newly synthesized RNA remains paired to the template DNA (d) nucleotide polymerization occurs only in the 5′-to-3′ direction 7-3 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. For a cell’s genetic material to be used, the information is first copied from the DNA into the nucleotide sequence of RNA in a process called __________________. Various kinds of RNA are produced, each with different functions. __________________ molecules code for proteins, __________________ molecules act as adaptors for protein synthesis, __________________ molecules are integral components of the ribosome, and __________________ molecules are important in the splicing of RNA transcripts. incorporation rRNA transmembrane mRNA snRNA tRNA pRNA transcription proteins translation 7-4 Match the following structures with their names. Figure Q7-4 7-5 Which of the following statements is false? (a) A new RNA molecule can begin to be synthesized from a gene before the previous RNA molecule’s synthesis is completed. (b) If two genes are to be expressed in a cell, these two genes can be transcribed with different efficiencies. (c) RNA polymerase is responsible for both unwinding the DNA helix and catalyzing the formation of the phosphodiester bonds between nucleotides. (d) Unlike DNA, RNA uses a uracil base and a deoxyribose sugar. 7-6 Which one of the following is the main reason that a typical eucaryotic gene is able to respond to a far greater variety of regulatory signals than a typical procaryotic gene or operon? (a) Eucaryotes have three types of RNA polymerase. (b) Eucaryotic RNA polymerases require general transcription factors. (c) The transcription of a eucaryotic gene can be influenced by proteins that bind far from the promoter. (d) Procaryotic genes are packaged into nucleosomes. 7-7 Match the following types of RNA with the main polymerase that transcribes them. 7-8 List three ways in which the process of eucaryotic transcription differs from the process of bacterial transcription. 7-9 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; each word or phrase should be used only once. In eucaryotic cells, general transcription factors are required for the activity of all promoters transcribed by RNA polymerase II. The assembly of the general transcription factors begins with the binding of the factor __________________ to DNA, causing a marked local distortion in the DNA. This factor binds at the DNA sequence called the __________________ box, which is typically located 25 nucleotides upstream from the transcription start site. Once RNA polymerase II has been brought to the promoter DNA, it must be released to begin making transcripts. This release process is facilitated by the addition of phosphate groups to the tail of RNA polymerase by the factor __________________. It must be remembered that the general transcription factors and RNA polymerase are not sufficient to initiate transcription in the cell and are affected by proteins bound thousands of nucleotides away from the promoter. Proteins that link the distantly bound transcription regulators to RNA polymerase and the general transcription factors include the large complex of proteins called the__________________. The packing of DNA into chromatin also affects transcriptional initiation, and histone __________________ is an enzyme that can render the DNA less accessible to the general transcription factors. activator lac TFIIA CAP ligase TFIID deacetylase mediator TFIIH enhancer TATA 7-10 You have a piece of DNA that includes the following sequence: 5′-ATAGGCATTCGATCCGGATAGCAT-3′ 3′-TATCCGTAAGCTAGGCCTATCGTA-5′ Which of the following RNA molecules could be transcribed from this piece of DNA? (a) 5′-UAUCCGUAAGCUAGGCCUAUGCUA-3′ (b) 5′-AUAGGCAUUCGAUCCGGAUAGCAU-3′ (c) 5′-UACGAUAGGCCUAGCUUACGGAUA-3′ (d) none of the above 7-11 You have a segment of DNA that contains the following sequence: 5′-GGACTAGACAATAGGGACCTAGAGATTCCGAAA-3′ 3′-CCTGATCTGTTATCCCTGGATCTCTAAGGCTTT-5′ If you know that the RNA transcribed from this segment contains the following sequence: 5′-GGACUAGACAAUAGGGACCUAGAGAUUCCGAAA–3′ Which of the following choices best describes how transcription occurs? (a) The top strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 5′ to 3′. (b) The top strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 3′ to 5′. (c) The bottom strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 5′ to 3′. (d) The bottom strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 3′ to 5′. 7-12 Which of the following molecules of RNA would you predict to be the most likely to fold into a specific structure as a result of intramolecular base pairing? (a) 5′- CCCUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUAGGG-3′ (b) 5′- UGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUG-3′ (c) 5′- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-3′ (d) 5′- GGAAAAGGAGAUGGGCAAGGGGAAAAGGAGAUGGGCAAGG-3′ 7-13 Imagine that an RNA polymerase is transcribing a segment of DNA that contains the following sequence: 5′-AGTCTAGGCACTGA-3′ 3′-TCAGATCCGTGACT 5′ A. If the polymerase is transcribing from this segment of DNA from left to right, which strand (top or bottom) is the template? B. What will be the sequence of that RNA (be sure to label the 5′ and 3′ ends of your RNA molecule)? 7-14 The sigma subunit of bacterial RNA polymerase ___________________. (a) contains the catalytic activity of the polymerase (b) remains part of the polymerase throughout transcription (c) recognizes promoter sites in the DNA (d) recognizes transcription termination sites in the DNA 7-15 Which of the following might decrease the transcription of only one specific gene in a bacterial cell? (a) a decrease in the amount of sigma factor (b) a decrease in the amount of RNA polymerase (c) a mutation that introduced a stop codon into the DNA that precedes the gene’s coding sequence (d) a mutation that introduced extensive sequence changes into the DNA that precedes the gene’s transcription start site 7-16 There are several reasons why the primase used to make the RNA primer for DNA replication is not suitable for gene transcription. Which of the statements below is not one of those reasons? (a) Primase initiates RNA synthesis on a single-stranded DNA template. (b) Primase can initiate RNA synthesis without the need for a base-paired primer. (c) Primase synthesizes only RNAs of about 5–20 nucleotides in length. (d) The RNA synthesized by primase remains base-paired to the DNA template. 7-17 You have a bacterial strain with a mutation that removes the transcription termination signal from the Abd operon. Which of the following statements describes the most likely effect of this mutation on Abd transcription? (a) The Abd RNA will not be produced in the mutant strain. (b) The Abd RNA from the mutant strain will be longer than normal. (c) Sigma factor will not dissociate from RNA polymerase when the Abd operon is being transcribed in the mutant strain. (d) RNA polymerase will move in a backwards fashion at the Abd operon in the mutant strain. 7-18 Transcription in bacteria differs from transcription in a eucaryotic cell because __________________________. (a) RNA polymerase (along with its sigma subunit) can initiate transcription on its own (b) RNA polymerase (along with its sigma subunit) requires the general transcription factors to assemble at the promoter before polymerase can begin transcription (c) The sigma subunit must associate with the appropriate type of RNA polymerase to produce mRNAs (d) RNA polymerase must be phosphorylated at its C-terminal tail for transcription to proceed 7-19 Which of the following does not occur before a eucaryotic mRNA is exported from the nucleus? (a) The ribosome binds to the mRNA. (b) The mRNA is polyadenylated at its 3′ end. (c) 7-methyl-G is added in a 5′ to 5′ linkage to the mRNA. (d) RNA polymerase dissociates. 7-20 Use the numbers in the choices below to indicate where in the schematic diagram of a eucaryotic cell (Figure Q7-20) those processes take place. Figure Q7-20 1. transcription 2. translation 3. RNA splicing 4. polyadenylation 5. RNA capping 7-21 Total nucleic acids are extracted from a culture of yeast cells and are then mixed with resin beads to which the polynucleotide 5′- TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT-3′ has been covalently attached. After a short incubation, the beads are then extracted from the mixture. When you analyze the cellular nucleic acids that have stuck to the beads, which of the following is most abundant? (a) DNA (b) tRNA (c) rRNA (d) mRNA 7-22 Name three covalent modifications that can be made to an RNA molecule in eucaryotic cells before the RNA molecule becomes a mature mRNA. 7-23 Which of the following statements about RNA splicing is false? (a) Conventional introns are not found in bacterial genes. (b) For a gene to function properly, every exon must be removed from the primary transcript in the same fashion on every mRNA molecule produced from the same gene. (c) Small RNA molecules in the nucleus perform the splicing reactions necessary for the removal of introns. (d) Splicing occurs after the 5′ cap has been added to the end of the primary transcript. 7-24 The length of a particular gene in human DNA, measured from the start site for transcription to the end of the protein-coding region, is 10,000 nucleotides, whereas the length of the mRNA produced from this gene is 4000 nucleotides. What is the most likely reason for this difference? 7-25 Why is the old dogma “one gene—one protein” not always true for eucaryotic genes? 7-26 Is this statement true or false? Explain your answer. “Since introns do not contain protein coding information, they do not have to be removed precisely (meaning, a nucleotide here and there should not matter) from the primary transcript during RNA splicing.” 7-27 You have discovered a gene (Figure Q7-27A) that is alternatively spliced to produce several forms of mRNA in various cell types, three of which are shown in Figure Q7-27B. The lines connecting the exons that are included in the mRNA indicate the splicing. From your experiments, you know that protein translation begins in exon 1. For all forms of the mRNA, the encoded protein sequence is the same in the regions of the mRNA that correspond to exons 1 and 10. Exons 2 and 3 are alternative exons used in different mRNA, as are exons 7 and 8. Which of the following statements about exons 2 and 3 is the most accurate? Explain your answer. Figure Q7-27 (a) Exons 2 and 3 must have the same number of nucleotides. (b) Exons 2 and 3 must contain an integral number of codons (that is, the number of nucleotides divided by 3 must be an integer). (c) Exons 2 and 3 must contain a number of nucleotides that when divided by 3, leaves the same remainder (that is, 0, 1, or 2). (d) Exons 2 and 3 must have different numbers of nucleotides. From RNA to Protein 7-28 Which of the following statements about the genetic code is correct? (a) All codons specify more than one amino acid. (b) The genetic code is redundant. (c) All amino acids are specified by more than one codon. (d) All codons specify an amino acid. NOTE: The following codon table is to be used for Problems Q7-29 to Q7-36, Q7-43, and Q7-47. 7-29 The piece of RNA below includes the region that codes the binding site for the initiator tRNA needed in translation. 5′-GUUUCCCGUAUACAUGCGUGCCGGGGGC-3′ Which amino acid will be on the tRNA that is the first to bind to the A-site of the ribosome? (a) methionine (b) arginine (c) cystine (d) valine 7-30 The following DNA sequence includes the beginning of a sequence coding for a protein. What would be the result of a mutation that changed the C marked by an asterisk to an A? 5′-AGGCTATGAATGGACACTGCGAGCCC…. * 7-31 Which amino acid would you expect a tRNA with the anticodon 5′-CUU-3′ to carry? (a) lysine (b) glutamic acid (d) leucine (d) phenylalanine 7-32 Which of the following pairs of codons might you expect to be read by the same tRNA as a result of wobble? (a) CUU and UUU (b) GAU and GAA (c) CAC and CAU (d) AAU and AGU 7-33 Below is a segment of RNA from the middle of an mRNA. 5′-UAGUCUAGGCACUGA-3′ If you were told that this segment of RNA was part of the coding region of an mRNA for a large protein, give the amino acid sequence for the protein that is encoded by this segment of mRNA. Write your answer using the one-letter amino acid code. 7-34 Below is the sequence from the 3′ end of an mRNA. 5′-CCGUUACCAGGCCUCAUUAUUGGUAACGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-3′ If you were told that this sequence contains the stop codon for the protein encoded by this mRNA, what is the anticodon on the tRNA in the P-site of the ribosome when release factor binds to the A-site? (a) 5′-CCA-3′ (b) 5′-CCG-3′ (c) 5′-UGG-3′ (d) 5′-UUA-3′ 7-35 One strand of a section of DNA isolated from the bacterium E. coli reads: 5′-GTAGCCTACCCATAGG-3′ A. Suppose that an mRNA is transcribed from this DNA using the complementary strand as a template. What will be the sequence of the mRNA in this region (make sure you label the 5′ and 3′ ends of the mRNA)? B. How many different peptides could potentially be made from this sequence of RNA, assuming that translation initiates upstream of this sequence? C. What are these peptides? (Give your answer using the one-letter amino acid code.) 7-36 A strain of yeast translates mRNA into protein inaccurately. Individual molecules of a particular protein isolated from this yeast have variations in the first 11 amino acids compared with the sequence of the same protein isolated from normal yeast cells, as listed in Figure Q7-36. What is the most likely cause of this variation in protein sequence? Figure Q7-36 (a) a mutation in the DNA coding for the protein (b) a mutation in the anticodon of the isoleucine tRNA (tRNAIle) (c) a mutation in the isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase that decreases its ability to distinguish between different amino acids (d) a mutation in the isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase that decreases its ability to distinguish between different tRNA molecules 7-37 Which of the following statements is true? (a) Ribosomes are large RNA structures composed solely of rRNA. (b) Ribosomes are synthesized entirely in the cytoplasm. (c) rRNA contains the catalytic activity that joins amino acids together. (d) A ribosome binds one tRNA at a time. 7-38 Figure Q7-38A shows the stage in translation when an incoming aminoacyl-tRNA has bound to the A-site on the ribosome. Using the components shown in Figure Q7-38A as a guide, show on Figure Q7-38B and Q7-38C what happens in the next two stages to complete the addition of the new amino acid to the growing polypeptide chain. Figure Q7-38 7-39 A poison added to an in vitro translation mixture containing mRNA molecules with the sequence 5′-AUGAAAAAAAAAAAAUAA-3′ has the following effect: the only product made is a Met-Lys dipeptide that remains attached to the ribosome. What is the most likely way in which the poison acts to inhibit protein synthesis? (a) It inhibits peptidyl transferase activity. (b) It inhibits movement of the small subunit relative to the large subunit. (c) It inhibits release factor. (d) It mimics release factor. 7-40 In eucaryotes, but not in procaryotes, ribosomes find the start site of translation by ____________________________. (a) binding directly to a ribosome-binding site preceding the initiation codon (b) scanning along the mRNA from the 5′ end (c) recognizing an AUG codon as the start of translation (d) binding an initiator tRNA 7-41 Which of the following statements about procaryotic mRNA molecules is false? (a) A single procaryotic mRNA molecule can be translated into several proteins. (b) Ribosomes must bind to the 5′ cap before initiating translation. (c) mRNAs are not polyadenylated. (d) Ribosomes can start translating an mRNA molecule before transcription is complete. 7-42 Figure Q7-42 shows an mRNA molecule. Figure Q7-42 A. Match the labels given in the list below with the label lines in Figure Q7- 42. (a) ribosome-binding site (b) initiator codon (c) stop codon (d) untranslated 3′ region (e) untranslated 5′ region (f) protein-coding region B. Is the mRNA shown procaryotic or eucaryotic? Explain your answer. 7-43 A mutation in the tRNA for the amino acid lysine results in the anticodon sequence 5′-UAU-3′ (instead of 5′-UUU-3′). Which of the following aberrations in protein synthesis might this tRNA cause? (Refer to the codon table provided above Q7-29.) (a) read-through of stop codons (b) substitution of lysine for isoleucine (c) substitution of lysine for tyrosine (d) substitution of lysine for phenylalanine 7-44 You have discovered a protein that inhibits translation. When you add this inhibitor to a mixture capable of translating human mRNA and centrifuge the mixture to separate polyribosomes and single ribosomes, you obtain the results shown in Figure Q7-44. Which of the following interpretations is consistent with these observations? Figure Q7-44 (a) The protein binds to the small ribosomal subunit and increases the rate of initiation of translation. (b) The protein binds to sequences in the 5′ region of the mRNA and inhibits the rate of initiation of translation. (c) The protein binds to the large ribosomal subunit and slows down elongation of the polypeptide chain. (d) The protein binds to sequences in the 3′ region of the mRNA and prevents termination of translation. 7-45 The concentration of a particular protein X in a normal human cell rises gradually from a low point, immediately after cell division, to a high point, just before cell division, and then drops sharply. The level of its mRNA in the cell remains fairly constant throughout this time. Protein X is required for cell growth and survival, but the drop in its level just before cell division is essential for division to proceed. You have isolated a line of human cells that grow in size in culture but cannot divide, and on analyzing these mutants, you find that levels of X mRNA in the mutant cells are normal. Which of the following mutations in the gene for X could explain these results? (a) the introduction of a stop codon that truncates protein X at the fourth amino acid (b) a change of the first ATG codon to CCA (c) the deletion of a sequence that encodes sites at which ubiquitin can be attached to the protein (d) a change at a splice site that prevents splicing of the RNA 7-46 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. Once an mRNA is produced, its message can be decoded on ribosomes. The ribosome is composed of two subunits: the __________________ subunit, which catalyzes the formation of the peptide bonds that link the amino acids together into a polypeptide chain, and the __________________ subunit, which matches the tRNAs to the codons of the mRNA. During the chain elongation process of translating an mRNA into protein, the growing polypeptide chain attached to a tRNA is bound to the __________________-site of the ribosome. An incoming aminoacyl-tRNA carrying the next amino acid in the chain will bind to the __________________-site by forming base pairs with the exposed codon in the mRNA. The __________________ enzyme catalyzes the formation of a new peptide bond between the growing polypeptide chain and the newly arriving amino acid. The end of a protein-coding message is signaled by the presence of a stop codon, which binds the __________________ called release factor. Eventually, most proteins will be degraded by a large complex of proteolytic enzymes called the __________________. A medium proteasome central P RNA DNA peptidyl transferase small E polymerase T large protein ubiquitin 7-47 After treating cells with a mutagen, you isolate two mutants. One carries alanine and the other carries methionine at a site in the protein that normally contains valine. After treating these two mutants again with mutagen, you isolate mutants from each that now carry threonine at the site of the original valine (see Figure Q7-47). Assuming that all mutations caused by the mutagen are due to single nucleotide changes, deduce the codons that are used for valine, alanine, methionine, and threonine at the affected site. (Refer to the codon table provided above Q7-29.) Figure Q7-47 7-48 Which of the following methods is not used by cells to regulate the amount of a protein in the cell? (a) Genes can be transcribed into mRNA with different efficiencies. (b) Many ribosomes can bind to a single mRNA molecule. (c) Proteins can be tagged with ubiquitin, marking them for degradation. (d) Nuclear pore complexes can regulate the speed at which newly synthesized proteins are exported from the nucleus into the cytoplasm. 7-49 Which of the following statements about the proteasome is false? (a) Ubiquitin is a small protein that is covalently attached to proteins to mark them for delivery to the proteasome. (b) Proteases reside in the central cylinder of a proteasome. (c) Misfolded proteins are delivered to the proteasome, where they are sequestered from the cytoplasm and can attempt to refold. (d) The protein stoppers that surround the central cylinder of the proteasome use the energy from ATP hydrolysis to move proteins into the proteasome inner chamber. RNA and the Origins of Life 7-50 Which of the following molecules is thought to have arisen first during evolution? (a) protein (b) DNA (c) RNA (d) All came to be at the same time. 7-51 According to current thinking, the minimum requirement for life to have originated on Earth was the formation of a _______________. (a) molecule that could provide a template for the production of a complementary molecule (b) double-stranded DNA helix (c) molecule that could direct protein synthesis (d) molecule that could catalyze its own replication 7-52 Ribozymes catalyze which of the following reactions? (a) DNA synthesis (b) transcription (c) RNA splicing (d) protein hydrolysis 7-53 You are studying a disease that is caused by a virus, but when you purify the virus particles and analyze them you find they contain no trace of DNA. Which of the following molecules are likely to contain the genetic information of the virus? (a) high-energy phosphate groups (b) RNA (c) lipids (d) carbohydrates 7-54 Give a reason why DNA makes a better material than RNA for the storage of genetic information, and explain your answer. How We Know: Cracking the Genetic Code 7-55 You have discovered an alien life form that surprisingly uses DNA as its genetic material, makes RNA from DNA, and reads the information from RNA to make protein using ribosomes and tRNAs, which read triplet codons. Because it is your job to decipher the genetic code for this alien, you synthesize some artificial RNA molecules and examine the protein products produced from these RNA molecules in a cell-free translation system using purified alien tRNAs and ribosomes. You obtain the results shown in Table Q7-55. Table Q7-55 From this information, which of the following peptides can be produced from poly UAUC? (a) Ile-Phe-Val-Tyr (b) Tyr-Ser-Phe-Ala (c) Ile-Lys-His-Tyr (d) Cys-Pro-Lys-Ala 7-56 An extraterrestrial organism (ET) is discovered whose basic cell biology seems pretty much the same as that of terrestrial organisms except that it uses a different genetic code to translate RNA into protein. You set out to break the code by translation experiments using RNAs of known sequence and cell-free extracts of ET cells to supply the necessary protein-synthesizing machinery. In experiments using the RNAs below, the following results were obtained when the 20 possible amino acids were added either singly or in different combinations of two or three: RNA 1: 5′-GCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGC-3′ RNA 2: 5′-GCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCC-3′ Using RNA 1, a polypeptide was produced only if alanine and valine were added to the reaction mixture. Using RNA 2, a polypeptide was produced only if leucine and serine and cysteine were added to the reaction mixture. Assuming that protein synthesis can start anywhere on the template, that the ET genetic code is nonoverlapping and linear, and that each codon is the same length (like the terrestrial triplet code), how many nucleotides does an ET codon contain? (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 6 7-57 NASA has discovered an alien life form. You are called in to help NASA scientists to deduce the genetic code for this alien. Surprisingly, this alien life form shares many similarities with life on Earth: this alien uses DNA as its genetic material, makes RNA from DNA, and reads the information from RNA to make protein using ribosomes and tRNAs. Even more amazing, this alien uses the same 20 amino acids, like the organisms found on Earth, and also codes for each amino acid by a triplet codon. However, the scientists at NASA have found that the genetic code used by the alien life form differs from that used by life on Earth. NASA scientists drew this conclusion after creating a cell-free protein synthesis system from alien cells and adding an mRNA made entirely of uracil (poly U). They found that poly U directs the synthesis of a peptide containing only glycine. NASA scientists have synthesized a poly AU mRNA and observe that it codes for a polypeptide of alternating serine and proline amino acids. From these experiments, can you determine which codons code for serine and proline? Explain. Bonus question. Can you propose a mechanism for how the alien’s physiology is altered so that it uses a different genetic code from life on Earth, despite all the similarities? CHAPTER 8 CONTROL OF GENE EXPRESSION  2009 Garland Science Publishing An Overview of Gene Expression 8-1 The distinct characteristics of different cell types in a multicellular organism result mainly from the differential regulation of the _________________. (a) replication of specific genes (b) transcription of genes transcribed by RNA polymerase II (c) transcription of housekeeping genes (d) packing of DNA into nucleosomes in some cells and not others 8-2 The human genome encodes about 24,000 genes. Approximately how many genes does the typical differentiated human cell express at any one time? (a) 24,000—all of them (b) between 21,500 and 24,000—at least 90% of the genes (c) between 5000 and 15,000 (d) less than 2500 8-3 Which of the following statements about differentiated cells is true? (a) Cells of distinct types express nonoverlapping sets of transcription factors. (b) Once a cell has differentiated, it can no longer change its gene expression. (c) Once a cell has differentiated, it will no longer need to transcribe RNA. (d) Some of the proteins found in differentiated cells are found in all cells of a multicellular organism. 8-4 Investigators performed nuclear transplant experiments to determine whether DNA is altered irreversibly during development. Which of the following statements about these experiments is true? (a) Because the donor nucleus is taken from an adult animal, the chromosomes from the nucleus must undergo recombination with the DNA in the egg for successful development to occur. (b) The embryo that develops from the nuclear transplant experiment is genetically identical to the donor of the nucleus. (c) The meiotic spindle of the egg must interact with the chromosomes of the injected nuclei for successful nuclear transplantation to occur. (d) Although nuclear transplantation has been successful in producing embryos in some mammals with the use of foster mothers, evidence of DNA alterations during differentiation has not been obtained for plants. 8-5 In principle, a eucaryotic cell can regulate gene expression at any step in the pathway from DNA to the active protein. Place the types of control listed below at the appropriate places on the diagram in Figure Q8-5. Figure Q8-5 A. translation control B. transcriptional control C. RNA processing control D. protein activity control How Transcriptional Switches Work 8-6 Fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; each word or phrase should be used only once. The genes of a bacterial __________________ are transcribed into a single mRNA. Many bacterial promoters contain a region known as a(n) __________________, to which a specific transcription regulator binds. Genes in which transcription is prevented are said to be __________________. The interaction of small molecules, such as tryptophan, with __________________ DNA-binding proteins, such as the tryptophan repressor, regulates bacterial genes. Genes that are being __________________ expressed are being transcribed all the time. allosteric negatively positively constitutively operator promoter induced operon repressed 8-7 Which of the following statements about transcriptional regulators is false? (a) Transcriptional regulators usually interact with the sugar-phosphate backbone on the outside of the double helix to determine where to bind on the DNA helix. (b) Transcriptional regulators will form hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds, and hydrophobic interactions with DNA. (c) The DNA-binding motifs of transcriptional regulators usually bind in the major groove of the DNA helix. (d) The binding of transcriptional regulators generally does not disrupt the hydrogen bonds that holds the double helix together. 8-8 Operons ___________________________. (a) are commonly found in eucaryotic cells (b) are transcribed by RNA polymerase II (c) contain a cluster of genes transcribed as a single mRNA (d) can only be regulated by gene activator proteins 8-9 The tryptophan operator ___________________________. (a) is an allosteric protein (b) binds to the tryptophan repressor when the repressor is bound to tryptophan (c) is required for production of the mRNA encoded by the tryptophan operon (d) is important for the production of the tryptophan repressor 8-10 Which of the following statements about the Lac operon is false? (a) The Lac repressor binds when lactose is present in the cell. (b) Even when the CAP activator is bound to DNA, if lactose is not present, the Lac operon will not be transcribed. (c) The CAP activator can only bind DNA when it is bound to cAMP. (d) The Lac operon only produces RNA when lactose is present and glucose is absent. 8-11 You are interested in examining the regulation of the gene that encodes an enzyme, Tre-ase, important in metabolizing trehalose into glucose in bacteria. Trehalose is a disaccharide formed of two glucose units. It is known that two DNA binding proteins, TreA and TreB, are important for binding to the promoter of the Tre-ase gene and are involved in regulating the transcription of the Tre-ase gene: TreA binds to the “A” site in the promoter region, and TreB binds to the “B” site. You make mutations in the TreA and TreB genes to create cells lacking these genes, observe what happens to transcription of the Tre-ase gene, and obtain the results in Table Q8-11. Table Q8-11 A. What is the role for TreA in controlling Tre-ase expression? Explain. B. What is the role for TreB in controlling Tre-ase expression? Explain. C. From these data, what do you predict will happen to Tre-ase transcription (compared with that in normal cells) in the presence of trehalose if you were to create a version of the TreA protein that will constitutively bind to the “A” site in the Tre-ase promoter? Note: Questions 8-12 to 8-15 use the following information and the data in Table Q8-12. These questions may be used independently, or as a group. You are interested in examining the Psf gene. It is known that Psf is normally produced when cells are exposed to high levels of both calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+). MetA, MetB, and MetC are important for binding to the promoter of the Psf gene and are involved in regulating its transcription. MetA binds to the “A” site in the promoter region, MetB to the “B” site, and MetC to the “C” site. You create binding site mutations in the A, B, and C sites and observe what happens to transcription of the Psf gene. Your results are summarized in Table Q8-12. Table Q8-12 For this table: -, no transcription of Psf; +, low level of transcription of Psf; ++, high levels of transcription of Psf. 8-12 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene activators? (a) MetA only (b) MetB only (c) MetC only (d) Both MetA and MetC 8-13 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene repressors? (a) MetA only (b) MetB only (c) MetC only (d) Both MetA and MetC 8-14 Which transcription factors are normally bound to the Psf promoter in the presence of Mg2+ only? (a) none (b) MetA only (c) MetA and Met B (d) MetA, MetB, and MetC 8-15 Which transcription factors are normally bound to the Psf promoter in the presence of both Mg2+ and Ca2+? (a) MetA and MetB (b) MetB and MetC (c) MetA and MetC (d) MetA, MetB, and MetC Note: Questions 8-16 to 8-19 use the following information and the data in Figure Q8-16. These questions may be used independently, or as a group. You are interested in understanding the gene regulation of Lkp1, a protein that is normally produced in liver and kidney cells in mice. Interestingly, you find that the LKP1 gene is not expressed in heart cells. You isolate the DNA upstream of the LKP1 gene, place it upstream of the gene for green fluorescent protein (GFP), and insert this entire piece of recombinant DNA into mice. You find GFP expressed in liver and kidney cells but not in heart cells, an expression pattern similar to the normal expression of the LKP1 gene. Further experiments demonstrate that there are three regions in the promoter, labeled A, B, and C in Figure Q8-16, that contribute to this expression pattern. Assume that a single and unique transcription factor binds each site such that protein X binds site A, protein Y binds site B, and protein Z binds site C. You want to determine which region is responsible for tissue-specific expression, and create mutations in the promoter to determine the function of each of these regions. In Figure Q8-16, if the site is missing, it is mutated such that it cannot bind its corresponding transcription factor. Figure Q8-16 8-16 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene repressors? (a) factor X (b) factor Y (c) factor Z (d) none of the above 8-17 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene activators? (a) factors X and Y (b) factors X and Z (c) factors Y and Z (d) factor X only 8-18 Experiment 1 in Figure Q8-16 is the positive control, demonstrating that the region of DNA upstream of the gene for GFP results in a pattern of expression that we normally find for the LKP1 gene. Experiment 2 shows what happens when the sites for binding factors X, Y, and Z are removed. Which experiment above demonstrates that factor X alone is sufficient for expression of LPK1 in the kidney? (a) experiment 3 (b) experiment 5 (c) experiment 6 (d) experiment 7 8-19 In what tissue is factor Z normally present and bound to the DNA? (a) kidney (b) liver (c) heart (d) none of the above 8-20 An allosteric transcription regulator called HisP regulates the enzymes for histidine biosynthesis in the bacterium E. coli. Histidine modulates HisP activity. On binding histidine, HisP alters its conformation, markedly changing its affinity for the regulatory sequences in the promoters of the genes for the histidine biosynthetic enzymes. A. If HisP functions as a gene repressor, would you expect that HisP would bind more tightly or less tightly to the regulatory sequences when histidine is abundant? Explain your answer. B. If HisP functions as a gene activator, would you expect that HisP would bind more tightly or less tightly to the regulatory sequences when histidine levels are low? Explain your answer. 8-21 Bacterial cells can take up the amino acid tryptophan from their surroundings, or, if the external supply is insufficient, they can synthesize trytophan by using enzymes in the cell. In some bacteria, the control of glutamine synthesis is similar to that of tryptophan synthesis, such that the glutamine repressor inhibits the transcription of the glutamine operon, which contains the genes that code for the enzymes required for glutamine synthesis. On binding to cellular glutamine, the glutamine repressor binds to a site in the promoter of the operon. A. Why is glutamine-dependent binding to the operon a useful property for the glutamine repressor? B. What would you expect to happen to the regulation of the enzymes that synthesize glutamine in cells expressing a mutant form of the glutamine repressor that cannot bind to DNA? C. What would you expect to happen to the regulation of the enzymes that synthesize glutamine in cells expressing a mutant form of the glutamine repressor that binds to DNA even when no glutamine is bound to it? 8-22 In the absence of glucose, E. coli can proliferate by using the pentose sugar arabinose. As shown in Figure Q8-22, the arabinose operon regulates the ability of E. coli to use arabinose. The araA, araB, and araD genes encode enzymes for the metabolism of arabinose. The araC gene encodes a transcription regulator that binds adjacent to the promoter of the arabinose operon. To understand the regulatory properties of the AraC protein, you engineer a mutant bacterium in which the araC gene has been deleted and look at the effect of the presence or absence of the AraC protein on the AraA enzyme. Figure Q8-22 A. If the AraC protein works as a gene repressor, would you expect araA RNA levels to be high or low in the presence of arabinose in the araCmutant cells? What about in the araC- mutant cells in the absence of arabinose? Explain your answer. B. Your findings from the experiment are summarized in Table Q8-22. Table Q8-22 Do the results in Table Q8-22 indicate that the AraC protein regulates arabinose metabolism by acting as a gene repressor or a gene activator? Explain your answer. 8-23 The CAP activator protein and the Lac repressor both control the Lac operon (see Figure Q8-23). You create cells that are mutant in the gene coding for the Lac repressor so that these cells lack the Lac repressor under all conditions. For these mutant cells, state whether the Lac operon will be switched on or off in the following situations and explain why. Figure Q8-23 A. in the presence of glucose and lactose B. in the presence of glucose and the absence of lactose C. in the absence of glucose and the absence of lactose D. in the absence of glucose and the presence of lactose 8-24 You have discovered an operon in a bacterium that is turned on only when sucrose is present and glucose is absent. You have also isolated three mutants that have changes in the upstream regulatory sequences of the operon and whose behavior is summarized in the Table Q8-24. You hypothesize that there are two gene regulatory sites in the upstream regulatory sequence, A and B, which are affected by the mutations. For this question, a plus (+) indicates a normal site and a minus (-) indicates a mutant site that no longer binds its transcription regulator. Table Q8-24 A. If mutant 1 has sites A- B+ , which of these sites is regulated by sucrose and which by glucose? B. Give the state (+ or -) of the A and B sites in mutants 2 and 3. C. Which site is bound by a repressor and which by an activator? 8-25 Label the following structures in Figure Q8-25. Figure Q8-25 A. activator protein B. RNA polymerase C. general transcription factors D. mediator 8-26 How are most eucaryotic transcription regulators able to affect transcription when their binding sites are far from the promoter? (a) by binding to their binding site and sliding to the site of RNA polymerase assembly (b) by looping out the intervening DNA between their binding site and the promoter (c) by unwinding the DNA between their binding site and the promoter (d) by attracting RNA polymerase and modifying it before it can bind to the promoter 8-27 The expression of the BRF1 gene in mice is normally quite low, but mutations in a gene called BRF2 lead to increased expression of BRF1. You have a hunch that nucleosomes are involved in the regulation of BRF1 expression and so you investigate the position of nucleosomes over the TATA box of BRF1 in normal mice and in mice that lack either the BRF2 protein (BRF2- ) or part of histone H4 (HHF- ) (histone H4 is encoded by the HHF gene). Table Q8-27 summarizes your results. A normal functional gene is indicated by a plus sign (+). Table Q8-27 Which of the following conclusions cannot be drawn from your data? Explain your answer. (a) BRF2 is required for the repression of BRF1. (b) BRF2 is required for the specific pattern of nucleosome positions over the BRF1 upstream region. (c) The specific pattern of nucleosome positioning over the BRF1 upstream region is required for BRF1 repression. (d) The part of histone H4 missing in HHF- mice is not required for the formation of nucleosomes. 8-28 The yeast GAL4 gene encodes a transcriptional regulator that can bind DNA upstream of genes required for the metabolism of the sugar galactose and turns them on. Gal4 has a DNA-binding domain and an activation domain. The DNAbinding domain allows it to bind to the appropriate sites in the promoters of the galactose metabolism genes. The activation domain attracts histone-modifying enzymes and also binds to a component of the RNA polymerase II enzyme complex, attracting it to the promoter so that the regulated genes can be turned on when Gal4 is also bound to the DNA. When Gal4 is expressed normally, the genes can be maximally activated. You decide to try to produce more of the galactose metabolism genes by overexpressing the Gal4 protein at levels fiftyfold greater than normal. You conduct experiments to show that you are overexpressing the Gal4 protein and that it is properly localized in the nucleus of the yeast cells. To your surprise, you find that too much Gal4 causes the galactose genes to be transcribed only at a low level. What is the most likely explanation for your findings? 8-29 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase in the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. During transcription in __________________ cells, transcriptional regulators that bind to DNA thousands of nucleotides away from a gene’s promoter can affect a gene’s transcription. The __________________ is a complex of proteins that links distantly bound transcription regulators with the proteins bound closer to the transcriptional start site. Transcriptional activators can also interact with histone __________________s, which alter chromatin by modifying lysines in the tail of histone proteins to allow greater accessibility to the underlying DNA. Gene repressor proteins can reduce the efficiency of transcription initiation by attracting histone __________________s. Sometimes, many contiguous genes can become transcriptionally inactive as a result of chromatin remodeling, like the __________________ found in interphase chromosomes. viral acetylase centrosome helicase eucaryotic operator procaryotic peroxidase deacetylase mediator deoxidase heterochromatin telomere enhancer leucine zipper The Molecular Mechanisms that Create Specialized Cell Types 8-30 In principle, how many different cell types can an organism having four different types of transcription regulator and thousands of genes create? (a) up to 4 (b) up to 8 (c) up to 16 (d) thousands 8-31 From the sequencing of the human genome, we believe that there are approximately 24,000 protein-coding genes in the genome, for which there are an estimated 1500–3000 transcription factors. If every gene has a tissue-specific and signal-dependent transcription pattern, how can such a small number of transcriptional regulatory proteins generate a much larger set of transcriptional patterns? 8-32 Combinatorial control of gene expression __________________________. (a) involves every gene using a different combination of transcriptional regulators for its proper expression (b) involves groups of transcriptional regulators working together to determine the expression of a gene (c) involves only the use of gene activators used together to regulate genes appropriately (d) is seen only when genes are arranged in operons 8-33 You are studying a set of mouse genes whose expression increases when cells are exposed to the hormone cortisol, and you believe that the same cortisolresponsive transcriptional activator regulates all of these genes. Which of the following statements below should be true if your hypothesis is correct? (a) The cortisol-responsive genes share a DNA sequence in their regulatory regions that binds the cortisol-responsive transcriptional activator. (b) The cortisol-responsive genes must all be in an operon. (c) The transcriptional regulators that bind to the regulatory regions of the cortisol-responsive genes must all be the same. (d) The cortisol-responsive genes must not be transcribed in response to other hormones. 8-34 The MyoD transcriptional regulator is normally found in differentiating muscle cells and participates in the transcription of genes that produce muscle-specific proteins, such as those needed in contractile tissue. Amazingly, expression of MyoD in fibroblasts causes these cells derived from skin connective tissue to produce proteins normally only seen in muscles. However, some other cell types do not transcribe muscle-specific genes when MyoD is expressed in them. Which of the following statements below is the best explanation of why MyoD can cause fibroblasts to express muscle-specific genes? (a) Unlike some other cell types, fibroblasts have not lost the muscle-specific genes from their genome. (b) The muscle-specific genes must be in heterochromatin in fibroblasts. (c) During their developmental history, fibroblasts have accumulated some transcriptional regulators in common with differentiating muscle cells. (d) The presence of MyoD is sufficient to activate the transcription of musclespecific genes in all cell types. 8-35 A virus produces a protein X that activates only a few of the virus’s own genes (V1, V2, and V3) when it infects cells. The cellular proteins A (a zinc finger protein) and the cellular protein B (a homeodomain protein) are known to be repressors of the viral genes V1, V2, and V3. You examine the complete upstream gene regulatory sequences of these three viral genes and find the following: 1. V1 and V2 contain binding sites for the zinc finger protein A only. 2. V3 contains a binding site for the homeodomain protein B only. 3. The only sequence that all three genes have in common is the TATA box. Label each of the choices below as likely or unlikely as an explanation for your findings. For each choice you label as unlikely, explain why. A. Protein X binds nonspecifically to the DNA upstream of V1, V2, and V3 and activates transcription. B. Protein X binds to a repressor and prevents the repressor from binding upstream of V1, V2, and V3. C. Protein X activates transcription by binding to the TATA box. D. Protein X activates transcription by binding to and sequestering proteins A and B. E. Protein X represses transcription of the genes for proteins A and B. 8-36 In mammals, individuals with two X chromosomes are female, and individuals with an X and a Y chromosome are male. It had long been known that a gene located on the Y chromosome was sufficient to induce the gonads to form testes, which is the main male-determining factor in development, and researchers sought the product of this gene, the so-called testes-determining factor (TDF). For several years, the TDF was incorrectly thought to be a zinc finger protein encoded by a gene called BoY. Which of the following observations would most strongly suggest that BoY might not be the TDF? Explain your answer. (a) Some XY individuals that develop into females have mutations in a different gene, SRY, but are normal at BoY. (b) BoY is not expressed in the adult male testes. (c) Expression of BoY in adult females does not masculinize them. (d) A few of the genes that are known to be expressed only in the testes have binding sites for the BoY protein in their upstream regulatory sequences, but most do not. 8-37 Which of the following is not a general mechanism that cells use to maintain stable patterns of gene expression as cells divide? (a) a positive feedback loop, mediated by a transcriptional regulator that activates transcription of its own gene in addition to other cell-type specific genes (b) faithful propagation of condensed chromatin structures as cells divide (c) inheritance of DNA methylation patterns when cells divide (d) proper segregation of housekeeping proteins when cells divide 8-38 Which of the following statements about DNA methylation in eucaryotes is false? (a) Appropriate inheritance of DNA methylation patterns involves maintenance methyltransferase. (b) DNA methylation involves a covalent modification of cytosine bases. (c) Methylation of DNA attracts proteins that block gene expression. (d) Immediately after DNA replication, each daughter helix contains one methylated DNA strand, which corresponds to the newly synthesized strand. 8-39 Which of the following statements about the Ey transcriptional regulator is false? (a) Expression of Ey in cells that normally form legs in the fly will lead to the formation of an eye in the middle of the legs. (b) The Ey transcription factor must bind to the promoter of every eyespecific gene in the fly. (c) Positive feedback loops ensure that Ey expression remains switched on in the developing eye. (d) A homolog of Ey is found in vertebrates; this homolog is also used during eye development. Post-Transcriptional Controls 8-40 Which of the following statements about riboswitches is false? (a) Riboswitches can block the production of mRNAs. (b) Riboswitches can control the translation of mRNAs. (c) Riboswitches are made from rRNAs. (d) Riboswitches can bind metabolites. 8-41 Which of the following is not involved in post-transcriptional control? (a) the spliceosome (b) dicer (c) mediator (d) RISC 8-42 MicroRNAs ____________________. (a) are produced from a precursor miRNA transcript (b) are found only in humans (c) control gene expression by base-pairing with DNA sequences (d) can degrade RNAs by using their intrinsic catalytic activity 8-43 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. MicroRNAs are noncoding RNAs that are incorporated into a protein complex called __________________, which searches the __________________s in the cytoplasm for sequence complementary to that of the miRNA. When such a molecule is found, it is then targeted for __________________. RNAi is triggered by the presence of foreign __________________ molecules, which are digested by the __________________ enzyme into shorter fragments approximately 23 nucleotide pairs in length. tRNA phosphorylation riboswitch RISC destruction acetylation procaryotic methylation DNA double-stranded RNA mRNA dicer single-stranded RNA rRNA mitochondria 8-44 The extent of complementarity of a miRNA with its target mRNA determines ___________________________. (a) whether the mRNA will be degraded or transported elsewhere in the cell (b) whether the mRNA will be transported to the nucleus (c) whether RISC is degraded (d) whether the miRNA synthesizes a complementary strand 8-45 Which of the following statements about miRNAs is false? (a) One miRNA can regulate the expression of many genes. (b) miRNAs are transcribed in the nucleus from genomic DNA. (c) miRNAs are produced from rRNAs. (d) miRNAs are made by RNA polymerase. 8-46 Which of the following statements about RNAi is true? (a) The RNAi mechanism is found only in plants and animals. (b) RNAi is induced when double-stranded RNA is present in the cell. (c) RISC uses the siRNA duplex to locate complementary foreign RNA molecules. (d) siRNAs bind to miRNAs to induce RNAi. How We Know: Gene Regulation – The Story of Eve 8-47 The gene for a hormone necessary for insect development contains binding sites for three transcription regulators called A, B, and C. Because the binding sites for A and B overlap, A and B cannot bind simultaneously. You make mutations in the binding sites for each of the proteins and measure hormone production in cells that contain equal amounts of the A, B, and C proteins. Figure Q8-47 summarizes your results. In each of the following sentences, choose one of the phrases within square brackets to make the statement consistent with the results. Figure Q8-47 A. Protein A binds to its DNA-binding site [more tightly/less tightly] than protein B binds to its DNA-binding site. B. Protein A is a [stronger/weaker] activator of transcription than protein B. C. Protein C is able to prevent activation by [protein A only/protein B only/both protein A and protein B]. 8-48 The Drosophila Eve gene has a complex promoter containing multiple binding sites for four transcription regulators: Bicoid, Hunchback, Giant, and Krüppel. Bicoid and Hunchback are activators of Eve transcription, whereas Giant and Krüppel repress Eve transcription. Figure Q8-48A shows the patterns of expression of these regulators. Figure Q8-48 The eve promoter contains modules that control expression in various stripes. You construct a reporter gene that contains the DNA 5 kb upstream of the eve gene, so th7-1 RNA in cells differs from DNA in that ___________________. (a) it contains the base uracil, which pairs with cytosine (b) it is single-stranded and cannot form base pairs (c) it is single-stranded and can fold up into a variety of structures (d) the sugar ribose contains fewer oxygen atoms than does deoxyribose 7-2 Transcription is similar to DNA replication in that ___________________. (a) an RNA transcript is synthesized discontinuously and the pieces are then joined together (b) it uses the same enzyme as that used to synthesize RNA primers during DNA replication (c) the newly synthesized RNA remains paired to the template DNA (d) nucleotide polymerization occurs only in the 5′-to-3′ direction 7-3 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. For a cell’s genetic material to be used, the information is first copied from the DNA into the nucleotide sequence of RNA in a process called __________________. Various kinds of RNA are produced, each with different functions. __________________ molecules code for proteins, __________________ molecules act as adaptors for protein synthesis, __________________ molecules are integral components of the ribosome, and __________________ molecules are important in the splicing of RNA transcripts. incorporation rRNA transmembrane mRNA snRNA tRNA pRNA transcription proteins translation 7-4 Match the following structures with their names. Figure Q7-4 7-5 Which of the following statements is false? (a) A new RNA molecule can begin to be synthesized from a gene before the previous RNA molecule’s synthesis is completed. (b) If two genes are to be expressed in a cell, these two genes can be transcribed with different efficiencies. (c) RNA polymerase is responsible for both unwinding the DNA helix and catalyzing the formation of the phosphodiester bonds between nucleotides. (d) Unlike DNA, RNA uses a uracil base and a deoxyribose sugar. 7-6 Which one of the following is the main reason that a typical eucaryotic gene is able to respond to a far greater variety of regulatory signals than a typical procaryotic gene or operon? (a) Eucaryotes have three types of RNA polymerase. (b) Eucaryotic RNA polymerases require general transcription factors. (c) The transcription of a eucaryotic gene can be influenced by proteins that bind far from the promoter. (d) Procaryotic genes are packaged into nucleosomes. 7-7 Match the following types of RNA with the main polymerase that transcribes them. 7-8 List three ways in which the process of eucaryotic transcription differs from the process of bacterial transcription. 7-9 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; each word or phrase should be used only once. In eucaryotic cells, general transcription factors are required for the activity of all promoters transcribed by RNA polymerase II. The assembly of the general transcription factors begins with the binding of the factor __________________ to DNA, causing a marked local distortion in the DNA. This factor binds at the DNA sequence called the __________________ box, which is typically located 25 nucleotides upstream from the transcription start site. Once RNA polymerase II has been brought to the promoter DNA, it must be released to begin making transcripts. This release process is facilitated by the addition of phosphate groups to the tail of RNA polymerase by the factor __________________. It must be remembered that the general transcription factors and RNA polymerase are not sufficient to initiate transcription in the cell and are affected by proteins bound thousands of nucleotides away from the promoter. Proteins that link the distantly bound transcription regulators to RNA polymerase and the general transcription factors include the large complex of proteins called the__________________. The packing of DNA into chromatin also affects transcriptional initiation, and histone __________________ is an enzyme that can render the DNA less accessible to the general transcription factors. activator lac TFIIA CAP ligase TFIID deacetylase mediator TFIIH enhancer TATA 7-10 You have a piece of DNA that includes the following sequence: 5′-ATAGGCATTCGATCCGGATAGCAT-3′ 3′-TATCCGTAAGCTAGGCCTATCGTA-5′ Which of the following RNA molecules could be transcribed from this piece of DNA? (a) 5′-UAUCCGUAAGCUAGGCCUAUGCUA-3′ (b) 5′-AUAGGCAUUCGAUCCGGAUAGCAU-3′ (c) 5′-UACGAUAGGCCUAGCUUACGGAUA-3′ (d) none of the above 7-11 You have a segment of DNA that contains the following sequence: 5′-GGACTAGACAATAGGGACCTAGAGATTCCGAAA-3′ 3′-CCTGATCTGTTATCCCTGGATCTCTAAGGCTTT-5′ If you know that the RNA transcribed from this segment contains the following sequence: 5′-GGACUAGACAAUAGGGACCUAGAGAUUCCGAAA–3′ Which of the following choices best describes how transcription occurs? (a) The top strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 5′ to 3′. (b) The top strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 3′ to 5′. (c) The bottom strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 5′ to 3′. (d) The bottom strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 3′ to 5′. 7-12 Which of the following molecules of RNA would you predict to be the most likely to fold into a specific structure as a result of intramolecular base pairing? (a) 5′- CCCUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUAGGG-3′ (b) 5′- UGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUG-3′ (c) 5′- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-3′ (d) 5′- GGAAAAGGAGAUGGGCAAGGGGAAAAGGAGAUGGGCAAGG-3′ 7-13 Imagine that an RNA polymerase is transcribing a segment of DNA that contains the following sequence: 5′-AGTCTAGGCACTGA-3′ 3′-TCAGATCCGTGACT 5′ A. If the polymerase is transcribing from this segment of DNA from left to right, which strand (top or bottom) is the template? B. What will be the sequence of that RNA (be sure to label the 5′ and 3′ ends of your RNA molecule)? 7-14 The sigma subunit of bacterial RNA polymerase ___________________. (a) contains the catalytic activity of the polymerase (b) remains part of the polymerase throughout transcription (c) recognizes promoter sites in the DNA (d) recognizes transcription termination sites in the DNA 7-15 Which of the following might decrease the transcription of only one specific gene in a bacterial cell? (a) a decrease in the amount of sigma factor (b) a decrease in the amount of RNA polymerase (c) a mutation that introduced a stop codon into the DNA that precedes the gene’s coding sequence (d) a mutation that introduced extensive sequence changes into the DNA that precedes the gene’s transcription start site 7-16 There are several reasons why the primase used to make the RNA primer for DNA replication is not suitable for gene transcription. Which of the statements below is not one of those reasons? (a) Primase initiates RNA synthesis on a single-stranded DNA template. (b) Primase can initiate RNA synthesis without the need for a base-paired primer. (c) Primase synthesizes only RNAs of about 5–20 nucleotides in length. (d) The RNA synthesized by primase remains base-paired to the DNA template. 7-17 You have a bacterial strain with a mutation that removes the transcription termination signal from the Abd operon. Which of the following statements describes the most likely effect of this mutation on Abd transcription? (a) The Abd RNA will not be produced in the mutant strain. (b) The Abd RNA from the mutant strain will be longer than normal. (c) Sigma factor will not dissociate from RNA polymerase when the Abd operon is being transcribed in the mutant strain. (d) RNA polymerase will move in a backwards fashion at the Abd operon in the mutant strain. 7-18 Transcription in bacteria differs from transcription in a eucaryotic cell because __________________________. (a) RNA polymerase (along with its sigma subunit) can initiate transcription on its own (b) RNA polymerase (along with its sigma subunit) requires the general transcription factors to assemble at the promoter before polymerase can begin transcription (c) The sigma subunit must associate with the appropriate type of RNA polymerase to produce mRNAs (d) RNA polymerase must be phosphorylated at its C-terminal tail for transcription to proceed 7-19 Which of the following does not occur before a eucaryotic mRNA is exported from the nucleus? (a) The ribosome binds to the mRNA. (b) The mRNA is polyadenylated at its 3′ end. (c) 7-methyl-G is added in a 5′ to 5′ linkage to the mRNA. (d) RNA polymerase dissociates. 7-20 Use the numbers in the choices below to indicate where in the schematic diagram of a eucaryotic cell (Figure Q7-20) those processes take place. Figure Q7-20 1. transcription 2. translation 3. RNA splicing 4. polyadenylation 5. RNA capping 7-21 Total nucleic acids are extracted from a culture of yeast cells and are then mixed with resin beads to which the polynucleotide 5′- TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT-3′ has been covalently attached. After a short incubation, the beads are then extracted from the mixture. When you analyze the cellular nucleic acids that have stuck to the beads, which of the following is most abundant? (a) DNA (b) tRNA (c) rRNA (d) mRNA 7-22 Name three covalent modifications that can be made to an RNA molecule in eucaryotic cells before the RNA molecule becomes a mature mRNA. 7-23 Which of the following statements about RNA splicing is false? (a) Conventional introns are not found in bacterial genes. (b) For a gene to function properly, every exon must be removed from the primary transcript in the same fashion on every mRNA molecule produced from the same gene. (c) Small RNA molecules in the nucleus perform the splicing reactions necessary for the removal of introns. (d) Splicing occurs after the 5′ cap has been added to the end of the primary transcript. 7-24 The length of a particular gene in human DNA, measured from the start site for transcription to the end of the protein-coding region, is 10,000 nucleotides, whereas the length of the mRNA produced from this gene is 4000 nucleotides. What is the most likely reason for this difference? 7-25 Why is the old dogma “one gene—one protein” not always true for eucaryotic genes? 7-26 Is this statement true or false? Explain your answer. “Since introns do not contain protein coding information, they do not have to be removed precisely (meaning, a nucleotide here and there should not matter) from the primary transcript during RNA splicing.” 7-27 You have discovered a gene (Figure Q7-27A) that is alternatively spliced to produce several forms of mRNA in various cell types, three of which are shown in Figure Q7-27B. The lines connecting the exons that are included in the mRNA indicate the splicing. From your experiments, you know that protein translation begins in exon 1. For all forms of the mRNA, the encoded protein sequence is the same in the regions of the mRNA that correspond to exons 1 and 10. Exons 2 and 3 are alternative exons used in different mRNA, as are exons 7 and 8. Which of the following statements about exons 2 and 3 is the most accurate? Explain your answer. Figure Q7-27 (a) Exons 2 and 3 must have the same number of nucleotides. (b) Exons 2 and 3 must contain an integral number of codons (that is, the number of nucleotides divided by 3 must be an integer). (c) Exons 2 and 3 must contain a number of nucleotides that when divided by 3, leaves the same remainder (that is, 0, 1, or 2). (d) Exons 2 and 3 must have different numbers of nucleotides. From RNA to Protein 7-28 Which of the following statements about the genetic code is correct? (a) All codons specify more than one amino acid. (b) The genetic code is redundant. (c) All amino acids are specified by more than one codon. (d) All codons specify an amino acid. NOTE: The following codon table is to be used for Problems Q7-29 to Q7-36, Q7-43, and Q7-47. 7-29 The piece of RNA below includes the region that codes the binding site for the initiator tRNA needed in translation. 5′-GUUUCCCGUAUACAUGCGUGCCGGGGGC-3′ Which amino acid will be on the tRNA that is the first to bind to the A-site of the ribosome? (a) methionine (b) arginine (c) cystine (d) valine 7-30 The following DNA sequence includes the beginning of a sequence coding for a protein. What would be the result of a mutation that changed the C marked by an asterisk to an A? 5′-AGGCTATGAATGGACACTGCGAGCCC…. * 7-31 Which amino acid would you expect a tRNA with the anticodon 5′-CUU-3′ to carry? (a) lysine (b) glutamic acid (d) leucine (d) phenylalanine 7-32 Which of the following pairs of codons might you expect to be read by the same tRNA as a result of wobble? (a) CUU and UUU (b) GAU and GAA (c) CAC and CAU (d) AAU and AGU 7-33 Below is a segment of RNA from the middle of an mRNA. 5′-UAGUCUAGGCACUGA-3′ If you were told that this segment of RNA was part of the coding region of an mRNA for a large protein, give the amino acid sequence for the protein that is encoded by this segment of mRNA. Write your answer using the one-letter amino acid code. 7-34 Below is the sequence from the 3′ end of an mRNA. 5′-CCGUUACCAGGCCUCAUUAUUGGUAACGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-3′ If you were told that this sequence contains the stop codon for the protein encoded by this mRNA, what is the anticodon on the tRNA in the P-site of the ribosome when release factor binds to the A-site? (a) 5′-CCA-3′ (b) 5′-CCG-3′ (c) 5′-UGG-3′ (d) 5′-UUA-3′ 7-35 One strand of a section of DNA isolated from the bacterium E. coli reads: 5′-GTAGCCTACCCATAGG-3′ A. Suppose that an mRNA is transcribed from this DNA using the complementary strand as a template. What will be the sequence of the mRNA in this region (make sure you label the 5′ and 3′ ends of the mRNA)? B. How many different peptides could potentially be made from this sequence of RNA, assuming that translation initiates upstream of this sequence? C. What are these peptides? (Give your answer using the one-letter amino acid code.) 7-36 A strain of yeast translates mRNA into protein inaccurately. Individual molecules of a particular protein isolated from this yeast have variations in the first 11 amino acids compared with the sequence of the same protein isolated from normal yeast cells, as listed in Figure Q7-36. What is the most likely cause of this variation in protein sequence? Figure Q7-36 (a) a mutation in the DNA coding for the protein (b) a mutation in the anticodon of the isoleucine tRNA (tRNAIle) (c) a mutation in the isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase that decreases its ability to distinguish between different amino acids (d) a mutation in the isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase that decreases its ability to distinguish between different tRNA molecules 7-37 Which of the following statements is true? (a) Ribosomes are large RNA structures composed solely of rRNA. (b) Ribosomes are synthesized entirely in the cytoplasm. (c) rRNA contains the catalytic activity that joins amino acids together. (d) A ribosome binds one tRNA at a time. 7-38 Figure Q7-38A shows the stage in translation when an incoming aminoacyl-tRNA has bound to the A-site on the ribosome. Using the components shown in Figure Q7-38A as a guide, show on Figure Q7-38B and Q7-38C what happens in the next two stages to complete the addition of the new amino acid to the growing polypeptide chain. Figure Q7-38 7-39 A poison added to an in vitro translation mixture containing mRNA molecules with the sequence 5′-AUGAAAAAAAAAAAAUAA-3′ has the following effect: the only product made is a Met-Lys dipeptide that remains attached to the ribosome. What is the most likely way in which the poison acts to inhibit protein synthesis? (a) It inhibits peptidyl transferase activity. (b) It inhibits movement of the small subunit relative to the large subunit. (c) It inhibits release factor. (d) It mimics release factor. 7-40 In eucaryotes, but not in procaryotes, ribosomes find the start site of translation by ____________________________. (a) binding directly to a ribosome-binding site preceding the initiation codon (b) scanning along the mRNA from the 5′ end (c) recognizing an AUG codon as the start of translation (d) binding an initiator tRNA 7-41 Which of the following statements about procaryotic mRNA molecules is false? (a) A single procaryotic mRNA molecule can be translated into several proteins. (b) Ribosomes must bind to the 5′ cap before initiating translation. (c) mRNAs are not polyadenylated. (d) Ribosomes can start translating an mRNA molecule before transcription is complete. 7-42 Figure Q7-42 shows an mRNA molecule. Figure Q7-42 A. Match the labels given in the list below with the label lines in Figure Q7- 42. (a) ribosome-binding site (b) initiator codon (c) stop codon (d) untranslated 3′ region (e) untranslated 5′ region (f) protein-coding region B. Is the mRNA shown procaryotic or eucaryotic? Explain your answer. 7-43 A mutation in the tRNA for the amino acid lysine results in the anticodon sequence 5′-UAU-3′ (instead of 5′-UUU-3′). Which of the following aberrations in protein synthesis might this tRNA cause? (Refer to the codon table provided above Q7-29.) (a) read-through of stop codons (b) substitution of lysine for isoleucine (c) substitution of lysine for tyrosine (d) substitution of lysine for phenylalanine 7-44 You have discovered a protein that inhibits translation. When you add this inhibitor to a mixture capable of translating human mRNA and centrifuge the mixture to separate polyribosomes and single ribosomes, you obtain the results shown in Figure Q7-44. Which of the following interpretations is consistent with these observations? Figure Q7-44 (a) The protein binds to the small ribosomal subunit and increases the rate of initiation of translation. (b) The protein binds to sequences in the 5′ region of the mRNA and inhibits the rate of initiation of translation. (c) The protein binds to the large ribosomal subunit and slows down elongation of the polypeptide chain. (d) The protein binds to sequences in the 3′ region of the mRNA and prevents termination of translation. 7-45 The concentration of a particular protein X in a normal human cell rises gradually from a low point, immediately after cell division, to a high point, just before cell division, and then drops sharply. The level of its mRNA in the cell remains fairly constant throughout this time. Protein X is required for cell growth and survival, but the drop in its level just before cell division is essential for division to proceed. You have isolated a line of human cells that grow in size in culture but cannot divide, and on analyzing these mutants, you find that levels of X mRNA in the mutant cells are normal. Which of the following mutations in the gene for X could explain these results? (a) the introduction of a stop codon that truncates protein X at the fourth amino acid (b) a change of the first ATG codon to CCA (c) the deletion of a sequence that encodes sites at which ubiquitin can be attached to the protein (d) a change at a splice site that prevents splicing of the RNA 7-46 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. Once an mRNA is produced, its message can be decoded on ribosomes. The ribosome is composed of two subunits: the __________________ subunit, which catalyzes the formation of the peptide bonds that link the amino acids together into a polypeptide chain, and the __________________ subunit, which matches the tRNAs to the codons of the mRNA. During the chain elongation process of translating an mRNA into protein, the growing polypeptide chain attached to a tRNA is bound to the __________________-site of the ribosome. An incoming aminoacyl-tRNA carrying the next amino acid in the chain will bind to the __________________-site by forming base pairs with the exposed codon in the mRNA. The __________________ enzyme catalyzes the formation of a new peptide bond between the growing polypeptide chain and the newly arriving amino acid. The end of a protein-coding message is signaled by the presence of a stop codon, which binds the __________________ called release factor. Eventually, most proteins will be degraded by a large complex of proteolytic enzymes called the __________________. A medium proteasome central P RNA DNA peptidyl transferase small E polymerase T large protein ubiquitin 7-47 After treating cells with a mutagen, you isolate two mutants. One carries alanine and the other carries methionine at a site in the protein that normally contains valine. After treating these two mutants again with mutagen, you isolate mutants from each that now carry threonine at the site of the original valine (see Figure Q7-47). Assuming that all mutations caused by the mutagen are due to single nucleotide changes, deduce the codons that are used for valine, alanine, methionine, and threonine at the affected site. (Refer to the codon table provided above Q7-29.) Figure Q7-47 7-48 Which of the following methods is not used by cells to regulate the amount of a protein in the cell? (a) Genes can be transcribed into mRNA with different efficiencies. (b) Many ribosomes can bind to a single mRNA molecule. (c) Proteins can be tagged with ubiquitin, marking them for degradation. (d) Nuclear pore complexes can regulate the speed at which newly synthesized proteins are exported from the nucleus into the cytoplasm. 7-49 Which of the following statements about the proteasome is false? (a) Ubiquitin is a small protein that is covalently attached to proteins to mark them for delivery to the proteasome. (b) Proteases reside in the central cylinder of a proteasome. (c) Misfolded proteins are delivered to the proteasome, where they are sequestered from the cytoplasm and can attempt to refold. (d) The protein stoppers that surround the central cylinder of the proteasome use the energy from ATP hydrolysis to move proteins into the proteasome inner chamber. RNA and the Origins of Life 7-50 Which of the following molecules is thought to have arisen first during evolution? (a) protein (b) DNA (c) RNA (d) All came to be at the same time. 7-51 According to current thinking, the minimum requirement for life to have originated on Earth was the formation of a _______________. (a) molecule that could provide a template for the production of a complementary molecule (b) double-stranded DNA helix (c) molecule that could direct protein synthesis (d) molecule that could catalyze its own replication 7-52 Ribozymes catalyze which of the following reactions? (a) DNA synthesis (b) transcription (c) RNA splicing (d) protein hydrolysis 7-53 You are studying a disease that is caused by a virus, but when you purify the virus particles and analyze them you find they contain no trace of DNA. Which of the following molecules are likely to contain the genetic information of the virus? (a) high-energy phosphate groups (b) RNA (c) lipids (d) carbohydrates 7-54 Give a reason why DNA makes a better material than RNA for the storage of genetic information, and explain your answer. How We Know: Cracking the Genetic Code 7-55 You have discovered an alien life form that surprisingly uses DNA as its genetic material, makes RNA from DNA, and reads the information from RNA to make protein using ribosomes and tRNAs, which read triplet codons. Because it is your job to decipher the genetic code for this alien, you synthesize some artificial RNA molecules and examine the protein products produced from these RNA molecules in a cell-free translation system using purified alien tRNAs and ribosomes. You obtain the results shown in Table Q7-55. Table Q7-55 From this information, which of the following peptides can be produced from poly UAUC? (a) Ile-Phe-Val-Tyr (b) Tyr-Ser-Phe-Ala (c) Ile-Lys-His-Tyr (d) Cys-Pro-Lys-Ala 7-56 An extraterrestrial organism (ET) is discovered whose basic cell biology seems pretty much the same as that of terrestrial organisms except that it uses a different genetic code to translate RNA into protein. You set out to break the code by translation experiments using RNAs of known sequence and cell-free extracts of ET cells to supply the necessary protein-synthesizing machinery. In experiments using the RNAs below, the following results were obtained when the 20 possible amino acids were added either singly or in different combinations of two or three: RNA 1: 5′-GCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGC-3′ RNA 2: 5′-GCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCC-3′ Using RNA 1, a polypeptide was produced only if alanine and valine were added to the reaction mixture. Using RNA 2, a polypeptide was produced only if leucine and serine and cysteine were added to the reaction mixture. Assuming that protein synthesis can start anywhere on the template, that the ET genetic code is nonoverlapping and linear, and that each codon is the same length (like the terrestrial triplet code), how many nucleotides does an ET codon contain? (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 6 7-57 NASA has discovered an alien life form. You are called in to help NASA scientists to deduce the genetic code for this alien. Surprisingly, this alien life form shares many similarities with life on Earth: this alien uses DNA as its genetic material, makes RNA from DNA, and reads the information from RNA to make protein using ribosomes and tRNAs. Even more amazing, this alien uses the same 20 amino acids, like the organisms found on Earth, and also codes for each amino acid by a triplet codon. However, the scientists at NASA have found that the genetic code used by the alien life form differs from that used by life on Earth. NASA scientists drew this conclusion after creating a cell-free protein synthesis system from alien cells and adding an mRNA made entirely of uracil (poly U). They found that poly U directs the synthesis of a peptide containing only glycine. NASA scientists have synthesized a poly AU mRNA and observe that it codes for a polypeptide of alternating serine and proline amino acids. From these experiments, can you determine which codons code for serine and proline? Explain. Bonus question. Can you propose a mechanism for how the alien’s physiology is altered so that it uses a different genetic code from life on Earth, despite all the similarities? CHAPTER 8 CONTROL OF GENE EXPRESSION  2009 Garland Science Publishing An Overview of Gene Expression 8-1 The distinct characteristics of different cell types in a multicellular organism result mainly from the differential regulation of the _________________. (a) replication of specific genes (b) transcription of genes transcribed by RNA polymerase II (c) transcription of housekeeping genes (d) packing of DNA into nucleosomes in some cells and not others 8-2 The human genome encodes about 24,000 genes. Approximately how many genes does the typical differentiated human cell express at any one time? (a) 24,000—all of them (b) between 21,500 and 24,000—at least 90% of the genes (c) between 5000 and 15,000 (d) less than 2500 8-3 Which of the following statements about differentiated cells is true? (a) Cells of distinct types express nonoverlapping sets of transcription factors. (b) Once a cell has differentiated, it can no longer change its gene expression. (c) Once a cell has differentiated, it will no longer need to transcribe RNA. (d) Some of the proteins found in differentiated cells are found in all cells of a multicellular organism. 8-4 Investigators performed nuclear transplant experiments to determine whether DNA is altered irreversibly during development. Which of the following statements about these experiments is true? (a) Because the donor nucleus is taken from an adult animal, the chromosomes from the nucleus must undergo recombination with the DNA in the egg for successful development to occur. (b) The embryo that develops from the nuclear transplant experiment is genetically identical to the donor of the nucleus. (c) The meiotic spindle of the egg must interact with the chromosomes of the injected nuclei for successful nuclear transplantation to occur. (d) Although nuclear transplantation has been successful in producing embryos in some mammals with the use of foster mothers, evidence of DNA alterations during differentiation has not been obtained for plants. 8-5 In principle, a eucaryotic cell can regulate gene expression at any step in the pathway from DNA to the active protein. Place the types of control listed below at the appropriate places on the diagram in Figure Q8-5. Figure Q8-5 A. translation control B. transcriptional control C. RNA processing control D. protein activity control How Transcriptional Switches Work 8-6 Fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; each word or phrase should be used only once. The genes of a bacterial __________________ are transcribed into a single mRNA. Many bacterial promoters contain a region known as a(n) __________________, to which a specific transcription regulator binds. Genes in which transcription is prevented are said to be __________________. The interaction of small molecules, such as tryptophan, with __________________ DNA-binding proteins, such as the tryptophan repressor, regulates bacterial genes. Genes that are being __________________ expressed are being transcribed all the time. allosteric negatively positively constitutively operator promoter induced operon repressed 8-7 Which of the following statements about transcriptional regulators is false? (a) Transcriptional regulators usually interact with the sugar-phosphate backbone on the outside of the double helix to determine where to bind on the DNA helix. (b) Transcriptional regulators will form hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds, and hydrophobic interactions with DNA. (c) The DNA-binding motifs of transcriptional regulators usually bind in the major groove of the DNA helix. (d) The binding of transcriptional regulators generally does not disrupt the hydrogen bonds that holds the double helix together. 8-8 Operons ___________________________. (a) are commonly found in eucaryotic cells (b) are transcribed by RNA polymerase II (c) contain a cluster of genes transcribed as a single mRNA (d) can only be regulated by gene activator proteins 8-9 The tryptophan operator ___________________________. (a) is an allosteric protein (b) binds to the tryptophan repressor when the repressor is bound to tryptophan (c) is required for production of the mRNA encoded by the tryptophan operon (d) is important for the production of the tryptophan repressor 8-10 Which of the following statements about the Lac operon is false? (a) The Lac repressor binds when lactose is present in the cell. (b) Even when the CAP activator is bound to DNA, if lactose is not present, the Lac operon will not be transcribed. (c) The CAP activator can only bind DNA when it is bound to cAMP. (d) The Lac operon only produces RNA when lactose is present and glucose is absent. 8-11 You are interested in examining the regulation of the gene that encodes an enzyme, Tre-ase, important in metabolizing trehalose into glucose in bacteria. Trehalose is a disaccharide formed of two glucose units. It is known that two DNA binding proteins, TreA and TreB, are important for binding to the promoter of the Tre-ase gene and are involved in regulating the transcription of the Tre-ase gene: TreA binds to the “A” site in the promoter region, and TreB binds to the “B” site. You make mutations in the TreA and TreB genes to create cells lacking these genes, observe what happens to transcription of the Tre-ase gene, and obtain the results in Table Q8-11. Table Q8-11 A. What is the role for TreA in controlling Tre-ase expression? Explain. B. What is the role for TreB in controlling Tre-ase expression? Explain. C. From these data, what do you predict will happen to Tre-ase transcription (compared with that in normal cells) in the presence of trehalose if you were to create a version of the TreA protein that will constitutively bind to the “A” site in the Tre-ase promoter? Note: Questions 8-12 to 8-15 use the following information and the data in Table Q8-12. These questions may be used independently, or as a group. You are interested in examining the Psf gene. It is known that Psf is normally produced when cells are exposed to high levels of both calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+). MetA, MetB, and MetC are important for binding to the promoter of the Psf gene and are involved in regulating its transcription. MetA binds to the “A” site in the promoter region, MetB to the “B” site, and MetC to the “C” site. You create binding site mutations in the A, B, and C sites and observe what happens to transcription of the Psf gene. Your results are summarized in Table Q8-12. Table Q8-12 For this table: -, no transcription of Psf; +, low level of transcription of Psf; ++, high levels of transcription of Psf. 8-12 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene activators? (a) MetA only (b) MetB only (c) MetC only (d) Both MetA and MetC 8-13 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene repressors? (a) MetA only (b) MetB only (c) MetC only (d) Both MetA and MetC 8-14 Which transcription factors are normally bound to the Psf promoter in the presence of Mg2+ only? (a) none (b) MetA only (c) MetA and Met B (d) MetA, MetB, and MetC 8-15 Which transcription factors are normally bound to the Psf promoter in the presence of both Mg2+ and Ca2+? (a) MetA and MetB (b) MetB and MetC (c) MetA and MetC (d) MetA, MetB, and MetC Note: Questions 8-16 to 8-19 use the following information and the data in Figure Q8-16. These questions may be used independently, or as a group. You are interested in understanding the gene regulation of Lkp1, a protein that is normally produced in liver and kidney cells in mice. Interestingly, you find that the LKP1 gene is not expressed in heart cells. You isolate the DNA upstream of the LKP1 gene, place it upstream of the gene for green fluorescent protein (GFP), and insert this entire piece of recombinant DNA into mice. You find GFP expressed in liver and kidney cells but not in heart cells, an expression pattern similar to the normal expression of the LKP1 gene. Further experiments demonstrate that there are three regions in the promoter, labeled A, B, and C in Figure Q8-16, that contribute to this expression pattern. Assume that a single and unique transcription factor binds each site such that protein X binds site A, protein Y binds site B, and protein Z binds site C. You want to determine which region is responsible for tissue-specific expression, and create mutations in the promoter to determine the function of each of these regions. In Figure Q8-16, if the site is missing, it is mutated such that it cannot bind its corresponding transcription factor. Figure Q8-16 8-16 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene repressors? (a) factor X (b) factor Y (c) factor Z (d) none of the above 8-17 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene activators? (a) factors X and Y (b) factors X and Z (c) factors Y and Z (d) factor X only 8-18 Experiment 1 in Figure Q8-16 is the positive control, demonstrating that the region of DNA upstream of the gene for GFP results in a pattern of expression that we normally find for the LKP1 gene. Experiment 2 shows what happens when the sites for binding factors X, Y, and Z are removed. Which experiment above demonstrates that factor X alone is sufficient for expression of LPK1 in the kidney? (a) experiment 3 (b) experiment 5 (c) experiment 6 (d) experiment 7 8-19 In what tissue is factor Z normally present and bound to the DNA? (a) kidney (b) liver (c) heart (d) none of the above 8-20 An allosteric transcription regulator called HisP regulates the enzymes for histidine biosynthesis in the bacterium E. coli. Histidine modulates HisP activity. On binding histidine, HisP alters its conformation, markedly changing its affinity for the regulatory sequences in the promoters of the genes for the histidine biosynthetic enzymes. A. If HisP functions as a gene repressor, would you expect that HisP would bind more tightly or less tightly to the regulatory sequences when histidine is abundant? Explain your answer. B. If HisP functions as a gene activator, would you expect that HisP would bind more tightly or less tightly to the regulatory sequences when histidine levels are low? Explain your answer. 8-21 Bacterial cells can take up the amino acid tryptophan from their surroundings, or, if the external supply is insufficient, they can synthesize trytophan by using enzymes in the cell. In some bacteria, the control of glutamine synthesis is similar to that of tryptophan synthesis, such that the glutamine repressor inhibits the transcription of the glutamine operon, which contains the genes that code for the enzymes required for glutamine synthesis. On binding to cellular glutamine, the glutamine repressor binds to a site in the promoter of the operon. A. Why is glutamine-dependent binding to the operon a useful property for the glutamine repressor? B. What would you expect to happen to the regulation of the enzymes that synthesize glutamine in cells expressing a mutant form of the glutamine repressor that cannot bind to DNA? C. What would you expect to happen to the regulation of the enzymes that synthesize glutamine in cells expressing a mutant form of the glutamine repressor that binds to DNA even when no glutamine is bound to it? 8-22 In the absence of glucose, E. coli can proliferate by using the pentose sugar arabinose. As shown in Figure Q8-22, the arabinose operon regulates the ability of E. coli to use arabinose. The araA, araB, and araD genes encode enzymes for the metabolism of arabinose. The araC gene encodes a transcription regulator that binds adjacent to the promoter of the arabinose operon. To understand the regulatory properties of the AraC protein, you engineer a mutant bacterium in which the araC gene has been deleted and look at the effect of the presence or absence of the AraC protein on the AraA enzyme. Figure Q8-22 A. If the AraC protein works as a gene repressor, would you expect araA RNA levels to be high or low in the presence of arabinose in the araCmutant cells? What about in the araC- mutant cells in the absence of arabinose? Explain your answer. B. Your findings from the experiment are summarized in Table Q8-22. Table Q8-22 Do the results in Table Q8-22 indicate that the AraC protein regulates arabinose metabolism by acting as a gene repressor or a gene activator? Explain your answer. 8-23 The CAP activator protein and the Lac repressor both control the Lac operon (see Figure Q8-23). You create cells that are mutant in the gene coding for the Lac repressor so that these cells lack the Lac repressor under all conditions. For these mutant cells, state whether the Lac operon will be switched on or off in the following situations and explain why. Figure Q8-23 A. in the presence of glucose and lactose B. in the presence of glucose and the absence of lactose C. in the absence of glucose and the absence of lactose D. in the absence of glucose and the presence of lactose 8-24 You have discovered an operon in a bacterium that is turned on only when sucrose is present and glucose is absent. You have also isolated three mutants that have changes in the upstream regulatory sequences of the operon and whose behavior is summarized in the Table Q8-24. You hypothesize that there are two gene regulatory sites in the upstream regulatory sequence, A and B, which are affected by the mutations. For this question, a plus (+) indicates a normal site and a minus (-) indicates a mutant site that no longer binds its transcription regulator. Table Q8-24 A. If mutant 1 has sites A- B+ , which of these sites is regulated by sucrose and which by glucose? B. Give the state (+ or -) of the A and B sites in mutants 2 and 3. C. Which site is bound by a repressor and which by an activator? 8-25 Label the following structures in Figure Q8-25. Figure Q8-25 A. activator protein B. RNA polymerase C. general transcription factors D. mediator 8-26 How are most eucaryotic transcription regulators able to affect transcription when their binding sites are far from the promoter? (a) by binding to their binding site and sliding to the site of RNA polymerase assembly (b) by looping out the intervening DNA between their binding site and the promoter (c) by unwinding the DNA between their binding site and the promoter (d) by attracting RNA polymerase and modifying it before it can bind to the promoter 8-27 The expression of the BRF1 gene in mice is normally quite low, but mutations in a gene called BRF2 lead to increased expression of BRF1. You have a hunch that nucleosomes are involved in the regulation of BRF1 expression and so you investigate the position of nucleosomes over the TATA box of BRF1 in normal mice and in mice that lack either the BRF2 protein (BRF2- ) or part of histone H4 (HHF- ) (histone H4 is encoded by the HHF gene). Table Q8-27 summarizes your results. A normal functional gene is indicated by a plus sign (+). Table Q8-27 Which of the following conclusions cannot be drawn from your data? Explain your answer. (a) BRF2 is required for the repression of BRF1. (b) BRF2 is required for the specific pattern of nucleosome positions over the BRF1 upstream region. (c) The specific pattern of nucleosome positioning over the BRF1 upstream region is required for BRF1 repression. (d) The part of histone H4 missing in HHF- mice is not required for the formation of nucleosomes. 8-28 The yeast GAL4 gene encodes a transcriptional regulator that can bind DNA upstream of genes required for the metabolism of the sugar galactose and turns them on. Gal4 has a DNA-binding domain and an activation domain. The DNAbinding domain allows it to bind to the appropriate sites in the promoters of the galactose metabolism genes. The activation domain attracts histone-modifying enzymes and also binds to a component of the RNA polymerase II enzyme complex, attracting it to the promoter so that the regulated genes can be turned on when Gal4 is also bound to the DNA. When Gal4 is expressed normally, the genes can be maximally activated. You decide to try to produce more of the galactose metabolism genes by overexpressing the Gal4 protein at levels fiftyfold greater than normal. You conduct experiments to show that you are overexpressing the Gal4 protein and that it is properly localized in the nucleus of the yeast cells. To your surprise, you find that too much Gal4 causes the galactose genes to be transcribed only at a low level. What is the most likely explanation for your findings? 8-29 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase in the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. During transcription in __________________ cells, transcriptional regulators that bind to DNA thousands of nucleotides away from a gene’s promoter can affect a gene’s transcription. The __________________ is a complex of proteins that links distantly bound transcription regulators with the proteins bound closer to the transcriptional start site. Transcriptional activators can also interact with histone __________________s, which alter chromatin by modifying lysines in the tail of histone proteins to allow greater accessibility to the underlying DNA. Gene repressor proteins can reduce the efficiency of transcription initiation by attracting histone __________________s. Sometimes, many contiguous genes can become transcriptionally inactive as a result of chromatin remodeling, like the __________________ found in interphase chromosomes. viral acetylase centrosome helicase eucaryotic operator procaryotic peroxidase deacetylase mediator deoxidase heterochromatin telomere enhancer leucine zipper The Molecular Mechanisms that Create Specialized Cell Types 8-30 In principle, how many different cell types can an organism having four different types of transcription regulator and thousands of genes create? (a) up to 4 (b) up to 8 (c) up to 16 (d) thousands 8-31 From the sequencing of the human genome, we believe that there are approximately 24,000 protein-coding genes in the genome, for which there are an estimated 1500–3000 transcription factors. If every gene has a tissue-specific and signal-dependent transcription pattern, how can such a small number of transcriptional regulatory proteins generate a much larger set of transcriptional patterns? 8-32 Combinatorial control of gene expression __________________________. (a) involves every gene using a different combination of transcriptional regulators for its proper expression (b) involves groups of transcriptional regulators working together to determine the expression of a gene (c) involves only the use of gene activators used together to regulate genes appropriately (d) is seen only when genes are arranged in operons 8-33 You are studying a set of mouse genes whose expression increases when cells are exposed to the hormone cortisol, and you believe that the same cortisolresponsive transcriptional activator regulates all of these genes. Which of the following statements below should be true if your hypothesis is correct? (a) The cortisol-responsive genes share a DNA sequence in their regulatory regions that binds the cortisol-responsive transcriptional activator. (b) The cortisol-responsive genes must all be in an operon. (c) The transcriptional regulators that bind to the regulatory regions of the cortisol-responsive genes must all be the same. (d) The cortisol-responsive genes must not be transcribed in response to other hormones. 8-34 The MyoD transcriptional regulator is normally found in differentiating muscle cells and participates in the transcription of genes that produce muscle-specific proteins, such as those needed in contractile tissue. Amazingly, expression of MyoD in fibroblasts causes these cells derived from skin connective tissue to produce proteins normally only seen in muscles. However, some other cell types do not transcribe muscle-specific genes when MyoD is expressed in them. Which of the following statements below is the best explanation of why MyoD can cause fibroblasts to express muscle-specific genes? (a) Unlike some other cell types, fibroblasts have not lost the muscle-specific genes from their genome. (b) The muscle-specific genes must be in heterochromatin in fibroblasts. (c) During their developmental history, fibroblasts have accumulated some transcriptional regulators in common with differentiating muscle cells. (d) The presence of MyoD is sufficient to activate the transcription of musclespecific genes in all cell types. 8-35 A virus produces a protein X that activates only a few of the virus’s own genes (V1, V2, and V3) when it infects cells. The cellular proteins A (a zinc finger protein) and the cellular protein B (a homeodomain protein) are known to be repressors of the viral genes V1, V2, and V3. You examine the complete upstream gene regulatory sequences of these three viral genes and find the following: 1. V1 and V2 contain binding sites for the zinc finger protein A only. 2. V3 contains a binding site for the homeodomain protein B only. 3. The only sequence that all three genes have in common is the TATA box. Label each of the choices below as likely or unlikely as an explanation for your findings. For each choice you label as unlikely, explain why. A. Protein X binds nonspecifically to the DNA upstream of V1, V2, and V3 and activates transcription. B. Protein X binds to a repressor and prevents the repressor from binding upstream of V1, V2, and V3. C. Protein X activates transcription by binding to the TATA box. D. Protein X activates transcription by binding to and sequestering proteins A and B. E. Protein X represses transcription of the genes for proteins A and B. 8-36 In mammals, individuals with two X chromosomes are female, and individuals with an X and a Y chromosome are male. It had long been known that a gene located on the Y chromosome was sufficient to induce the gonads to form testes, which is the main male-determining factor in development, and researchers sought the product of this gene, the so-called testes-determining factor (TDF). For several years, the TDF was incorrectly thought to be a zinc finger protein encoded by a gene called BoY. Which of the following observations would most strongly suggest that BoY might not be the TDF? Explain your answer. (a) Some XY individuals that develop into females have mutations in a different gene, SRY, but are normal at BoY. (b) BoY is not expressed in the adult male testes. (c) Expression of BoY in adult females does not masculinize them. (d) A few of the genes that are known to be expressed only in the testes have binding sites for the BoY protein in their upstream regulatory sequences, but most do not. 8-37 Which of the following is not a general mechanism that cells use to maintain stable patterns of gene expression as cells divide? (a) a positive feedback loop, mediated by a transcriptional regulator that activates transcription of its own gene in addition to other cell-type specific genes (b) faithful propagation of condensed chromatin structures as cells divide (c) inheritance of DNA methylation patterns when cells divide (d) proper segregation of housekeeping proteins when cells divide 8-38 Which of the following statements about DNA methylation in eucaryotes is false? (a) Appropriate inheritance of DNA methylation patterns involves maintenance methyltransferase. (b) DNA methylation involves a covalent modification of cytosine bases. (c) Methylation of DNA attracts proteins that block gene expression. (d) Immediately after DNA replication, each daughter helix contains one methylated DNA strand, which corresponds to the newly synthesized strand. 8-39 Which of the following statements about the Ey transcriptional regulator is false? (a) Expression of Ey in cells that normally form legs in the fly will lead to the formation of an eye in the middle of the legs. (b) The Ey transcription factor must bind to the promoter of every eyespecific gene in the fly. (c) Positive feedback loops ensure that Ey expression remains switched on in the developing eye. (d) A homolog of Ey is found in vertebrates; this homolog is also used during eye development. Post-Transcriptional Controls 8-40 Which of the following statements about riboswitches is false? (a) Riboswitches can block the production of mRNAs. (b) Riboswitches can control the translation of mRNAs. (c) Riboswitches are made from rRNAs. (d) Riboswitches can bind metabolites. 8-41 Which of the following is not involved in post-transcriptional control? (a) the spliceosome (b) dicer (c) mediator (d) RISC 8-42 MicroRNAs ____________________. (a) are produced from a precursor miRNA transcript (b) are found only in humans (c) control gene expression by base-pairing with DNA sequences (d) can degrade RNAs by using their intrinsic catalytic activity 8-43 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. MicroRNAs are noncoding RNAs that are incorporated into a protein complex called __________________, which searches the __________________s in the cytoplasm for sequence complementary to that of the miRNA. When such a molecule is found, it is then targeted for __________________. RNAi is triggered by the presence of foreign __________________ molecules, which are digested by the __________________ enzyme into shorter fragments approximately 23 nucleotide pairs in length. tRNA phosphorylation riboswitch RISC destruction acetylation procaryotic methylation DNA double-stranded RNA mRNA dicer single-stranded RNA rRNA mitochondria 8-44 The extent of complementarity of a miRNA with its target mRNA determines ___________________________. (a) whether the mRNA will be degraded or transported elsewhere in the cell (b) whether the mRNA will be transported to the nucleus (c) whether RISC is degraded (d) whether the miRNA synthesizes a complementary strand 8-45 Which of the following statements about miRNAs is false? (a) One miRNA can regulate the expression of many genes. (b) miRNAs are transcribed in the nucleus from genomic DNA. (c) miRNAs are produced from rRNAs. (d) miRNAs are made by RNA polymerase. 8-46 Which of the following statements about RNAi is true? (a) The RNAi mechanism is found only in plants and animals. (b) RNAi is induced when double-stranded RNA is present in the cell. (c) RISC uses the siRNA duplex to locate complementary foreign RNA molecules. (d) siRNAs bind to miRNAs to induce RNAi. How We Know: Gene Regulation – The Story of Eve 8-47 The gene for a hormone necessary for insect development contains binding sites for three transcription regulators called A, B, and C. Because the binding sites for A and B overlap, A and B cannot bind simultaneously. You make mutations in the binding sites for each of the proteins and measure hormone production in cells that contain equal amounts of the A, B, and C proteins. Figure Q8-47 summarizes your results. In each of the following sentences, choose one of the phrases within square brackets to make the statement consistent with the results. Figure Q8-47 A. Protein A binds to its DNA-binding site [more tightly/less tightly] than protein B binds to its DNA-binding site. B. Protein A is a [stronger/weaker] activator of transcription than protein B. C. Protein C is able to prevent activation by [protein A only/protein B only/both protein A and protein B]. 8-48 The Drosophila Eve gene has a complex promoter containing multiple binding sites for four transcription regulators: Bicoid, Hunchback, Giant, and Krüppel. Bicoid and Hunchback are activators of Eve transcription, whereas Giant and Krüppel repress Eve transcription. Figure Q8-48A shows the patterns of expression of these regulators. Figure Q8-48 The eve promoter contains modules that control expression in various stripes. You construct a reporter gene that contains the DNA 5 kb upstream of the eve gene, so that this reporter contains the stripe 3 module, the stripe 2 module, the stripe 7 module, and the TATA box, all fused to the LacZ reporter gene (which encodes the β-galactosidase enzyme), as shown in Figure Q8-50B. This construct results in expression of the β-galactosidase enzyme in three stripes, which correspond to the normal positions of stripes 3, 2, and 7. A. By examining the overlap of sites on the stripe 2 module, as depicted in Figure Q8-48B, what is the biological effect of having some of the transcription regulator binding sites overlap? B. You make two mutant versions in which several of the binding sites in the Eve stripe 2 module have been deleted, as detailed in items (i) and (ii) below. Refer to Figure Q8-48B for the positions of the binding sites. (Note, however, that because many of the binding sites overlap, it is not possible to delete all of one kind of site without affecting some of the other sites.) Match the appropriate mutant condition with the most likely pattern of Eve expression shown in Figure Q8-48C. Explain your choices. (i) deletion of the Krüppel-binding sites in stripe 2 (ii) deletion of the two Bicoid-binding sites in the stripe 2 module that are marked with an asterisk (*) in Figure Q8-48B 7-1 RNA in cells differs from DNA in that ___________________. (a) it contains the base uracil, which pairs with cytosine (b) it is single-stranded and cannot form base pairs (c) it is single-stranded and can fold up into a variety of structures (d) the sugar ribose contains fewer oxygen atoms than does deoxyribose 7-2 Transcription is similar to DNA replication in that ___________________. (a) an RNA transcript is synthesized discontinuously and the pieces are then joined together (b) it uses the same enzyme as that used to synthesize RNA primers during DNA replication (c) the newly synthesized RNA remains paired to the template DNA (d) nucleotide polymerization occurs only in the 5′-to-3′ direction 7-3 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. For a cell’s genetic material to be used, the information is first copied from the DNA into the nucleotide sequence of RNA in a process called __________________. Various kinds of RNA are produced, each with different functions. __________________ molecules code for proteins, __________________ molecules act as adaptors for protein synthesis, __________________ molecules are integral components of the ribosome, and __________________ molecules are important in the splicing of RNA transcripts. incorporation rRNA transmembrane mRNA snRNA tRNA pRNA transcription proteins translation 7-4 Match the following structures with their names. Figure Q7-4 7-5 Which of the following statements is false? (a) A new RNA molecule can begin to be synthesized from a gene before the previous RNA molecule’s synthesis is completed. (b) If two genes are to be expressed in a cell, these two genes can be transcribed with different efficiencies. (c) RNA polymerase is responsible for both unwinding the DNA helix and catalyzing the formation of the phosphodiester bonds between nucleotides. (d) Unlike DNA, RNA uses a uracil base and a deoxyribose sugar. 7-6 Which one of the following is the main reason that a typical eucaryotic gene is able to respond to a far greater variety of regulatory signals than a typical procaryotic gene or operon? (a) Eucaryotes have three types of RNA polymerase. (b) Eucaryotic RNA polymerases require general transcription factors. (c) The transcription of a eucaryotic gene can be influenced by proteins that bind far from the promoter. (d) Procaryotic genes are packaged into nucleosomes. 7-7 Match the following types of RNA with the main polymerase that transcribes them. 7-8 List three ways in which the process of eucaryotic transcription differs from the process of bacterial transcription. 7-9 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; each word or phrase should be used only once. In eucaryotic cells, general transcription factors are required for the activity of all promoters transcribed by RNA polymerase II. The assembly of the general transcription factors begins with the binding of the factor __________________ to DNA, causing a marked local distortion in the DNA. This factor binds at the DNA sequence called the __________________ box, which is typically located 25 nucleotides upstream from the transcription start site. Once RNA polymerase II has been brought to the promoter DNA, it must be released to begin making transcripts. This release process is facilitated by the addition of phosphate groups to the tail of RNA polymerase by the factor __________________. It must be remembered that the general transcription factors and RNA polymerase are not sufficient to initiate transcription in the cell and are affected by proteins bound thousands of nucleotides away from the promoter. Proteins that link the distantly bound transcription regulators to RNA polymerase and the general transcription factors include the large complex of proteins called the__________________. The packing of DNA into chromatin also affects transcriptional initiation, and histone __________________ is an enzyme that can render the DNA less accessible to the general transcription factors. activator lac TFIIA CAP ligase TFIID deacetylase mediator TFIIH enhancer TATA 7-10 You have a piece of DNA that includes the following sequence: 5′-ATAGGCATTCGATCCGGATAGCAT-3′ 3′-TATCCGTAAGCTAGGCCTATCGTA-5′ Which of the following RNA molecules could be transcribed from this piece of DNA? (a) 5′-UAUCCGUAAGCUAGGCCUAUGCUA-3′ (b) 5′-AUAGGCAUUCGAUCCGGAUAGCAU-3′ (c) 5′-UACGAUAGGCCUAGCUUACGGAUA-3′ (d) none of the above 7-11 You have a segment of DNA that contains the following sequence: 5′-GGACTAGACAATAGGGACCTAGAGATTCCGAAA-3′ 3′-CCTGATCTGTTATCCCTGGATCTCTAAGGCTTT-5′ If you know that the RNA transcribed from this segment contains the following sequence: 5′-GGACUAGACAAUAGGGACCUAGAGAUUCCGAAA–3′ Which of the following choices best describes how transcription occurs? (a) The top strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 5′ to 3′. (b) The top strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 3′ to 5′. (c) The bottom strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 5′ to 3′. (d) The bottom strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 3′ to 5′. 7-12 Which of the following molecules of RNA would you predict to be the most likely to fold into a specific structure as a result of intramolecular base pairing? (a) 5′- CCCUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUAGGG-3′ (b) 5′- UGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUG-3′ (c) 5′- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-3′ (d) 5′- GGAAAAGGAGAUGGGCAAGGGGAAAAGGAGAUGGGCAAGG-3′ 7-13 Imagine that an RNA polymerase is transcribing a segment of DNA that contains the following sequence: 5′-AGTCTAGGCACTGA-3′ 3′-TCAGATCCGTGACT 5′ A. If the polymerase is transcribing from this segment of DNA from left to right, which strand (top or bottom) is the template? B. What will be the sequence of that RNA (be sure to label the 5′ and 3′ ends of your RNA molecule)? 7-14 The sigma subunit of bacterial RNA polymerase ___________________. (a) contains the catalytic activity of the polymerase (b) remains part of the polymerase throughout transcription (c) recognizes promoter sites in the DNA (d) recognizes transcription termination sites in the DNA 7-15 Which of the following might decrease the transcription of only one specific gene in a bacterial cell? (a) a decrease in the amount of sigma factor (b) a decrease in the amount of RNA polymerase (c) a mutation that introduced a stop codon into the DNA that precedes the gene’s coding sequence (d) a mutation that introduced extensive sequence changes into the DNA that precedes the gene’s transcription start site 7-16 There are several reasons why the primase used to make the RNA primer for DNA replication is not suitable for gene transcription. Which of the statements below is not one of those reasons? (a) Primase initiates RNA synthesis on a single-stranded DNA template. (b) Primase can initiate RNA synthesis without the need for a base-paired primer. (c) Primase synthesizes only RNAs of about 5–20 nucleotides in length. (d) The RNA synthesized by primase remains base-paired to the DNA template. 7-17 You have a bacterial strain with a mutation that removes the transcription termination signal from the Abd operon. Which of the following statements describes the most likely effect of this mutation on Abd transcription? (a) The Abd RNA will not be produced in the mutant strain. (b) The Abd RNA from the mutant strain will be longer than normal. (c) Sigma factor will not dissociate from RNA polymerase when the Abd operon is being transcribed in the mutant strain. (d) RNA polymerase will move in a backwards fashion at the Abd operon in the mutant strain. 7-18 Transcription in bacteria differs from transcription in a eucaryotic cell because __________________________. (a) RNA polymerase (along with its sigma subunit) can initiate transcription on its own (b) RNA polymerase (along with its sigma subunit) requires the general transcription factors to assemble at the promoter before polymerase can begin transcription (c) The sigma subunit must associate with the appropriate type of RNA polymerase to produce mRNAs (d) RNA polymerase must be phosphorylated at its C-terminal tail for transcription to proceed 7-19 Which of the following does not occur before a eucaryotic mRNA is exported from the nucleus? (a) The ribosome binds to the mRNA. (b) The mRNA is polyadenylated at its 3′ end. (c) 7-methyl-G is added in a 5′ to 5′ linkage to the mRNA. (d) RNA polymerase dissociates. 7-20 Use the numbers in the choices below to indicate where in the schematic diagram of a eucaryotic cell (Figure Q7-20) those processes take place. Figure Q7-20 1. transcription 2. translation 3. RNA splicing 4. polyadenylation 5. RNA capping 7-21 Total nucleic acids are extracted from a culture of yeast cells and are then mixed with resin beads to which the polynucleotide 5′- TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT-3′ has been covalently attached. After a short incubation, the beads are then extracted from the mixture. When you analyze the cellular nucleic acids that have stuck to the beads, which of the following is most abundant? (a) DNA (b) tRNA (c) rRNA (d) mRNA 7-22 Name three covalent modifications that can be made to an RNA molecule in eucaryotic cells before the RNA molecule becomes a mature mRNA. 7-23 Which of the following statements about RNA splicing is false? (a) Conventional introns are not found in bacterial genes. (b) For a gene to function properly, every exon must be removed from the primary transcript in the same fashion on every mRNA molecule produced from the same gene. (c) Small RNA molecules in the nucleus perform the splicing reactions necessary for the removal of introns. (d) Splicing occurs after the 5′ cap has been added to the end of the primary transcript. 7-24 The length of a particular gene in human DNA, measured from the start site for transcription to the end of the protein-coding region, is 10,000 nucleotides, whereas the length of the mRNA produced from this gene is 4000 nucleotides. What is the most likely reason for this difference? 7-25 Why is the old dogma “one gene—one protein” not always true for eucaryotic genes? 7-26 Is this statement true or false? Explain your answer. “Since introns do not contain protein coding information, they do not have to be removed precisely (meaning, a nucleotide here and there should not matter) from the primary transcript during RNA splicing.” 7-27 You have discovered a gene (Figure Q7-27A) that is alternatively spliced to produce several forms of mRNA in various cell types, three of which are shown in Figure Q7-27B. The lines connecting the exons that are included in the mRNA indicate the splicing. From your experiments, you know that protein translation begins in exon 1. For all forms of the mRNA, the encoded protein sequence is the same in the regions of the mRNA that correspond to exons 1 and 10. Exons 2 and 3 are alternative exons used in different mRNA, as are exons 7 and 8. Which of the following statements about exons 2 and 3 is the most accurate? Explain your answer. Figure Q7-27 (a) Exons 2 and 3 must have the same number of nucleotides. (b) Exons 2 and 3 must contain an integral number of codons (that is, the number of nucleotides divided by 3 must be an integer). (c) Exons 2 and 3 must contain a number of nucleotides that when divided by 3, leaves the same remainder (that is, 0, 1, or 2). (d) Exons 2 and 3 must have different numbers of nucleotides. From RNA to Protein 7-28 Which of the following statements about the genetic code is correct? (a) All codons specify more than one amino acid. (b) The genetic code is redundant. (c) All amino acids are specified by more than one codon. (d) All codons specify an amino acid. NOTE: The following codon table is to be used for Problems Q7-29 to Q7-36, Q7-43, and Q7-47. 7-29 The piece of RNA below includes the region that codes the binding site for the initiator tRNA needed in translation. 5′-GUUUCCCGUAUACAUGCGUGCCGGGGGC-3′ Which amino acid will be on the tRNA that is the first to bind to the A-site of the ribosome? (a) methionine (b) arginine (c) cystine (d) valine 7-30 The following DNA sequence includes the beginning of a sequence coding for a protein. What would be the result of a mutation that changed the C marked by an asterisk to an A? 5′-AGGCTATGAATGGACACTGCGAGCCC…. * 7-31 Which amino acid would you expect a tRNA with the anticodon 5′-CUU-3′ to carry? (a) lysine (b) glutamic acid (d) leucine (d) phenylalanine 7-32 Which of the following pairs of codons might you expect to be read by the same tRNA as a result of wobble? (a) CUU and UUU (b) GAU and GAA (c) CAC and CAU (d) AAU and AGU 7-33 Below is a segment of RNA from the middle of an mRNA. 5′-UAGUCUAGGCACUGA-3′ If you were told that this segment of RNA was part of the coding region of an mRNA for a large protein, give the amino acid sequence for the protein that is encoded by this segment of mRNA. Write your answer using the one-letter amino acid code. 7-34 Below is the sequence from the 3′ end of an mRNA. 5′-CCGUUACCAGGCCUCAUUAUUGGUAACGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-3′ If you were told that this sequence contains the stop codon for the protein encoded by this mRNA, what is the anticodon on the tRNA in the P-site of the ribosome when release factor binds to the A-site? (a) 5′-CCA-3′ (b) 5′-CCG-3′ (c) 5′-UGG-3′ (d) 5′-UUA-3′ 7-35 One strand of a section of DNA isolated from the bacterium E. coli reads: 5′-GTAGCCTACCCATAGG-3′ A. Suppose that an mRNA is transcribed from this DNA using the complementary strand as a template. What will be the sequence of the mRNA in this region (make sure you label the 5′ and 3′ ends of the mRNA)? B. How many different peptides could potentially be made from this sequence of RNA, assuming that translation initiates upstream of this sequence? C. What are these peptides? (Give your answer using the one-letter amino acid code.) 7-36 A strain of yeast translates mRNA into protein inaccurately. Individual molecules of a particular protein isolated from this yeast have variations in the first 11 amino acids compared with the sequence of the same protein isolated from normal yeast cells, as listed in Figure Q7-36. What is the most likely cause of this variation in protein sequence? Figure Q7-36 (a) a mutation in the DNA coding for the protein (b) a mutation in the anticodon of the isoleucine tRNA (tRNAIle) (c) a mutation in the isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase that decreases its ability to distinguish between different amino acids (d) a mutation in the isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase that decreases its ability to distinguish between different tRNA molecules 7-37 Which of the following statements is true? (a) Ribosomes are large RNA structures composed solely of rRNA. (b) Ribosomes are synthesized entirely in the cytoplasm. (c) rRNA contains the catalytic activity that joins amino acids together. (d) A ribosome binds one tRNA at a time. 7-38 Figure Q7-38A shows the stage in translation when an incoming aminoacyl-tRNA has bound to the A-site on the ribosome. Using the components shown in Figure Q7-38A as a guide, show on Figure Q7-38B and Q7-38C what happens in the next two stages to complete the addition of the new amino acid to the growing polypeptide chain. Figure Q7-38 7-39 A poison added to an in vitro translation mixture containing mRNA molecules with the sequence 5′-AUGAAAAAAAAAAAAUAA-3′ has the following effect: the only product made is a Met-Lys dipeptide that remains attached to the ribosome. What is the most likely way in which the poison acts to inhibit protein synthesis? (a) It inhibits peptidyl transferase activity. (b) It inhibits movement of the small subunit relative to the large subunit. (c) It inhibits release factor. (d) It mimics release factor. 7-40 In eucaryotes, but not in procaryotes, ribosomes find the start site of translation by ____________________________. (a) binding directly to a ribosome-binding site preceding the initiation codon (b) scanning along the mRNA from the 5′ end (c) recognizing an AUG codon as the start of translation (d) binding an initiator tRNA 7-41 Which of the following statements about procaryotic mRNA molecules is false? (a) A single procaryotic mRNA molecule can be translated into several proteins. (b) Ribosomes must bind to the 5′ cap before initiating translation. (c) mRNAs are not polyadenylated. (d) Ribosomes can start translating an mRNA molecule before transcription is complete. 7-42 Figure Q7-42 shows an mRNA molecule. Figure Q7-42 A. Match the labels given in the list below with the label lines in Figure Q7- 42. (a) ribosome-binding site (b) initiator codon (c) stop codon (d) untranslated 3′ region (e) untranslated 5′ region (f) protein-coding region B. Is the mRNA shown procaryotic or eucaryotic? Explain your answer. 7-43 A mutation in the tRNA for the amino acid lysine results in the anticodon sequence 5′-UAU-3′ (instead of 5′-UUU-3′). Which of the following aberrations in protein synthesis might this tRNA cause? (Refer to the codon table provided above Q7-29.) (a) read-through of stop codons (b) substitution of lysine for isoleucine (c) substitution of lysine for tyrosine (d) substitution of lysine for phenylalanine 7-44 You have discovered a protein that inhibits translation. When you add this inhibitor to a mixture capable of translating human mRNA and centrifuge the mixture to separate polyribosomes and single ribosomes, you obtain the results shown in Figure Q7-44. Which of the following interpretations is consistent with these observations? Figure Q7-44 (a) The protein binds to the small ribosomal subunit and increases the rate of initiation of translation. (b) The protein binds to sequences in the 5′ region of the mRNA and inhibits the rate of initiation of translation. (c) The protein binds to the large ribosomal subunit and slows down elongation of the polypeptide chain. (d) The protein binds to sequences in the 3′ region of the mRNA and prevents termination of translation. 7-45 The concentration of a particular protein X in a normal human cell rises gradually from a low point, immediately after cell division, to a high point, just before cell division, and then drops sharply. The level of its mRNA in the cell remains fairly constant throughout this time. Protein X is required for cell growth and survival, but the drop in its level just before cell division is essential for division to proceed. You have isolated a line of human cells that grow in size in culture but cannot divide, and on analyzing these mutants, you find that levels of X mRNA in the mutant cells are normal. Which of the following mutations in the gene for X could explain these results? (a) the introduction of a stop codon that truncates protein X at the fourth amino acid (b) a change of the first ATG codon to CCA (c) the deletion of a sequence that encodes sites at which ubiquitin can be attached to the protein (d) a change at a splice site that prevents splicing of the RNA 7-46 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. Once an mRNA is produced, its message can be decoded on ribosomes. The ribosome is composed of two subunits: the __________________ subunit, which catalyzes the formation of the peptide bonds that link the amino acids together into a polypeptide chain, and the __________________ subunit, which matches the tRNAs to the codons of the mRNA. During the chain elongation process of translating an mRNA into protein, the growing polypeptide chain attached to a tRNA is bound to the __________________-site of the ribosome. An incoming aminoacyl-tRNA carrying the next amino acid in the chain will bind to the __________________-site by forming base pairs with the exposed codon in the mRNA. The __________________ enzyme catalyzes the formation of a new peptide bond between the growing polypeptide chain and the newly arriving amino acid. The end of a protein-coding message is signaled by the presence of a stop codon, which binds the __________________ called release factor. Eventually, most proteins will be degraded by a large complex of proteolytic enzymes called the __________________. A medium proteasome central P RNA DNA peptidyl transferase small E polymerase T large protein ubiquitin 7-47 After treating cells with a mutagen, you isolate two mutants. One carries alanine and the other carries methionine at a site in the protein that normally contains valine. After treating these two mutants again with mutagen, you isolate mutants from each that now carry threonine at the site of the original valine (see Figure Q7-47). Assuming that all mutations caused by the mutagen are due to single nucleotide changes, deduce the codons that are used for valine, alanine, methionine, and threonine at the affected site. (Refer to the codon table provided above Q7-29.) Figure Q7-47 7-48 Which of the following methods is not used by cells to regulate the amount of a protein in the cell? (a) Genes can be transcribed into mRNA with different efficiencies. (b) Many ribosomes can bind to a single mRNA molecule. (c) Proteins can be tagged with ubiquitin, marking them for degradation. (d) Nuclear pore complexes can regulate the speed at which newly synthesized proteins are exported from the nucleus into the cytoplasm. 7-49 Which of the following statements about the proteasome is false? (a) Ubiquitin is a small protein that is covalently attached to proteins to mark them for delivery to the proteasome. (b) Proteases reside in the central cylinder of a proteasome. (c) Misfolded proteins are delivered to the proteasome, where they are sequestered from the cytoplasm and can attempt to refold. (d) The protein stoppers that surround the central cylinder of the proteasome use the energy from ATP hydrolysis to move proteins into the proteasome inner chamber. RNA and the Origins of Life 7-50 Which of the following molecules is thought to have arisen first during evolution? (a) protein (b) DNA (c) RNA (d) All came to be at the same time. 7-51 According to current thinking, the minimum requirement for life to have originated on Earth was the formation of a _______________. (a) molecule that could provide a template for the production of a complementary molecule (b) double-stranded DNA helix (c) molecule that could direct protein synthesis (d) molecule that could catalyze its own replication 7-52 Ribozymes catalyze which of the following reactions? (a) DNA synthesis (b) transcription (c) RNA splicing (d) protein hydrolysis 7-53 You are studying a disease that is caused by a virus, but when you purify the virus particles and analyze them you find they contain no trace of DNA. Which of the following molecules are likely to contain the genetic information of the virus? (a) high-energy phosphate groups (b) RNA (c) lipids (d) carbohydrates 7-54 Give a reason why DNA makes a better material than RNA for the storage of genetic information, and explain your answer. How We Know: Cracking the Genetic Code 7-55 You have discovered an alien life form that surprisingly uses DNA as its genetic material, makes RNA from DNA, and reads the information from RNA to make protein using ribosomes and tRNAs, which read triplet codons. Because it is your job to decipher the genetic code for this alien, you synthesize some artificial RNA molecules and examine the protein products produced from these RNA molecules in a cell-free translation system using purified alien tRNAs and ribosomes. You obtain the results shown in Table Q7-55. Table Q7-55 From this information, which of the following peptides can be produced from poly UAUC? (a) Ile-Phe-Val-Tyr (b) Tyr-Ser-Phe-Ala (c) Ile-Lys-His-Tyr (d) Cys-Pro-Lys-Ala 7-56 An extraterrestrial organism (ET) is discovered whose basic cell biology seems pretty much the same as that of terrestrial organisms except that it uses a different genetic code to translate RNA into protein. You set out to break the code by translation experiments using RNAs of known sequence and cell-free extracts of ET cells to supply the necessary protein-synthesizing machinery. In experiments using the RNAs below, the following results were obtained when the 20 possible amino acids were added either singly or in different combinations of two or three: RNA 1: 5′-GCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGC-3′ RNA 2: 5′-GCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCC-3′ Using RNA 1, a polypeptide was produced only if alanine and valine were added to the reaction mixture. Using RNA 2, a polypeptide was produced only if leucine and serine and cysteine were added to the reaction mixture. Assuming that protein synthesis can start anywhere on the template, that the ET genetic code is nonoverlapping and linear, and that each codon is the same length (like the terrestrial triplet code), how many nucleotides does an ET codon contain? (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 6 7-57 NASA has discovered an alien life form. You are called in to help NASA scientists to deduce the genetic code for this alien. Surprisingly, this alien life form shares many similarities with life on Earth: this alien uses DNA as its genetic material, makes RNA from DNA, and reads the information from RNA to make protein using ribosomes and tRNAs. Even more amazing, this alien uses the same 20 amino acids, like the organisms found on Earth, and also codes for each amino acid by a triplet codon. However, the scientists at NASA have found that the genetic code used by the alien life form differs from that used by life on Earth. NASA scientists drew this conclusion after creating a cell-free protein synthesis system from alien cells and adding an mRNA made entirely of uracil (poly U). They found that poly U directs the synthesis of a peptide containing only glycine. NASA scientists have synthesized a poly AU mRNA and observe that it codes for a polypeptide of alternating serine and proline amino acids. From these experiments, can you determine which codons code for serine and proline? Explain. Bonus question. Can you propose a mechanism for how the alien’s physiology is altered so that it uses a different genetic code from life on Earth, despite all the similarities? CHAPTER 8 CONTROL OF GENE EXPRESSION  2009 Garland Science Publishing An Overview of Gene Expression 8-1 The distinct characteristics of different cell types in a multicellular organism result mainly from the differential regulation of the _________________. (a) replication of specific genes (b) transcription of genes transcribed by RNA polymerase II (c) transcription of housekeeping genes (d) packing of DNA into nucleosomes in some cells and not others 8-2 The human genome encodes about 24,000 genes. Approximately how many genes does the typical differentiated human cell express at any one time? (a) 24,000—all of them (b) between 21,500 and 24,000—at least 90% of the genes (c) between 5000 and 15,000 (d) less than 2500 8-3 Which of the following statements about differentiated cells is true? (a) Cells of distinct types express nonoverlapping sets of transcription factors. (b) Once a cell has differentiated, it can no longer change its gene expression. (c) Once a cell has differentiated, it will no longer need to transcribe RNA. (d) Some of the proteins found in differentiated cells are found in all cells of a multicellular organism. 8-4 Investigators performed nuclear transplant experiments to determine whether DNA is altered irreversibly during development. Which of the following statements about these experiments is true? (a) Because the donor nucleus is taken from an adult animal, the chromosomes from the nucleus must undergo recombination with the DNA in the egg for successful development to occur. (b) The embryo that develops from the nuclear transplant experiment is genetically identical to the donor of the nucleus. (c) The meiotic spindle of the egg must interact with the chromosomes of the injected nuclei for successful nuclear transplantation to occur. (d) Although nuclear transplantation has been successful in producing embryos in some mammals with the use of foster mothers, evidence of DNA alterations during differentiation has not been obtained for plants. 8-5 In principle, a eucaryotic cell can regulate gene expression at any step in the pathway from DNA to the active protein. Place the types of control listed below at the appropriate places on the diagram in Figure Q8-5. Figure Q8-5 A. translation control B. transcriptional control C. RNA processing control D. protein activity control How Transcriptional Switches Work 8-6 Fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; each word or phrase should be used only once. The genes of a bacterial __________________ are transcribed into a single mRNA. Many bacterial promoters contain a region known as a(n) __________________, to which a specific transcription regulator binds. Genes in which transcription is prevented are said to be __________________. The interaction of small molecules, such as tryptophan, with __________________ DNA-binding proteins, such as the tryptophan repressor, regulates bacterial genes. Genes that are being __________________ expressed are being transcribed all the time. allosteric negatively positively constitutively operator promoter induced operon repressed 8-7 Which of the following statements about transcriptional regulators is false? (a) Transcriptional regulators usually interact with the sugar-phosphate backbone on the outside of the double helix to determine where to bind on the DNA helix. (b) Transcriptional regulators will form hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds, and hydrophobic interactions with DNA. (c) The DNA-binding motifs of transcriptional regulators usually bind in the major groove of the DNA helix. (d) The binding of transcriptional regulators generally does not disrupt the hydrogen bonds that holds the double helix together. 8-8 Operons ___________________________. (a) are commonly found in eucaryotic cells (b) are transcribed by RNA polymerase II (c) contain a cluster of genes transcribed as a single mRNA (d) can only be regulated by gene activator proteins 8-9 The tryptophan operator ___________________________. (a) is an allosteric protein (b) binds to the tryptophan repressor when the repressor is bound to tryptophan (c) is required for production of the mRNA encoded by the tryptophan operon (d) is important for the production of the tryptophan repressor 8-10 Which of the following statements about the Lac operon is false? (a) The Lac repressor binds when lactose is present in the cell. (b) Even when the CAP activator is bound to DNA, if lactose is not present, the Lac operon will not be transcribed. (c) The CAP activator can only bind DNA when it is bound to cAMP. (d) The Lac operon only produces RNA when lactose is present and glucose is absent. 8-11 You are interested in examining the regulation of the gene that encodes an enzyme, Tre-ase, important in metabolizing trehalose into glucose in bacteria. Trehalose is a disaccharide formed of two glucose units. It is known that two DNA binding proteins, TreA and TreB, are important for binding to the promoter of the Tre-ase gene and are involved in regulating the transcription of the Tre-ase gene: TreA binds to the “A” site in the promoter region, and TreB binds to the “B” site. You make mutations in the TreA and TreB genes to create cells lacking these genes, observe what happens to transcription of the Tre-ase gene, and obtain the results in Table Q8-11. Table Q8-11 A. What is the role for TreA in controlling Tre-ase expression? Explain. B. What is the role for TreB in controlling Tre-ase expression? Explain. C. From these data, what do you predict will happen to Tre-ase transcription (compared with that in normal cells) in the presence of trehalose if you were to create a version of the TreA protein that will constitutively bind to the “A” site in the Tre-ase promoter? Note: Questions 8-12 to 8-15 use the following information and the data in Table Q8-12. These questions may be used independently, or as a group. You are interested in examining the Psf gene. It is known that Psf is normally produced when cells are exposed to high levels of both calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+). MetA, MetB, and MetC are important for binding to the promoter of the Psf gene and are involved in regulating its transcription. MetA binds to the “A” site in the promoter region, MetB to the “B” site, and MetC to the “C” site. You create binding site mutations in the A, B, and C sites and observe what happens to transcription of the Psf gene. Your results are summarized in Table Q8-12. Table Q8-12 For this table: -, no transcription of Psf; +, low level of transcription of Psf; ++, high levels of transcription of Psf. 8-12 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene activators? (a) MetA only (b) MetB only (c) MetC only (d) Both MetA and MetC 8-13 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene repressors? (a) MetA only (b) MetB only (c) MetC only (d) Both MetA and MetC 8-14 Which transcription factors are normally bound to the Psf promoter in the presence of Mg2+ only? (a) none (b) MetA only (c) MetA and Met B (d) MetA, MetB, and MetC 8-15 Which transcription factors are normally bound to the Psf promoter in the presence of both Mg2+ and Ca2+? (a) MetA and MetB (b) MetB and MetC (c) MetA and MetC (d) MetA, MetB, and MetC Note: Questions 8-16 to 8-19 use the following information and the data in Figure Q8-16. These questions may be used independently, or as a group. You are interested in understanding the gene regulation of Lkp1, a protein that is normally produced in liver and kidney cells in mice. Interestingly, you find that the LKP1 gene is not expressed in heart cells. You isolate the DNA upstream of the LKP1 gene, place it upstream of the gene for green fluorescent protein (GFP), and insert this entire piece of recombinant DNA into mice. You find GFP expressed in liver and kidney cells but not in heart cells, an expression pattern similar to the normal expression of the LKP1 gene. Further experiments demonstrate that there are three regions in the promoter, labeled A, B, and C in Figure Q8-16, that contribute to this expression pattern. Assume that a single and unique transcription factor binds each site such that protein X binds site A, protein Y binds site B, and protein Z binds site C. You want to determine which region is responsible for tissue-specific expression, and create mutations in the promoter to determine the function of each of these regions. In Figure Q8-16, if the site is missing, it is mutated such that it cannot bind its corresponding transcription factor. Figure Q8-16 8-16 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene repressors? (a) factor X (b) factor Y (c) factor Z (d) none of the above 8-17 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene activators? (a) factors X and Y (b) factors X and Z (c) factors Y and Z (d) factor X only 8-18 Experiment 1 in Figure Q8-16 is the positive control, demonstrating that the region of DNA upstream of the gene for GFP results in a pattern of expression that we normally find for the LKP1 gene. Experiment 2 shows what happens when the sites for binding factors X, Y, and Z are removed. Which experiment above demonstrates that factor X alone is sufficient for expression of LPK1 in the kidney? (a) experiment 3 (b) experiment 5 (c) experiment 6 (d) experiment 7 8-19 In what tissue is factor Z normally present and bound to the DNA? (a) kidney (b) liver (c) heart (d) none of the above 8-20 An allosteric transcription regulator called HisP regulates the enzymes for histidine biosynthesis in the bacterium E. coli. Histidine modulates HisP activity. On binding histidine, HisP alters its conformation, markedly changing its affinity for the regulatory sequences in the promoters of the genes for the histidine biosynthetic enzymes. A. If HisP functions as a gene repressor, would you expect that HisP would bind more tightly or less tightly to the regulatory sequences when histidine is abundant? Explain your answer. B. If HisP functions as a gene activator, would you expect that HisP would bind more tightly or less tightly to the regulatory sequences when histidine levels are low? Explain your answer. 8-21 Bacterial cells can take up the amino acid tryptophan from their surroundings, or, if the external supply is insufficient, they can synthesize trytophan by using enzymes in the cell. In some bacteria, the control of glutamine synthesis is similar to that of tryptophan synthesis, such that the glutamine repressor inhibits the transcription of the glutamine operon, which contains the genes that code for the enzymes required for glutamine synthesis. On binding to cellular glutamine, the glutamine repressor binds to a site in the promoter of the operon. A. Why is glutamine-dependent binding to the operon a useful property for the glutamine repressor? B. What would you expect to happen to the regulation of the enzymes that synthesize glutamine in cells expressing a mutant form of the glutamine repressor that cannot bind to DNA? C. What would you expect to happen to the regulation of the enzymes that synthesize glutamine in cells expressing a mutant form of the glutamine repressor that binds to DNA even when no glutamine is bound to it? 8-22 In the absence of glucose, E. coli can proliferate by using the pentose sugar arabinose. As shown in Figure Q8-22, the arabinose operon regulates the ability of E. coli to use arabinose. The araA, araB, and araD genes encode enzymes for the metabolism of arabinose. The araC gene encodes a transcription regulator that binds adjacent to the promoter of the arabinose operon. To understand the regulatory properties of the AraC protein, you engineer a mutant bacterium in which the araC gene has been deleted and look at the effect of the presence or absence of the AraC protein on the AraA enzyme. Figure Q8-22 A. If the AraC protein works as a gene repressor, would you expect araA RNA levels to be high or low in the presence of arabinose in the araCmutant cells? What about in the araC- mutant cells in the absence of arabinose? Explain your answer. B. Your findings from the experiment are summarized in Table Q8-22. Table Q8-22 Do the results in Table Q8-22 indicate that the AraC protein regulates arabinose metabolism by acting as a gene repressor or a gene activator? Explain your answer. 8-23 The CAP activator protein and the Lac repressor both control the Lac operon (see Figure Q8-23). You create cells that are mutant in the gene coding for the Lac repressor so that these cells lack the Lac repressor under all conditions. For these mutant cells, state whether the Lac operon will be switched on or off in the following situations and explain why. Figure Q8-23 A. in the presence of glucose and lactose B. in the presence of glucose and the absence of lactose C. in the absence of glucose and the absence of lactose D. in the absence of glucose and the presence of lactose 8-24 You have discovered an operon in a bacterium that is turned on only when sucrose is present and glucose is absent. You have also isolated three mutants that have changes in the upstream regulatory sequences of the operon and whose behavior is summarized in the Table Q8-24. You hypothesize that there are two gene regulatory sites in the upstream regulatory sequence, A and B, which are affected by the mutations. For this question, a plus (+) indicates a normal site and a minus (-) indicates a mutant site that no longer binds its transcription regulator. Table Q8-24 A. If mutant 1 has sites A- B+ , which of these sites is regulated by sucrose and which by glucose? B. Give the state (+ or -) of the A and B sites in mutants 2 and 3. C. Which site is bound by a repressor and which by an activator? 8-25 Label the following structures in Figure Q8-25. Figure Q8-25 A. activator protein B. RNA polymerase C. general transcription factors D. mediator 8-26 How are most eucaryotic transcription regulators able to affect transcription when their binding sites are far from the promoter? (a) by binding to their binding site and sliding to the site of RNA polymerase assembly (b) by looping out the intervening DNA between their binding site and the promoter (c) by unwinding the DNA between their binding site and the promoter (d) by attracting RNA polymerase and modifying it before it can bind to the promoter 8-27 The expression of the BRF1 gene in mice is normally quite low, but mutations in a gene called BRF2 lead to increased expression of BRF1. You have a hunch that nucleosomes are involved in the regulation of BRF1 expression and so you investigate the position of nucleosomes over the TATA box of BRF1 in normal mice and in mice that lack either the BRF2 protein (BRF2- ) or part of histone H4 (HHF- ) (histone H4 is encoded by the HHF gene). Table Q8-27 summarizes your results. A normal functional gene is indicated by a plus sign (+). Table Q8-27 Which of the following conclusions cannot be drawn from your data? Explain your answer. (a) BRF2 is required for the repression of BRF1. (b) BRF2 is required for the specific pattern of nucleosome positions over the BRF1 upstream region. (c) The specific pattern of nucleosome positioning over the BRF1 upstream region is required for BRF1 repression. (d) The part of histone H4 missing in HHF- mice is not required for the formation of nucleosomes. 8-28 The yeast GAL4 gene encodes a transcriptional regulator that can bind DNA upstream of genes required for the metabolism of the sugar galactose and turns them on. Gal4 has a DNA-binding domain and an activation domain. The DNAbinding domain allows it to bind to the appropriate sites in the promoters of the galactose metabolism genes. The activation domain attracts histone-modifying enzymes and also binds to a component of the RNA polymerase II enzyme complex, attracting it to the promoter so that the regulated genes can be turned on when Gal4 is also bound to the DNA. When Gal4 is expressed normally, the genes can be maximally activated. You decide to try to produce more of the galactose metabolism genes by overexpressing the Gal4 protein at levels fiftyfold greater than normal. You conduct experiments to show that you are overexpressing the Gal4 protein and that it is properly localized in the nucleus of the yeast cells. To your surprise, you find that too much Gal4 causes the galactose genes to be transcribed only at a low level. What is the most likely explanation for your findings? 8-29 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase in the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. During transcription in __________________ cells, transcriptional regulators that bind to DNA thousands of nucleotides away from a gene’s promoter can affect a gene’s transcription. The __________________ is a complex of proteins that links distantly bound transcription regulators with the proteins bound closer to the transcriptional start site. Transcriptional activators can also interact with histone __________________s, which alter chromatin by modifying lysines in the tail of histone proteins to allow greater accessibility to the underlying DNA. Gene repressor proteins can reduce the efficiency of transcription initiation by attracting histone __________________s. Sometimes, many contiguous genes can become transcriptionally inactive as a result of chromatin remodeling, like the __________________ found in interphase chromosomes. viral acetylase centrosome helicase eucaryotic operator procaryotic peroxidase deacetylase mediator deoxidase heterochromatin telomere enhancer leucine zipper The Molecular Mechanisms that Create Specialized Cell Types 8-30 In principle, how many different cell types can an organism having four different types of transcription regulator and thousands of genes create? (a) up to 4 (b) up to 8 (c) up to 16 (d) thousands 8-31 From the sequencing of the human genome, we believe that there are approximately 24,000 protein-coding genes in the genome, for which there are an estimated 1500–3000 transcription factors. If every gene has a tissue-specific and signal-dependent transcription pattern, how can such a small number of transcriptional regulatory proteins generate a much larger set of transcriptional patterns? 8-32 Combinatorial control of gene expression __________________________. (a) involves every gene using a different combination of transcriptional regulators for its proper expression (b) involves groups of transcriptional regulators working together to determine the expression of a gene (c) involves only the use of gene activators used together to regulate genes appropriately (d) is seen only when genes are arranged in operons 8-33 You are studying a set of mouse genes whose expression increases when cells are exposed to the hormone cortisol, and you believe that the same cortisolresponsive transcriptional activator regulates all of these genes. Which of the following statements below should be true if your hypothesis is correct? (a) The cortisol-responsive genes share a DNA sequence in their regulatory regions that binds the cortisol-responsive transcriptional activator. (b) The cortisol-responsive genes must all be in an operon. (c) The transcriptional regulators that bind to the regulatory regions of the cortisol-responsive genes must all be the same. (d) The cortisol-responsive genes must not be transcribed in response to other hormones. 8-34 The MyoD transcriptional regulator is normally found in differentiating muscle cells and participates in the transcription of genes that produce muscle-specific proteins, such as those needed in contractile tissue. Amazingly, expression of MyoD in fibroblasts causes these cells derived from skin connective tissue to produce proteins normally only seen in muscles. However, some other cell types do not transcribe muscle-specific genes when MyoD is expressed in them. Which of the following statements below is the best explanation of why MyoD can cause fibroblasts to express muscle-specific genes? (a) Unlike some other cell types, fibroblasts have not lost the muscle-specific genes from their genome. (b) The muscle-specific genes must be in heterochromatin in fibroblasts. (c) During their developmental history, fibroblasts have accumulated some transcriptional regulators in common with differentiating muscle cells. (d) The presence of MyoD is sufficient to activate the transcription of musclespecific genes in all cell types. 8-35 A virus produces a protein X that activates only a few of the virus’s own genes (V1, V2, and V3) when it infects cells. The cellular proteins A (a zinc finger protein) and the cellular protein B (a homeodomain protein) are known to be repressors of the viral genes V1, V2, and V3. You examine the complete upstream gene regulatory sequences of these three viral genes and find the following: 1. V1 and V2 contain binding sites for the zinc finger protein A only. 2. V3 contains a binding site for the homeodomain protein B only. 3. The only sequence that all three genes have in common is the TATA box. Label each of the choices below as likely or unlikely as an explanation for your findings. For each choice you label as unlikely, explain why. A. Protein X binds nonspecifically to the DNA upstream of V1, V2, and V3 and activates transcription. B. Protein X binds to a repressor and prevents the repressor from binding upstream of V1, V2, and V3. C. Protein X activates transcription by binding to the TATA box. D. Protein X activates transcription by binding to and sequestering proteins A and B. E. Protein X represses transcription of the genes for proteins A and B. 8-36 In mammals, individuals with two X chromosomes are female, and individuals with an X and a Y chromosome are male. It had long been known that a gene located on the Y chromosome was sufficient to induce the gonads to form testes, which is the main male-determining factor in development, and researchers sought the product of this gene, the so-called testes-determining factor (TDF). For several years, the TDF was incorrectly thought to be a zinc finger protein encoded by a gene called BoY. Which of the following observations would most strongly suggest that BoY might not be the TDF? Explain your answer. (a) Some XY individuals that develop into females have mutations in a different gene, SRY, but are normal at BoY. (b) BoY is not expressed in the adult male testes. (c) Expression of BoY in adult females does not masculinize them. (d) A few of the genes that are known to be expressed only in the testes have binding sites for the BoY protein in their upstream regulatory sequences, but most do not. 8-37 Which of the following is not a general mechanism that cells use to maintain stable patterns of gene expression as cells divide? (a) a positive feedback loop, mediated by a transcriptional regulator that activates transcription of its own gene in addition to other cell-type specific genes (b) faithful propagation of condensed chromatin structures as cells divide (c) inheritance of DNA methylation patterns when cells divide (d) proper segregation of housekeeping proteins when cells divide 8-38 Which of the following statements about DNA methylation in eucaryotes is false? (a) Appropriate inheritance of DNA methylation patterns involves maintenance methyltransferase. (b) DNA methylation involves a covalent modification of cytosine bases. (c) Methylation of DNA attracts proteins that block gene expression. (d) Immediately after DNA replication, each daughter helix contains one methylated DNA strand, which corresponds to the newly synthesized strand. 8-39 Which of the following statements about the Ey transcriptional regulator is false? (a) Expression of Ey in cells that normally form legs in the fly will lead to the formation of an eye in the middle of the legs. (b) The Ey transcription factor must bind to the promoter of every eyespecific gene in the fly. (c) Positive feedback loops ensure that Ey expression remains switched on in the developing eye. (d) A homolog of Ey is found in vertebrates; this homolog is also used during eye development. Post-Transcriptional Controls 8-40 Which of the following statements about riboswitches is false? (a) Riboswitches can block the production of mRNAs. (b) Riboswitches can control the translation of mRNAs. (c) Riboswitches are made from rRNAs. (d) Riboswitches can bind metabolites. 8-41 Which of the following is not involved in post-transcriptional control? (a) the spliceosome (b) dicer (c) mediator (d) RISC 8-42 MicroRNAs ____________________. (a) are produced from a precursor miRNA transcript (b) are found only in humans (c) control gene expression by base-pairing with DNA sequences (d) can degrade RNAs by using their intrinsic catalytic activity 8-43 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. MicroRNAs are noncoding RNAs that are incorporated into a protein complex called __________________, which searches the __________________s in the cytoplasm for sequence complementary to that of the miRNA. When such a molecule is found, it is then targeted for __________________. RNAi is triggered by the presence of foreign __________________ molecules, which are digested by the __________________ enzyme into shorter fragments approximately 23 nucleotide pairs in length. tRNA phosphorylation riboswitch RISC destruction acetylation procaryotic methylation DNA double-stranded RNA mRNA dicer single-stranded RNA rRNA mitochondria 8-44 The extent of complementarity of a miRNA with its target mRNA determines ___________________________. (a) whether the mRNA will be degraded or transported elsewhere in the cell (b) whether the mRNA will be transported to the nucleus (c) whether RISC is degraded (d) whether the miRNA synthesizes a complementary strand 8-45 Which of the following statements about miRNAs is false? (a) One miRNA can regulate the expression of many genes. (b) miRNAs are transcribed in the nucleus from genomic DNA. (c) miRNAs are produced from rRNAs. (d) miRNAs are made by RNA polymerase. 8-46 Which of the following statements about RNAi is true? (a) The RNAi mechanism is found only in plants and animals. (b) RNAi is induced when double-stranded RNA is present in the cell. (c) RISC uses the siRNA duplex to locate complementary foreign RNA molecules. (d) siRNAs bind to miRNAs to induce RNAi. How We Know: Gene Regulation – The Story of Eve 8-47 The gene for a hormone necessary for insect development contains binding sites for three transcription regulators called A, B, and C. Because the binding sites for A and B overlap, A and B cannot bind simultaneously. You make mutations in the binding sites for each of the proteins and measure hormone production in cells that contain equal amounts of the A, B, and C proteins. Figure Q8-47 summarizes your results. In each of the following sentences, choose one of the phrases within square brackets to make the statement consistent with the results. Figure Q8-47 A. Protein A binds to its DNA-binding site [more tightly/less tightly] than protein B binds to its DNA-binding site. B. Protein A is a [stronger/weaker] activator of transcription than protein B. C. Protein C is able to prevent activation by [protein A only/protein B only/both protein A and protein B]. 8-48 The Drosophila Eve gene has a complex promoter containing multiple binding sites for four transcription regulators: Bicoid, Hunchback, Giant, and Krüppel. Bicoid and Hunchback are activators of Eve transcription, whereas Giant and Krüppel repress Eve transcription. Figure Q8-48A shows the patterns of expression of these regulators. Figure Q8-48 The eve promoter contains modules that control expression in various stripes. You construct a reporter gene that contains the DNA 5 kb upstream of the eve gene, so that this reporter contains the stripe 3 module, the stripe 2 module, the stripe 7 module, and the TATA box, all fused to the LacZ reporter gene (which encodes the β-galactosidase enzyme), as shown in Figure Q8-50B. This construct results in expression of the β-galactosidase enzyme in three stripes, which correspond to the normal positions of stripes 3, 2, and 7. A. By examining the overlap of sites on the stripe 2 module, as depicted in Figure Q8-48B, what is the biological effect of having some of the transcription regulator binding sites overlap? B. You make two mutant versions in which several of the binding sites in the Eve stripe 2 module have been deleted, as detailed in items (i) and (ii) below. Refer to Figure Q8-48B for the positions of the binding sites. (Note, however, that because many of the binding sites overlap, it is not possible to delete all of one kind of site without affecting some of the other sites.) Match the appropriate mutant condition with the most likely pattern of Eve expression shown in Figure Q8-48C. Explain your choices. (i) deletion of the Krüppel-binding sites in stripe 2 (ii) deletion of the two Bicoid-binding sites in the stripe 2 module that are marked with an asterisk (*) in Figure Q8-48B 7-1 RNA in cells differs from DNA in that ___________________. (a) it contains the base uracil, which pairs with cytosine (b) it is single-stranded and cannot form base pairs (c) it is single-stranded and can fold up into a variety of structures (d) the sugar ribose contains fewer oxygen atoms than does deoxyribose 7-2 Transcription is similar to DNA replication in that ___________________. (a) an RNA transcript is synthesized discontinuously and the pieces are then joined together (b) it uses the same enzyme as that used to synthesize RNA primers during DNA replication (c) the newly synthesized RNA remains paired to the template DNA (d) nucleotide polymerization occurs only in the 5′-to-3′ direction 7-3 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. For a cell’s genetic material to be used, the information is first copied from the DNA into the nucleotide sequence of RNA in a process called __________________. Various kinds of RNA are produced, each with different functions. __________________ molecules code for proteins, __________________ molecules act as adaptors for protein synthesis, __________________ molecules are integral components of the ribosome, and __________________ molecules are important in the splicing of RNA transcripts. incorporation rRNA transmembrane mRNA snRNA tRNA pRNA transcription proteins translation 7-4 Match the following structures with their names. Figure Q7-4 7-5 Which of the following statements is false? (a) A new RNA molecule can begin to be synthesized from a gene before the previous RNA molecule’s synthesis is completed. (b) If two genes are to be expressed in a cell, these two genes can be transcribed with different efficiencies. (c) RNA polymerase is responsible for both unwinding the DNA helix and catalyzing the formation of the phosphodiester bonds between nucleotides. (d) Unlike DNA, RNA uses a uracil base and a deoxyribose sugar. 7-6 Which one of the following is the main reason that a typical eucaryotic gene is able to respond to a far greater variety of regulatory signals than a typical procaryotic gene or operon? (a) Eucaryotes have three types of RNA polymerase. (b) Eucaryotic RNA polymerases require general transcription factors. (c) The transcription of a eucaryotic gene can be influenced by proteins that bind far from the promoter. (d) Procaryotic genes are packaged into nucleosomes. 7-7 Match the following types of RNA with the main polymerase that transcribes them. 7-8 List three ways in which the process of eucaryotic transcription differs from the process of bacterial transcription. 7-9 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; each word or phrase should be used only once. In eucaryotic cells, general transcription factors are required for the activity of all promoters transcribed by RNA polymerase II. The assembly of the general transcription factors begins with the binding of the factor __________________ to DNA, causing a marked local distortion in the DNA. This factor binds at the DNA sequence called the __________________ box, which is typically located 25 nucleotides upstream from the transcription start site. Once RNA polymerase II has been brought to the promoter DNA, it must be released to begin making transcripts. This release process is facilitated by the addition of phosphate groups to the tail of RNA polymerase by the factor __________________. It must be remembered that the general transcription factors and RNA polymerase are not sufficient to initiate transcription in the cell and are affected by proteins bound thousands of nucleotides away from the promoter. Proteins that link the distantly bound transcription regulators to RNA polymerase and the general transcription factors include the large complex of proteins called the__________________. The packing of DNA into chromatin also affects transcriptional initiation, and histone __________________ is an enzyme that can render the DNA less accessible to the general transcription factors. activator lac TFIIA CAP ligase TFIID deacetylase mediator TFIIH enhancer TATA 7-10 You have a piece of DNA that includes the following sequence: 5′-ATAGGCATTCGATCCGGATAGCAT-3′ 3′-TATCCGTAAGCTAGGCCTATCGTA-5′ Which of the following RNA molecules could be transcribed from this piece of DNA? (a) 5′-UAUCCGUAAGCUAGGCCUAUGCUA-3′ (b) 5′-AUAGGCAUUCGAUCCGGAUAGCAU-3′ (c) 5′-UACGAUAGGCCUAGCUUACGGAUA-3′ (d) none of the above 7-11 You have a segment of DNA that contains the following sequence: 5′-GGACTAGACAATAGGGACCTAGAGATTCCGAAA-3′ 3′-CCTGATCTGTTATCCCTGGATCTCTAAGGCTTT-5′ If you know that the RNA transcribed from this segment contains the following sequence: 5′-GGACUAGACAAUAGGGACCUAGAGAUUCCGAAA–3′ Which of the following choices best describes how transcription occurs? (a) The top strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 5′ to 3′. (b) The top strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 3′ to 5′. (c) The bottom strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 5′ to 3′. (d) The bottom strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 3′ to 5′. 7-12 Which of the following molecules of RNA would you predict to be the most likely to fold into a specific structure as a result of intramolecular base pairing? (a) 5′- CCCUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUAGGG-3′ (b) 5′- UGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUG-3′ (c) 5′- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-3′ (d) 5′- GGAAAAGGAGAUGGGCAAGGGGAAAAGGAGAUGGGCAAGG-3′ 7-13 Imagine that an RNA polymerase is transcribing a segment of DNA that contains the following sequence: 5′-AGTCTAGGCACTGA-3′ 3′-TCAGATCCGTGACT 5′ A. If the polymerase is transcribing from this segment of DNA from left to right, which strand (top or bottom) is the template? B. What will be the sequence of that RNA (be sure to label the 5′ and 3′ ends of your RNA molecule)? 7-14 The sigma subunit of bacterial RNA polymerase ___________________. (a) contains the catalytic activity of the polymerase (b) remains part of the polymerase throughout transcription (c) recognizes promoter sites in the DNA (d) recognizes transcription termination sites in the DNA 7-15 Which of the following might decrease the transcription of only one specific gene in a bacterial cell? (a) a decrease in the amount of sigma factor (b) a decrease in the amount of RNA polymerase (c) a mutation that introduced a stop codon into the DNA that precedes the gene’s coding sequence (d) a mutation that introduced extensive sequence changes into the DNA that precedes the gene’s transcription start site 7-16 There are several reasons why the primase used to make the RNA primer for DNA replication is not suitable for gene transcription. Which of the statements below is not one of those reasons? (a) Primase initiates RNA synthesis on a single-stranded DNA template. (b) Primase can initiate RNA synthesis without the need for a base-paired primer. (c) Primase synthesizes only RNAs of about 5–20 nucleotides in length. (d) The RNA synthesized by primase remains base-paired to the DNA template. 7-17 You have a bacterial strain with a mutation that removes the transcription termination signal from the Abd operon. Which of the following statements describes the most likely effect of this mutation on Abd transcription? (a) The Abd RNA will not be produced in the mutant strain. (b) The Abd RNA from the mutant strain will be longer than normal. (c) Sigma factor will not dissociate from RNA polymerase when the Abd operon is being transcribed in the mutant strain. (d) RNA polymerase will move in a backwards fashion at the Abd operon in the mutant strain. 7-18 Transcription in bacteria differs from transcription in a eucaryotic cell because __________________________. (a) RNA polymerase (along with its sigma subunit) can initiate transcription on its own (b) RNA polymerase (along with its sigma subunit) requires the general transcription factors to assemble at the promoter before polymerase can begin transcription (c) The sigma subunit must associate with the appropriate type of RNA polymerase to produce mRNAs (d) RNA polymerase must be phosphorylated at its C-terminal tail for transcription to proceed 7-19 Which of the following does not occur before a eucaryotic mRNA is exported from the nucleus? (a) The ribosome binds to the mRNA. (b) The mRNA is polyadenylated at its 3′ end. (c) 7-methyl-G is added in a 5′ to 5′ linkage to the mRNA. (d) RNA polymerase dissociates. 7-20 Use the numbers in the choices below to indicate where in the schematic diagram of a eucaryotic cell (Figure Q7-20) those processes take place. Figure Q7-20 1. transcription 2. translation 3. RNA splicing 4. polyadenylation 5. RNA capping 7-21 Total nucleic acids are extracted from a culture of yeast cells and are then mixed with resin beads to which the polynucleotide 5′- TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT-3′ has been covalently attached. After a short incubation, the beads are then extracted from the mixture. When you analyze the cellular nucleic acids that have stuck to the beads, which of the following is most abundant? (a) DNA (b) tRNA (c) rRNA (d) mRNA 7-22 Name three covalent modifications that can be made to an RNA molecule in eucaryotic cells before the RNA molecule becomes a mature mRNA. 7-23 Which of the following statements about RNA splicing is false? (a) Conventional introns are not found in bacterial genes. (b) For a gene to function properly, every exon must be removed from the primary transcript in the same fashion on every mRNA molecule produced from the same gene. (c) Small RNA molecules in the nucleus perform the splicing reactions necessary for the removal of introns. (d) Splicing occurs after the 5′ cap has been added to the end of the primary transcript. 7-24 The length of a particular gene in human DNA, measured from the start site for transcription to the end of the protein-coding region, is 10,000 nucleotides, whereas the length of the mRNA produced from this gene is 4000 nucleotides. What is the most likely reason for this difference? 7-25 Why is the old dogma “one gene—one protein” not always true for eucaryotic genes? 7-26 Is this statement true or false? Explain your answer. “Since introns do not contain protein coding information, they do not have to be removed precisely (meaning, a nucleotide here and there should not matter) from the primary transcript during RNA splicing.” 7-27 You have discovered a gene (Figure Q7-27A) that is alternatively spliced to produce several forms of mRNA in various cell types, three of which are shown in Figure Q7-27B. The lines connecting the exons that are included in the mRNA indicate the splicing. From your experiments, you know that protein translation begins in exon 1. For all forms of the mRNA, the encoded protein sequence is the same in the regions of the mRNA that correspond to exons 1 and 10. Exons 2 and 3 are alternative exons used in different mRNA, as are exons 7 and 8. Which of the following statements about exons 2 and 3 is the most accurate? Explain your answer. Figure Q7-27 (a) Exons 2 and 3 must have the same number of nucleotides. (b) Exons 2 and 3 must contain an integral number of codons (that is, the number of nucleotides divided by 3 must be an integer). (c) Exons 2 and 3 must contain a number of nucleotides that when divided by 3, leaves the same remainder (that is, 0, 1, or 2). (d) Exons 2 and 3 must have different numbers of nucleotides. From RNA to Protein 7-28 Which of the following statements about the genetic code is correct? (a) All codons specify more than one amino acid. (b) The genetic code is redundant. (c) All amino acids are specified by more than one codon. (d) All codons specify an amino acid. NOTE: The following codon table is to be used for Problems Q7-29 to Q7-36, Q7-43, and Q7-47. 7-29 The piece of RNA below includes the region that codes the binding site for the initiator tRNA needed in translation. 5′-GUUUCCCGUAUACAUGCGUGCCGGGGGC-3′ Which amino acid will be on the tRNA that is the first to bind to the A-site of the ribosome? (a) methionine (b) arginine (c) cystine (d) valine 7-30 The following DNA sequence includes the beginning of a sequence coding for a protein. What would be the result of a mutation that changed the C marked by an asterisk to an A? 5′-AGGCTATGAATGGACACTGCGAGCCC…. * 7-31 Which amino acid would you expect a tRNA with the anticodon 5′-CUU-3′ to carry? (a) lysine (b) glutamic acid (d) leucine (d) phenylalanine 7-32 Which of the following pairs of codons might you expect to be read by the same tRNA as a result of wobble? (a) CUU and UUU (b) GAU and GAA (c) CAC and CAU (d) AAU and AGU 7-33 Below is a segment of RNA from the middle of an mRNA. 5′-UAGUCUAGGCACUGA-3′ If you were told that this segment of RNA was part of the coding region of an mRNA for a large protein, give the amino acid sequence for the protein that is encoded by this segment of mRNA. Write your answer using the one-letter amino acid code. 7-34 Below is the sequence from the 3′ end of an mRNA. 5′-CCGUUACCAGGCCUCAUUAUUGGUAACGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-3′ If you were told that this sequence contains the stop codon for the protein encoded by this mRNA, what is the anticodon on the tRNA in the P-site of the ribosome when release factor binds to the A-site? (a) 5′-CCA-3′ (b) 5′-CCG-3′ (c) 5′-UGG-3′ (d) 5′-UUA-3′ 7-35 One strand of a section of DNA isolated from the bacterium E. coli reads: 5′-GTAGCCTACCCATAGG-3′ A. Suppose that an mRNA is transcribed from this DNA using the complementary strand as a template. What will be the sequence of the mRNA in this region (make sure you label the 5′ and 3′ ends of the mRNA)? B. How many different peptides could potentially be made from this sequence of RNA, assuming that translation initiates upstream of this sequence? C. What are these peptides? (Give your answer using the one-letter amino acid code.) 7-36 A strain of yeast translates mRNA into protein inaccurately. Individual molecules of a particular protein isolated from this yeast have variations in the first 11 amino acids compared with the sequence of the same protein isolated from normal yeast cells, as listed in Figure Q7-36. What is the most likely cause of this variation in protein sequence? Figure Q7-36 (a) a mutation in the DNA coding for the protein (b) a mutation in the anticodon of the isoleucine tRNA (tRNAIle) (c) a mutation in the isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase that decreases its ability to distinguish between different amino acids (d) a mutation in the isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase that decreases its ability to distinguish between different tRNA molecules 7-37 Which of the following statements is true? (a) Ribosomes are large RNA structures composed solely of rRNA. (b) Ribosomes are synthesized entirely in the cytoplasm. (c) rRNA contains the catalytic activity that joins amino acids together. (d) A ribosome binds one tRNA at a time. 7-38 Figure Q7-38A shows the stage in translation when an incoming aminoacyl-tRNA has bound to the A-site on the ribosome. Using the components shown in Figure Q7-38A as a guide, show on Figure Q7-38B and Q7-38C what happens in the next two stages to complete the addition of the new amino acid to the growing polypeptide chain. Figure Q7-38 7-39 A poison added to an in vitro translation mixture containing mRNA molecules with the sequence 5′-AUGAAAAAAAAAAAAUAA-3′ has the following effect: the only product made is a Met-Lys dipeptide that remains attached to the ribosome. What is the most likely way in which the poison acts to inhibit protein synthesis? (a) It inhibits peptidyl transferase activity. (b) It inhibits movement of the small subunit relative to the large subunit. (c) It inhibits release factor. (d) It mimics release factor. 7-40 In eucaryotes, but not in procaryotes, ribosomes find the start site of translation by ____________________________. (a) binding directly to a ribosome-binding site preceding the initiation codon (b) scanning along the mRNA from the 5′ end (c) recognizing an AUG codon as the start of translation (d) binding an initiator tRNA 7-41 Which of the following statements about procaryotic mRNA molecules is false? (a) A single procaryotic mRNA molecule can be translated into several proteins. (b) Ribosomes must bind to the 5′ cap before initiating translation. (c) mRNAs are not polyadenylated. (d) Ribosomes can start translating an mRNA molecule before transcription is complete. 7-42 Figure Q7-42 shows an mRNA molecule. Figure Q7-42 A. Match the labels given in the list below with the label lines in Figure Q7- 42. (a) ribosome-binding site (b) initiator codon (c) stop codon (d) untranslated 3′ region (e) untranslated 5′ region (f) protein-coding region B. Is the mRNA shown procaryotic or eucaryotic? Explain your answer. 7-43 A mutation in the tRNA for the amino acid lysine results in the anticodon sequence 5′-UAU-3′ (instead of 5′-UUU-3′). Which of the following aberrations in protein synthesis might this tRNA cause? (Refer to the codon table provided above Q7-29.) (a) read-through of stop codons (b) substitution of lysine for isoleucine (c) substitution of lysine for tyrosine (d) substitution of lysine for phenylalanine 7-44 You have discovered a protein that inhibits translation. When you add this inhibitor to a mixture capable of translating human mRNA and centrifuge the mixture to separate polyribosomes and single ribosomes, you obtain the results shown in Figure Q7-44. Which of the following interpretations is consistent with these observations? Figure Q7-44 (a) The protein binds to the small ribosomal subunit and increases the rate of initiation of translation. (b) The protein binds to sequences in the 5′ region of the mRNA and inhibits the rate of initiation of translation. (c) The protein binds to the large ribosomal subunit and slows down elongation of the polypeptide chain. (d) The protein binds to sequences in the 3′ region of the mRNA and prevents termination of translation. 7-45 The concentration of a particular protein X in a normal human cell rises gradually from a low point, immediately after cell division, to a high point, just before cell division, and then drops sharply. The level of its mRNA in the cell remains fairly constant throughout this time. Protein X is required for cell growth and survival, but the drop in its level just before cell division is essential for division to proceed. You have isolated a line of human cells that grow in size in culture but cannot divide, and on analyzing these mutants, you find that levels of X mRNA in the mutant cells are normal. Which of the following mutations in the gene for X could explain these results? (a) the introduction of a stop codon that truncates protein X at the fourth amino acid (b) a change of the first ATG codon to CCA (c) the deletion of a sequence that encodes sites at which ubiquitin can be attached to the protein (d) a change at a splice site that prevents splicing of the RNA 7-46 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. Once an mRNA is produced, its message can be decoded on ribosomes. The ribosome is composed of two subunits: the __________________ subunit, which catalyzes the formation of the peptide bonds that link the amino acids together into a polypeptide chain, and the __________________ subunit, which matches the tRNAs to the codons of the mRNA. During the chain elongation process of translating an mRNA into protein, the growing polypeptide chain attached to a tRNA is bound to the __________________-site of the ribosome. An incoming aminoacyl-tRNA carrying the next amino acid in the chain will bind to the __________________-site by forming base pairs with the exposed codon in the mRNA. The __________________ enzyme catalyzes the formation of a new peptide bond between the growing polypeptide chain and the newly arriving amino acid. The end of a protein-coding message is signaled by the presence of a stop codon, which binds the __________________ called release factor. Eventually, most proteins will be degraded by a large complex of proteolytic enzymes called the __________________. A medium proteasome central P RNA DNA peptidyl transferase small E polymerase T large protein ubiquitin 7-47 After treating cells with a mutagen, you isolate two mutants. One carries alanine and the other carries methionine at a site in the protein that normally contains valine. After treating these two mutants again with mutagen, you isolate mutants from each that now carry threonine at the site of the original valine (see Figure Q7-47). Assuming that all mutations caused by the mutagen are due to single nucleotide changes, deduce the codons that are used for valine, alanine, methionine, and threonine at the affected site. (Refer to the codon table provided above Q7-29.) Figure Q7-47 7-48 Which of the following methods is not used by cells to regulate the amount of a protein in the cell? (a) Genes can be transcribed into mRNA with different efficiencies. (b) Many ribosomes can bind to a single mRNA molecule. (c) Proteins can be tagged with ubiquitin, marking them for degradation. (d) Nuclear pore complexes can regulate the speed at which newly synthesized proteins are exported from the nucleus into the cytoplasm. 7-49 Which of the following statements about the proteasome is false? (a) Ubiquitin is a small protein that is covalently attached to proteins to mark them for delivery to the proteasome. (b) Proteases reside in the central cylinder of a proteasome. (c) Misfolded proteins are delivered to the proteasome, where they are sequestered from the cytoplasm and can attempt to refold. (d) The protein stoppers that surround the central cylinder of the proteasome use the energy from ATP hydrolysis to move proteins into the proteasome inner chamber. RNA and the Origins of Life 7-50 Which of the following molecules is thought to have arisen first during evolution? (a) protein (b) DNA (c) RNA (d) All came to be at the same time. 7-51 According to current thinking, the minimum requirement for life to have originated on Earth was the formation of a _______________. (a) molecule that could provide a template for the production of a complementary molecule (b) double-stranded DNA helix (c) molecule that could direct protein synthesis (d) molecule that could catalyze its own replication 7-52 Ribozymes catalyze which of the following reactions? (a) DNA synthesis (b) transcription (c) RNA splicing (d) protein hydrolysis 7-53 You are studying a disease that is caused by a virus, but when you purify the virus particles and analyze them you find they contain no trace of DNA. Which of the following molecules are likely to contain the genetic information of the virus? (a) high-energy phosphate groups (b) RNA (c) lipids (d) carbohydrates 7-54 Give a reason why DNA makes a better material than RNA for the storage of genetic information, and explain your answer. How We Know: Cracking the Genetic Code 7-55 You have discovered an alien life form that surprisingly uses DNA as its genetic material, makes RNA from DNA, and reads the information from RNA to make protein using ribosomes and tRNAs, which read triplet codons. Because it is your job to decipher the genetic code for this alien, you synthesize some artificial RNA molecules and examine the protein products produced from these RNA molecules in a cell-free translation system using purified alien tRNAs and ribosomes. You obtain the results shown in Table Q7-55. Table Q7-55 From this information, which of the following peptides can be produced from poly UAUC? (a) Ile-Phe-Val-Tyr (b) Tyr-Ser-Phe-Ala (c) Ile-Lys-His-Tyr (d) Cys-Pro-Lys-Ala 7-56 An extraterrestrial organism (ET) is discovered whose basic cell biology seems pretty much the same as that of terrestrial organisms except that it uses a different genetic code to translate RNA into protein. You set out to break the code by translation experiments using RNAs of known sequence and cell-free extracts of ET cells to supply the necessary protein-synthesizing machinery. In experiments using the RNAs below, the following results were obtained when the 20 possible amino acids were added either singly or in different combinations of two or three: RNA 1: 5′-GCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGC-3′ RNA 2: 5′-GCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCC-3′ Using RNA 1, a polypeptide was produced only if alanine and valine were added to the reaction mixture. Using RNA 2, a polypeptide was produced only if leucine and serine and cysteine were added to the reaction mixture. Assuming that protein synthesis can start anywhere on the template, that the ET genetic code is nonoverlapping and linear, and that each codon is the same length (like the terrestrial triplet code), how many nucleotides does an ET codon contain? (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 6 7-57 NASA has discovered an alien life form. You are called in to help NASA scientists to deduce the genetic code for this alien. Surprisingly, this alien life form shares many similarities with life on Earth: this alien uses DNA as its genetic material, makes RNA from DNA, and reads the information from RNA to make protein using ribosomes and tRNAs. Even more amazing, this alien uses the same 20 amino acids, like the organisms found on Earth, and also codes for each amino acid by a triplet codon. However, the scientists at NASA have found that the genetic code used by the alien life form differs from that used by life on Earth. NASA scientists drew this conclusion after creating a cell-free protein synthesis system from alien cells and adding an mRNA made entirely of uracil (poly U). They found that poly U directs the synthesis of a peptide containing only glycine. NASA scientists have synthesized a poly AU mRNA and observe that it codes for a polypeptide of alternating serine and proline amino acids. From these experiments, can you determine which codons code for serine and proline? Explain. Bonus question. Can you propose a mechanism for how the alien’s physiology is altered so that it uses a different genetic code from life on Earth, despite all the similarities? CHAPTER 8 CONTROL OF GENE EXPRESSION  2009 Garland Science Publishing An Overview of Gene Expression 8-1 The distinct characteristics of different cell types in a multicellular organism result mainly from the differential regulation of the _________________. (a) replication of specific genes (b) transcription of genes transcribed by RNA polymerase II (c) transcription of housekeeping genes (d) packing of DNA into nucleosomes in some cells and not others 8-2 The human genome encodes about 24,000 genes. Approximately how many genes does the typical differentiated human cell express at any one time? (a) 24,000—all of them (b) between 21,500 and 24,000—at least 90% of the genes (c) between 5000 and 15,000 (d) less than 2500 8-3 Which of the following statements about differentiated cells is true? (a) Cells of distinct types express nonoverlapping sets of transcription factors. (b) Once a cell has differentiated, it can no longer change its gene expression. (c) Once a cell has differentiated, it will no longer need to transcribe RNA. (d) Some of the proteins found in differentiated cells are found in all cells of a multicellular organism. 8-4 Investigators performed nuclear transplant experiments to determine whether DNA is altered irreversibly during development. Which of the following statements about these experiments is true? (a) Because the donor nucleus is taken from an adult animal, the chromosomes from the nucleus must undergo recombination with the DNA in the egg for successful development to occur. (b) The embryo that develops from the nuclear transplant experiment is genetically identical to the donor of the nucleus. (c) The meiotic spindle of the egg must interact with the chromosomes of the injected nuclei for successful nuclear transplantation to occur. (d) Although nuclear transplantation has been successful in producing embryos in some mammals with the use of foster mothers, evidence of DNA alterations during differentiation has not been obtained for plants. 8-5 In principle, a eucaryotic cell can regulate gene expression at any step in the pathway from DNA to the active protein. Place the types of control listed below at the appropriate places on the diagram in Figure Q8-5. Figure Q8-5 A. translation control B. transcriptional control C. RNA processing control D. protein activity control How Transcriptional Switches Work 8-6 Fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; each word or phrase should be used only once. The genes of a bacterial __________________ are transcribed into a single mRNA. Many bacterial promoters contain a region known as a(n) __________________, to which a specific transcription regulator binds. Genes in which transcription is prevented are said to be __________________. The interaction of small molecules, such as tryptophan, with __________________ DNA-binding proteins, such as the tryptophan repressor, regulates bacterial genes. Genes that are being __________________ expressed are being transcribed all the time. allosteric negatively positively constitutively operator promoter induced operon repressed 8-7 Which of the following statements about transcriptional regulators is false? (a) Transcriptional regulators usually interact with the sugar-phosphate backbone on the outside of the double helix to determine where to bind on the DNA helix. (b) Transcriptional regulators will form hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds, and hydrophobic interactions with DNA. (c) The DNA-binding motifs of transcriptional regulators usually bind in the major groove of the DNA helix. (d) The binding of transcriptional regulators generally does not disrupt the hydrogen bonds that holds the double helix together. 8-8 Operons ___________________________. (a) are commonly found in eucaryotic cells (b) are transcribed by RNA polymerase II (c) contain a cluster of genes transcribed as a single mRNA (d) can only be regulated by gene activator proteins 8-9 The tryptophan operator ___________________________. (a) is an allosteric protein (b) binds to the tryptophan repressor when the repressor is bound to tryptophan (c) is required for production of the mRNA encoded by the tryptophan operon (d) is important for the production of the tryptophan repressor 8-10 Which of the following statements about the Lac operon is false? (a) The Lac repressor binds when lactose is present in the cell. (b) Even when the CAP activator is bound to DNA, if lactose is not present, the Lac operon will not be transcribed. (c) The CAP activator can only bind DNA when it is bound to cAMP. (d) The Lac operon only produces RNA when lactose is present and glucose is absent. 8-11 You are interested in examining the regulation of the gene that encodes an enzyme, Tre-ase, important in metabolizing trehalose into glucose in bacteria. Trehalose is a disaccharide formed of two glucose units. It is known that two DNA binding proteins, TreA and TreB, are important for binding to the promoter of the Tre-ase gene and are involved in regulating the transcription of the Tre-ase gene: TreA binds to the “A” site in the promoter region, and TreB binds to the “B” site. You make mutations in the TreA and TreB genes to create cells lacking these genes, observe what happens to transcription of the Tre-ase gene, and obtain the results in Table Q8-11. Table Q8-11 A. What is the role for TreA in controlling Tre-ase expression? Explain. B. What is the role for TreB in controlling Tre-ase expression? Explain. C. From these data, what do you predict will happen to Tre-ase transcription (compared with that in normal cells) in the presence of trehalose if you were to create a version of the TreA protein that will constitutively bind to the “A” site in the Tre-ase promoter? Note: Questions 8-12 to 8-15 use the following information and the data in Table Q8-12. These questions may be used independently, or as a group. You are interested in examining the Psf gene. It is known that Psf is normally produced when cells are exposed to high levels of both calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+). MetA, MetB, and MetC are important for binding to the promoter of the Psf gene and are involved in regulating its transcription. MetA binds to the “A” site in the promoter region, MetB to the “B” site, and MetC to the “C” site. You create binding site mutations in the A, B, and C sites and observe what happens to transcription of the Psf gene. Your results are summarized in Table Q8-12. Table Q8-12 For this table: -, no transcription of Psf; +, low level of transcription of Psf; ++, high levels of transcription of Psf. 8-12 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene activators? (a) MetA only (b) MetB only (c) MetC only (d) Both MetA and MetC 8-13 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene repressors? (a) MetA only (b) MetB only (c) MetC only (d) Both MetA and MetC 8-14 Which transcription factors are normally bound to the Psf promoter in the presence of Mg2+ only? (a) none (b) MetA only (c) MetA and Met B (d) MetA, MetB, and MetC 8-15 Which transcription factors are normally bound to the Psf promoter in the presence of both Mg2+ and Ca2+? (a) MetA and MetB (b) MetB and MetC (c) MetA and MetC (d) MetA, MetB, and MetC Note: Questions 8-16 to 8-19 use the following information and the data in Figure Q8-16. These questions may be used independently, or as a group. You are interested in understanding the gene regulation of Lkp1, a protein that is normally produced in liver and kidney cells in mice. Interestingly, you find that the LKP1 gene is not expressed in heart cells. You isolate the DNA upstream of the LKP1 gene, place it upstream of the gene for green fluorescent protein (GFP), and insert this entire piece of recombinant DNA into mice. You find GFP expressed in liver and kidney cells but not in heart cells, an expression pattern similar to the normal expression of the LKP1 gene. Further experiments demonstrate that there are three regions in the promoter, labeled A, B, and C in Figure Q8-16, that contribute to this expression pattern. Assume that a single and unique transcription factor binds each site such that protein X binds site A, protein Y binds site B, and protein Z binds site C. You want to determine which region is responsible for tissue-specific expression, and create mutations in the promoter to determine the function of each of these regions. In Figure Q8-16, if the site is missing, it is mutated such that it cannot bind its corresponding transcription factor. Figure Q8-16 8-16 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene repressors? (a) factor X (b) factor Y (c) factor Z (d) none of the above 8-17 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene activators? (a) factors X and Y (b) factors X and Z (c) factors Y and Z (d) factor X only 8-18 Experiment 1 in Figure Q8-16 is the positive control, demonstrating that the region of DNA upstream of the gene for GFP results in a pattern of expression that we normally find for the LKP1 gene. Experiment 2 shows what happens when the sites for binding factors X, Y, and Z are removed. Which experiment above demonstrates that factor X alone is sufficient for expression of LPK1 in the kidney? (a) experiment 3 (b) experiment 5 (c) experiment 6 (d) experiment 7 8-19 In what tissue is factor Z normally present and bound to the DNA? (a) kidney (b) liver (c) heart (d) none of the above 8-20 An allosteric transcription regulator called HisP regulates the enzymes for histidine biosynthesis in the bacterium E. coli. Histidine modulates HisP activity. On binding histidine, HisP alters its conformation, markedly changing its affinity for the regulatory sequences in the promoters of the genes for the histidine biosynthetic enzymes. A. If HisP functions as a gene repressor, would you expect that HisP would bind more tightly or less tightly to the regulatory sequences when histidine is abundant? Explain your answer. B. If HisP functions as a gene activator, would you expect that HisP would bind more tightly or less tightly to the regulatory sequences when histidine levels are low? Explain your answer. 8-21 Bacterial cells can take up the amino acid tryptophan from their surroundings, or, if the external supply is insufficient, they can synthesize trytophan by using enzymes in the cell. In some bacteria, the control of glutamine synthesis is similar to that of tryptophan synthesis, such that the glutamine repressor inhibits the transcription of the glutamine operon, which contains the genes that code for the enzymes required for glutamine synthesis. On binding to cellular glutamine, the glutamine repressor binds to a site in the promoter of the operon. A. Why is glutamine-dependent binding to the operon a useful property for the glutamine repressor? B. What would you expect to happen to the regulation of the enzymes that synthesize glutamine in cells expressing a mutant form of the glutamine repressor that cannot bind to DNA? C. What would you expect to happen to the regulation of the enzymes that synthesize glutamine in cells expressing a mutant form of the glutamine repressor that binds to DNA even when no glutamine is bound to it? 8-22 In the absence of glucose, E. coli can proliferate by using the pentose sugar arabinose. As shown in Figure Q8-22, the arabinose operon regulates the ability of E. coli to use arabinose. The araA, araB, and araD genes encode enzymes for the metabolism of arabinose. The araC gene encodes a transcription regulator that binds adjacent to the promoter of the arabinose operon. To understand the regulatory properties of the AraC protein, you engineer a mutant bacterium in which the araC gene has been deleted and look at the effect of the presence or absence of the AraC protein on the AraA enzyme. Figure Q8-22 A. If the AraC protein works as a gene repressor, would you expect araA RNA levels to be high or low in the presence of arabinose in the araCmutant cells? What about in the araC- mutant cells in the absence of arabinose? Explain your answer. B. Your findings from the experiment are summarized in Table Q8-22. Table Q8-22 Do the results in Table Q8-22 indicate that the AraC protein regulates arabinose metabolism by acting as a gene repressor or a gene activator? Explain your answer. 8-23 The CAP activator protein and the Lac repressor both control the Lac operon (see Figure Q8-23). You create cells that are mutant in the gene coding for the Lac repressor so that these cells lack the Lac repressor under all conditions. For these mutant cells, state whether the Lac operon will be switched on or off in the following situations and explain why. Figure Q8-23 A. in the presence of glucose and lactose B. in the presence of glucose and the absence of lactose C. in the absence of glucose and the absence of lactose D. in the absence of glucose and the presence of lactose 8-24 You have discovered an operon in a bacterium that is turned on only when sucrose is present and glucose is absent. You have also isolated three mutants that have changes in the upstream regulatory sequences of the operon and whose behavior is summarized in the Table Q8-24. You hypothesize that there are two gene regulatory sites in the upstream regulatory sequence, A and B, which are affected by the mutations. For this question, a plus (+) indicates a normal site and a minus (-) indicates a mutant site that no longer binds its transcription regulator. Table Q8-24 A. If mutant 1 has sites A- B+ , which of these sites is regulated by sucrose and which by glucose? B. Give the state (+ or -) of the A and B sites in mutants 2 and 3. C. Which site is bound by a repressor and which by an activator? 8-25 Label the following structures in Figure Q8-25. Figure Q8-25 A. activator protein B. RNA polymerase C. general transcription factors D. mediator 8-26 How are most eucaryotic transcription regulators able to affect transcription when their binding sites are far from the promoter? (a) by binding to their binding site and sliding to the site of RNA polymerase assembly (b) by looping out the intervening DNA between their binding site and the promoter (c) by unwinding the DNA between their binding site and the promoter (d) by attracting RNA polymerase and modifying it before it can bind to the promoter 8-27 The expression of the BRF1 gene in mice is normally quite low, but mutations in a gene called BRF2 lead to increased expression of BRF1. You have a hunch that nucleosomes are involved in the regulation of BRF1 expression and so you investigate the position of nucleosomes over the TATA box of BRF1 in normal mice and in mice that lack either the BRF2 protein (BRF2- ) or part of histone H4 (HHF- ) (histone H4 is encoded by the HHF gene). Table Q8-27 summarizes your results. A normal functional gene is indicated by a plus sign (+). Table Q8-27 Which of the following conclusions cannot be drawn from your data? Explain your answer. (a) BRF2 is required for the repression of BRF1. (b) BRF2 is required for the specific pattern of nucleosome positions over the BRF1 upstream region. (c) The specific pattern of nucleosome positioning over the BRF1 upstream region is required for BRF1 repression. (d) The part of histone H4 missing in HHF- mice is not required for the formation of nucleosomes. 8-28 The yeast GAL4 gene encodes a transcriptional regulator that can bind DNA upstream of genes required for the metabolism of the sugar galactose and turns them on. Gal4 has a DNA-binding domain and an activation domain. The DNAbinding domain allows it to bind to the appropriate sites in the promoters of the galactose metabolism genes. The activation domain attracts histone-modifying enzymes and also binds to a component of the RNA polymerase II enzyme complex, attracting it to the promoter so that the regulated genes can be turned on when Gal4 is also bound to the DNA. When Gal4 is expressed normally, the genes can be maximally activated. You decide to try to produce more of the galactose metabolism genes by overexpressing the Gal4 protein at levels fiftyfold greater than normal. You conduct experiments to show that you are overexpressing the Gal4 protein and that it is properly localized in the nucleus of the yeast cells. To your surprise, you find that too much Gal4 causes the galactose genes to be transcribed only at a low level. What is the most likely explanation for your findings? 8-29 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase in the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. During transcription in __________________ cells, transcriptional regulators that bind to DNA thousands of nucleotides away from a gene’s promoter can affect a gene’s transcription. The __________________ is a complex of proteins that links distantly bound transcription regulators with the proteins bound closer to the transcriptional start site. Transcriptional activators can also interact with histone __________________s, which alter chromatin by modifying lysines in the tail of histone proteins to allow greater accessibility to the underlying DNA. Gene repressor proteins can reduce the efficiency of transcription initiation by attracting histone __________________s. Sometimes, many contiguous genes can become transcriptionally inactive as a result of chromatin remodeling, like the __________________ found in interphase chromosomes. viral acetylase centrosome helicase eucaryotic operator procaryotic peroxidase deacetylase mediator deoxidase heterochromatin telomere enhancer leucine zipper The Molecular Mechanisms that Create Specialized Cell Types 8-30 In principle, how many different cell types can an organism having four different types of transcription regulator and thousands of genes create? (a) up to 4 (b) up to 8 (c) up to 16 (d) thousands 8-31 From the sequencing of the human genome, we believe that there are approximately 24,000 protein-coding genes in the genome, for which there are an estimated 1500–3000 transcription factors. If every gene has a tissue-specific and signal-dependent transcription pattern, how can such a small number of transcriptional regulatory proteins generate a much larger set of transcriptional patterns? 8-32 Combinatorial control of gene expression __________________________. (a) involves every gene using a different combination of transcriptional regulators for its proper expression (b) involves groups of transcriptional regulators working together to determine the expression of a gene (c) involves only the use of gene activators used together to regulate genes appropriately (d) is seen only when genes are arranged in operons 8-33 You are studying a set of mouse genes whose expression increases when cells are exposed to the hormone cortisol, and you believe that the same cortisolresponsive transcriptional activator regulates all of these genes. Which of the following statements below should be true if your hypothesis is correct? (a) The cortisol-responsive genes share a DNA sequence in their regulatory regions that binds the cortisol-responsive transcriptional activator. (b) The cortisol-responsive genes must all be in an operon. (c) The transcriptional regulators that bind to the regulatory regions of the cortisol-responsive genes must all be the same. (d) The cortisol-responsive genes must not be transcribed in response to other hormones. 8-34 The MyoD transcriptional regulator is normally found in differentiating muscle cells and participates in the transcription of genes that produce muscle-specific proteins, such as those needed in contractile tissue. Amazingly, expression of MyoD in fibroblasts causes these cells derived from skin connective tissue to produce proteins normally only seen in muscles. However, some other cell types do not transcribe muscle-specific genes when MyoD is expressed in them. Which of the following statements below is the best explanation of why MyoD can cause fibroblasts to express muscle-specific genes? (a) Unlike some other cell types, fibroblasts have not lost the muscle-specific genes from their genome. (b) The muscle-specific genes must be in heterochromatin in fibroblasts. (c) During their developmental history, fibroblasts have accumulated some transcriptional regulators in common with differentiating muscle cells. (d) The presence of MyoD is sufficient to activate the transcription of musclespecific genes in all cell types. 8-35 A virus produces a protein X that activates only a few of the virus’s own genes (V1, V2, and V3) when it infects cells. The cellular proteins A (a zinc finger protein) and the cellular protein B (a homeodomain protein) are known to be repressors of the viral genes V1, V2, and V3. You examine the complete upstream gene regulatory sequences of these three viral genes and find the following: 1. V1 and V2 contain binding sites for the zinc finger protein A only. 2. V3 contains a binding site for the homeodomain protein B only. 3. The only sequence that all three genes have in common is the TATA box. Label each of the choices below as likely or unlikely as an explanation for your findings. For each choice you label as unlikely, explain why. A. Protein X binds nonspecifically to the DNA upstream of V1, V2, and V3 and activates transcription. B. Protein X binds to a repressor and prevents the repressor from binding upstream of V1, V2, and V3. C. Protein X activates transcription by binding to the TATA box. D. Protein X activates transcription by binding to and sequestering proteins A and B. E. Protein X represses transcription of the genes for proteins A and B. 8-36 In mammals, individuals with two X chromosomes are female, and individuals with an X and a Y chromosome are male. It had long been known that a gene located on the Y chromosome was sufficient to induce the gonads to form testes, which is the main male-determining factor in development, and researchers sought the product of this gene, the so-called testes-determining factor (TDF). For several years, the TDF was incorrectly thought to be a zinc finger protein encoded by a gene called BoY. Which of the following observations would most strongly suggest that BoY might not be the TDF? Explain your answer. (a) Some XY individuals that develop into females have mutations in a different gene, SRY, but are normal at BoY. (b) BoY is not expressed in the adult male testes. (c) Expression of BoY in adult females does not masculinize them. (d) A few of the genes that are known to be expressed only in the testes have binding sites for the BoY protein in their upstream regulatory sequences, but most do not. 8-37 Which of the following is not a general mechanism that cells use to maintain stable patterns of gene expression as cells divide? (a) a positive feedback loop, mediated by a transcriptional regulator that activates transcription of its own gene in addition to other cell-type specific genes (b) faithful propagation of condensed chromatin structures as cells divide (c) inheritance of DNA methylation patterns when cells divide (d) proper segregation of housekeeping proteins when cells divide 8-38 Which of the following statements about DNA methylation in eucaryotes is false? (a) Appropriate inheritance of DNA methylation patterns involves maintenance methyltransferase. (b) DNA methylation involves a covalent modification of cytosine bases. (c) Methylation of DNA attracts proteins that block gene expression. (d) Immediately after DNA replication, each daughter helix contains one methylated DNA strand, which corresponds to the newly synthesized strand. 8-39 Which of the following statements about the Ey transcriptional regulator is false? (a) Expression of Ey in cells that normally form legs in the fly will lead to the formation of an eye in the middle of the legs. (b) The Ey transcription factor must bind to the promoter of every eyespecific gene in the fly. (c) Positive feedback loops ensure that Ey expression remains switched on in the developing eye. (d) A homolog of Ey is found in vertebrates; this homolog is also used during eye development. Post-Transcriptional Controls 8-40 Which of the following statements about riboswitches is false? (a) Riboswitches can block the production of mRNAs. (b) Riboswitches can control the translation of mRNAs. (c) Riboswitches are made from rRNAs. (d) Riboswitches can bind metabolites. 8-41 Which of the following is not involved in post-transcriptional control? (a) the spliceosome (b) dicer (c) mediator (d) RISC 8-42 MicroRNAs ____________________. (a) are produced from a precursor miRNA transcript (b) are found only in humans (c) control gene expression by base-pairing with DNA sequences (d) can degrade RNAs by using their intrinsic catalytic activity 8-43 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. MicroRNAs are noncoding RNAs that are incorporated into a protein complex called __________________, which searches the __________________s in the cytoplasm for sequence complementary to that of the miRNA. When such a molecule is found, it is then targeted for __________________. RNAi is triggered by the presence of foreign __________________ molecules, which are digested by the __________________ enzyme into shorter fragments approximately 23 nucleotide pairs in length. tRNA phosphorylation riboswitch RISC destruction acetylation procaryotic methylation DNA double-stranded RNA mRNA dicer single-stranded RNA rRNA mitochondria 8-44 The extent of complementarity of a miRNA with its target mRNA determines ___________________________. (a) whether the mRNA will be degraded or transported elsewhere in the cell (b) whether the mRNA will be transported to the nucleus (c) whether RISC is degraded (d) whether the miRNA synthesizes a complementary strand 8-45 Which of the following statements about miRNAs is false? (a) One miRNA can regulate the expression of many genes. (b) miRNAs are transcribed in the nucleus from genomic DNA. (c) miRNAs are produced from rRNAs. (d) miRNAs are made by RNA polymerase. 8-46 Which of the following statements about RNAi is true? (a) The RNAi mechanism is found only in plants and animals. (b) RNAi is induced when double-stranded RNA is present in the cell. (c) RISC uses the siRNA duplex to locate complementary foreign RNA molecules. (d) siRNAs bind to miRNAs to induce RNAi. How We Know: Gene Regulation – The Story of Eve 8-47 The gene for a hormone necessary for insect development contains binding sites for three transcription regulators called A, B, and C. Because the binding sites for A and B overlap, A and B cannot bind simultaneously. You make mutations in the binding sites for each of the proteins and measure hormone production in cells that contain equal amounts of the A, B, and C proteins. Figure Q8-47 summarizes your results. In each of the following sentences, choose one of the phrases within square brackets to make the statement consistent with the results. Figure Q8-47 A. Protein A binds to its DNA-binding site [more tightly/less tightly] than protein B binds to its DNA-binding site. B. Protein A is a [stronger/weaker] activator of transcription than protein B. C. Protein C is able to prevent activation by [protein A only/protein B only/both protein A and protein B]. 8-48 The Drosophila Eve gene has a complex promoter containing multiple binding sites for four transcription regulators: Bicoid, Hunchback, Giant, and Krüppel. Bicoid and Hunchback are activators of Eve transcription, whereas Giant and Krüppel repress Eve transcription. Figure Q8-48A shows the patterns of expression of these regulators. Figure Q8-48 The eve promoter contains modules that control expression in various stripes. You construct a reporter gene that contains the DNA 5 kb upstream of the eve gene, so that this reporter contains the stripe 3 module, the stripe 2 module, the stripe 7 module, and the TATA box, all fused to the LacZ reporter gene (which encodes the β-galactosidase enzyme), as shown in Figure Q8-50B. This construct results in expression of the β-galactosidase enzyme in three stripes, which correspond to the normal positions of stripes 3, 2, and 7. A. By examining the overlap of sites on the stripe 2 module, as depicted in Figure Q8-48B, what is the biological effect of having some of the transcription regulator binding sites overlap? B. You make two mutant versions in which several of the binding sites in the Eve stripe 2 module have been deleted, as detailed in items (i) and (ii) below. Refer to Figure Q8-48B for the positions of the binding sites. (Note, however, that because many of the binding sites overlap, it is not possible to delete all of one kind of site without affecting some of the other sites.) Match the appropriate mutant condition with the most likely pattern of Eve expression shown in Figure Q8-48C. Explain your choices. (i) deletion of the Krüppel-binding sites in stripe 2 (ii) deletion of the two Bicoid-binding sites in the stripe 2 module that are marked with an asterisk (*) in Figure Q8-48B 7-1 RNA in cells differs from DNA in that ___________________. (a) it contains the base uracil, which pairs with cytosine (b) it is single-stranded and cannot form base pairs (c) it is single-stranded and can fold up into a variety of structures (d) the sugar ribose contains fewer oxygen atoms than does deoxyribose 7-2 Transcription is similar to DNA replication in that ___________________. (a) an RNA transcript is synthesized discontinuously and the pieces are then joined together (b) it uses the same enzyme as that used to synthesize RNA primers during DNA replication (c) the newly synthesized RNA remains paired to the template DNA (d) nucleotide polymerization occurs only in the 5′-to-3′ direction 7-3 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. For a cell’s genetic material to be used, the information is first copied from the DNA into the nucleotide sequence of RNA in a process called __________________. Various kinds of RNA are produced, each with different functions. __________________ molecules code for proteins, __________________ molecules act as adaptors for protein synthesis, __________________ molecules are integral components of the ribosome, and __________________ molecules are important in the splicing of RNA transcripts. incorporation rRNA transmembrane mRNA snRNA tRNA pRNA transcription proteins translation 7-4 Match the following structures with their names. Figure Q7-4 7-5 Which of the following statements is false? (a) A new RNA molecule can begin to be synthesized from a gene before the previous RNA molecule’s synthesis is completed. (b) If two genes are to be expressed in a cell, these two genes can be transcribed with different efficiencies. (c) RNA polymerase is responsible for both unwinding the DNA helix and catalyzing the formation of the phosphodiester bonds between nucleotides. (d) Unlike DNA, RNA uses a uracil base and a deoxyribose sugar. 7-6 Which one of the following is the main reason that a typical eucaryotic gene is able to respond to a far greater variety of regulatory signals than a typical procaryotic gene or operon? (a) Eucaryotes have three types of RNA polymerase. (b) Eucaryotic RNA polymerases require general transcription factors. (c) The transcription of a eucaryotic gene can be influenced by proteins that bind far from the promoter. (d) Procaryotic genes are packaged into nucleosomes. 7-7 Match the following types of RNA with the main polymerase that transcribes them. 7-8 List three ways in which the process of eucaryotic transcription differs from the process of bacterial transcription. 7-9 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; each word or phrase should be used only once. In eucaryotic cells, general transcription factors are required for the activity of all promoters transcribed by RNA polymerase II. The assembly of the general transcription factors begins with the binding of the factor __________________ to DNA, causing a marked local distortion in the DNA. This factor binds at the DNA sequence called the __________________ box, which is typically located 25 nucleotides upstream from the transcription start site. Once RNA polymerase II has been brought to the promoter DNA, it must be released to begin making transcripts. This release process is facilitated by the addition of phosphate groups to the tail of RNA polymerase by the factor __________________. It must be remembered that the general transcription factors and RNA polymerase are not sufficient to initiate transcription in the cell and are affected by proteins bound thousands of nucleotides away from the promoter. Proteins that link the distantly bound transcription regulators to RNA polymerase and the general transcription factors include the large complex of proteins called the__________________. The packing of DNA into chromatin also affects transcriptional initiation, and histone __________________ is an enzyme that can render the DNA less accessible to the general transcription factors. activator lac TFIIA CAP ligase TFIID deacetylase mediator TFIIH enhancer TATA 7-10 You have a piece of DNA that includes the following sequence: 5′-ATAGGCATTCGATCCGGATAGCAT-3′ 3′-TATCCGTAAGCTAGGCCTATCGTA-5′ Which of the following RNA molecules could be transcribed from this piece of DNA? (a) 5′-UAUCCGUAAGCUAGGCCUAUGCUA-3′ (b) 5′-AUAGGCAUUCGAUCCGGAUAGCAU-3′ (c) 5′-UACGAUAGGCCUAGCUUACGGAUA-3′ (d) none of the above 7-11 You have a segment of DNA that contains the following sequence: 5′-GGACTAGACAATAGGGACCTAGAGATTCCGAAA-3′ 3′-CCTGATCTGTTATCCCTGGATCTCTAAGGCTTT-5′ If you know that the RNA transcribed from this segment contains the following sequence: 5′-GGACUAGACAAUAGGGACCUAGAGAUUCCGAAA–3′ Which of the following choices best describes how transcription occurs? (a) The top strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 5′ to 3′. (b) The top strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 3′ to 5′. (c) The bottom strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 5′ to 3′. (d) The bottom strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 3′ to 5′. 7-12 Which of the following molecules of RNA would you predict to be the most likely to fold into a specific structure as a result of intramolecular base pairing? (a) 5′- CCCUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUAGGG-3′ (b) 5′- UGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUG-3′ (c) 5′- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-3′ (d) 5′- GGAAAAGGAGAUGGGCAAGGGGAAAAGGAGAUGGGCAAGG-3′ 7-13 Imagine that an RNA polymerase is transcribing a segment of DNA that contains the following sequence: 5′-AGTCTAGGCACTGA-3′ 3′-TCAGATCCGTGACT 5′ A. If the polymerase is transcribing from this segment of DNA from left to right, which strand (top or bottom) is the template? B. What will be the sequence of that RNA (be sure to label the 5′ and 3′ ends of your RNA molecule)? 7-14 The sigma subunit of bacterial RNA polymerase ___________________. (a) contains the catalytic activity of the polymerase (b) remains part of the polymerase throughout transcription (c) recognizes promoter sites in the DNA (d) recognizes transcription termination sites in the DNA 7-15 Which of the following might decrease the transcription of only one specific gene in a bacterial cell? (a) a decrease in the amount of sigma factor (b) a decrease in the amount of RNA polymerase (c) a mutation that introduced a stop codon into the DNA that precedes the gene’s coding sequence (d) a mutation that introduced extensive sequence changes into the DNA that precedes the gene’s transcription start site 7-16 There are several reasons why the primase used to make the RNA primer for DNA replication is not suitable for gene transcription. Which of the statements below is not one of those reasons? (a) Primase initiates RNA synthesis on a single-stranded DNA template. (b) Primase can initiate RNA synthesis without the need for a base-paired primer. (c) Primase synthesizes only RNAs of about 5–20 nucleotides in length. (d) The RNA synthesized by primase remains base-paired to the DNA template. 7-17 You have a bacterial strain with a mutation that removes the transcription termination signal from the Abd operon. Which of the following statements describes the most likely effect of this mutation on Abd transcription? (a) The Abd RNA will not be produced in the mutant strain. (b) The Abd RNA from the mutant strain will be longer than normal. (c) Sigma factor will not dissociate from RNA polymerase when the Abd operon is being transcribed in the mutant strain. (d) RNA polymerase will move in a backwards fashion at the Abd operon in the mutant strain. 7-18 Transcription in bacteria differs from transcription in a eucaryotic cell because __________________________. (a) RNA polymerase (along with its sigma subunit) can initiate transcription on its own (b) RNA polymerase (along with its sigma subunit) requires the general transcription factors to assemble at the promoter before polymerase can begin transcription (c) The sigma subunit must associate with the appropriate type of RNA polymerase to produce mRNAs (d) RNA polymerase must be phosphorylated at its C-terminal tail for transcription to proceed 7-19 Which of the following does not occur before a eucaryotic mRNA is exported from the nucleus? (a) The ribosome binds to the mRNA. (b) The mRNA is polyadenylated at its 3′ end. (c) 7-methyl-G is added in a 5′ to 5′ linkage to the mRNA. (d) RNA polymerase dissociates. 7-20 Use the numbers in the choices below to indicate where in the schematic diagram of a eucaryotic cell (Figure Q7-20) those processes take place. Figure Q7-20 1. transcription 2. translation 3. RNA splicing 4. polyadenylation 5. RNA capping 7-21 Total nucleic acids are extracted from a culture of yeast cells and are then mixed with resin beads to which the polynucleotide 5′- TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT-3′ has been covalently attached. After a short incubation, the beads are then extracted from the mixture. When you analyze the cellular nucleic acids that have stuck to the beads, which of the following is most abundant? (a) DNA (b) tRNA (c) rRNA (d) mRNA 7-22 Name three covalent modifications that can be made to an RNA molecule in eucaryotic cells before the RNA molecule becomes a mature mRNA. 7-23 Which of the following statements about RNA splicing is false? (a) Conventional introns are not found in bacterial genes. (b) For a gene to function properly, every exon must be removed from the primary transcript in the same fashion on every mRNA molecule produced from the same gene. (c) Small RNA molecules in the nucleus perform the splicing reactions necessary for the removal of introns. (d) Splicing occurs after the 5′ cap has been added to the end of the primary transcript. 7-24 The length of a particular gene in human DNA, measured from the start site for transcription to the end of the protein-coding region, is 10,000 nucleotides, whereas the length of the mRNA produced from this gene is 4000 nucleotides. What is the most likely reason for this difference? 7-25 Why is the old dogma “one gene—one protein” not always true for eucaryotic genes? 7-26 Is this statement true or false? Explain your answer. “Since introns do not contain protein coding information, they do not have to be removed precisely (meaning, a nucleotide here and there should not matter) from the primary transcript during RNA splicing.” 7-27 You have discovered a gene (Figure Q7-27A) that is alternatively spliced to produce several forms of mRNA in various cell types, three of which are shown in Figure Q7-27B. The lines connecting the exons that are included in the mRNA indicate the splicing. From your experiments, you know that protein translation begins in exon 1. For all forms of the mRNA, the encoded protein sequence is the same in the regions of the mRNA that correspond to exons 1 and 10. Exons 2 and 3 are alternative exons used in different mRNA, as are exons 7 and 8. Which of the following statements about exons 2 and 3 is the most accurate? Explain your answer. Figure Q7-27 (a) Exons 2 and 3 must have the same number of nucleotides. (b) Exons 2 and 3 must contain an integral number of codons (that is, the number of nucleotides divided by 3 must be an integer). (c) Exons 2 and 3 must contain a number of nucleotides that when divided by 3, leaves the same remainder (that is, 0, 1, or 2). (d) Exons 2 and 3 must have different numbers of nucleotides. From RNA to Protein 7-28 Which of the following statements about the genetic code is correct? (a) All codons specify more than one amino acid. (b) The genetic code is redundant. (c) All amino acids are specified by more than one codon. (d) All codons specify an amino acid. NOTE: The following codon table is to be used for Problems Q7-29 to Q7-36, Q7-43, and Q7-47. 7-29 The piece of RNA below includes the region that codes the binding site for the initiator tRNA needed in translation. 5′-GUUUCCCGUAUACAUGCGUGCCGGGGGC-3′ Which amino acid will be on the tRNA that is the first to bind to the A-site of the ribosome? (a) methionine (b) arginine (c) cystine (d) valine 7-30 The following DNA sequence includes the beginning of a sequence coding for a protein. What would be the result of a mutation that changed the C marked by an asterisk to an A? 5′-AGGCTATGAATGGACACTGCGAGCCC…. * 7-31 Which amino acid would you expect a tRNA with the anticodon 5′-CUU-3′ to carry? (a) lysine (b) glutamic acid (d) leucine (d) phenylalanine 7-32 Which of the following pairs of codons might you expect to be read by the same tRNA as a result of wobble? (a) CUU and UUU (b) GAU and GAA (c) CAC and CAU (d) AAU and AGU 7-33 Below is a segment of RNA from the middle of an mRNA. 5′-UAGUCUAGGCACUGA-3′ If you were told that this segment of RNA was part of the coding region of an mRNA for a large protein, give the amino acid sequence for the protein that is encoded by this segment of mRNA. Write your answer using the one-letter amino acid code. 7-34 Below is the sequence from the 3′ end of an mRNA. 5′-CCGUUACCAGGCCUCAUUAUUGGUAACGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-3′ If you were told that this sequence contains the stop codon for the protein encoded by this mRNA, what is the anticodon on the tRNA in the P-site of the ribosome when release factor binds to the A-site? (a) 5′-CCA-3′ (b) 5′-CCG-3′ (c) 5′-UGG-3′ (d) 5′-UUA-3′ 7-35 One strand of a section of DNA isolated from the bacterium E. coli reads: 5′-GTAGCCTACCCATAGG-3′ A. Suppose that an mRNA is transcribed from this DNA using the complementary strand as a template. What will be the sequence of the mRNA in this region (make sure you label the 5′ and 3′ ends of the mRNA)? B. How many different peptides could potentially be made from this sequence of RNA, assuming that translation initiates upstream of this sequence? C. What are these peptides? (Give your answer using the one-letter amino acid code.) 7-36 A strain of yeast translates mRNA into protein inaccurately. Individual molecules of a particular protein isolated from this yeast have variations in the first 11 amino acids compared with the sequence of the same protein isolated from normal yeast cells, as listed in Figure Q7-36. What is the most likely cause of this variation in protein sequence? Figure Q7-36 (a) a mutation in the DNA coding for the protein (b) a mutation in the anticodon of the isoleucine tRNA (tRNAIle) (c) a mutation in the isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase that decreases its ability to distinguish between different amino acids (d) a mutation in the isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase that decreases its ability to distinguish between different tRNA molecules 7-37 Which of the following statements is true? (a) Ribosomes are large RNA structures composed solely of rRNA. (b) Ribosomes are synthesized entirely in the cytoplasm. (c) rRNA contains the catalytic activity that joins amino acids together. (d) A ribosome binds one tRNA at a time. 7-38 Figure Q7-38A shows the stage in translation when an incoming aminoacyl-tRNA has bound to the A-site on the ribosome. Using the components shown in Figure Q7-38A as a guide, show on Figure Q7-38B and Q7-38C what happens in the next two stages to complete the addition of the new amino acid to the growing polypeptide chain. Figure Q7-38 7-39 A poison added to an in vitro translation mixture containing mRNA molecules with the sequence 5′-AUGAAAAAAAAAAAAUAA-3′ has the following effect: the only product made is a Met-Lys dipeptide that remains attached to the ribosome. What is the most likely way in which the poison acts to inhibit protein synthesis? (a) It inhibits peptidyl transferase activity. (b) It inhibits movement of the small subunit relative to the large subunit. (c) It inhibits release factor. (d) It mimics release factor. 7-40 In eucaryotes, but not in procaryotes, ribosomes find the start site of translation by ____________________________. (a) binding directly to a ribosome-binding site preceding the initiation codon (b) scanning along the mRNA from the 5′ end (c) recognizing an AUG codon as the start of translation (d) binding an initiator tRNA 7-41 Which of the following statements about procaryotic mRNA molecules is false? (a) A single procaryotic mRNA molecule can be translated into several proteins. (b) Ribosomes must bind to the 5′ cap before initiating translation. (c) mRNAs are not polyadenylated. (d) Ribosomes can start translating an mRNA molecule before transcription is complete. 7-42 Figure Q7-42 shows an mRNA molecule. Figure Q7-42 A. Match the labels given in the list below with the label lines in Figure Q7- 42. (a) ribosome-binding site (b) initiator codon (c) stop codon (d) untranslated 3′ region (e) untranslated 5′ region (f) protein-coding region B. Is the mRNA shown procaryotic or eucaryotic? Explain your answer. 7-43 A mutation in the tRNA for the amino acid lysine results in the anticodon sequence 5′-UAU-3′ (instead of 5′-UUU-3′). Which of the following aberrations in protein synthesis might this tRNA cause? (Refer to the codon table provided above Q7-29.) (a) read-through of stop codons (b) substitution of lysine for isoleucine (c) substitution of lysine for tyrosine (d) substitution of lysine for phenylalanine 7-44 You have discovered a protein that inhibits translation. When you add this inhibitor to a mixture capable of translating human mRNA and centrifuge the mixture to separate polyribosomes and single ribosomes, you obtain the results shown in Figure Q7-44. Which of the following interpretations is consistent with these observations? Figure Q7-44 (a) The protein binds to the small ribosomal subunit and increases the rate of initiation of translation. (b) The protein binds to sequences in the 5′ region of the mRNA and inhibits the rate of initiation of translation. (c) The protein binds to the large ribosomal subunit and slows down elongation of the polypeptide chain. (d) The protein binds to sequences in the 3′ region of the mRNA and prevents termination of translation. 7-45 The concentration of a particular protein X in a normal human cell rises gradually from a low point, immediately after cell division, to a high point, just before cell division, and then drops sharply. The level of its mRNA in the cell remains fairly constant throughout this time. Protein X is required for cell growth and survival, but the drop in its level just before cell division is essential for division to proceed. You have isolated a line of human cells that grow in size in culture but cannot divide, and on analyzing these mutants, you find that levels of X mRNA in the mutant cells are normal. Which of the following mutations in the gene for X could explain these results? (a) the introduction of a stop codon that truncates protein X at the fourth amino acid (b) a change of the first ATG codon to CCA (c) the deletion of a sequence that encodes sites at which ubiquitin can be attached to the protein (d) a change at a splice site that prevents splicing of the RNA 7-46 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. Once an mRNA is produced, its message can be decoded on ribosomes. The ribosome is composed of two subunits: the __________________ subunit, which catalyzes the formation of the peptide bonds that link the amino acids together into a polypeptide chain, and the __________________ subunit, which matches the tRNAs to the codons of the mRNA. During the chain elongation process of translating an mRNA into protein, the growing polypeptide chain attached to a tRNA is bound to the __________________-site of the ribosome. An incoming aminoacyl-tRNA carrying the next amino acid in the chain will bind to the __________________-site by forming base pairs with the exposed codon in the mRNA. The __________________ enzyme catalyzes the formation of a new peptide bond between the growing polypeptide chain and the newly arriving amino acid. The end of a protein-coding message is signaled by the presence of a stop codon, which binds the __________________ called release factor. Eventually, most proteins will be degraded by a large complex of proteolytic enzymes called the __________________. A medium proteasome central P RNA DNA peptidyl transferase small E polymerase T large protein ubiquitin 7-47 After treating cells with a mutagen, you isolate two mutants. One carries alanine and the other carries methionine at a site in the protein that normally contains valine. After treating these two mutants again with mutagen, you isolate mutants from each that now carry threonine at the site of the original valine (see Figure Q7-47). Assuming that all mutations caused by the mutagen are due to single nucleotide changes, deduce the codons that are used for valine, alanine, methionine, and threonine at the affected site. (Refer to the codon table provided above Q7-29.) Figure Q7-47 7-48 Which of the following methods is not used by cells to regulate the amount of a protein in the cell? (a) Genes can be transcribed into mRNA with different efficiencies. (b) Many ribosomes can bind to a single mRNA molecule. (c) Proteins can be tagged with ubiquitin, marking them for degradation. (d) Nuclear pore complexes can regulate the speed at which newly synthesized proteins are exported from the nucleus into the cytoplasm. 7-49 Which of the following statements about the proteasome is false? (a) Ubiquitin is a small protein that is covalently attached to proteins to mark them for delivery to the proteasome. (b) Proteases reside in the central cylinder of a proteasome. (c) Misfolded proteins are delivered to the proteasome, where they are sequestered from the cytoplasm and can attempt to refold. (d) The protein stoppers that surround the central cylinder of the proteasome use the energy from ATP hydrolysis to move proteins into the proteasome inner chamber. RNA and the Origins of Life 7-50 Which of the following molecules is thought to have arisen first during evolution? (a) protein (b) DNA (c) RNA (d) All came to be at the same time. 7-51 According to current thinking, the minimum requirement for life to have originated on Earth was the formation of a _______________. (a) molecule that could provide a template for the production of a complementary molecule (b) double-stranded DNA helix (c) molecule that could direct protein synthesis (d) molecule that could catalyze its own replication 7-52 Ribozymes catalyze which of the following reactions? (a) DNA synthesis (b) transcription (c) RNA splicing (d) protein hydrolysis 7-53 You are studying a disease that is caused by a virus, but when you purify the virus particles and analyze them you find they contain no trace of DNA. Which of the following molecules are likely to contain the genetic information of the virus? (a) high-energy phosphate groups (b) RNA (c) lipids (d) carbohydrates 7-54 Give a reason why DNA makes a better material than RNA for the storage of genetic information, and explain your answer. How We Know: Cracking the Genetic Code 7-55 You have discovered an alien life form that surprisingly uses DNA as its genetic material, makes RNA from DNA, and reads the information from RNA to make protein using ribosomes and tRNAs, which read triplet codons. Because it is your job to decipher the genetic code for this alien, you synthesize some artificial RNA molecules and examine the protein products produced from these RNA molecules in a cell-free translation system using purified alien tRNAs and ribosomes. You obtain the results shown in Table Q7-55. Table Q7-55 From this information, which of the following peptides can be produced from poly UAUC? (a) Ile-Phe-Val-Tyr (b) Tyr-Ser-Phe-Ala (c) Ile-Lys-His-Tyr (d) Cys-Pro-Lys-Ala 7-56 An extraterrestrial organism (ET) is discovered whose basic cell biology seems pretty much the same as that of terrestrial organisms except that it uses a different genetic code to translate RNA into protein. You set out to break the code by translation experiments using RNAs of known sequence and cell-free extracts of ET cells to supply the necessary protein-synthesizing machinery. In experiments using the RNAs below, the following results were obtained when the 20 possible amino acids were added either singly or in different combinations of two or three: RNA 1: 5′-GCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGC-3′ RNA 2: 5′-GCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCC-3′ Using RNA 1, a polypeptide was produced only if alanine and valine were added to the reaction mixture. Using RNA 2, a polypeptide was produced only if leucine and serine and cysteine were added to the reaction mixture. Assuming that protein synthesis can start anywhere on the template, that the ET genetic code is nonoverlapping and linear, and that each codon is the same length (like the terrestrial triplet code), how many nucleotides does an ET codon contain? (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 6 7-57 NASA has discovered an alien life form. You are called in to help NASA scientists to deduce the genetic code for this alien. Surprisingly, this alien life form shares many similarities with life on Earth: this alien uses DNA as its genetic material, makes RNA from DNA, and reads the information from RNA to make protein using ribosomes and tRNAs. Even more amazing, this alien uses the same 20 amino acids, like the organisms found on Earth, and also codes for each amino acid by a triplet codon. However, the scientists at NASA have found that the genetic code used by the alien life form differs from that used by life on Earth. NASA scientists drew this conclusion after creating a cell-free protein synthesis system from alien cells and adding an mRNA made entirely of uracil (poly U). They found that poly U directs the synthesis of a peptide containing only glycine. NASA scientists have synthesized a poly AU mRNA and observe that it codes for a polypeptide of alternating serine and proline amino acids. From these experiments, can you determine which codons code for serine and proline? Explain. Bonus question. Can you propose a mechanism for how the alien’s physiology is altered so that it uses a different genetic code from life on Earth, despite all the similarities? CHAPTER 8 CONTROL OF GENE EXPRESSION  2009 Garland Science Publishing An Overview of Gene Expression 8-1 The distinct characteristics of different cell types in a multicellular organism result mainly from the differential regulation of the _________________. (a) replication of specific genes (b) transcription of genes transcribed by RNA polymerase II (c) transcription of housekeeping genes (d) packing of DNA into nucleosomes in some cells and not others 8-2 The human genome encodes about 24,000 genes. Approximately how many genes does the typical differentiated human cell express at any one time? (a) 24,000—all of them (b) between 21,500 and 24,000—at least 90% of the genes (c) between 5000 and 15,000 (d) less than 2500 8-3 Which of the following statements about differentiated cells is true? (a) Cells of distinct types express nonoverlapping sets of transcription factors. (b) Once a cell has differentiated, it can no longer change its gene expression. (c) Once a cell has differentiated, it will no longer need to transcribe RNA. (d) Some of the proteins found in differentiated cells are found in all cells of a multicellular organism. 8-4 Investigators performed nuclear transplant experiments to determine whether DNA is altered irreversibly during development. Which of the following statements about these experiments is true? (a) Because the donor nucleus is taken from an adult animal, the chromosomes from the nucleus must undergo recombination with the DNA in the egg for successful development to occur. (b) The embryo that develops from the nuclear transplant experiment is genetically identical to the donor of the nucleus. (c) The meiotic spindle of the egg must interact with the chromosomes of the injected nuclei for successful nuclear transplantation to occur. (d) Although nuclear transplantation has been successful in producing embryos in some mammals with the use of foster mothers, evidence of DNA alterations during differentiation has not been obtained for plants. 8-5 In principle, a eucaryotic cell can regulate gene expression at any step in the pathway from DNA to the active protein. Place the types of control listed below at the appropriate places on the diagram in Figure Q8-5. Figure Q8-5 A. translation control B. transcriptional control C. RNA processing control D. protein activity control How Transcriptional Switches Work 8-6 Fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; each word or phrase should be used only once. The genes of a bacterial __________________ are transcribed into a single mRNA. Many bacterial promoters contain a region known as a(n) __________________, to which a specific transcription regulator binds. Genes in which transcription is prevented are said to be __________________. The interaction of small molecules, such as tryptophan, with __________________ DNA-binding proteins, such as the tryptophan repressor, regulates bacterial genes. Genes that are being __________________ expressed are being transcribed all the time. allosteric negatively positively constitutively operator promoter induced operon repressed 8-7 Which of the following statements about transcriptional regulators is false? (a) Transcriptional regulators usually interact with the sugar-phosphate backbone on the outside of the double helix to determine where to bind on the DNA helix. (b) Transcriptional regulators will form hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds, and hydrophobic interactions with DNA. (c) The DNA-binding motifs of transcriptional regulators usually bind in the major groove of the DNA helix. (d) The binding of transcriptional regulators generally does not disrupt the hydrogen bonds that holds the double helix together. 8-8 Operons ___________________________. (a) are commonly found in eucaryotic cells (b) are transcribed by RNA polymerase II (c) contain a cluster of genes transcribed as a single mRNA (d) can only be regulated by gene activator proteins 8-9 The tryptophan operator ___________________________. (a) is an allosteric protein (b) binds to the tryptophan repressor when the repressor is bound to tryptophan (c) is required for production of the mRNA encoded by the tryptophan operon (d) is important for the production of the tryptophan repressor 8-10 Which of the following statements about the Lac operon is false? (a) The Lac repressor binds when lactose is present in the cell. (b) Even when the CAP activator is bound to DNA, if lactose is not present, the Lac operon will not be transcribed. (c) The CAP activator can only bind DNA when it is bound to cAMP. (d) The Lac operon only produces RNA when lactose is present and glucose is absent. 8-11 You are interested in examining the regulation of the gene that encodes an enzyme, Tre-ase, important in metabolizing trehalose into glucose in bacteria. Trehalose is a disaccharide formed of two glucose units. It is known that two DNA binding proteins, TreA and TreB, are important for binding to the promoter of the Tre-ase gene and are involved in regulating the transcription of the Tre-ase gene: TreA binds to the “A” site in the promoter region, and TreB binds to the “B” site. You make mutations in the TreA and TreB genes to create cells lacking these genes, observe what happens to transcription of the Tre-ase gene, and obtain the results in Table Q8-11. Table Q8-11 A. What is the role for TreA in controlling Tre-ase expression? Explain. B. What is the role for TreB in controlling Tre-ase expression? Explain. C. From these data, what do you predict will happen to Tre-ase transcription (compared with that in normal cells) in the presence of trehalose if you were to create a version of the TreA protein that will constitutively bind to the “A” site in the Tre-ase promoter? Note: Questions 8-12 to 8-15 use the following information and the data in Table Q8-12. These questions may be used independently, or as a group. You are interested in examining the Psf gene. It is known that Psf is normally produced when cells are exposed to high levels of both calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+). MetA, MetB, and MetC are important for binding to the promoter of the Psf gene and are involved in regulating its transcription. MetA binds to the “A” site in the promoter region, MetB to the “B” site, and MetC to the “C” site. You create binding site mutations in the A, B, and C sites and observe what happens to transcription of the Psf gene. Your results are summarized in Table Q8-12. Table Q8-12 For this table: -, no transcription of Psf; +, low level of transcription of Psf; ++, high levels of transcription of Psf. 8-12 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene activators? (a) MetA only (b) MetB only (c) MetC only (d) Both MetA and MetC 8-13 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene repressors? (a) MetA only (b) MetB only (c) MetC only (d) Both MetA and MetC 8-14 Which transcription factors are normally bound to the Psf promoter in the presence of Mg2+ only? (a) none (b) MetA only (c) MetA and Met B (d) MetA, MetB, and MetC 8-15 Which transcription factors are normally bound to the Psf promoter in the presence of both Mg2+ and Ca2+? (a) MetA and MetB (b) MetB and MetC (c) MetA and MetC (d) MetA, MetB, and MetC Note: Questions 8-16 to 8-19 use the following information and the data in Figure Q8-16. These questions may be used independently, or as a group. You are interested in understanding the gene regulation of Lkp1, a protein that is normally produced in liver and kidney cells in mice. Interestingly, you find that the LKP1 gene is not expressed in heart cells. You isolate the DNA upstream of the LKP1 gene, place it upstream of the gene for green fluorescent protein (GFP), and insert this entire piece of recombinant DNA into mice. You find GFP expressed in liver and kidney cells but not in heart cells, an expression pattern similar to the normal expression of the LKP1 gene. Further experiments demonstrate that there are three regions in the promoter, labeled A, B, and C in Figure Q8-16, that contribute to this expression pattern. Assume that a single and unique transcription factor binds each site such that protein X binds site A, protein Y binds site B, and protein Z binds site C. You want to determine which region is responsible for tissue-specific expression, and create mutations in the promoter to determine the function of each of these regions. In Figure Q8-16, if the site is missing, it is mutated such that it cannot bind its corresponding transcription factor. Figure Q8-16 8-16 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene repressors? (a) factor X (b) factor Y (c) factor Z (d) none of the above 8-17 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene activators? (a) factors X and Y (b) factors X and Z (c) factors Y and Z (d) factor X only 8-18 Experiment 1 in Figure Q8-16 is the positive control, demonstrating that the region of DNA upstream of the gene for GFP results in a pattern of expression that we normally find for the LKP1 gene. Experiment 2 shows what happens when the sites for binding factors X, Y, and Z are removed. Which experiment above demonstrates that factor X alone is sufficient for expression of LPK1 in the kidney? (a) experiment 3 (b) experiment 5 (c) experiment 6 (d) experiment 7 8-19 In what tissue is factor Z normally present and bound to the DNA? (a) kidney (b) liver (c) heart (d) none of the above 8-20 An allosteric transcription regulator called HisP regulates the enzymes for histidine biosynthesis in the bacterium E. coli. Histidine modulates HisP activity. On binding histidine, HisP alters its conformation, markedly changing its affinity for the regulatory sequences in the promoters of the genes for the histidine biosynthetic enzymes. A. If HisP functions as a gene repressor, would you expect that HisP would bind more tightly or less tightly to the regulatory sequences when histidine is abundant? Explain your answer. B. If HisP functions as a gene activator, would you expect that HisP would bind more tightly or less tightly to the regulatory sequences when histidine levels are low? Explain your answer. 8-21 Bacterial cells can take up the amino acid tryptophan from their surroundings, or, if the external supply is insufficient, they can synthesize trytophan by using enzymes in the cell. In some bacteria, the control of glutamine synthesis is similar to that of tryptophan synthesis, such that the glutamine repressor inhibits the transcription of the glutamine operon, which contains the genes that code for the enzymes required for glutamine synthesis. On binding to cellular glutamine, the glutamine repressor binds to a site in the promoter of the operon. A. Why is glutamine-dependent binding to the operon a useful property for the glutamine repressor? B. What would you expect to happen to the regulation of the enzymes that synthesize glutamine in cells expressing a mutant form of the glutamine repressor that cannot bind to DNA? C. What would you expect to happen to the regulation of the enzymes that synthesize glutamine in cells expressing a mutant form of the glutamine repressor that binds to DNA even when no glutamine is bound to it? 8-22 In the absence of glucose, E. coli can proliferate by using the pentose sugar arabinose. As shown in Figure Q8-22, the arabinose operon regulates the ability of E. coli to use arabinose. The araA, araB, and araD genes encode enzymes for the metabolism of arabinose. The araC gene encodes a transcription regulator that binds adjacent to the promoter of the arabinose operon. To understand the regulatory properties of the AraC protein, you engineer a mutant bacterium in which the araC gene has been deleted and look at the effect of the presence or absence of the AraC protein on the AraA enzyme. Figure Q8-22 A. If the AraC protein works as a gene repressor, would you expect araA RNA levels to be high or low in the presence of arabinose in the araCmutant cells? What about in the araC- mutant cells in the absence of arabinose? Explain your answer. B. Your findings from the experiment are summarized in Table Q8-22. Table Q8-22 Do the results in Table Q8-22 indicate that the AraC protein regulates arabinose metabolism by acting as a gene repressor or a gene activator? Explain your answer. 8-23 The CAP activator protein and the Lac repressor both control the Lac operon (see Figure Q8-23). You create cells that are mutant in the gene coding for the Lac repressor so that these cells lack the Lac repressor under all conditions. For these mutant cells, state whether the Lac operon will be switched on or off in the following situations and explain why. Figure Q8-23 A. in the presence of glucose and lactose B. in the presence of glucose and the absence of lactose C. in the absence of glucose and the absence of lactose D. in the absence of glucose and the presence of lactose 8-24 You have discovered an operon in a bacterium that is turned on only when sucrose is present and glucose is absent. You have also isolated three mutants that have changes in the upstream regulatory sequences of the operon and whose behavior is summarized in the Table Q8-24. You hypothesize that there are two gene regulatory sites in the upstream regulatory sequence, A and B, which are affected by the mutations. For this question, a plus (+) indicates a normal site and a minus (-) indicates a mutant site that no longer binds its transcription regulator. Table Q8-24 A. If mutant 1 has sites A- B+ , which of these sites is regulated by sucrose and which by glucose? B. Give the state (+ or -) of the A and B sites in mutants 2 and 3. C. Which site is bound by a repressor and which by an activator? 8-25 Label the following structures in Figure Q8-25. Figure Q8-25 A. activator protein B. RNA polymerase C. general transcription factors D. mediator 8-26 How are most eucaryotic transcription regulators able to affect transcription when their binding sites are far from the promoter? (a) by binding to their binding site and sliding to the site of RNA polymerase assembly (b) by looping out the intervening DNA between their binding site and the promoter (c) by unwinding the DNA between their binding site and the promoter (d) by attracting RNA polymerase and modifying it before it can bind to the promoter 8-27 The expression of the BRF1 gene in mice is normally quite low, but mutations in a gene called BRF2 lead to increased expression of BRF1. You have a hunch that nucleosomes are involved in the regulation of BRF1 expression and so you investigate the position of nucleosomes over the TATA box of BRF1 in normal mice and in mice that lack either the BRF2 protein (BRF2- ) or part of histone H4 (HHF- ) (histone H4 is encoded by the HHF gene). Table Q8-27 summarizes your results. A normal functional gene is indicated by a plus sign (+). Table Q8-27 Which of the following conclusions cannot be drawn from your data? Explain your answer. (a) BRF2 is required for the repression of BRF1. (b) BRF2 is required for the specific pattern of nucleosome positions over the BRF1 upstream region. (c) The specific pattern of nucleosome positioning over the BRF1 upstream region is required for BRF1 repression. (d) The part of histone H4 missing in HHF- mice is not required for the formation of nucleosomes. 8-28 The yeast GAL4 gene encodes a transcriptional regulator that can bind DNA upstream of genes required for the metabolism of the sugar galactose and turns them on. Gal4 has a DNA-binding domain and an activation domain. The DNAbinding domain allows it to bind to the appropriate sites in the promoters of the galactose metabolism genes. The activation domain attracts histone-modifying enzymes and also binds to a component of the RNA polymerase II enzyme complex, attracting it to the promoter so that the regulated genes can be turned on when Gal4 is also bound to the DNA. When Gal4 is expressed normally, the genes can be maximally activated. You decide to try to produce more of the galactose metabolism genes by overexpressing the Gal4 protein at levels fiftyfold greater than normal. You conduct experiments to show that you are overexpressing the Gal4 protein and that it is properly localized in the nucleus of the yeast cells. To your surprise, you find that too much Gal4 causes the galactose genes to be transcribed only at a low level. What is the most likely explanation for your findings? 8-29 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase in the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. During transcription in __________________ cells, transcriptional regulators that bind to DNA thousands of nucleotides away from a gene’s promoter can affect a gene’s transcription. The __________________ is a complex of proteins that links distantly bound transcription regulators with the proteins bound closer to the transcriptional start site. Transcriptional activators can also interact with histone __________________s, which alter chromatin by modifying lysines in the tail of histone proteins to allow greater accessibility to the underlying DNA. Gene repressor proteins can reduce the efficiency of transcription initiation by attracting histone __________________s. Sometimes, many contiguous genes can become transcriptionally inactive as a result of chromatin remodeling, like the __________________ found in interphase chromosomes. viral acetylase centrosome helicase eucaryotic operator procaryotic peroxidase deacetylase mediator deoxidase heterochromatin telomere enhancer leucine zipper The Molecular Mechanisms that Create Specialized Cell Types 8-30 In principle, how many different cell types can an organism having four different types of transcription regulator and thousands of genes create? (a) up to 4 (b) up to 8 (c) up to 16 (d) thousands 8-31 From the sequencing of the human genome, we believe that there are approximately 24,000 protein-coding genes in the genome, for which there are an estimated 1500–3000 transcription factors. If every gene has a tissue-specific and signal-dependent transcription pattern, how can such a small number of transcriptional regulatory proteins generate a much larger set of transcriptional patterns? 8-32 Combinatorial control of gene expression __________________________. (a) involves every gene using a different combination of transcriptional regulators for its proper expression (b) involves groups of transcriptional regulators working together to determine the expression of a gene (c) involves only the use of gene activators used together to regulate genes appropriately (d) is seen only when genes are arranged in operons 8-33 You are studying a set of mouse genes whose expression increases when cells are exposed to the hormone cortisol, and you believe that the same cortisolresponsive transcriptional activator regulates all of these genes. Which of the following statements below should be true if your hypothesis is correct? (a) The cortisol-responsive genes share a DNA sequence in their regulatory regions that binds the cortisol-responsive transcriptional activator. (b) The cortisol-responsive genes must all be in an operon. (c) The transcriptional regulators that bind to the regulatory regions of the cortisol-responsive genes must all be the same. (d) The cortisol-responsive genes must not be transcribed in response to other hormones. 8-34 The MyoD transcriptional regulator is normally found in differentiating muscle cells and participates in the transcription of genes that produce muscle-specific proteins, such as those needed in contractile tissue. Amazingly, expression of MyoD in fibroblasts causes these cells derived from skin connective tissue to produce proteins normally only seen in muscles. However, some other cell types do not transcribe muscle-specific genes when MyoD is expressed in them. Which of the following statements below is the best explanation of why MyoD can cause fibroblasts to express muscle-specific genes? (a) Unlike some other cell types, fibroblasts have not lost the muscle-specific genes from their genome. (b) The muscle-specific genes must be in heterochromatin in fibroblasts. (c) During their developmental history, fibroblasts have accumulated some transcriptional regulators in common with differentiating muscle cells. (d) The presence of MyoD is sufficient to activate the transcription of musclespecific genes in all cell types. 8-35 A virus produces a protein X that activates only a few of the virus’s own genes (V1, V2, and V3) when it infects cells. The cellular proteins A (a zinc finger protein) and the cellular protein B (a homeodomain protein) are known to be repressors of the viral genes V1, V2, and V3. You examine the complete upstream gene regulatory sequences of these three viral genes and find the following: 1. V1 and V2 contain binding sites for the zinc finger protein A only. 2. V3 contains a binding site for the homeodomain protein B only. 3. The only sequence that all three genes have in common is the TATA box. Label each of the choices below as likely or unlikely as an explanation for your findings. For each choice you label as unlikely, explain why. A. Protein X binds nonspecifically to the DNA upstream of V1, V2, and V3 and activates transcription. B. Protein X binds to a repressor and prevents the repressor from binding upstream of V1, V2, and V3. C. Protein X activates transcription by binding to the TATA box. D. Protein X activates transcription by binding to and sequestering proteins A and B. E. Protein X represses transcription of the genes for proteins A and B. 8-36 In mammals, individuals with two X chromosomes are female, and individuals with an X and a Y chromosome are male. It had long been known that a gene located on the Y chromosome was sufficient to induce the gonads to form testes, which is the main male-determining factor in development, and researchers sought the product of this gene, the so-called testes-determining factor (TDF). For several years, the TDF was incorrectly thought to be a zinc finger protein encoded by a gene called BoY. Which of the following observations would most strongly suggest that BoY might not be the TDF? Explain your answer. (a) Some XY individuals that develop into females have mutations in a different gene, SRY, but are normal at BoY. (b) BoY is not expressed in the adult male testes. (c) Expression of BoY in adult females does not masculinize them. (d) A few of the genes that are known to be expressed only in the testes have binding sites for the BoY protein in their upstream regulatory sequences, but most do not. 8-37 Which of the following is not a general mechanism that cells use to maintain stable patterns of gene expression as cells divide? (a) a positive feedback loop, mediated by a transcriptional regulator that activates transcription of its own gene in addition to other cell-type specific genes (b) faithful propagation of condensed chromatin structures as cells divide (c) inheritance of DNA methylation patterns when cells divide (d) proper segregation of housekeeping proteins when cells divide 8-38 Which of the following statements about DNA methylation in eucaryotes is false? (a) Appropriate inheritance of DNA methylation patterns involves maintenance methyltransferase. (b) DNA methylation involves a covalent modification of cytosine bases. (c) Methylation of DNA attracts proteins that block gene expression. (d) Immediately after DNA replication, each daughter helix contains one methylated DNA strand, which corresponds to the newly synthesized strand. 8-39 Which of the following statements about the Ey transcriptional regulator is false? (a) Expression of Ey in cells that normally form legs in the fly will lead to the formation of an eye in the middle of the legs. (b) The Ey transcription factor must bind to the promoter of every eyespecific gene in the fly. (c) Positive feedback loops ensure that Ey expression remains switched on in the developing eye. (d) A homolog of Ey is found in vertebrates; this homolog is also used during eye development. Post-Transcriptional Controls 8-40 Which of the following statements about riboswitches is false? (a) Riboswitches can block the production of mRNAs. (b) Riboswitches can control the translation of mRNAs. (c) Riboswitches are made from rRNAs. (d) Riboswitches can bind metabolites. 8-41 Which of the following is not involved in post-transcriptional control? (a) the spliceosome (b) dicer (c) mediator (d) RISC 8-42 MicroRNAs ____________________. (a) are produced from a precursor miRNA transcript (b) are found only in humans (c) control gene expression by base-pairing with DNA sequences (d) can degrade RNAs by using their intrinsic catalytic activity 8-43 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. MicroRNAs are noncoding RNAs that are incorporated into a protein complex called __________________, which searches the __________________s in the cytoplasm for sequence complementary to that of the miRNA. When such a molecule is found, it is then targeted for __________________. RNAi is triggered by the presence of foreign __________________ molecules, which are digested by the __________________ enzyme into shorter fragments approximately 23 nucleotide pairs in length. tRNA phosphorylation riboswitch RISC destruction acetylation procaryotic methylation DNA double-stranded RNA mRNA dicer single-stranded RNA rRNA mitochondria 8-44 The extent of complementarity of a miRNA with its target mRNA determines ___________________________. (a) whether the mRNA will be degraded or transported elsewhere in the cell (b) whether the mRNA will be transported to the nucleus (c) whether RISC is degraded (d) whether the miRNA synthesizes a complementary strand 8-45 Which of the following statements about miRNAs is false? (a) One miRNA can regulate the expression of many genes. (b) miRNAs are transcribed in the nucleus from genomic DNA. (c) miRNAs are produced from rRNAs. (d) miRNAs are made by RNA polymerase. 8-46 Which of the following statements about RNAi is true? (a) The RNAi mechanism is found only in plants and animals. (b) RNAi is induced when double-stranded RNA is present in the cell. (c) RISC uses the siRNA duplex to locate complementary foreign RNA molecules. (d) siRNAs bind to miRNAs to induce RNAi. How We Know: Gene Regulation – The Story of Eve 8-47 The gene for a hormone necessary for insect development contains binding sites for three transcription regulators called A, B, and C. Because the binding sites for A and B overlap, A and B cannot bind simultaneously. You make mutations in the binding sites for each of the proteins and measure hormone production in cells that contain equal amounts of the A, B, and C proteins. Figure Q8-47 summarizes your results. In each of the following sentences, choose one of the phrases within square brackets to make the statement consistent with the results. Figure Q8-47 A. Protein A binds to its DNA-binding site [more tightly/less tightly] than protein B binds to its DNA-binding site. B. Protein A is a [stronger/weaker] activator of transcription than protein B. C. Protein C is able to prevent activation by [protein A only/protein B only/both protein A and protein B]. 8-48 The Drosophila Eve gene has a complex promoter containing multiple binding sites for four transcription regulators: Bicoid, Hunchback, Giant, and Krüppel. Bicoid and Hunchback are activators of Eve transcription, whereas Giant and Krüppel repress Eve transcription. Figure Q8-48A shows the patterns of expression of these regulators. Figure Q8-48 The eve promoter contains modules that control expression in various stripes. You construct a reporter gene that contains the DNA 5 kb upstream of the eve gene, so that this reporter contains the stripe 3 module, the stripe 2 module, the stripe 7 module, and the TATA box, all fused to the LacZ reporter gene (which encodes the β-galactosidase enzyme), as shown in Figure Q8-50B. This construct results in expression of the β-galactosidase enzyme in three stripes, which correspond to the normal positions of stripes 3, 2, and 7. A. By examining the overlap of sites on the stripe 2 module, as depicted in Figure Q8-48B, what is the biological effect of having some of the transcription regulator binding sites overlap? B. You make two mutant versions in which several of the binding sites in the Eve stripe 2 module have been deleted, as detailed in items (i) and (ii) below. Refer to Figure Q8-48B for the positions of the binding sites. (Note, however, that because many of the binding sites overlap, it is not possible to delete all of one kind of site without affecting some of the other sites.) Match the appropriate mutant condition with the most likely pattern of Eve expression shown in Figure Q8-48C. Explain your choices. (i) deletion of the Krüppel-binding sites in stripe 2 (ii) deletion of the two Bicoid-binding sites in the stripe 2 module that are marked with an asterisk (*) in Figure Q8-48B 7-1 RNA in cells differs from DNA in that ___________________. (a) it contains the base uracil, which pairs with cytosine (b) it is single-stranded and cannot form base pairs (c) it is single-stranded and can fold up into a variety of structures (d) the sugar ribose contains fewer oxygen atoms than does deoxyribose 7-2 Transcription is similar to DNA replication in that ___________________. (a) an RNA transcript is synthesized discontinuously and the pieces are then joined together (b) it uses the same enzyme as that used to synthesize RNA primers during DNA replication (c) the newly synthesized RNA remains paired to the template DNA (d) nucleotide polymerization occurs only in the 5′-to-3′ direction 7-3 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. For a cell’s genetic material to be used, the information is first copied from the DNA into the nucleotide sequence of RNA in a process called __________________. Various kinds of RNA are produced, each with different functions. __________________ molecules code for proteins, __________________ molecules act as adaptors for protein synthesis, __________________ molecules are integral components of the ribosome, and __________________ molecules are important in the splicing of RNA transcripts. incorporation rRNA transmembrane mRNA snRNA tRNA pRNA transcription proteins translation 7-4 Match the following structures with their names. Figure Q7-4 7-5 Which of the following statements is false? (a) A new RNA molecule can begin to be synthesized from a gene before the previous RNA molecule’s synthesis is completed. (b) If two genes are to be expressed in a cell, these two genes can be transcribed with different efficiencies. (c) RNA polymerase is responsible for both unwinding the DNA helix and catalyzing the formation of the phosphodiester bonds between nucleotides. (d) Unlike DNA, RNA uses a uracil base and a deoxyribose sugar. 7-6 Which one of the following is the main reason that a typical eucaryotic gene is able to respond to a far greater variety of regulatory signals than a typical procaryotic gene or operon? (a) Eucaryotes have three types of RNA polymerase. (b) Eucaryotic RNA polymerases require general transcription factors. (c) The transcription of a eucaryotic gene can be influenced by proteins that bind far from the promoter. (d) Procaryotic genes are packaged into nucleosomes. 7-7 Match the following types of RNA with the main polymerase that transcribes them. 7-8 List three ways in which the process of eucaryotic transcription differs from the process of bacterial transcription. 7-9 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; each word or phrase should be used only once. In eucaryotic cells, general transcription factors are required for the activity of all promoters transcribed by RNA polymerase II. The assembly of the general transcription factors begins with the binding of the factor __________________ to DNA, causing a marked local distortion in the DNA. This factor binds at the DNA sequence called the __________________ box, which is typically located 25 nucleotides upstream from the transcription start site. Once RNA polymerase II has been brought to the promoter DNA, it must be released to begin making transcripts. This release process is facilitated by the addition of phosphate groups to the tail of RNA polymerase by the factor __________________. It must be remembered that the general transcription factors and RNA polymerase are not sufficient to initiate transcription in the cell and are affected by proteins bound thousands of nucleotides away from the promoter. Proteins that link the distantly bound transcription regulators to RNA polymerase and the general transcription factors include the large complex of proteins called the__________________. The packing of DNA into chromatin also affects transcriptional initiation, and histone __________________ is an enzyme that can render the DNA less accessible to the general transcription factors. activator lac TFIIA CAP ligase TFIID deacetylase mediator TFIIH enhancer TATA 7-10 You have a piece of DNA that includes the following sequence: 5′-ATAGGCATTCGATCCGGATAGCAT-3′ 3′-TATCCGTAAGCTAGGCCTATCGTA-5′ Which of the following RNA molecules could be transcribed from this piece of DNA? (a) 5′-UAUCCGUAAGCUAGGCCUAUGCUA-3′ (b) 5′-AUAGGCAUUCGAUCCGGAUAGCAU-3′ (c) 5′-UACGAUAGGCCUAGCUUACGGAUA-3′ (d) none of the above 7-11 You have a segment of DNA that contains the following sequence: 5′-GGACTAGACAATAGGGACCTAGAGATTCCGAAA-3′ 3′-CCTGATCTGTTATCCCTGGATCTCTAAGGCTTT-5′ If you know that the RNA transcribed from this segment contains the following sequence: 5′-GGACUAGACAAUAGGGACCUAGAGAUUCCGAAA–3′ Which of the following choices best describes how transcription occurs? (a) The top strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 5′ to 3′. (b) The top strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 3′ to 5′. (c) The bottom strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 5′ to 3′. (d) The bottom strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 3′ to 5′. 7-12 Which of the following molecules of RNA would you predict to be the most likely to fold into a specific structure as a result of intramolecular base pairing? (a) 5′- CCCUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUAGGG-3′ (b) 5′- UGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUG-3′ (c) 5′- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-3′ (d) 5′- GGAAAAGGAGAUGGGCAAGGGGAAAAGGAGAUGGGCAAGG-3′ 7-13 Imagine that an RNA polymerase is transcribing a segment of DNA that contains the following sequence: 5′-AGTCTAGGCACTGA-3′ 3′-TCAGATCCGTGACT 5′ A. If the polymerase is transcribing from this segment of DNA from left to right, which strand (top or bottom) is the template? B. What will be the sequence of that RNA (be sure to label the 5′ and 3′ ends of your RNA molecule)? 7-14 The sigma subunit of bacterial RNA polymerase ___________________. (a) contains the catalytic activity of the polymerase (b) remains part of the polymerase throughout transcription (c) recognizes promoter sites in the DNA (d) recognizes transcription termination sites in the DNA 7-15 Which of the following might decrease the transcription of only one specific gene in a bacterial cell? (a) a decrease in the amount of sigma factor (b) a decrease in the amount of RNA polymerase (c) a mutation that introduced a stop codon into the DNA that precedes the gene’s coding sequence (d) a mutation that introduced extensive sequence changes into the DNA that precedes the gene’s transcription start site 7-16 There are several reasons why the primase used to make the RNA primer for DNA replication is not suitable for gene transcription. Which of the statements below is not one of those reasons? (a) Primase initiates RNA synthesis on a single-stranded DNA template. (b) Primase can initiate RNA synthesis without the need for a base-paired primer. (c) Primase synthesizes only RNAs of about 5–20 nucleotides in length. (d) The RNA synthesized by primase remains base-paired to the DNA template. 7-17 You have a bacterial strain with a mutation that removes the transcription termination signal from the Abd operon. Which of the following statements describes the most likely effect of this mutation on Abd transcription? (a) The Abd RNA will not be produced in the mutant strain. (b) The Abd RNA from the mutant strain will be longer than normal. (c) Sigma factor will not dissociate from RNA polymerase when the Abd operon is being transcribed in the mutant strain. (d) RNA polymerase will move in a backwards fashion at the Abd operon in the mutant strain. 7-18 Transcription in bacteria differs from transcription in a eucaryotic cell because __________________________. (a) RNA polymerase (along with its sigma subunit) can initiate transcription on its own (b) RNA polymerase (along with its sigma subunit) requires the general transcription factors to assemble at the promoter before polymerase can begin transcription (c) The sigma subunit must associate with the appropriate type of RNA polymerase to produce mRNAs (d) RNA polymerase must be phosphorylated at its C-terminal tail for transcription to proceed 7-19 Which of the following does not occur before a eucaryotic mRNA is exported from the nucleus? (a) The ribosome binds to the mRNA. (b) The mRNA is polyadenylated at its 3′ end. (c) 7-methyl-G is added in a 5′ to 5′ linkage to the mRNA. (d) RNA polymerase dissociates. 7-20 Use the numbers in the choices below to indicate where in the schematic diagram of a eucaryotic cell (Figure Q7-20) those processes take place. Figure Q7-20 1. transcription 2. translation 3. RNA splicing 4. polyadenylation 5. RNA capping 7-21 Total nucleic acids are extracted from a culture of yeast cells and are then mixed with resin beads to which the polynucleotide 5′- TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT-3′ has been covalently attached. After a short incubation, the beads are then extracted from the mixture. When you analyze the cellular nucleic acids that have stuck to the beads, which of the following is most abundant? (a) DNA (b) tRNA (c) rRNA (d) mRNA 7-22 Name three covalent modifications that can be made to an RNA molecule in eucaryotic cells before the RNA molecule becomes a mature mRNA. 7-23 Which of the following statements about RNA splicing is false? (a) Conventional introns are not found in bacterial genes. (b) For a gene to function properly, every exon must be removed from the primary transcript in the same fashion on every mRNA molecule produced from the same gene. (c) Small RNA molecules in the nucleus perform the splicing reactions necessary for the removal of introns. (d) Splicing occurs after the 5′ cap has been added to the end of the primary transcript. 7-24 The length of a particular gene in human DNA, measured from the start site for transcription to the end of the protein-coding region, is 10,000 nucleotides, whereas the length of the mRNA produced from this gene is 4000 nucleotides. What is the most likely reason for this difference? 7-25 Why is the old dogma “one gene—one protein” not always true for eucaryotic genes? 7-26 Is this statement true or false? Explain your answer. “Since introns do not contain protein coding information, they do not have to be removed precisely (meaning, a nucleotide here and there should not matter) from the primary transcript during RNA splicing.” 7-27 You have discovered a gene (Figure Q7-27A) that is alternatively spliced to produce several forms of mRNA in various cell types, three of which are shown in Figure Q7-27B. The lines connecting the exons that are included in the mRNA indicate the splicing. From your experiments, you know that protein translation begins in exon 1. For all forms of the mRNA, the encoded protein sequence is the same in the regions of the mRNA that correspond to exons 1 and 10. Exons 2 and 3 are alternative exons used in different mRNA, as are exons 7 and 8. Which of the following statements about exons 2 and 3 is the most accurate? Explain your answer. Figure Q7-27 (a) Exons 2 and 3 must have the same number of nucleotides. (b) Exons 2 and 3 must contain an integral number of codons (that is, the number of nucleotides divided by 3 must be an integer). (c) Exons 2 and 3 must contain a number of nucleotides that when divided by 3, leaves the same remainder (that is, 0, 1, or 2). (d) Exons 2 and 3 must have different numbers of nucleotides. From RNA to Protein 7-28 Which of the following statements about the genetic code is correct? (a) All codons specify more than one amino acid. (b) The genetic code is redundant. (c) All amino acids are specified by more than one codon. (d) All codons specify an amino acid. NOTE: The following codon table is to be used for Problems Q7-29 to Q7-36, Q7-43, and Q7-47. 7-29 The piece of RNA below includes the region that codes the binding site for the initiator tRNA needed in translation. 5′-GUUUCCCGUAUACAUGCGUGCCGGGGGC-3′ Which amino acid will be on the tRNA that is the first to bind to the A-site of the ribosome? (a) methionine (b) arginine (c) cystine (d) valine 7-30 The following DNA sequence includes the beginning of a sequence coding for a protein. What would be the result of a mutation that changed the C marked by an asterisk to an A? 5′-AGGCTATGAATGGACACTGCGAGCCC…. * 7-31 Which amino acid would you expect a tRNA with the anticodon 5′-CUU-3′ to carry? (a) lysine (b) glutamic acid (d) leucine (d) phenylalanine 7-32 Which of the following pairs of codons might you expect to be read by the same tRNA as a result of wobble? (a) CUU and UUU (b) GAU and GAA (c) CAC and CAU (d) AAU and AGU 7-33 Below is a segment of RNA from the middle of an mRNA. 5′-UAGUCUAGGCACUGA-3′ If you were told that this segment of RNA was part of the coding region of an mRNA for a large protein, give the amino acid sequence for the protein that is encoded by this segment of mRNA. Write your answer using the one-letter amino acid code. 7-34 Below is the sequence from the 3′ end of an mRNA. 5′-CCGUUACCAGGCCUCAUUAUUGGUAACGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-3′ If you were told that this sequence contains the stop codon for the protein encoded by this mRNA, what is the anticodon on the tRNA in the P-site of the ribosome when release factor binds to the A-site? (a) 5′-CCA-3′ (b) 5′-CCG-3′ (c) 5′-UGG-3′ (d) 5′-UUA-3′ 7-35 One strand of a section of DNA isolated from the bacterium E. coli reads: 5′-GTAGCCTACCCATAGG-3′ A. Suppose that an mRNA is transcribed from this DNA using the complementary strand as a template. What will be the sequence of the mRNA in this region (make sure you label the 5′ and 3′ ends of the mRNA)? B. How many different peptides could potentially be made from this sequence of RNA, assuming that translation initiates upstream of this sequence? C. What are these peptides? (Give your answer using the one-letter amino acid code.) 7-36 A strain of yeast translates mRNA into protein inaccurately. Individual molecules of a particular protein isolated from this yeast have variations in the first 11 amino acids compared with the sequence of the same protein isolated from normal yeast cells, as listed in Figure Q7-36. What is the most likely cause of this variation in protein sequence? Figure Q7-36 (a) a mutation in the DNA coding for the protein (b) a mutation in the anticodon of the isoleucine tRNA (tRNAIle) (c) a mutation in the isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase that decreases its ability to distinguish between different amino acids (d) a mutation in the isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase that decreases its ability to distinguish between different tRNA molecules 7-37 Which of the following statements is true? (a) Ribosomes are large RNA structures composed solely of rRNA. (b) Ribosomes are synthesized entirely in the cytoplasm. (c) rRNA contains the catalytic activity that joins amino acids together. (d) A ribosome binds one tRNA at a time. 7-38 Figure Q7-38A shows the stage in translation when an incoming aminoacyl-tRNA has bound to the A-site on the ribosome. Using the components shown in Figure Q7-38A as a guide, show on Figure Q7-38B and Q7-38C what happens in the next two stages to complete the addition of the new amino acid to the growing polypeptide chain. Figure Q7-38 7-39 A poison added to an in vitro translation mixture containing mRNA molecules with the sequence 5′-AUGAAAAAAAAAAAAUAA-3′ has the following effect: the only product made is a Met-Lys dipeptide that remains attached to the ribosome. What is the most likely way in which the poison acts to inhibit protein synthesis? (a) It inhibits peptidyl transferase activity. (b) It inhibits movement of the small subunit relative to the large subunit. (c) It inhibits release factor. (d) It mimics release factor. 7-40 In eucaryotes, but not in procaryotes, ribosomes find the start site of translation by ____________________________. (a) binding directly to a ribosome-binding site preceding the initiation codon (b) scanning along the mRNA from the 5′ end (c) recognizing an AUG codon as the start of translation (d) binding an initiator tRNA 7-41 Which of the following statements about procaryotic mRNA molecules is false? (a) A single procaryotic mRNA molecule can be translated into several proteins. (b) Ribosomes must bind to the 5′ cap before initiating translation. (c) mRNAs are not polyadenylated. (d) Ribosomes can start translating an mRNA molecule before transcription is complete. 7-42 Figure Q7-42 shows an mRNA molecule. Figure Q7-42 A. Match the labels given in the list below with the label lines in Figure Q7- 42. (a) ribosome-binding site (b) initiator codon (c) stop codon (d) untranslated 3′ region (e) untranslated 5′ region (f) protein-coding region B. Is the mRNA shown procaryotic or eucaryotic? Explain your answer. 7-43 A mutation in the tRNA for the amino acid lysine results in the anticodon sequence 5′-UAU-3′ (instead of 5′-UUU-3′). Which of the following aberrations in protein synthesis might this tRNA cause? (Refer to the codon table provided above Q7-29.) (a) read-through of stop codons (b) substitution of lysine for isoleucine (c) substitution of lysine for tyrosine (d) substitution of lysine for phenylalanine 7-44 You have discovered a protein that inhibits translation. When you add this inhibitor to a mixture capable of translating human mRNA and centrifuge the mixture to separate polyribosomes and single ribosomes, you obtain the results shown in Figure Q7-44. Which of the following interpretations is consistent with these observations? Figure Q7-44 (a) The protein binds to the small ribosomal subunit and increases the rate of initiation of translation. (b) The protein binds to sequences in the 5′ region of the mRNA and inhibits the rate of initiation of translation. (c) The protein binds to the large ribosomal subunit and slows down elongation of the polypeptide chain. (d) The protein binds to sequences in the 3′ region of the mRNA and prevents termination of translation. 7-45 The concentration of a particular protein X in a normal human cell rises gradually from a low point, immediately after cell division, to a high point, just before cell division, and then drops sharply. The level of its mRNA in the cell remains fairly constant throughout this time. Protein X is required for cell growth and survival, but the drop in its level just before cell division is essential for division to proceed. You have isolated a line of human cells that grow in size in culture but cannot divide, and on analyzing these mutants, you find that levels of X mRNA in the mutant cells are normal. Which of the following mutations in the gene for X could explain these results? (a) the introduction of a stop codon that truncates protein X at the fourth amino acid (b) a change of the first ATG codon to CCA (c) the deletion of a sequence that encodes sites at which ubiquitin can be attached to the protein (d) a change at a splice site that prevents splicing of the RNA 7-46 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. Once an mRNA is produced, its message can be decoded on ribosomes. The ribosome is composed of two subunits: the __________________ subunit, which catalyzes the formation of the peptide bonds that link the amino acids together into a polypeptide chain, and the __________________ subunit, which matches the tRNAs to the codons of the mRNA. During the chain elongation process of translating an mRNA into protein, the growing polypeptide chain attached to a tRNA is bound to the __________________-site of the ribosome. An incoming aminoacyl-tRNA carrying the next amino acid in the chain will bind to the __________________-site by forming base pairs with the exposed codon in the mRNA. The __________________ enzyme catalyzes the formation of a new peptide bond between the growing polypeptide chain and the newly arriving amino acid. The end of a protein-coding message is signaled by the presence of a stop codon, which binds the __________________ called release factor. Eventually, most proteins will be degraded by a large complex of proteolytic enzymes called the __________________. A medium proteasome central P RNA DNA peptidyl transferase small E polymerase T large protein ubiquitin 7-47 After treating cells with a mutagen, you isolate two mutants. One carries alanine and the other carries methionine at a site in the protein that normally contains valine. After treating these two mutants again with mutagen, you isolate mutants from each that now carry threonine at the site of the original valine (see Figure Q7-47). Assuming that all mutations caused by the mutagen are due to single nucleotide changes, deduce the codons that are used for valine, alanine, methionine, and threonine at the affected site. (Refer to the codon table provided above Q7-29.) Figure Q7-47 7-48 Which of the following methods is not used by cells to regulate the amount of a protein in the cell? (a) Genes can be transcribed into mRNA with different efficiencies. (b) Many ribosomes can bind to a single mRNA molecule. (c) Proteins can be tagged with ubiquitin, marking them for degradation. (d) Nuclear pore complexes can regulate the speed at which newly synthesized proteins are exported from the nucleus into the cytoplasm. 7-49 Which of the following statements about the proteasome is false? (a) Ubiquitin is a small protein that is covalently attached to proteins to mark them for delivery to the proteasome. (b) Proteases reside in the central cylinder of a proteasome. (c) Misfolded proteins are delivered to the proteasome, where they are sequestered from the cytoplasm and can attempt to refold. (d) The protein stoppers that surround the central cylinder of the proteasome use the energy from ATP hydrolysis to move proteins into the proteasome inner chamber. RNA and the Origins of Life 7-50 Which of the following molecules is thought to have arisen first during evolution? (a) protein (b) DNA (c) RNA (d) All came to be at the same time. 7-51 According to current thinking, the minimum requirement for life to have originated on Earth was the formation of a _______________. (a) molecule that could provide a template for the production of a complementary molecule (b) double-stranded DNA helix (c) molecule that could direct protein synthesis (d) molecule that could catalyze its own replication 7-52 Ribozymes catalyze which of the following reactions? (a) DNA synthesis (b) transcription (c) RNA splicing (d) protein hydrolysis 7-53 You are studying a disease that is caused by a virus, but when you purify the virus particles and analyze them you find they contain no trace of DNA. Which of the following molecules are likely to contain the genetic information of the virus? (a) high-energy phosphate groups (b) RNA (c) lipids (d) carbohydrates 7-54 Give a reason why DNA makes a better material than RNA for the storage of genetic information, and explain your answer. How We Know: Cracking the Genetic Code 7-55 You have discovered an alien life form that surprisingly uses DNA as its genetic material, makes RNA from DNA, and reads the information from RNA to make protein using ribosomes and tRNAs, which read triplet codons. Because it is your job to decipher the genetic code for this alien, you synthesize some artificial RNA molecules and examine the protein products produced from these RNA molecules in a cell-free translation system using purified alien tRNAs and ribosomes. You obtain the results shown in Table Q7-55. Table Q7-55 From this information, which of the following peptides can be produced from poly UAUC? (a) Ile-Phe-Val-Tyr (b) Tyr-Ser-Phe-Ala (c) Ile-Lys-His-Tyr (d) Cys-Pro-Lys-Ala 7-56 An extraterrestrial organism (ET) is discovered whose basic cell biology seems pretty much the same as that of terrestrial organisms except that it uses a different genetic code to translate RNA into protein. You set out to break the code by translation experiments using RNAs of known sequence and cell-free extracts of ET cells to supply the necessary protein-synthesizing machinery. In experiments using the RNAs below, the following results were obtained when the 20 possible amino acids were added either singly or in different combinations of two or three: RNA 1: 5′-GCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGC-3′ RNA 2: 5′-GCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCC-3′ Using RNA 1, a polypeptide was produced only if alanine and valine were added to the reaction mixture. Using RNA 2, a polypeptide was produced only if leucine and serine and cysteine were added to the reaction mixture. Assuming that protein synthesis can start anywhere on the template, that the ET genetic code is nonoverlapping and linear, and that each codon is the same length (like the terrestrial triplet code), how many nucleotides does an ET codon contain? (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 6 7-57 NASA has discovered an alien life form. You are called in to help NASA scientists to deduce the genetic code for this alien. Surprisingly, this alien life form shares many similarities with life on Earth: this alien uses DNA as its genetic material, makes RNA from DNA, and reads the information from RNA to make protein using ribosomes and tRNAs. Even more amazing, this alien uses the same 20 amino acids, like the organisms found on Earth, and also codes for each amino acid by a triplet codon. However, the scientists at NASA have found that the genetic code used by the alien life form differs from that used by life on Earth. NASA scientists drew this conclusion after creating a cell-free protein synthesis system from alien cells and adding an mRNA made entirely of uracil (poly U). They found that poly U directs the synthesis of a peptide containing only glycine. NASA scientists have synthesized a poly AU mRNA and observe that it codes for a polypeptide of alternating serine and proline amino acids. From these experiments, can you determine which codons code for serine and proline? Explain. Bonus question. Can you propose a mechanism for how the alien’s physiology is altered so that it uses a different genetic code from life on Earth, despite all the similarities? CHAPTER 8 CONTROL OF GENE EXPRESSION  2009 Garland Science Publishing An Overview of Gene Expression 8-1 The distinct characteristics of different cell types in a multicellular organism result mainly from the differential regulation of the _________________. (a) replication of specific genes (b) transcription of genes transcribed by RNA polymerase II (c) transcription of housekeeping genes (d) packing of DNA into nucleosomes in some cells and not others 8-2 The human genome encodes about 24,000 genes. Approximately how many genes does the typical differentiated human cell express at any one time? (a) 24,000—all of them (b) between 21,500 and 24,000—at least 90% of the genes (c) between 5000 and 15,000 (d) less than 2500 8-3 Which of the following statements about differentiated cells is true? (a) Cells of distinct types express nonoverlapping sets of transcription factors. (b) Once a cell has differentiated, it can no longer change its gene expression. (c) Once a cell has differentiated, it will no longer need to transcribe RNA. (d) Some of the proteins found in differentiated cells are found in all cells of a multicellular organism. 8-4 Investigators performed nuclear transplant experiments to determine whether DNA is altered irreversibly during development. Which of the following statements about these experiments is true? (a) Because the donor nucleus is taken from an adult animal, the chromosomes from the nucleus must undergo recombination with the DNA in the egg for successful development to occur. (b) The embryo that develops from the nuclear transplant experiment is genetically identical to the donor of the nucleus. (c) The meiotic spindle of the egg must interact with the chromosomes of the injected nuclei for successful nuclear transplantation to occur. (d) Although nuclear transplantation has been successful in producing embryos in some mammals with the use of foster mothers, evidence of DNA alterations during differentiation has not been obtained for plants. 8-5 In principle, a eucaryotic cell can regulate gene expression at any step in the pathway from DNA to the active protein. Place the types of control listed below at the appropriate places on the diagram in Figure Q8-5. Figure Q8-5 A. translation control B. transcriptional control C. RNA processing control D. protein activity control How Transcriptional Switches Work 8-6 Fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; each word or phrase should be used only once. The genes of a bacterial __________________ are transcribed into a single mRNA. Many bacterial promoters contain a region known as a(n) __________________, to which a specific transcription regulator binds. Genes in which transcription is prevented are said to be __________________. The interaction of small molecules, such as tryptophan, with __________________ DNA-binding proteins, such as the tryptophan repressor, regulates bacterial genes. Genes that are being __________________ expressed are being transcribed all the time. allosteric negatively positively constitutively operator promoter induced operon repressed 8-7 Which of the following statements about transcriptional regulators is false? (a) Transcriptional regulators usually interact with the sugar-phosphate backbone on the outside of the double helix to determine where to bind on the DNA helix. (b) Transcriptional regulators will form hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds, and hydrophobic interactions with DNA. (c) The DNA-binding motifs of transcriptional regulators usually bind in the major groove of the DNA helix. (d) The binding of transcriptional regulators generally does not disrupt the hydrogen bonds that holds the double helix together. 8-8 Operons ___________________________. (a) are commonly found in eucaryotic cells (b) are transcribed by RNA polymerase II (c) contain a cluster of genes transcribed as a single mRNA (d) can only be regulated by gene activator proteins 8-9 The tryptophan operator ___________________________. (a) is an allosteric protein (b) binds to the tryptophan repressor when the repressor is bound to tryptophan (c) is required for production of the mRNA encoded by the tryptophan operon (d) is important for the production of the tryptophan repressor 8-10 Which of the following statements about the Lac operon is false? (a) The Lac repressor binds when lactose is present in the cell. (b) Even when the CAP activator is bound to DNA, if lactose is not present, the Lac operon will not be transcribed. (c) The CAP activator can only bind DNA when it is bound to cAMP. (d) The Lac operon only produces RNA when lactose is present and glucose is absent. 8-11 You are interested in examining the regulation of the gene that encodes an enzyme, Tre-ase, important in metabolizing trehalose into glucose in bacteria. Trehalose is a disaccharide formed of two glucose units. It is known that two DNA binding proteins, TreA and TreB, are important for binding to the promoter of the Tre-ase gene and are involved in regulating the transcription of the Tre-ase gene: TreA binds to the “A” site in the promoter region, and TreB binds to the “B” site. You make mutations in the TreA and TreB genes to create cells lacking these genes, observe what happens to transcription of the Tre-ase gene, and obtain the results in Table Q8-11. Table Q8-11 A. What is the role for TreA in controlling Tre-ase expression? Explain. B. What is the role for TreB in controlling Tre-ase expression? Explain. C. From these data, what do you predict will happen to Tre-ase transcription (compared with that in normal cells) in the presence of trehalose if you were to create a version of the TreA protein that will constitutively bind to the “A” site in the Tre-ase promoter? Note: Questions 8-12 to 8-15 use the following information and the data in Table Q8-12. These questions may be used independently, or as a group. You are interested in examining the Psf gene. It is known that Psf is normally produced when cells are exposed to high levels of both calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+). MetA, MetB, and MetC are important for binding to the promoter of the Psf gene and are involved in regulating its transcription. MetA binds to the “A” site in the promoter region, MetB to the “B” site, and MetC to the “C” site. You create binding site mutations in the A, B, and C sites and observe what happens to transcription of the Psf gene. Your results are summarized in Table Q8-12. Table Q8-12 For this table: -, no transcription of Psf; +, low level of transcription of Psf; ++, high levels of transcription of Psf. 8-12 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene activators? (a) MetA only (b) MetB only (c) MetC only (d) Both MetA and MetC 8-13 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene repressors? (a) MetA only (b) MetB only (c) MetC only (d) Both MetA and MetC 8-14 Which transcription factors are normally bound to the Psf promoter in the presence of Mg2+ only? (a) none (b) MetA only (c) MetA and Met B (d) MetA, MetB, and MetC 8-15 Which transcription factors are normally bound to the Psf promoter in the presence of both Mg2+ and Ca2+? (a) MetA and MetB (b) MetB and MetC (c) MetA and MetC (d) MetA, MetB, and MetC Note: Questions 8-16 to 8-19 use the following information and the data in Figure Q8-16. These questions may be used independently, or as a group. You are interested in understanding the gene regulation of Lkp1, a protein that is normally produced in liver and kidney cells in mice. Interestingly, you find that the LKP1 gene is not expressed in heart cells. You isolate the DNA upstream of the LKP1 gene, place it upstream of the gene for green fluorescent protein (GFP), and insert this entire piece of recombinant DNA into mice. You find GFP expressed in liver and kidney cells but not in heart cells, an expression pattern similar to the normal expression of the LKP1 gene. Further experiments demonstrate that there are three regions in the promoter, labeled A, B, and C in Figure Q8-16, that contribute to this expression pattern. Assume that a single and unique transcription factor binds each site such that protein X binds site A, protein Y binds site B, and protein Z binds site C. You want to determine which region is responsible for tissue-specific expression, and create mutations in the promoter to determine the function of each of these regions. In Figure Q8-16, if the site is missing, it is mutated such that it cannot bind its corresponding transcription factor. Figure Q8-16 8-16 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene repressors? (a) factor X (b) factor Y (c) factor Z (d) none of the above 8-17 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene activators? (a) factors X and Y (b) factors X and Z (c) factors Y and Z (d) factor X only 8-18 Experiment 1 in Figure Q8-16 is the positive control, demonstrating that the region of DNA upstream of the gene for GFP results in a pattern of expression that we normally find for the LKP1 gene. Experiment 2 shows what happens when the sites for binding factors X, Y, and Z are removed. Which experiment above demonstrates that factor X alone is sufficient for expression of LPK1 in the kidney? (a) experiment 3 (b) experiment 5 (c) experiment 6 (d) experiment 7 8-19 In what tissue is factor Z normally present and bound to the DNA? (a) kidney (b) liver (c) heart (d) none of the above 8-20 An allosteric transcription regulator called HisP regulates the enzymes for histidine biosynthesis in the bacterium E. coli. Histidine modulates HisP activity. On binding histidine, HisP alters its conformation, markedly changing its affinity for the regulatory sequences in the promoters of the genes for the histidine biosynthetic enzymes. A. If HisP functions as a gene repressor, would you expect that HisP would bind more tightly or less tightly to the regulatory sequences when histidine is abundant? Explain your answer. B. If HisP functions as a gene activator, would you expect that HisP would bind more tightly or less tightly to the regulatory sequences when histidine levels are low? Explain your answer. 8-21 Bacterial cells can take up the amino acid tryptophan from their surroundings, or, if the external supply is insufficient, they can synthesize trytophan by using enzymes in the cell. In some bacteria, the control of glutamine synthesis is similar to that of tryptophan synthesis, such that the glutamine repressor inhibits the transcription of the glutamine operon, which contains the genes that code for the enzymes required for glutamine synthesis. On binding to cellular glutamine, the glutamine repressor binds to a site in the promoter of the operon. A. Why is glutamine-dependent binding to the operon a useful property for the glutamine repressor? B. What would you expect to happen to the regulation of the enzymes that synthesize glutamine in cells expressing a mutant form of the glutamine repressor that cannot bind to DNA? C. What would you expect to happen to the regulation of the enzymes that synthesize glutamine in cells expressing a mutant form of the glutamine repressor that binds to DNA even when no glutamine is bound to it? 8-22 In the absence of glucose, E. coli can proliferate by using the pentose sugar arabinose. As shown in Figure Q8-22, the arabinose operon regulates the ability of E. coli to use arabinose. The araA, araB, and araD genes encode enzymes for the metabolism of arabinose. The araC gene encodes a transcription regulator that binds adjacent to the promoter of the arabinose operon. To understand the regulatory properties of the AraC protein, you engineer a mutant bacterium in which the araC gene has been deleted and look at the effect of the presence or absence of the AraC protein on the AraA enzyme. Figure Q8-22 A. If the AraC protein works as a gene repressor, would you expect araA RNA levels to be high or low in the presence of arabinose in the araCmutant cells? What about in the araC- mutant cells in the absence of arabinose? Explain your answer. B. Your findings from the experiment are summarized in Table Q8-22. Table Q8-22 Do the results in Table Q8-22 indicate that the AraC protein regulates arabinose metabolism by acting as a gene repressor or a gene activator? Explain your answer. 8-23 The CAP activator protein and the Lac repressor both control the Lac operon (see Figure Q8-23). You create cells that are mutant in the gene coding for the Lac repressor so that these cells lack the Lac repressor under all conditions. For these mutant cells, state whether the Lac operon will be switched on or off in the following situations and explain why. Figure Q8-23 A. in the presence of glucose and lactose B. in the presence of glucose and the absence of lactose C. in the absence of glucose and the absence of lactose D. in the absence of glucose and the presence of lactose 8-24 You have discovered an operon in a bacterium that is turned on only when sucrose is present and glucose is absent. You have also isolated three mutants that have changes in the upstream regulatory sequences of the operon and whose behavior is summarized in the Table Q8-24. You hypothesize that there are two gene regulatory sites in the upstream regulatory sequence, A and B, which are affected by the mutations. For this question, a plus (+) indicates a normal site and a minus (-) indicates a mutant site that no longer binds its transcription regulator. Table Q8-24 A. If mutant 1 has sites A- B+ , which of these sites is regulated by sucrose and which by glucose? B. Give the state (+ or -) of the A and B sites in mutants 2 and 3. C. Which site is bound by a repressor and which by an activator? 8-25 Label the following structures in Figure Q8-25. Figure Q8-25 A. activator protein B. RNA polymerase C. general transcription factors D. mediator 8-26 How are most eucaryotic transcription regulators able to affect transcription when their binding sites are far from the promoter? (a) by binding to their binding site and sliding to the site of RNA polymerase assembly (b) by looping out the intervening DNA between their binding site and the promoter (c) by unwinding the DNA between their binding site and the promoter (d) by attracting RNA polymerase and modifying it before it can bind to the promoter 8-27 The expression of the BRF1 gene in mice is normally quite low, but mutations in a gene called BRF2 lead to increased expression of BRF1. You have a hunch that nucleosomes are involved in the regulation of BRF1 expression and so you investigate the position of nucleosomes over the TATA box of BRF1 in normal mice and in mice that lack either the BRF2 protein (BRF2- ) or part of histone H4 (HHF- ) (histone H4 is encoded by the HHF gene). Table Q8-27 summarizes your results. A normal functional gene is indicated by a plus sign (+). Table Q8-27 Which of the following conclusions cannot be drawn from your data? Explain your answer. (a) BRF2 is required for the repression of BRF1. (b) BRF2 is required for the specific pattern of nucleosome positions over the BRF1 upstream region. (c) The specific pattern of nucleosome positioning over the BRF1 upstream region is required for BRF1 repression. (d) The part of histone H4 missing in HHF- mice is not required for the formation of nucleosomes. 8-28 The yeast GAL4 gene encodes a transcriptional regulator that can bind DNA upstream of genes required for the metabolism of the sugar galactose and turns them on. Gal4 has a DNA-binding domain and an activation domain. The DNAbinding domain allows it to bind to the appropriate sites in the promoters of the galactose metabolism genes. The activation domain attracts histone-modifying enzymes and also binds to a component of the RNA polymerase II enzyme complex, attracting it to the promoter so that the regulated genes can be turned on when Gal4 is also bound to the DNA. When Gal4 is expressed normally, the genes can be maximally activated. You decide to try to produce more of the galactose metabolism genes by overexpressing the Gal4 protein at levels fiftyfold greater than normal. You conduct experiments to show that you are overexpressing the Gal4 protein and that it is properly localized in the nucleus of the yeast cells. To your surprise, you find that too much Gal4 causes the galactose genes to be transcribed only at a low level. What is the most likely explanation for your findings? 8-29 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase in the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. During transcription in __________________ cells, transcriptional regulators that bind to DNA thousands of nucleotides away from a gene’s promoter can affect a gene’s transcription. The __________________ is a complex of proteins that links distantly bound transcription regulators with the proteins bound closer to the transcriptional start site. Transcriptional activators can also interact with histone __________________s, which alter chromatin by modifying lysines in the tail of histone proteins to allow greater accessibility to the underlying DNA. Gene repressor proteins can reduce the efficiency of transcription initiation by attracting histone __________________s. Sometimes, many contiguous genes can become transcriptionally inactive as a result of chromatin remodeling, like the __________________ found in interphase chromosomes. viral acetylase centrosome helicase eucaryotic operator procaryotic peroxidase deacetylase mediator deoxidase heterochromatin telomere enhancer leucine zipper The Molecular Mechanisms that Create Specialized Cell Types 8-30 In principle, how many different cell types can an organism having four different types of transcription regulator and thousands of genes create? (a) up to 4 (b) up to 8 (c) up to 16 (d) thousands 8-31 From the sequencing of the human genome, we believe that there are approximately 24,000 protein-coding genes in the genome, for which there are an estimated 1500–3000 transcription factors. If every gene has a tissue-specific and signal-dependent transcription pattern, how can such a small number of transcriptional regulatory proteins generate a much larger set of transcriptional patterns? 8-32 Combinatorial control of gene expression __________________________. (a) involves every gene using a different combination of transcriptional regulators for its proper expression (b) involves groups of transcriptional regulators working together to determine the expression of a gene (c) involves only the use of gene activators used together to regulate genes appropriately (d) is seen only when genes are arranged in operons 8-33 You are studying a set of mouse genes whose expression increases when cells are exposed to the hormone cortisol, and you believe that the same cortisolresponsive transcriptional activator regulates all of these genes. Which of the following statements below should be true if your hypothesis is correct? (a) The cortisol-responsive genes share a DNA sequence in their regulatory regions that binds the cortisol-responsive transcriptional activator. (b) The cortisol-responsive genes must all be in an operon. (c) The transcriptional regulators that bind to the regulatory regions of the cortisol-responsive genes must all be the same. (d) The cortisol-responsive genes must not be transcribed in response to other hormones. 8-34 The MyoD transcriptional regulator is normally found in differentiating muscle cells and participates in the transcription of genes that produce muscle-specific proteins, such as those needed in contractile tissue. Amazingly, expression of MyoD in fibroblasts causes these cells derived from skin connective tissue to produce proteins normally only seen in muscles. However, some other cell types do not transcribe muscle-specific genes when MyoD is expressed in them. Which of the following statements below is the best explanation of why MyoD can cause fibroblasts to express muscle-specific genes? (a) Unlike some other cell types, fibroblasts have not lost the muscle-specific genes from their genome. (b) The muscle-specific genes must be in heterochromatin in fibroblasts. (c) During their developmental history, fibroblasts have accumulated some transcriptional regulators in common with differentiating muscle cells. (d) The presence of MyoD is sufficient to activate the transcription of musclespecific genes in all cell types. 8-35 A virus produces a protein X that activates only a few of the virus’s own genes (V1, V2, and V3) when it infects cells. The cellular proteins A (a zinc finger protein) and the cellular protein B (a homeodomain protein) are known to be repressors of the viral genes V1, V2, and V3. You examine the complete upstream gene regulatory sequences of these three viral genes and find the following: 1. V1 and V2 contain binding sites for the zinc finger protein A only. 2. V3 contains a binding site for the homeodomain protein B only. 3. The only sequence that all three genes have in common is the TATA box. Label each of the choices below as likely or unlikely as an explanation for your findings. For each choice you label as unlikely, explain why. A. Protein X binds nonspecifically to the DNA upstream of V1, V2, and V3 and activates transcription. B. Protein X binds to a repressor and prevents the repressor from binding upstream of V1, V2, and V3. C. Protein X activates transcription by binding to the TATA box. D. Protein X activates transcription by binding to and sequestering proteins A and B. E. Protein X represses transcription of the genes for proteins A and B. 8-36 In mammals, individuals with two X chromosomes are female, and individuals with an X and a Y chromosome are male. It had long been known that a gene located on the Y chromosome was sufficient to induce the gonads to form testes, which is the main male-determining factor in development, and researchers sought the product of this gene, the so-called testes-determining factor (TDF). For several years, the TDF was incorrectly thought to be a zinc finger protein encoded by a gene called BoY. Which of the following observations would most strongly suggest that BoY might not be the TDF? Explain your answer. (a) Some XY individuals that develop into females have mutations in a different gene, SRY, but are normal at BoY. (b) BoY is not expressed in the adult male testes. (c) Expression of BoY in adult females does not masculinize them. (d) A few of the genes that are known to be expressed only in the testes have binding sites for the BoY protein in their upstream regulatory sequences, but most do not. 8-37 Which of the following is not a general mechanism that cells use to maintain stable patterns of gene expression as cells divide? (a) a positive feedback loop, mediated by a transcriptional regulator that activates transcription of its own gene in addition to other cell-type specific genes (b) faithful propagation of condensed chromatin structures as cells divide (c) inheritance of DNA methylation patterns when cells divide (d) proper segregation of housekeeping proteins when cells divide 8-38 Which of the following statements about DNA methylation in eucaryotes is false? (a) Appropriate inheritance of DNA methylation patterns involves maintenance methyltransferase. (b) DNA methylation involves a covalent modification of cytosine bases. (c) Methylation of DNA attracts proteins that block gene expression. (d) Immediately after DNA replication, each daughter helix contains one methylated DNA strand, which corresponds to the newly synthesized strand. 8-39 Which of the following statements about the Ey transcriptional regulator is false? (a) Expression of Ey in cells that normally form legs in the fly will lead to the formation of an eye in the middle of the legs. (b) The Ey transcription factor must bind to the promoter of every eyespecific gene in the fly. (c) Positive feedback loops ensure that Ey expression remains switched on in the developing eye. (d) A homolog of Ey is found in vertebrates; this homolog is also used during eye development. Post-Transcriptional Controls 8-40 Which of the following statements about riboswitches is false? (a) Riboswitches can block the production of mRNAs. (b) Riboswitches can control the translation of mRNAs. (c) Riboswitches are made from rRNAs. (d) Riboswitches can bind metabolites. 8-41 Which of the following is not involved in post-transcriptional control? (a) the spliceosome (b) dicer (c) mediator (d) RISC 8-42 MicroRNAs ____________________. (a) are produced from a precursor miRNA transcript (b) are found only in humans (c) control gene expression by base-pairing with DNA sequences (d) can degrade RNAs by using their intrinsic catalytic activity 8-43 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. MicroRNAs are noncoding RNAs that are incorporated into a protein complex called __________________, which searches the __________________s in the cytoplasm for sequence complementary to that of the miRNA. When such a molecule is found, it is then targeted for __________________. RNAi is triggered by the presence of foreign __________________ molecules, which are digested by the __________________ enzyme into shorter fragments approximately 23 nucleotide pairs in length. tRNA phosphorylation riboswitch RISC destruction acetylation procaryotic methylation DNA double-stranded RNA mRNA dicer single-stranded RNA rRNA mitochondria 8-44 The extent of complementarity of a miRNA with its target mRNA determines ___________________________. (a) whether the mRNA will be degraded or transported elsewhere in the cell (b) whether the mRNA will be transported to the nucleus (c) whether RISC is degraded (d) whether the miRNA synthesizes a complementary strand 8-45 Which of the following statements about miRNAs is false? (a) One miRNA can regulate the expression of many genes. (b) miRNAs are transcribed in the nucleus from genomic DNA. (c) miRNAs are produced from rRNAs. (d) miRNAs are made by RNA polymerase. 8-46 Which of the following statements about RNAi is true? (a) The RNAi mechanism is found only in plants and animals. (b) RNAi is induced when double-stranded RNA is present in the cell. (c) RISC uses the siRNA duplex to locate complementary foreign RNA molecules. (d) siRNAs bind to miRNAs to induce RNAi. How We Know: Gene Regulation – The Story of Eve 8-47 The gene for a hormone necessary for insect development contains binding sites for three transcription regulators called A, B, and C. Because the binding sites for A and B overlap, A and B cannot bind simultaneously. You make mutations in the binding sites for each of the proteins and measure hormone production in cells that contain equal amounts of the A, B, and C proteins. Figure Q8-47 summarizes your results. In each of the following sentences, choose one of the phrases within square brackets to make the statement consistent with the results. Figure Q8-47 A. Protein A binds to its DNA-binding site [more tightly/less tightly] than protein B binds to its DNA-binding site. B. Protein A is a [stronger/weaker] activator of transcription than protein B. C. Protein C is able to prevent activation by [protein A only/protein B only/both protein A and protein B]. 8-48 The Drosophila Eve gene has a complex promoter containing multiple binding sites for four transcription regulators: Bicoid, Hunchback, Giant, and Krüppel. Bicoid and Hunchback are activators of Eve transcription, whereas Giant and Krüppel repress Eve transcription. Figure Q8-48A shows the patterns of expression of these regulators. Figure Q8-48 The eve promoter contains modules that control expression in various stripes. You construct a reporter gene that contains the DNA 5 kb upstream of the eve gene, so that this reporter contains the stripe 3 module, the stripe 2 module, the stripe 7 module, and the TATA box, all fused to the LacZ reporter gene (which encodes the β-galactosidase enzyme), as shown in Figure Q8-50B. This construct results in expression of the β-galactosidase enzyme in three stripes, which correspond to the normal positions of stripes 3, 2, and 7. A. By examining the overlap of sites on the stripe 2 module, as depicted in Figure Q8-48B, what is the biological effect of having some of the transcription regulator binding sites overlap? B. You make two mutant versions in which several of the binding sites in the Eve stripe 2 module have been deleted, as detailed in items (i) and (ii) below. Refer to Figure Q8-48B for the positions of the binding sites. (Note, however, that because many of the binding sites overlap, it is not possible to delete all of one kind of site without affecting some of the other sites.) Match the appropriate mutant condition with the most likely pattern of Eve expression shown in Figure Q8-48C. Explain your choices. (i) deletion of the Krüppel-binding sites in stripe 2 (ii) deletion of the two Bicoid-binding sites in the stripe 2 module that are marked with an asterisk (*) in Figure Q8-48B 7-1 RNA in cells differs from DNA in that ___________________. (a) it contains the base uracil, which pairs with cytosine (b) it is single-stranded and cannot form base pairs (c) it is single-stranded and can fold up into a variety of structures (d) the sugar ribose contains fewer oxygen atoms than does deoxyribose 7-2 Transcription is similar to DNA replication in that ___________________. (a) an RNA transcript is synthesized discontinuously and the pieces are then joined together (b) it uses the same enzyme as that used to synthesize RNA primers during DNA replication (c) the newly synthesized RNA remains paired to the template DNA (d) nucleotide polymerization occurs only in the 5′-to-3′ direction 7-3 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. For a cell’s genetic material to be used, the information is first copied from the DNA into the nucleotide sequence of RNA in a process called __________________. Various kinds of RNA are produced, each with different functions. __________________ molecules code for proteins, __________________ molecules act as adaptors for protein synthesis, __________________ molecules are integral components of the ribosome, and __________________ molecules are important in the splicing of RNA transcripts. incorporation rRNA transmembrane mRNA snRNA tRNA pRNA transcription proteins translation 7-4 Match the following structures with their names. Figure Q7-4 7-5 Which of the following statements is false? (a) A new RNA molecule can begin to be synthesized from a gene before the previous RNA molecule’s synthesis is completed. (b) If two genes are to be expressed in a cell, these two genes can be transcribed with different efficiencies. (c) RNA polymerase is responsible for both unwinding the DNA helix and catalyzing the formation of the phosphodiester bonds between nucleotides. (d) Unlike DNA, RNA uses a uracil base and a deoxyribose sugar. 7-6 Which one of the following is the main reason that a typical eucaryotic gene is able to respond to a far greater variety of regulatory signals than a typical procaryotic gene or operon? (a) Eucaryotes have three types of RNA polymerase. (b) Eucaryotic RNA polymerases require general transcription factors. (c) The transcription of a eucaryotic gene can be influenced by proteins that bind far from the promoter. (d) Procaryotic genes are packaged into nucleosomes. 7-7 Match the following types of RNA with the main polymerase that transcribes them. 7-8 List three ways in which the process of eucaryotic transcription differs from the process of bacterial transcription. 7-9 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; each word or phrase should be used only once. In eucaryotic cells, general transcription factors are required for the activity of all promoters transcribed by RNA polymerase II. The assembly of the general transcription factors begins with the binding of the factor __________________ to DNA, causing a marked local distortion in the DNA. This factor binds at the DNA sequence called the __________________ box, which is typically located 25 nucleotides upstream from the transcription start site. Once RNA polymerase II has been brought to the promoter DNA, it must be released to begin making transcripts. This release process is facilitated by the addition of phosphate groups to the tail of RNA polymerase by the factor __________________. It must be remembered that the general transcription factors and RNA polymerase are not sufficient to initiate transcription in the cell and are affected by proteins bound thousands of nucleotides away from the promoter. Proteins that link the distantly bound transcription regulators to RNA polymerase and the general transcription factors include the large complex of proteins called the__________________. The packing of DNA into chromatin also affects transcriptional initiation, and histone __________________ is an enzyme that can render the DNA less accessible to the general transcription factors. activator lac TFIIA CAP ligase TFIID deacetylase mediator TFIIH enhancer TATA 7-10 You have a piece of DNA that includes the following sequence: 5′-ATAGGCATTCGATCCGGATAGCAT-3′ 3′-TATCCGTAAGCTAGGCCTATCGTA-5′ Which of the following RNA molecules could be transcribed from this piece of DNA? (a) 5′-UAUCCGUAAGCUAGGCCUAUGCUA-3′ (b) 5′-AUAGGCAUUCGAUCCGGAUAGCAU-3′ (c) 5′-UACGAUAGGCCUAGCUUACGGAUA-3′ (d) none of the above 7-11 You have a segment of DNA that contains the following sequence: 5′-GGACTAGACAATAGGGACCTAGAGATTCCGAAA-3′ 3′-CCTGATCTGTTATCCCTGGATCTCTAAGGCTTT-5′ If you know that the RNA transcribed from this segment contains the following sequence: 5′-GGACUAGACAAUAGGGACCUAGAGAUUCCGAAA–3′ Which of the following choices best describes how transcription occurs? (a) The top strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 5′ to 3′. (b) The top strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 3′ to 5′. (c) The bottom strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 5′ to 3′. (d) The bottom strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 3′ to 5′. 7-12 Which of the following molecules of RNA would you predict to be the most likely to fold into a specific structure as a result of intramolecular base pairing? (a) 5′- CCCUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUAGGG-3′ (b) 5′- UGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUG-3′ (c) 5′- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-3′ (d) 5′- GGAAAAGGAGAUGGGCAAGGGGAAAAGGAGAUGGGCAAGG-3′ 7-13 Imagine that an RNA polymerase is transcribing a segment of DNA that contains the following sequence: 5′-AGTCTAGGCACTGA-3′ 3′-TCAGATCCGTGACT 5′ A. If the polymerase is transcribing from this segment of DNA from left to right, which strand (top or bottom) is the template? B. What will be the sequence of that RNA (be sure to label the 5′ and 3′ ends of your RNA molecule)? 7-14 The sigma subunit of bacterial RNA polymerase ___________________. (a) contains the catalytic activity of the polymerase (b) remains part of the polymerase throughout transcription (c) recognizes promoter sites in the DNA (d) recognizes transcription termination sites in the DNA 7-15 Which of the following might decrease the transcription of only one specific gene in a bacterial cell? (a) a decrease in the amount of sigma factor (b) a decrease in the amount of RNA polymerase (c) a mutation that introduced a stop codon into the DNA that precedes the gene’s coding sequence (d) a mutation that introduced extensive sequence changes into the DNA that precedes the gene’s transcription start site 7-16 There are several reasons why the primase used to make the RNA primer for DNA replication is not suitable for gene transcription. Which of the statements below is not one of those reasons? (a) Primase initiates RNA synthesis on a single-stranded DNA template. (b) Primase can initiate RNA synthesis without the need for a base-paired primer. (c) Primase synthesizes only RNAs of about 5–20 nucleotides in length. (d) The RNA synthesized by primase remains base-paired to the DNA template. 7-17 You have a bacterial strain with a mutation that removes the transcription termination signal from the Abd operon. Which of the following statements describes the most likely effect of this mutation on Abd transcription? (a) The Abd RNA will not be produced in the mutant strain. (b) The Abd RNA from the mutant strain will be longer than normal. (c) Sigma factor will not dissociate from RNA polymerase when the Abd operon is being transcribed in the mutant strain. (d) RNA polymerase will move in a backwards fashion at the Abd operon in the mutant strain. 7-18 Transcription in bacteria differs from transcription in a eucaryotic cell because __________________________. (a) RNA polymerase (along with its sigma subunit) can initiate transcription on its own (b) RNA polymerase (along with its sigma subunit) requires the general transcription factors to assemble at the promoter before polymerase can begin transcription (c) The sigma subunit must associate with the appropriate type of RNA polymerase to produce mRNAs (d) RNA polymerase must be phosphorylated at its C-terminal tail for transcription to proceed 7-19 Which of the following does not occur before a eucaryotic mRNA is exported from the nucleus? (a) The ribosome binds to the mRNA. (b) The mRNA is polyadenylated at its 3′ end. (c) 7-methyl-G is added in a 5′ to 5′ linkage to the mRNA. (d) RNA polymerase dissociates. 7-20 Use the numbers in the choices below to indicate where in the schematic diagram of a eucaryotic cell (Figure Q7-20) those processes take place. Figure Q7-20 1. transcription 2. translation 3. RNA splicing 4. polyadenylation 5. RNA capping 7-21 Total nucleic acids are extracted from a culture of yeast cells and are then mixed with resin beads to which the polynucleotide 5′- TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT-3′ has been covalently attached. After a short incubation, the beads are then extracted from the mixture. When you analyze the cellular nucleic acids that have stuck to the beads, which of the following is most abundant? (a) DNA (b) tRNA (c) rRNA (d) mRNA 7-22 Name three covalent modifications that can be made to an RNA molecule in eucaryotic cells before the RNA molecule becomes a mature mRNA. 7-23 Which of the following statements about RNA splicing is false? (a) Conventional introns are not found in bacterial genes. (b) For a gene to function properly, every exon must be removed from the primary transcript in the same fashion on every mRNA molecule produced from the same gene. (c) Small RNA molecules in the nucleus perform the splicing reactions necessary for the removal of introns. (d) Splicing occurs after the 5′ cap has been added to the end of the primary transcript. 7-24 The length of a particular gene in human DNA, measured from the start site for transcription to the end of the protein-coding region, is 10,000 nucleotides, whereas the length of the mRNA produced from this gene is 4000 nucleotides. What is the most likely reason for this difference? 7-25 Why is the old dogma “one gene—one protein” not always true for eucaryotic genes? 7-26 Is this statement true or false? Explain your answer. “Since introns do not contain protein coding information, they do not have to be removed precisely (meaning, a nucleotide here and there should not matter) from the primary transcript during RNA splicing.” 7-27 You have discovered a gene (Figure Q7-27A) that is alternatively spliced to produce several forms of mRNA in various cell types, three of which are shown in Figure Q7-27B. The lines connecting the exons that are included in the mRNA indicate the splicing. From your experiments, you know that protein translation begins in exon 1. For all forms of the mRNA, the encoded protein sequence is the same in the regions of the mRNA that correspond to exons 1 and 10. Exons 2 and 3 are alternative exons used in different mRNA, as are exons 7 and 8. Which of the following statements about exons 2 and 3 is the most accurate? Explain your answer. Figure Q7-27 (a) Exons 2 and 3 must have the same number of nucleotides. (b) Exons 2 and 3 must contain an integral number of codons (that is, the number of nucleotides divided by 3 must be an integer). (c) Exons 2 and 3 must contain a number of nucleotides that when divided by 3, leaves the same remainder (that is, 0, 1, or 2). (d) Exons 2 and 3 must have different numbers of nucleotides. From RNA to Protein 7-28 Which of the following statements about the genetic code is correct? (a) All codons specify more than one amino acid. (b) The genetic code is redundant. (c) All amino acids are specified by more than one codon. (d) All codons specify an amino acid. NOTE: The following codon table is to be used for Problems Q7-29 to Q7-36, Q7-43, and Q7-47. 7-29 The piece of RNA below includes the region that codes the binding site for the initiator tRNA needed in translation. 5′-GUUUCCCGUAUACAUGCGUGCCGGGGGC-3′ Which amino acid will be on the tRNA that is the first to bind to the A-site of the ribosome? (a) methionine (b) arginine (c) cystine (d) valine 7-30 The following DNA sequence includes the beginning of a sequence coding for a protein. What would be the result of a mutation that changed the C marked by an asterisk to an A? 5′-AGGCTATGAATGGACACTGCGAGCCC…. * 7-31 Which amino acid would you expect a tRNA with the anticodon 5′-CUU-3′ to carry? (a) lysine (b) glutamic acid (d) leucine (d) phenylalanine 7-32 Which of the following pairs of codons might you expect to be read by the same tRNA as a result of wobble? (a) CUU and UUU (b) GAU and GAA (c) CAC and CAU (d) AAU and AGU 7-33 Below is a segment of RNA from the middle of an mRNA. 5′-UAGUCUAGGCACUGA-3′ If you were told that this segment of RNA was part of the coding region of an mRNA for a large protein, give the amino acid sequence for the protein that is encoded by this segment of mRNA. Write your answer using the one-letter amino acid code. 7-34 Below is the sequence from the 3′ end of an mRNA. 5′-CCGUUACCAGGCCUCAUUAUUGGUAACGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-3′ If you were told that this sequence contains the stop codon for the protein encoded by this mRNA, what is the anticodon on the tRNA in the P-site of the ribosome when release factor binds to the A-site? (a) 5′-CCA-3′ (b) 5′-CCG-3′ (c) 5′-UGG-3′ (d) 5′-UUA-3′ 7-35 One strand of a section of DNA isolated from the bacterium E. coli reads: 5′-GTAGCCTACCCATAGG-3′ A. Suppose that an mRNA is transcribed from this DNA using the complementary strand as a template. What will be the sequence of the mRNA in this region (make sure you label the 5′ and 3′ ends of the mRNA)? B. How many different peptides could potentially be made from this sequence of RNA, assuming that translation initiates upstream of this sequence? C. What are these peptides? (Give your answer using the one-letter amino acid code.) 7-36 A strain of yeast translates mRNA into protein inaccurately. Individual molecules of a particular protein isolated from this yeast have variations in the first 11 amino acids compared with the sequence of the same protein isolated from normal yeast cells, as listed in Figure Q7-36. What is the most likely cause of this variation in protein sequence? Figure Q7-36 (a) a mutation in the DNA coding for the protein (b) a mutation in the anticodon of the isoleucine tRNA (tRNAIle) (c) a mutation in the isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase that decreases its ability to distinguish between different amino acids (d) a mutation in the isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase that decreases its ability to distinguish between different tRNA molecules 7-37 Which of the following statements is true? (a) Ribosomes are large RNA structures composed solely of rRNA. (b) Ribosomes are synthesized entirely in the cytoplasm. (c) rRNA contains the catalytic activity that joins amino acids together. (d) A ribosome binds one tRNA at a time. 7-38 Figure Q7-38A shows the stage in translation when an incoming aminoacyl-tRNA has bound to the A-site on the ribosome. Using the components shown in Figure Q7-38A as a guide, show on Figure Q7-38B and Q7-38C what happens in the next two stages to complete the addition of the new amino acid to the growing polypeptide chain. Figure Q7-38 7-39 A poison added to an in vitro translation mixture containing mRNA molecules with the sequence 5′-AUGAAAAAAAAAAAAUAA-3′ has the following effect: the only product made is a Met-Lys dipeptide that remains attached to the ribosome. What is the most likely way in which the poison acts to inhibit protein synthesis? (a) It inhibits peptidyl transferase activity. (b) It inhibits movement of the small subunit relative to the large subunit. (c) It inhibits release factor. (d) It mimics release factor. 7-40 In eucaryotes, but not in procaryotes, ribosomes find the start site of translation by ____________________________. (a) binding directly to a ribosome-binding site preceding the initiation codon (b) scanning along the mRNA from the 5′ end (c) recognizing an AUG codon as the start of translation (d) binding an initiator tRNA 7-41 Which of the following statements about procaryotic mRNA molecules is false? (a) A single procaryotic mRNA molecule can be translated into several proteins. (b) Ribosomes must bind to the 5′ cap before initiating translation. (c) mRNAs are not polyadenylated. (d) Ribosomes can start translating an mRNA molecule before transcription is complete. 7-42 Figure Q7-42 shows an mRNA molecule. Figure Q7-42 A. Match the labels given in the list below with the label lines in Figure Q7- 42. (a) ribosome-binding site (b) initiator codon (c) stop codon (d) untranslated 3′ region (e) untranslated 5′ region (f) protein-coding region B. Is the mRNA shown procaryotic or eucaryotic? Explain your answer. 7-43 A mutation in the tRNA for the amino acid lysine results in the anticodon sequence 5′-UAU-3′ (instead of 5′-UUU-3′). Which of the following aberrations in protein synthesis might this tRNA cause? (Refer to the codon table provided above Q7-29.) (a) read-through of stop codons (b) substitution of lysine for isoleucine (c) substitution of lysine for tyrosine (d) substitution of lysine for phenylalanine 7-44 You have discovered a protein that inhibits translation. When you add this inhibitor to a mixture capable of translating human mRNA and centrifuge the mixture to separate polyribosomes and single ribosomes, you obtain the results shown in Figure Q7-44. Which of the following interpretations is consistent with these observations? Figure Q7-44 (a) The protein binds to the small ribosomal subunit and increases the rate of initiation of translation. (b) The protein binds to sequences in the 5′ region of the mRNA and inhibits the rate of initiation of translation. (c) The protein binds to the large ribosomal subunit and slows down elongation of the polypeptide chain. (d) The protein binds to sequences in the 3′ region of the mRNA and prevents termination of translation. 7-45 The concentration of a particular protein X in a normal human cell rises gradually from a low point, immediately after cell division, to a high point, just before cell division, and then drops sharply. The level of its mRNA in the cell remains fairly constant throughout this time. Protein X is required for cell growth and survival, but the drop in its level just before cell division is essential for division to proceed. You have isolated a line of human cells that grow in size in culture but cannot divide, and on analyzing these mutants, you find that levels of X mRNA in the mutant cells are normal. Which of the following mutations in the gene for X could explain these results? (a) the introduction of a stop codon that truncates protein X at the fourth amino acid (b) a change of the first ATG codon to CCA (c) the deletion of a sequence that encodes sites at which ubiquitin can be attached to the protein (d) a change at a splice site that prevents splicing of the RNA 7-46 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. Once an mRNA is produced, its message can be decoded on ribosomes. The ribosome is composed of two subunits: the __________________ subunit, which catalyzes the formation of the peptide bonds that link the amino acids together into a polypeptide chain, and the __________________ subunit, which matches the tRNAs to the codons of the mRNA. During the chain elongation process of translating an mRNA into protein, the growing polypeptide chain attached to a tRNA is bound to the __________________-site of the ribosome. An incoming aminoacyl-tRNA carrying the next amino acid in the chain will bind to the __________________-site by forming base pairs with the exposed codon in the mRNA. The __________________ enzyme catalyzes the formation of a new peptide bond between the growing polypeptide chain and the newly arriving amino acid. The end of a protein-coding message is signaled by the presence of a stop codon, which binds the __________________ called release factor. Eventually, most proteins will be degraded by a large complex of proteolytic enzymes called the __________________. A medium proteasome central P RNA DNA peptidyl transferase small E polymerase T large protein ubiquitin 7-47 After treating cells with a mutagen, you isolate two mutants. One carries alanine and the other carries methionine at a site in the protein that normally contains valine. After treating these two mutants again with mutagen, you isolate mutants from each that now carry threonine at the site of the original valine (see Figure Q7-47). Assuming that all mutations caused by the mutagen are due to single nucleotide changes, deduce the codons that are used for valine, alanine, methionine, and threonine at the affected site. (Refer to the codon table provided above Q7-29.) Figure Q7-47 7-48 Which of the following methods is not used by cells to regulate the amount of a protein in the cell? (a) Genes can be transcribed into mRNA with different efficiencies. (b) Many ribosomes can bind to a single mRNA molecule. (c) Proteins can be tagged with ubiquitin, marking them for degradation. (d) Nuclear pore complexes can regulate the speed at which newly synthesized proteins are exported from the nucleus into the cytoplasm. 7-49 Which of the following statements about the proteasome is false? (a) Ubiquitin is a small protein that is covalently attached to proteins to mark them for delivery to the proteasome. (b) Proteases reside in the central cylinder of a proteasome. (c) Misfolded proteins are delivered to the proteasome, where they are sequestered from the cytoplasm and can attempt to refold. (d) The protein stoppers that surround the central cylinder of the proteasome use the energy from ATP hydrolysis to move proteins into the proteasome inner chamber. RNA and the Origins of Life 7-50 Which of the following molecules is thought to have arisen first during evolution? (a) protein (b) DNA (c) RNA (d) All came to be at the same time. 7-51 According to current thinking, the minimum requirement for life to have originated on Earth was the formation of a _______________. (a) molecule that could provide a template for the production of a complementary molecule (b) double-stranded DNA helix (c) molecule that could direct protein synthesis (d) molecule that could catalyze its own replication 7-52 Ribozymes catalyze which of the following reactions? (a) DNA synthesis (b) transcription (c) RNA splicing (d) protein hydrolysis 7-53 You are studying a disease that is caused by a virus, but when you purify the virus particles and analyze them you find they contain no trace of DNA. Which of the following molecules are likely to contain the genetic information of the virus? (a) high-energy phosphate groups (b) RNA (c) lipids (d) carbohydrates 7-54 Give a reason why DNA makes a better material than RNA for the storage of genetic information, and explain your answer. How We Know: Cracking the Genetic Code 7-55 You have discovered an alien life form that surprisingly uses DNA as its genetic material, makes RNA from DNA, and reads the information from RNA to make protein using ribosomes and tRNAs, which read triplet codons. Because it is your job to decipher the genetic code for this alien, you synthesize some artificial RNA molecules and examine the protein products produced from these RNA molecules in a cell-free translation system using purified alien tRNAs and ribosomes. You obtain the results shown in Table Q7-55. Table Q7-55 From this information, which of the following peptides can be produced from poly UAUC? (a) Ile-Phe-Val-Tyr (b) Tyr-Ser-Phe-Ala (c) Ile-Lys-His-Tyr (d) Cys-Pro-Lys-Ala 7-56 An extraterrestrial organism (ET) is discovered whose basic cell biology seems pretty much the same as that of terrestrial organisms except that it uses a different genetic code to translate RNA into protein. You set out to break the code by translation experiments using RNAs of known sequence and cell-free extracts of ET cells to supply the necessary protein-synthesizing machinery. In experiments using the RNAs below, the following results were obtained when the 20 possible amino acids were added either singly or in different combinations of two or three: RNA 1: 5′-GCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGC-3′ RNA 2: 5′-GCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCC-3′ Using RNA 1, a polypeptide was produced only if alanine and valine were added to the reaction mixture. Using RNA 2, a polypeptide was produced only if leucine and serine and cysteine were added to the reaction mixture. Assuming that protein synthesis can start anywhere on the template, that the ET genetic code is nonoverlapping and linear, and that each codon is the same length (like the terrestrial triplet code), how many nucleotides does an ET codon contain? (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 6 7-57 NASA has discovered an alien life form. You are called in to help NASA scientists to deduce the genetic code for this alien. Surprisingly, this alien life form shares many similarities with life on Earth: this alien uses DNA as its genetic material, makes RNA from DNA, and reads the information from RNA to make protein using ribosomes and tRNAs. Even more amazing, this alien uses the same 20 amino acids, like the organisms found on Earth, and also codes for each amino acid by a triplet codon. However, the scientists at NASA have found that the genetic code used by the alien life form differs from that used by life on Earth. NASA scientists drew this conclusion after creating a cell-free protein synthesis system from alien cells and adding an mRNA made entirely of uracil (poly U). They found that poly U directs the synthesis of a peptide containing only glycine. NASA scientists have synthesized a poly AU mRNA and observe that it codes for a polypeptide of alternating serine and proline amino acids. From these experiments, can you determine which codons code for serine and proline? Explain. Bonus question. Can you propose a mechanism for how the alien’s physiology is altered so that it uses a different genetic code from life on Earth, despite all the similarities? CHAPTER 8 CONTROL OF GENE EXPRESSION  2009 Garland Science Publishing An Overview of Gene Expression 8-1 The distinct characteristics of different cell types in a multicellular organism result mainly from the differential regulation of the _________________. (a) replication of specific genes (b) transcription of genes transcribed by RNA polymerase II (c) transcription of housekeeping genes (d) packing of DNA into nucleosomes in some cells and not others 8-2 The human genome encodes about 24,000 genes. Approximately how many genes does the typical differentiated human cell express at any one time? (a) 24,000—all of them (b) between 21,500 and 24,000—at least 90% of the genes (c) between 5000 and 15,000 (d) less than 2500 8-3 Which of the following statements about differentiated cells is true? (a) Cells of distinct types express nonoverlapping sets of transcription factors. (b) Once a cell has differentiated, it can no longer change its gene expression. (c) Once a cell has differentiated, it will no longer need to transcribe RNA. (d) Some of the proteins found in differentiated cells are found in all cells of a multicellular organism. 8-4 Investigators performed nuclear transplant experiments to determine whether DNA is altered irreversibly during development. Which of the following statements about these experiments is true? (a) Because the donor nucleus is taken from an adult animal, the chromosomes from the nucleus must undergo recombination with the DNA in the egg for successful development to occur. (b) The embryo that develops from the nuclear transplant experiment is genetically identical to the donor of the nucleus. (c) The meiotic spindle of the egg must interact with the chromosomes of the injected nuclei for successful nuclear transplantation to occur. (d) Although nuclear transplantation has been successful in producing embryos in some mammals with the use of foster mothers, evidence of DNA alterations during differentiation has not been obtained for plants. 8-5 In principle, a eucaryotic cell can regulate gene expression at any step in the pathway from DNA to the active protein. Place the types of control listed below at the appropriate places on the diagram in Figure Q8-5. Figure Q8-5 A. translation control B. transcriptional control C. RNA processing control D. protein activity control How Transcriptional Switches Work 8-6 Fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; each word or phrase should be used only once. The genes of a bacterial __________________ are transcribed into a single mRNA. Many bacterial promoters contain a region known as a(n) __________________, to which a specific transcription regulator binds. Genes in which transcription is prevented are said to be __________________. The interaction of small molecules, such as tryptophan, with __________________ DNA-binding proteins, such as the tryptophan repressor, regulates bacterial genes. Genes that are being __________________ expressed are being transcribed all the time. allosteric negatively positively constitutively operator promoter induced operon repressed 8-7 Which of the following statements about transcriptional regulators is false? (a) Transcriptional regulators usually interact with the sugar-phosphate backbone on the outside of the double helix to determine where to bind on the DNA helix. (b) Transcriptional regulators will form hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds, and hydrophobic interactions with DNA. (c) The DNA-binding motifs of transcriptional regulators usually bind in the major groove of the DNA helix. (d) The binding of transcriptional regulators generally does not disrupt the hydrogen bonds that holds the double helix together. 8-8 Operons ___________________________. (a) are commonly found in eucaryotic cells (b) are transcribed by RNA polymerase II (c) contain a cluster of genes transcribed as a single mRNA (d) can only be regulated by gene activator proteins 8-9 The tryptophan operator ___________________________. (a) is an allosteric protein (b) binds to the tryptophan repressor when the repressor is bound to tryptophan (c) is required for production of the mRNA encoded by the tryptophan operon (d) is important for the production of the tryptophan repressor 8-10 Which of the following statements about the Lac operon is false? (a) The Lac repressor binds when lactose is present in the cell. (b) Even when the CAP activator is bound to DNA, if lactose is not present, the Lac operon will not be transcribed. (c) The CAP activator can only bind DNA when it is bound to cAMP. (d) The Lac operon only produces RNA when lactose is present and glucose is absent. 8-11 You are interested in examining the regulation of the gene that encodes an enzyme, Tre-ase, important in metabolizing trehalose into glucose in bacteria. Trehalose is a disaccharide formed of two glucose units. It is known that two DNA binding proteins, TreA and TreB, are important for binding to the promoter of the Tre-ase gene and are involved in regulating the transcription of the Tre-ase gene: TreA binds to the “A” site in the promoter region, and TreB binds to the “B” site. You make mutations in the TreA and TreB genes to create cells lacking these genes, observe what happens to transcription of the Tre-ase gene, and obtain the results in Table Q8-11. Table Q8-11 A. What is the role for TreA in controlling Tre-ase expression? Explain. B. What is the role for TreB in controlling Tre-ase expression? Explain. C. From these data, what do you predict will happen to Tre-ase transcription (compared with that in normal cells) in the presence of trehalose if you were to create a version of the TreA protein that will constitutively bind to the “A” site in the Tre-ase promoter? Note: Questions 8-12 to 8-15 use the following information and the data in Table Q8-12. These questions may be used independently, or as a group. You are interested in examining the Psf gene. It is known that Psf is normally produced when cells are exposed to high levels of both calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+). MetA, MetB, and MetC are important for binding to the promoter of the Psf gene and are involved in regulating its transcription. MetA binds to the “A” site in the promoter region, MetB to the “B” site, and MetC to the “C” site. You create binding site mutations in the A, B, and C sites and observe what happens to transcription of the Psf gene. Your results are summarized in Table Q8-12. Table Q8-12 For this table: -, no transcription of Psf; +, low level of transcription of Psf; ++, high levels of transcription of Psf. 8-12 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene activators? (a) MetA only (b) MetB only (c) MetC only (d) Both MetA and MetC 8-13 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene repressors? (a) MetA only (b) MetB only (c) MetC only (d) Both MetA and MetC 8-14 Which transcription factors are normally bound to the Psf promoter in the presence of Mg2+ only? (a) none (b) MetA only (c) MetA and Met B (d) MetA, MetB, and MetC 8-15 Which transcription factors are normally bound to the Psf promoter in the presence of both Mg2+ and Ca2+? (a) MetA and MetB (b) MetB and MetC (c) MetA and MetC (d) MetA, MetB, and MetC Note: Questions 8-16 to 8-19 use the following information and the data in Figure Q8-16. These questions may be used independently, or as a group. You are interested in understanding the gene regulation of Lkp1, a protein that is normally produced in liver and kidney cells in mice. Interestingly, you find that the LKP1 gene is not expressed in heart cells. You isolate the DNA upstream of the LKP1 gene, place it upstream of the gene for green fluorescent protein (GFP), and insert this entire piece of recombinant DNA into mice. You find GFP expressed in liver and kidney cells but not in heart cells, an expression pattern similar to the normal expression of the LKP1 gene. Further experiments demonstrate that there are three regions in the promoter, labeled A, B, and C in Figure Q8-16, that contribute to this expression pattern. Assume that a single and unique transcription factor binds each site such that protein X binds site A, protein Y binds site B, and protein Z binds site C. You want to determine which region is responsible for tissue-specific expression, and create mutations in the promoter to determine the function of each of these regions. In Figure Q8-16, if the site is missing, it is mutated such that it cannot bind its corresponding transcription factor. Figure Q8-16 8-16 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene repressors? (a) factor X (b) factor Y (c) factor Z (d) none of the above 8-17 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene activators? (a) factors X and Y (b) factors X and Z (c) factors Y and Z (d) factor X only 8-18 Experiment 1 in Figure Q8-16 is the positive control, demonstrating that the region of DNA upstream of the gene for GFP results in a pattern of expression that we normally find for the LKP1 gene. Experiment 2 shows what happens when the sites for binding factors X, Y, and Z are removed. Which experiment above demonstrates that factor X alone is sufficient for expression of LPK1 in the kidney? (a) experiment 3 (b) experiment 5 (c) experiment 6 (d) experiment 7 8-19 In what tissue is factor Z normally present and bound to the DNA? (a) kidney (b) liver (c) heart (d) none of the above 8-20 An allosteric transcription regulator called HisP regulates the enzymes for histidine biosynthesis in the bacterium E. coli. Histidine modulates HisP activity. On binding histidine, HisP alters its conformation, markedly changing its affinity for the regulatory sequences in the promoters of the genes for the histidine biosynthetic enzymes. A. If HisP functions as a gene repressor, would you expect that HisP would bind more tightly or less tightly to the regulatory sequences when histidine is abundant? Explain your answer. B. If HisP functions as a gene activator, would you expect that HisP would bind more tightly or less tightly to the regulatory sequences when histidine levels are low? Explain your answer. 8-21 Bacterial cells can take up the amino acid tryptophan from their surroundings, or, if the external supply is insufficient, they can synthesize trytophan by using enzymes in the cell. In some bacteria, the control of glutamine synthesis is similar to that of tryptophan synthesis, such that the glutamine repressor inhibits the transcription of the glutamine operon, which contains the genes that code for the enzymes required for glutamine synthesis. On binding to cellular glutamine, the glutamine repressor binds to a site in the promoter of the operon. A. Why is glutamine-dependent binding to the operon a useful property for the glutamine repressor? B. What would you expect to happen to the regulation of the enzymes that synthesize glutamine in cells expressing a mutant form of the glutamine repressor that cannot bind to DNA? C. What would you expect to happen to the regulation of the enzymes that synthesize glutamine in cells expressing a mutant form of the glutamine repressor that binds to DNA even when no glutamine is bound to it? 8-22 In the absence of glucose, E. coli can proliferate by using the pentose sugar arabinose. As shown in Figure Q8-22, the arabinose operon regulates the ability of E. coli to use arabinose. The araA, araB, and araD genes encode enzymes for the metabolism of arabinose. The araC gene encodes a transcription regulator that binds adjacent to the promoter of the arabinose operon. To understand the regulatory properties of the AraC protein, you engineer a mutant bacterium in which the araC gene has been deleted and look at the effect of the presence or absence of the AraC protein on the AraA enzyme. Figure Q8-22 A. If the AraC protein works as a gene repressor, would you expect araA RNA levels to be high or low in the presence of arabinose in the araCmutant cells? What about in the araC- mutant cells in the absence of arabinose? Explain your answer. B. Your findings from the experiment are summarized in Table Q8-22. Table Q8-22 Do the results in Table Q8-22 indicate that the AraC protein regulates arabinose metabolism by acting as a gene repressor or a gene activator? Explain your answer. 8-23 The CAP activator protein and the Lac repressor both control the Lac operon (see Figure Q8-23). You create cells that are mutant in the gene coding for the Lac repressor so that these cells lack the Lac repressor under all conditions. For these mutant cells, state whether the Lac operon will be switched on or off in the following situations and explain why. Figure Q8-23 A. in the presence of glucose and lactose B. in the presence of glucose and the absence of lactose C. in the absence of glucose and the absence of lactose D. in the absence of glucose and the presence of lactose 8-24 You have discovered an operon in a bacterium that is turned on only when sucrose is present and glucose is absent. You have also isolated three mutants that have changes in the upstream regulatory sequences of the operon and whose behavior is summarized in the Table Q8-24. You hypothesize that there are two gene regulatory sites in the upstream regulatory sequence, A and B, which are affected by the mutations. For this question, a plus (+) indicates a normal site and a minus (-) indicates a mutant site that no longer binds its transcription regulator. Table Q8-24 A. If mutant 1 has sites A- B+ , which of these sites is regulated by sucrose and which by glucose? B. Give the state (+ or -) of the A and B sites in mutants 2 and 3. C. Which site is bound by a repressor and which by an activator? 8-25 Label the following structures in Figure Q8-25. Figure Q8-25 A. activator protein B. RNA polymerase C. general transcription factors D. mediator 8-26 How are most eucaryotic transcription regulators able to affect transcription when their binding sites are far from the promoter? (a) by binding to their binding site and sliding to the site of RNA polymerase assembly (b) by looping out the intervening DNA between their binding site and the promoter (c) by unwinding the DNA between their binding site and the promoter (d) by attracting RNA polymerase and modifying it before it can bind to the promoter 8-27 The expression of the BRF1 gene in mice is normally quite low, but mutations in a gene called BRF2 lead to increased expression of BRF1. You have a hunch that nucleosomes are involved in the regulation of BRF1 expression and so you investigate the position of nucleosomes over the TATA box of BRF1 in normal mice and in mice that lack either the BRF2 protein (BRF2- ) or part of histone H4 (HHF- ) (histone H4 is encoded by the HHF gene). Table Q8-27 summarizes your results. A normal functional gene is indicated by a plus sign (+). Table Q8-27 Which of the following conclusions cannot be drawn from your data? Explain your answer. (a) BRF2 is required for the repression of BRF1. (b) BRF2 is required for the specific pattern of nucleosome positions over the BRF1 upstream region. (c) The specific pattern of nucleosome positioning over the BRF1 upstream region is required for BRF1 repression. (d) The part of histone H4 missing in HHF- mice is not required for the formation of nucleosomes. 8-28 The yeast GAL4 gene encodes a transcriptional regulator that can bind DNA upstream of genes required for the metabolism of the sugar galactose and turns them on. Gal4 has a DNA-binding domain and an activation domain. The DNAbinding domain allows it to bind to the appropriate sites in the promoters of the galactose metabolism genes. The activation domain attracts histone-modifying enzymes and also binds to a component of the RNA polymerase II enzyme complex, attracting it to the promoter so that the regulated genes can be turned on when Gal4 is also bound to the DNA. When Gal4 is expressed normally, the genes can be maximally activated. You decide to try to produce more of the galactose metabolism genes by overexpressing the Gal4 protein at levels fiftyfold greater than normal. You conduct experiments to show that you are overexpressing the Gal4 protein and that it is properly localized in the nucleus of the yeast cells. To your surprise, you find that too much Gal4 causes the galactose genes to be transcribed only at a low level. What is the most likely explanation for your findings? 8-29 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase in the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. During transcription in __________________ cells, transcriptional regulators that bind to DNA thousands of nucleotides away from a gene’s promoter can affect a gene’s transcription. The __________________ is a complex of proteins that links distantly bound transcription regulators with the proteins bound closer to the transcriptional start site. Transcriptional activators can also interact with histone __________________s, which alter chromatin by modifying lysines in the tail of histone proteins to allow greater accessibility to the underlying DNA. Gene repressor proteins can reduce the efficiency of transcription initiation by attracting histone __________________s. Sometimes, many contiguous genes can become transcriptionally inactive as a result of chromatin remodeling, like the __________________ found in interphase chromosomes. viral acetylase centrosome helicase eucaryotic operator procaryotic peroxidase deacetylase mediator deoxidase heterochromatin telomere enhancer leucine zipper The Molecular Mechanisms that Create Specialized Cell Types 8-30 In principle, how many different cell types can an organism having four different types of transcription regulator and thousands of genes create? (a) up to 4 (b) up to 8 (c) up to 16 (d) thousands 8-31 From the sequencing of the human genome, we believe that there are approximately 24,000 protein-coding genes in the genome, for which there are an estimated 1500–3000 transcription factors. If every gene has a tissue-specific and signal-dependent transcription pattern, how can such a small number of transcriptional regulatory proteins generate a much larger set of transcriptional patterns? 8-32 Combinatorial control of gene expression __________________________. (a) involves every gene using a different combination of transcriptional regulators for its proper expression (b) involves groups of transcriptional regulators working together to determine the expression of a gene (c) involves only the use of gene activators used together to regulate genes appropriately (d) is seen only when genes are arranged in operons 8-33 You are studying a set of mouse genes whose expression increases when cells are exposed to the hormone cortisol, and you believe that the same cortisolresponsive transcriptional activator regulates all of these genes. Which of the following statements below should be true if your hypothesis is correct? (a) The cortisol-responsive genes share a DNA sequence in their regulatory regions that binds the cortisol-responsive transcriptional activator. (b) The cortisol-responsive genes must all be in an operon. (c) The transcriptional regulators that bind to the regulatory regions of the cortisol-responsive genes must all be the same. (d) The cortisol-responsive genes must not be transcribed in response to other hormones. 8-34 The MyoD transcriptional regulator is normally found in differentiating muscle cells and participates in the transcription of genes that produce muscle-specific proteins, such as those needed in contractile tissue. Amazingly, expression of MyoD in fibroblasts causes these cells derived from skin connective tissue to produce proteins normally only seen in muscles. However, some other cell types do not transcribe muscle-specific genes when MyoD is expressed in them. Which of the following statements below is the best explanation of why MyoD can cause fibroblasts to express muscle-specific genes? (a) Unlike some other cell types, fibroblasts have not lost the muscle-specific genes from their genome. (b) The muscle-specific genes must be in heterochromatin in fibroblasts. (c) During their developmental history, fibroblasts have accumulated some transcriptional regulators in common with differentiating muscle cells. (d) The presence of MyoD is sufficient to activate the transcription of musclespecific genes in all cell types. 8-35 A virus produces a protein X that activates only a few of the virus’s own genes (V1, V2, and V3) when it infects cells. The cellular proteins A (a zinc finger protein) and the cellular protein B (a homeodomain protein) are known to be repressors of the viral genes V1, V2, and V3. You examine the complete upstream gene regulatory sequences of these three viral genes and find the following: 1. V1 and V2 contain binding sites for the zinc finger protein A only. 2. V3 contains a binding site for the homeodomain protein B only. 3. The only sequence that all three genes have in common is the TATA box. Label each of the choices below as likely or unlikely as an explanation for your findings. For each choice you label as unlikely, explain why. A. Protein X binds nonspecifically to the DNA upstream of V1, V2, and V3 and activates transcription. B. Protein X binds to a repressor and prevents the repressor from binding upstream of V1, V2, and V3. C. Protein X activates transcription by binding to the TATA box. D. Protein X activates transcription by binding to and sequestering proteins A and B. E. Protein X represses transcription of the genes for proteins A and B. 8-36 In mammals, individuals with two X chromosomes are female, and individuals with an X and a Y chromosome are male. It had long been known that a gene located on the Y chromosome was sufficient to induce the gonads to form testes, which is the main male-determining factor in development, and researchers sought the product of this gene, the so-called testes-determining factor (TDF). For several years, the TDF was incorrectly thought to be a zinc finger protein encoded by a gene called BoY. Which of the following observations would most strongly suggest that BoY might not be the TDF? Explain your answer. (a) Some XY individuals that develop into females have mutations in a different gene, SRY, but are normal at BoY. (b) BoY is not expressed in the adult male testes. (c) Expression of BoY in adult females does not masculinize them. (d) A few of the genes that are known to be expressed only in the testes have binding sites for the BoY protein in their upstream regulatory sequences, but most do not. 8-37 Which of the following is not a general mechanism that cells use to maintain stable patterns of gene expression as cells divide? (a) a positive feedback loop, mediated by a transcriptional regulator that activates transcription of its own gene in addition to other cell-type specific genes (b) faithful propagation of condensed chromatin structures as cells divide (c) inheritance of DNA methylation patterns when cells divide (d) proper segregation of housekeeping proteins when cells divide 8-38 Which of the following statements about DNA methylation in eucaryotes is false? (a) Appropriate inheritance of DNA methylation patterns involves maintenance methyltransferase. (b) DNA methylation involves a covalent modification of cytosine bases. (c) Methylation of DNA attracts proteins that block gene expression. (d) Immediately after DNA replication, each daughter helix contains one methylated DNA strand, which corresponds to the newly synthesized strand. 8-39 Which of the following statements about the Ey transcriptional regulator is false? (a) Expression of Ey in cells that normally form legs in the fly will lead to the formation of an eye in the middle of the legs. (b) The Ey transcription factor must bind to the promoter of every eyespecific gene in the fly. (c) Positive feedback loops ensure that Ey expression remains switched on in the developing eye. (d) A homolog of Ey is found in vertebrates; this homolog is also used during eye development. Post-Transcriptional Controls 8-40 Which of the following statements about riboswitches is false? (a) Riboswitches can block the production of mRNAs. (b) Riboswitches can control the translation of mRNAs. (c) Riboswitches are made from rRNAs. (d) Riboswitches can bind metabolites. 8-41 Which of the following is not involved in post-transcriptional control? (a) the spliceosome (b) dicer (c) mediator (d) RISC 8-42 MicroRNAs ____________________. (a) are produced from a precursor miRNA transcript (b) are found only in humans (c) control gene expression by base-pairing with DNA sequences (d) can degrade RNAs by using their intrinsic catalytic activity 8-43 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. MicroRNAs are noncoding RNAs that are incorporated into a protein complex called __________________, which searches the __________________s in the cytoplasm for sequence complementary to that of the miRNA. When such a molecule is found, it is then targeted for __________________. RNAi is triggered by the presence of foreign __________________ molecules, which are digested by the __________________ enzyme into shorter fragments approximately 23 nucleotide pairs in length. tRNA phosphorylation riboswitch RISC destruction acetylation procaryotic methylation DNA double-stranded RNA mRNA dicer single-stranded RNA rRNA mitochondria 8-44 The extent of complementarity of a miRNA with its target mRNA determines ___________________________. (a) whether the mRNA will be degraded or transported elsewhere in the cell (b) whether the mRNA will be transported to the nucleus (c) whether RISC is degraded (d) whether the miRNA synthesizes a complementary strand 8-45 Which of the following statements about miRNAs is false? (a) One miRNA can regulate the expression of many genes. (b) miRNAs are transcribed in the nucleus from genomic DNA. (c) miRNAs are produced from rRNAs. (d) miRNAs are made by RNA polymerase. 8-46 Which of the following statements about RNAi is true? (a) The RNAi mechanism is found only in plants and animals. (b) RNAi is induced when double-stranded RNA is present in the cell. (c) RISC uses the siRNA duplex to locate complementary foreign RNA molecules. (d) siRNAs bind to miRNAs to induce RNAi. How We Know: Gene Regulation – The Story of Eve 8-47 The gene for a hormone necessary for insect development contains binding sites for three transcription regulators called A, B, and C. Because the binding sites for A and B overlap, A and B cannot bind simultaneously. You make mutations in the binding sites for each of the proteins and measure hormone production in cells that contain equal amounts of the A, B, and C proteins. Figure Q8-47 summarizes your results. In each of the following sentences, choose one of the phrases within square brackets to make the statement consistent with the results. Figure Q8-47 A. Protein A binds to its DNA-binding site [more tightly/less tightly] than protein B binds to its DNA-binding site. B. Protein A is a [stronger/weaker] activator of transcription than protein B. C. Protein C is able to prevent activation by [protein A only/protein B only/both protein A and protein B]. 8-48 The Drosophila Eve gene has a complex promoter containing multiple binding sites for four transcription regulators: Bicoid, Hunchback, Giant, and Krüppel. Bicoid and Hunchback are activators of Eve transcription, whereas Giant and Krüppel repress Eve transcription. Figure Q8-48A shows the patterns of expression of these regulators. Figure Q8-48 The eve promoter contains modules that control expression in various stripes. You construct a reporter gene that contains the DNA 5 kb upstream of the eve gene, so that this reporter contains the stripe 3 module, the stripe 2 module, the stripe 7 module, and the TATA box, all fused to the LacZ reporter gene (which encodes the β-galactosidase enzyme), as shown in Figure Q8-50B. This construct results in expression of the β-galactosidase enzyme in three stripes, which correspond to the normal positions of stripes 3, 2, and 7. A. By examining the overlap of sites on the stripe 2 module, as depicted in Figure Q8-48B, what is the biological effect of having some of the transcription regulator binding sites overlap? B. You make two mutant versions in which several of the binding sites in the Eve stripe 2 module have been deleted, as detailed in items (i) and (ii) below. Refer to Figure Q8-48B for the positions of the binding sites. (Note, however, that because many of the binding sites overlap, it is not possible to delete all of one kind of site without affecting some of the other sites.) Match the appropriate mutant condition with the most likely pattern of Eve expression shown in Figure Q8-48C. Explain your choices. (i) deletion of the Krüppel-binding sites in stripe 2 (ii) deletion of the two Bicoid-binding sites in the stripe 2 module that are marked with an asterisk (*) in Figure Q8-48B 7-1 RNA in cells differs from DNA in that ___________________. (a) it contains the base uracil, which pairs with cytosine (b) it is single-stranded and cannot form base pairs (c) it is single-stranded and can fold up into a variety of structures (d) the sugar ribose contains fewer oxygen atoms than does deoxyribose 7-2 Transcription is similar to DNA replication in that ___________________. (a) an RNA transcript is synthesized discontinuously and the pieces are then joined together (b) it uses the same enzyme as that used to synthesize RNA primers during DNA replication (c) the newly synthesized RNA remains paired to the template DNA (d) nucleotide polymerization occurs only in the 5′-to-3′ direction 7-3 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. For a cell’s genetic material to be used, the information is first copied from the DNA into the nucleotide sequence of RNA in a process called __________________. Various kinds of RNA are produced, each with different functions. __________________ molecules code for proteins, __________________ molecules act as adaptors for protein synthesis, __________________ molecules are integral components of the ribosome, and __________________ molecules are important in the splicing of RNA transcripts. incorporation rRNA transmembrane mRNA snRNA tRNA pRNA transcription proteins translation 7-4 Match the following structures with their names. Figure Q7-4 7-5 Which of the following statements is false? (a) A new RNA molecule can begin to be synthesized from a gene before the previous RNA molecule’s synthesis is completed. (b) If two genes are to be expressed in a cell, these two genes can be transcribed with different efficiencies. (c) RNA polymerase is responsible for both unwinding the DNA helix and catalyzing the formation of the phosphodiester bonds between nucleotides. (d) Unlike DNA, RNA uses a uracil base and a deoxyribose sugar. 7-6 Which one of the following is the main reason that a typical eucaryotic gene is able to respond to a far greater variety of regulatory signals than a typical procaryotic gene or operon? (a) Eucaryotes have three types of RNA polymerase. (b) Eucaryotic RNA polymerases require general transcription factors. (c) The transcription of a eucaryotic gene can be influenced by proteins that bind far from the promoter. (d) Procaryotic genes are packaged into nucleosomes. 7-7 Match the following types of RNA with the main polymerase that transcribes them. 7-8 List three ways in which the process of eucaryotic transcription differs from the process of bacterial transcription. 7-9 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; each word or phrase should be used only once. In eucaryotic cells, general transcription factors are required for the activity of all promoters transcribed by RNA polymerase II. The assembly of the general transcription factors begins with the binding of the factor __________________ to DNA, causing a marked local distortion in the DNA. This factor binds at the DNA sequence called the __________________ box, which is typically located 25 nucleotides upstream from the transcription start site. Once RNA polymerase II has been brought to the promoter DNA, it must be released to begin making transcripts. This release process is facilitated by the addition of phosphate groups to the tail of RNA polymerase by the factor __________________. It must be remembered that the general transcription factors and RNA polymerase are not sufficient to initiate transcription in the cell and are affected by proteins bound thousands of nucleotides away from the promoter. Proteins that link the distantly bound transcription regulators to RNA polymerase and the general transcription factors include the large complex of proteins called the__________________. The packing of DNA into chromatin also affects transcriptional initiation, and histone __________________ is an enzyme that can render the DNA less accessible to the general transcription factors. activator lac TFIIA CAP ligase TFIID deacetylase mediator TFIIH enhancer TATA 7-10 You have a piece of DNA that includes the following sequence: 5′-ATAGGCATTCGATCCGGATAGCAT-3′ 3′-TATCCGTAAGCTAGGCCTATCGTA-5′ Which of the following RNA molecules could be transcribed from this piece of DNA? (a) 5′-UAUCCGUAAGCUAGGCCUAUGCUA-3′ (b) 5′-AUAGGCAUUCGAUCCGGAUAGCAU-3′ (c) 5′-UACGAUAGGCCUAGCUUACGGAUA-3′ (d) none of the above 7-11 You have a segment of DNA that contains the following sequence: 5′-GGACTAGACAATAGGGACCTAGAGATTCCGAAA-3′ 3′-CCTGATCTGTTATCCCTGGATCTCTAAGGCTTT-5′ If you know that the RNA transcribed from this segment contains the following sequence: 5′-GGACUAGACAAUAGGGACCUAGAGAUUCCGAAA–3′ Which of the following choices best describes how transcription occurs? (a) The top strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 5′ to 3′. (b) The top strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 3′ to 5′. (c) The bottom strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 5′ to 3′. (d) The bottom strand is the template strand; RNA polymerase moves along this strand from 3′ to 5′. 7-12 Which of the following molecules of RNA would you predict to be the most likely to fold into a specific structure as a result of intramolecular base pairing? (a) 5′- CCCUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUAGGG-3′ (b) 5′- UGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUGUG-3′ (c) 5′- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-3′ (d) 5′- GGAAAAGGAGAUGGGCAAGGGGAAAAGGAGAUGGGCAAGG-3′ 7-13 Imagine that an RNA polymerase is transcribing a segment of DNA that contains the following sequence: 5′-AGTCTAGGCACTGA-3′ 3′-TCAGATCCGTGACT 5′ A. If the polymerase is transcribing from this segment of DNA from left to right, which strand (top or bottom) is the template? B. What will be the sequence of that RNA (be sure to label the 5′ and 3′ ends of your RNA molecule)? 7-14 The sigma subunit of bacterial RNA polymerase ___________________. (a) contains the catalytic activity of the polymerase (b) remains part of the polymerase throughout transcription (c) recognizes promoter sites in the DNA (d) recognizes transcription termination sites in the DNA 7-15 Which of the following might decrease the transcription of only one specific gene in a bacterial cell? (a) a decrease in the amount of sigma factor (b) a decrease in the amount of RNA polymerase (c) a mutation that introduced a stop codon into the DNA that precedes the gene’s coding sequence (d) a mutation that introduced extensive sequence changes into the DNA that precedes the gene’s transcription start site 7-16 There are several reasons why the primase used to make the RNA primer for DNA replication is not suitable for gene transcription. Which of the statements below is not one of those reasons? (a) Primase initiates RNA synthesis on a single-stranded DNA template. (b) Primase can initiate RNA synthesis without the need for a base-paired primer. (c) Primase synthesizes only RNAs of about 5–20 nucleotides in length. (d) The RNA synthesized by primase remains base-paired to the DNA template. 7-17 You have a bacterial strain with a mutation that removes the transcription termination signal from the Abd operon. Which of the following statements describes the most likely effect of this mutation on Abd transcription? (a) The Abd RNA will not be produced in the mutant strain. (b) The Abd RNA from the mutant strain will be longer than normal. (c) Sigma factor will not dissociate from RNA polymerase when the Abd operon is being transcribed in the mutant strain. (d) RNA polymerase will move in a backwards fashion at the Abd operon in the mutant strain. 7-18 Transcription in bacteria differs from transcription in a eucaryotic cell because __________________________. (a) RNA polymerase (along with its sigma subunit) can initiate transcription on its own (b) RNA polymerase (along with its sigma subunit) requires the general transcription factors to assemble at the promoter before polymerase can begin transcription (c) The sigma subunit must associate with the appropriate type of RNA polymerase to produce mRNAs (d) RNA polymerase must be phosphorylated at its C-terminal tail for transcription to proceed 7-19 Which of the following does not occur before a eucaryotic mRNA is exported from the nucleus? (a) The ribosome binds to the mRNA. (b) The mRNA is polyadenylated at its 3′ end. (c) 7-methyl-G is added in a 5′ to 5′ linkage to the mRNA. (d) RNA polymerase dissociates. 7-20 Use the numbers in the choices below to indicate where in the schematic diagram of a eucaryotic cell (Figure Q7-20) those processes take place. Figure Q7-20 1. transcription 2. translation 3. RNA splicing 4. polyadenylation 5. RNA capping 7-21 Total nucleic acids are extracted from a culture of yeast cells and are then mixed with resin beads to which the polynucleotide 5′- TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT-3′ has been covalently attached. After a short incubation, the beads are then extracted from the mixture. When you analyze the cellular nucleic acids that have stuck to the beads, which of the following is most abundant? (a) DNA (b) tRNA (c) rRNA (d) mRNA 7-22 Name three covalent modifications that can be made to an RNA molecule in eucaryotic cells before the RNA molecule becomes a mature mRNA. 7-23 Which of the following statements about RNA splicing is false? (a) Conventional introns are not found in bacterial genes. (b) For a gene to function properly, every exon must be removed from the primary transcript in the same fashion on every mRNA molecule produced from the same gene. (c) Small RNA molecules in the nucleus perform the splicing reactions necessary for the removal of introns. (d) Splicing occurs after the 5′ cap has been added to the end of the primary transcript. 7-24 The length of a particular gene in human DNA, measured from the start site for transcription to the end of the protein-coding region, is 10,000 nucleotides, whereas the length of the mRNA produced from this gene is 4000 nucleotides. What is the most likely reason for this difference? 7-25 Why is the old dogma “one gene—one protein” not always true for eucaryotic genes? 7-26 Is this statement true or false? Explain your answer. “Since introns do not contain protein coding information, they do not have to be removed precisely (meaning, a nucleotide here and there should not matter) from the primary transcript during RNA splicing.” 7-27 You have discovered a gene (Figure Q7-27A) that is alternatively spliced to produce several forms of mRNA in various cell types, three of which are shown in Figure Q7-27B. The lines connecting the exons that are included in the mRNA indicate the splicing. From your experiments, you know that protein translation begins in exon 1. For all forms of the mRNA, the encoded protein sequence is the same in the regions of the mRNA that correspond to exons 1 and 10. Exons 2 and 3 are alternative exons used in different mRNA, as are exons 7 and 8. Which of the following statements about exons 2 and 3 is the most accurate? Explain your answer. Figure Q7-27 (a) Exons 2 and 3 must have the same number of nucleotides. (b) Exons 2 and 3 must contain an integral number of codons (that is, the number of nucleotides divided by 3 must be an integer). (c) Exons 2 and 3 must contain a number of nucleotides that when divided by 3, leaves the same remainder (that is, 0, 1, or 2). (d) Exons 2 and 3 must have different numbers of nucleotides. From RNA to Protein 7-28 Which of the following statements about the genetic code is correct? (a) All codons specify more than one amino acid. (b) The genetic code is redundant. (c) All amino acids are specified by more than one codon. (d) All codons specify an amino acid. NOTE: The following codon table is to be used for Problems Q7-29 to Q7-36, Q7-43, and Q7-47. 7-29 The piece of RNA below includes the region that codes the binding site for the initiator tRNA needed in translation. 5′-GUUUCCCGUAUACAUGCGUGCCGGGGGC-3′ Which amino acid will be on the tRNA that is the first to bind to the A-site of the ribosome? (a) methionine (b) arginine (c) cystine (d) valine 7-30 The following DNA sequence includes the beginning of a sequence coding for a protein. What would be the result of a mutation that changed the C marked by an asterisk to an A? 5′-AGGCTATGAATGGACACTGCGAGCCC…. * 7-31 Which amino acid would you expect a tRNA with the anticodon 5′-CUU-3′ to carry? (a) lysine (b) glutamic acid (d) leucine (d) phenylalanine 7-32 Which of the following pairs of codons might you expect to be read by the same tRNA as a result of wobble? (a) CUU and UUU (b) GAU and GAA (c) CAC and CAU (d) AAU and AGU 7-33 Below is a segment of RNA from the middle of an mRNA. 5′-UAGUCUAGGCACUGA-3′ If you were told that this segment of RNA was part of the coding region of an mRNA for a large protein, give the amino acid sequence for the protein that is encoded by this segment of mRNA. Write your answer using the one-letter amino acid code. 7-34 Below is the sequence from the 3′ end of an mRNA. 5′-CCGUUACCAGGCCUCAUUAUUGGUAACGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-3′ If you were told that this sequence contains the stop codon for the protein encoded by this mRNA, what is the anticodon on the tRNA in the P-site of the ribosome when release factor binds to the A-site? (a) 5′-CCA-3′ (b) 5′-CCG-3′ (c) 5′-UGG-3′ (d) 5′-UUA-3′ 7-35 One strand of a section of DNA isolated from the bacterium E. coli reads: 5′-GTAGCCTACCCATAGG-3′ A. Suppose that an mRNA is transcribed from this DNA using the complementary strand as a template. What will be the sequence of the mRNA in this region (make sure you label the 5′ and 3′ ends of the mRNA)? B. How many different peptides could potentially be made from this sequence of RNA, assuming that translation initiates upstream of this sequence? C. What are these peptides? (Give your answer using the one-letter amino acid code.) 7-36 A strain of yeast translates mRNA into protein inaccurately. Individual molecules of a particular protein isolated from this yeast have variations in the first 11 amino acids compared with the sequence of the same protein isolated from normal yeast cells, as listed in Figure Q7-36. What is the most likely cause of this variation in protein sequence? Figure Q7-36 (a) a mutation in the DNA coding for the protein (b) a mutation in the anticodon of the isoleucine tRNA (tRNAIle) (c) a mutation in the isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase that decreases its ability to distinguish between different amino acids (d) a mutation in the isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase that decreases its ability to distinguish between different tRNA molecules 7-37 Which of the following statements is true? (a) Ribosomes are large RNA structures composed solely of rRNA. (b) Ribosomes are synthesized entirely in the cytoplasm. (c) rRNA contains the catalytic activity that joins amino acids together. (d) A ribosome binds one tRNA at a time. 7-38 Figure Q7-38A shows the stage in translation when an incoming aminoacyl-tRNA has bound to the A-site on the ribosome. Using the components shown in Figure Q7-38A as a guide, show on Figure Q7-38B and Q7-38C what happens in the next two stages to complete the addition of the new amino acid to the growing polypeptide chain. Figure Q7-38 7-39 A poison added to an in vitro translation mixture containing mRNA molecules with the sequence 5′-AUGAAAAAAAAAAAAUAA-3′ has the following effect: the only product made is a Met-Lys dipeptide that remains attached to the ribosome. What is the most likely way in which the poison acts to inhibit protein synthesis? (a) It inhibits peptidyl transferase activity. (b) It inhibits movement of the small subunit relative to the large subunit. (c) It inhibits release factor. (d) It mimics release factor. 7-40 In eucaryotes, but not in procaryotes, ribosomes find the start site of translation by ____________________________. (a) binding directly to a ribosome-binding site preceding the initiation codon (b) scanning along the mRNA from the 5′ end (c) recognizing an AUG codon as the start of translation (d) binding an initiator tRNA 7-41 Which of the following statements about procaryotic mRNA molecules is false? (a) A single procaryotic mRNA molecule can be translated into several proteins. (b) Ribosomes must bind to the 5′ cap before initiating translation. (c) mRNAs are not polyadenylated. (d) Ribosomes can start translating an mRNA molecule before transcription is complete. 7-42 Figure Q7-42 shows an mRNA molecule. Figure Q7-42 A. Match the labels given in the list below with the label lines in Figure Q7- 42. (a) ribosome-binding site (b) initiator codon (c) stop codon (d) untranslated 3′ region (e) untranslated 5′ region (f) protein-coding region B. Is the mRNA shown procaryotic or eucaryotic? Explain your answer. 7-43 A mutation in the tRNA for the amino acid lysine results in the anticodon sequence 5′-UAU-3′ (instead of 5′-UUU-3′). Which of the following aberrations in protein synthesis might this tRNA cause? (Refer to the codon table provided above Q7-29.) (a) read-through of stop codons (b) substitution of lysine for isoleucine (c) substitution of lysine for tyrosine (d) substitution of lysine for phenylalanine 7-44 You have discovered a protein that inhibits translation. When you add this inhibitor to a mixture capable of translating human mRNA and centrifuge the mixture to separate polyribosomes and single ribosomes, you obtain the results shown in Figure Q7-44. Which of the following interpretations is consistent with these observations? Figure Q7-44 (a) The protein binds to the small ribosomal subunit and increases the rate of initiation of translation. (b) The protein binds to sequences in the 5′ region of the mRNA and inhibits the rate of initiation of translation. (c) The protein binds to the large ribosomal subunit and slows down elongation of the polypeptide chain. (d) The protein binds to sequences in the 3′ region of the mRNA and prevents termination of translation. 7-45 The concentration of a particular protein X in a normal human cell rises gradually from a low point, immediately after cell division, to a high point, just before cell division, and then drops sharply. The level of its mRNA in the cell remains fairly constant throughout this time. Protein X is required for cell growth and survival, but the drop in its level just before cell division is essential for division to proceed. You have isolated a line of human cells that grow in size in culture but cannot divide, and on analyzing these mutants, you find that levels of X mRNA in the mutant cells are normal. Which of the following mutations in the gene for X could explain these results? (a) the introduction of a stop codon that truncates protein X at the fourth amino acid (b) a change of the first ATG codon to CCA (c) the deletion of a sequence that encodes sites at which ubiquitin can be attached to the protein (d) a change at a splice site that prevents splicing of the RNA 7-46 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. Once an mRNA is produced, its message can be decoded on ribosomes. The ribosome is composed of two subunits: the __________________ subunit, which catalyzes the formation of the peptide bonds that link the amino acids together into a polypeptide chain, and the __________________ subunit, which matches the tRNAs to the codons of the mRNA. During the chain elongation process of translating an mRNA into protein, the growing polypeptide chain attached to a tRNA is bound to the __________________-site of the ribosome. An incoming aminoacyl-tRNA carrying the next amino acid in the chain will bind to the __________________-site by forming base pairs with the exposed codon in the mRNA. The __________________ enzyme catalyzes the formation of a new peptide bond between the growing polypeptide chain and the newly arriving amino acid. The end of a protein-coding message is signaled by the presence of a stop codon, which binds the __________________ called release factor. Eventually, most proteins will be degraded by a large complex of proteolytic enzymes called the __________________. A medium proteasome central P RNA DNA peptidyl transferase small E polymerase T large protein ubiquitin 7-47 After treating cells with a mutagen, you isolate two mutants. One carries alanine and the other carries methionine at a site in the protein that normally contains valine. After treating these two mutants again with mutagen, you isolate mutants from each that now carry threonine at the site of the original valine (see Figure Q7-47). Assuming that all mutations caused by the mutagen are due to single nucleotide changes, deduce the codons that are used for valine, alanine, methionine, and threonine at the affected site. (Refer to the codon table provided above Q7-29.) Figure Q7-47 7-48 Which of the following methods is not used by cells to regulate the amount of a protein in the cell? (a) Genes can be transcribed into mRNA with different efficiencies. (b) Many ribosomes can bind to a single mRNA molecule. (c) Proteins can be tagged with ubiquitin, marking them for degradation. (d) Nuclear pore complexes can regulate the speed at which newly synthesized proteins are exported from the nucleus into the cytoplasm. 7-49 Which of the following statements about the proteasome is false? (a) Ubiquitin is a small protein that is covalently attached to proteins to mark them for delivery to the proteasome. (b) Proteases reside in the central cylinder of a proteasome. (c) Misfolded proteins are delivered to the proteasome, where they are sequestered from the cytoplasm and can attempt to refold. (d) The protein stoppers that surround the central cylinder of the proteasome use the energy from ATP hydrolysis to move proteins into the proteasome inner chamber. RNA and the Origins of Life 7-50 Which of the following molecules is thought to have arisen first during evolution? (a) protein (b) DNA (c) RNA (d) All came to be at the same time. 7-51 According to current thinking, the minimum requirement for life to have originated on Earth was the formation of a _______________. (a) molecule that could provide a template for the production of a complementary molecule (b) double-stranded DNA helix (c) molecule that could direct protein synthesis (d) molecule that could catalyze its own replication 7-52 Ribozymes catalyze which of the following reactions? (a) DNA synthesis (b) transcription (c) RNA splicing (d) protein hydrolysis 7-53 You are studying a disease that is caused by a virus, but when you purify the virus particles and analyze them you find they contain no trace of DNA. Which of the following molecules are likely to contain the genetic information of the virus? (a) high-energy phosphate groups (b) RNA (c) lipids (d) carbohydrates 7-54 Give a reason why DNA makes a better material than RNA for the storage of genetic information, and explain your answer. How We Know: Cracking the Genetic Code 7-55 You have discovered an alien life form that surprisingly uses DNA as its genetic material, makes RNA from DNA, and reads the information from RNA to make protein using ribosomes and tRNAs, which read triplet codons. Because it is your job to decipher the genetic code for this alien, you synthesize some artificial RNA molecules and examine the protein products produced from these RNA molecules in a cell-free translation system using purified alien tRNAs and ribosomes. You obtain the results shown in Table Q7-55. Table Q7-55 From this information, which of the following peptides can be produced from poly UAUC? (a) Ile-Phe-Val-Tyr (b) Tyr-Ser-Phe-Ala (c) Ile-Lys-His-Tyr (d) Cys-Pro-Lys-Ala 7-56 An extraterrestrial organism (ET) is discovered whose basic cell biology seems pretty much the same as that of terrestrial organisms except that it uses a different genetic code to translate RNA into protein. You set out to break the code by translation experiments using RNAs of known sequence and cell-free extracts of ET cells to supply the necessary protein-synthesizing machinery. In experiments using the RNAs below, the following results were obtained when the 20 possible amino acids were added either singly or in different combinations of two or three: RNA 1: 5′-GCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGC-3′ RNA 2: 5′-GCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCCGCC-3′ Using RNA 1, a polypeptide was produced only if alanine and valine were added to the reaction mixture. Using RNA 2, a polypeptide was produced only if leucine and serine and cysteine were added to the reaction mixture. Assuming that protein synthesis can start anywhere on the template, that the ET genetic code is nonoverlapping and linear, and that each codon is the same length (like the terrestrial triplet code), how many nucleotides does an ET codon contain? (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 6 7-57 NASA has discovered an alien life form. You are called in to help NASA scientists to deduce the genetic code for this alien. Surprisingly, this alien life form shares many similarities with life on Earth: this alien uses DNA as its genetic material, makes RNA from DNA, and reads the information from RNA to make protein using ribosomes and tRNAs. Even more amazing, this alien uses the same 20 amino acids, like the organisms found on Earth, and also codes for each amino acid by a triplet codon. However, the scientists at NASA have found that the genetic code used by the alien life form differs from that used by life on Earth. NASA scientists drew this conclusion after creating a cell-free protein synthesis system from alien cells and adding an mRNA made entirely of uracil (poly U). They found that poly U directs the synthesis of a peptide containing only glycine. NASA scientists have synthesized a poly AU mRNA and observe that it codes for a polypeptide of alternating serine and proline amino acids. From these experiments, can you determine which codons code for serine and proline? Explain. Bonus question. Can you propose a mechanism for how the alien’s physiology is altered so that it uses a different genetic code from life on Earth, despite all the similarities? CHAPTER 8 CONTROL OF GENE EXPRESSION  2009 Garland Science Publishing An Overview of Gene Expression 8-1 The distinct characteristics of different cell types in a multicellular organism result mainly from the differential regulation of the _________________. (a) replication of specific genes (b) transcription of genes transcribed by RNA polymerase II (c) transcription of housekeeping genes (d) packing of DNA into nucleosomes in some cells and not others 8-2 The human genome encodes about 24,000 genes. Approximately how many genes does the typical differentiated human cell express at any one time? (a) 24,000—all of them (b) between 21,500 and 24,000—at least 90% of the genes (c) between 5000 and 15,000 (d) less than 2500 8-3 Which of the following statements about differentiated cells is true? (a) Cells of distinct types express nonoverlapping sets of transcription factors. (b) Once a cell has differentiated, it can no longer change its gene expression. (c) Once a cell has differentiated, it will no longer need to transcribe RNA. (d) Some of the proteins found in differentiated cells are found in all cells of a multicellular organism. 8-4 Investigators performed nuclear transplant experiments to determine whether DNA is altered irreversibly during development. Which of the following statements about these experiments is true? (a) Because the donor nucleus is taken from an adult animal, the chromosomes from the nucleus must undergo recombination with the DNA in the egg for successful development to occur. (b) The embryo that develops from the nuclear transplant experiment is genetically identical to the donor of the nucleus. (c) The meiotic spindle of the egg must interact with the chromosomes of the injected nuclei for successful nuclear transplantation to occur. (d) Although nuclear transplantation has been successful in producing embryos in some mammals with the use of foster mothers, evidence of DNA alterations during differentiation has not been obtained for plants. 8-5 In principle, a eucaryotic cell can regulate gene expression at any step in the pathway from DNA to the active protein. Place the types of control listed below at the appropriate places on the diagram in Figure Q8-5. Figure Q8-5 A. translation control B. transcriptional control C. RNA processing control D. protein activity control How Transcriptional Switches Work 8-6 Fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; each word or phrase should be used only once. The genes of a bacterial __________________ are transcribed into a single mRNA. Many bacterial promoters contain a region known as a(n) __________________, to which a specific transcription regulator binds. Genes in which transcription is prevented are said to be __________________. The interaction of small molecules, such as tryptophan, with __________________ DNA-binding proteins, such as the tryptophan repressor, regulates bacterial genes. Genes that are being __________________ expressed are being transcribed all the time. allosteric negatively positively constitutively operator promoter induced operon repressed 8-7 Which of the following statements about transcriptional regulators is false? (a) Transcriptional regulators usually interact with the sugar-phosphate backbone on the outside of the double helix to determine where to bind on the DNA helix. (b) Transcriptional regulators will form hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds, and hydrophobic interactions with DNA. (c) The DNA-binding motifs of transcriptional regulators usually bind in the major groove of the DNA helix. (d) The binding of transcriptional regulators generally does not disrupt the hydrogen bonds that holds the double helix together. 8-8 Operons ___________________________. (a) are commonly found in eucaryotic cells (b) are transcribed by RNA polymerase II (c) contain a cluster of genes transcribed as a single mRNA (d) can only be regulated by gene activator proteins 8-9 The tryptophan operator ___________________________. (a) is an allosteric protein (b) binds to the tryptophan repressor when the repressor is bound to tryptophan (c) is required for production of the mRNA encoded by the tryptophan operon (d) is important for the production of the tryptophan repressor 8-10 Which of the following statements about the Lac operon is false? (a) The Lac repressor binds when lactose is present in the cell. (b) Even when the CAP activator is bound to DNA, if lactose is not present, the Lac operon will not be transcribed. (c) The CAP activator can only bind DNA when it is bound to cAMP. (d) The Lac operon only produces RNA when lactose is present and glucose is absent. 8-11 You are interested in examining the regulation of the gene that encodes an enzyme, Tre-ase, important in metabolizing trehalose into glucose in bacteria. Trehalose is a disaccharide formed of two glucose units. It is known that two DNA binding proteins, TreA and TreB, are important for binding to the promoter of the Tre-ase gene and are involved in regulating the transcription of the Tre-ase gene: TreA binds to the “A” site in the promoter region, and TreB binds to the “B” site. You make mutations in the TreA and TreB genes to create cells lacking these genes, observe what happens to transcription of the Tre-ase gene, and obtain the results in Table Q8-11. Table Q8-11 A. What is the role for TreA in controlling Tre-ase expression? Explain. B. What is the role for TreB in controlling Tre-ase expression? Explain. C. From these data, what do you predict will happen to Tre-ase transcription (compared with that in normal cells) in the presence of trehalose if you were to create a version of the TreA protein that will constitutively bind to the “A” site in the Tre-ase promoter? Note: Questions 8-12 to 8-15 use the following information and the data in Table Q8-12. These questions may be used independently, or as a group. You are interested in examining the Psf gene. It is known that Psf is normally produced when cells are exposed to high levels of both calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+). MetA, MetB, and MetC are important for binding to the promoter of the Psf gene and are involved in regulating its transcription. MetA binds to the “A” site in the promoter region, MetB to the “B” site, and MetC to the “C” site. You create binding site mutations in the A, B, and C sites and observe what happens to transcription of the Psf gene. Your results are summarized in Table Q8-12. Table Q8-12 For this table: -, no transcription of Psf; +, low level of transcription of Psf; ++, high levels of transcription of Psf. 8-12 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene activators? (a) MetA only (b) MetB only (c) MetC only (d) Both MetA and MetC 8-13 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene repressors? (a) MetA only (b) MetB only (c) MetC only (d) Both MetA and MetC 8-14 Which transcription factors are normally bound to the Psf promoter in the presence of Mg2+ only? (a) none (b) MetA only (c) MetA and Met B (d) MetA, MetB, and MetC 8-15 Which transcription factors are normally bound to the Psf promoter in the presence of both Mg2+ and Ca2+? (a) MetA and MetB (b) MetB and MetC (c) MetA and MetC (d) MetA, MetB, and MetC Note: Questions 8-16 to 8-19 use the following information and the data in Figure Q8-16. These questions may be used independently, or as a group. You are interested in understanding the gene regulation of Lkp1, a protein that is normally produced in liver and kidney cells in mice. Interestingly, you find that the LKP1 gene is not expressed in heart cells. You isolate the DNA upstream of the LKP1 gene, place it upstream of the gene for green fluorescent protein (GFP), and insert this entire piece of recombinant DNA into mice. You find GFP expressed in liver and kidney cells but not in heart cells, an expression pattern similar to the normal expression of the LKP1 gene. Further experiments demonstrate that there are three regions in the promoter, labeled A, B, and C in Figure Q8-16, that contribute to this expression pattern. Assume that a single and unique transcription factor binds each site such that protein X binds site A, protein Y binds site B, and protein Z binds site C. You want to determine which region is responsible for tissue-specific expression, and create mutations in the promoter to determine the function of each of these regions. In Figure Q8-16, if the site is missing, it is mutated such that it cannot bind its corresponding transcription factor. Figure Q8-16 8-16 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene repressors? (a) factor X (b) factor Y (c) factor Z (d) none of the above 8-17 Which of the following proteins are likely to act as gene activators? (a) factors X and Y (b) factors X and Z (c) factors Y and Z (d) factor X only 8-18 Experiment 1 in Figure Q8-16 is the positive control, demonstrating that the region of DNA upstream of the gene for GFP results in a pattern of expression that we normally find for the LKP1 gene. Experiment 2 shows what happens when the sites for binding factors X, Y, and Z are removed. Which experiment above demonstrates that factor X alone is sufficient for expression of LPK1 in the kidney? (a) experiment 3 (b) experiment 5 (c) experiment 6 (d) experiment 7 8-19 In what tissue is factor Z normally present and bound to the DNA? (a) kidney (b) liver (c) heart (d) none of the above 8-20 An allosteric transcription regulator called HisP regulates the enzymes for histidine biosynthesis in the bacterium E. coli. Histidine modulates HisP activity. On binding histidine, HisP alters its conformation, markedly changing its affinity for the regulatory sequences in the promoters of the genes for the histidine biosynthetic enzymes. A. If HisP functions as a gene repressor, would you expect that HisP would bind more tightly or less tightly to the regulatory sequences when histidine is abundant? Explain your answer. B. If HisP functions as a gene activator, would you expect that HisP would bind more tightly or less tightly to the regulatory sequences when histidine levels are low? Explain your answer. 8-21 Bacterial cells can take up the amino acid tryptophan from their surroundings, or, if the external supply is insufficient, they can synthesize trytophan by using enzymes in the cell. In some bacteria, the control of glutamine synthesis is similar to that of tryptophan synthesis, such that the glutamine repressor inhibits the transcription of the glutamine operon, which contains the genes that code for the enzymes required for glutamine synthesis. On binding to cellular glutamine, the glutamine repressor binds to a site in the promoter of the operon. A. Why is glutamine-dependent binding to the operon a useful property for the glutamine repressor? B. What would you expect to happen to the regulation of the enzymes that synthesize glutamine in cells expressing a mutant form of the glutamine repressor that cannot bind to DNA? C. What would you expect to happen to the regulation of the enzymes that synthesize glutamine in cells expressing a mutant form of the glutamine repressor that binds to DNA even when no glutamine is bound to it? 8-22 In the absence of glucose, E. coli can proliferate by using the pentose sugar arabinose. As shown in Figure Q8-22, the arabinose operon regulates the ability of E. coli to use arabinose. The araA, araB, and araD genes encode enzymes for the metabolism of arabinose. The araC gene encodes a transcription regulator that binds adjacent to the promoter of the arabinose operon. To understand the regulatory properties of the AraC protein, you engineer a mutant bacterium in which the araC gene has been deleted and look at the effect of the presence or absence of the AraC protein on the AraA enzyme. Figure Q8-22 A. If the AraC protein works as a gene repressor, would you expect araA RNA levels to be high or low in the presence of arabinose in the araCmutant cells? What about in the araC- mutant cells in the absence of arabinose? Explain your answer. B. Your findings from the experiment are summarized in Table Q8-22. Table Q8-22 Do the results in Table Q8-22 indicate that the AraC protein regulates arabinose metabolism by acting as a gene repressor or a gene activator? Explain your answer. 8-23 The CAP activator protein and the Lac repressor both control the Lac operon (see Figure Q8-23). You create cells that are mutant in the gene coding for the Lac repressor so that these cells lack the Lac repressor under all conditions. For these mutant cells, state whether the Lac operon will be switched on or off in the following situations and explain why. Figure Q8-23 A. in the presence of glucose and lactose B. in the presence of glucose and the absence of lactose C. in the absence of glucose and the absence of lactose D. in the absence of glucose and the presence of lactose 8-24 You have discovered an operon in a bacterium that is turned on only when sucrose is present and glucose is absent. You have also isolated three mutants that have changes in the upstream regulatory sequences of the operon and whose behavior is summarized in the Table Q8-24. You hypothesize that there are two gene regulatory sites in the upstream regulatory sequence, A and B, which are affected by the mutations. For this question, a plus (+) indicates a normal site and a minus (-) indicates a mutant site that no longer binds its transcription regulator. Table Q8-24 A. If mutant 1 has sites A- B+ , which of these sites is regulated by sucrose and which by glucose? B. Give the state (+ or -) of the A and B sites in mutants 2 and 3. C. Which site is bound by a repressor and which by an activator? 8-25 Label the following structures in Figure Q8-25. Figure Q8-25 A. activator protein B. RNA polymerase C. general transcription factors D. mediator 8-26 How are most eucaryotic transcription regulators able to affect transcription when their binding sites are far from the promoter? (a) by binding to their binding site and sliding to the site of RNA polymerase assembly (b) by looping out the intervening DNA between their binding site and the promoter (c) by unwinding the DNA between their binding site and the promoter (d) by attracting RNA polymerase and modifying it before it can bind to the promoter 8-27 The expression of the BRF1 gene in mice is normally quite low, but mutations in a gene called BRF2 lead to increased expression of BRF1. You have a hunch that nucleosomes are involved in the regulation of BRF1 expression and so you investigate the position of nucleosomes over the TATA box of BRF1 in normal mice and in mice that lack either the BRF2 protein (BRF2- ) or part of histone H4 (HHF- ) (histone H4 is encoded by the HHF gene). Table Q8-27 summarizes your results. A normal functional gene is indicated by a plus sign (+). Table Q8-27 Which of the following conclusions cannot be drawn from your data? Explain your answer. (a) BRF2 is required for the repression of BRF1. (b) BRF2 is required for the specific pattern of nucleosome positions over the BRF1 upstream region. (c) The specific pattern of nucleosome positioning over the BRF1 upstream region is required for BRF1 repression. (d) The part of histone H4 missing in HHF- mice is not required for the formation of nucleosomes. 8-28 The yeast GAL4 gene encodes a transcriptional regulator that can bind DNA upstream of genes required for the metabolism of the sugar galactose and turns them on. Gal4 has a DNA-binding domain and an activation domain. The DNAbinding domain allows it to bind to the appropriate sites in the promoters of the galactose metabolism genes. The activation domain attracts histone-modifying enzymes and also binds to a component of the RNA polymerase II enzyme complex, attracting it to the promoter so that the regulated genes can be turned on when Gal4 is also bound to the DNA. When Gal4 is expressed normally, the genes can be maximally activated. You decide to try to produce more of the galactose metabolism genes by overexpressing the Gal4 protein at levels fiftyfold greater than normal. You conduct experiments to show that you are overexpressing the Gal4 protein and that it is properly localized in the nucleus of the yeast cells. To your surprise, you find that too much Gal4 causes the galactose genes to be transcribed only at a low level. What is the most likely explanation for your findings? 8-29 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase in the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. During transcription in __________________ cells, transcriptional regulators that bind to DNA thousands of nucleotides away from a gene’s promoter can affect a gene’s transcription. The __________________ is a complex of proteins that links distantly bound transcription regulators with the proteins bound closer to the transcriptional start site. Transcriptional activators can also interact with histone __________________s, which alter chromatin by modifying lysines in the tail of histone proteins to allow greater accessibility to the underlying DNA. Gene repressor proteins can reduce the efficiency of transcription initiation by attracting histone __________________s. Sometimes, many contiguous genes can become transcriptionally inactive as a result of chromatin remodeling, like the __________________ found in interphase chromosomes. viral acetylase centrosome helicase eucaryotic operator procaryotic peroxidase deacetylase mediator deoxidase heterochromatin telomere enhancer leucine zipper The Molecular Mechanisms that Create Specialized Cell Types 8-30 In principle, how many different cell types can an organism having four different types of transcription regulator and thousands of genes create? (a) up to 4 (b) up to 8 (c) up to 16 (d) thousands 8-31 From the sequencing of the human genome, we believe that there are approximately 24,000 protein-coding genes in the genome, for which there are an estimated 1500–3000 transcription factors. If every gene has a tissue-specific and signal-dependent transcription pattern, how can such a small number of transcriptional regulatory proteins generate a much larger set of transcriptional patterns? 8-32 Combinatorial control of gene expression __________________________. (a) involves every gene using a different combination of transcriptional regulators for its proper expression (b) involves groups of transcriptional regulators working together to determine the expression of a gene (c) involves only the use of gene activators used together to regulate genes appropriately (d) is seen only when genes are arranged in operons 8-33 You are studying a set of mouse genes whose expression increases when cells are exposed to the hormone cortisol, and you believe that the same cortisolresponsive transcriptional activator regulates all of these genes. Which of the following statements below should be true if your hypothesis is correct? (a) The cortisol-responsive genes share a DNA sequence in their regulatory regions that binds the cortisol-responsive transcriptional activator. (b) The cortisol-responsive genes must all be in an operon. (c) The transcriptional regulators that bind to the regulatory regions of the cortisol-responsive genes must all be the same. (d) The cortisol-responsive genes must not be transcribed in response to other hormones. 8-34 The MyoD transcriptional regulator is normally found in differentiating muscle cells and participates in the transcription of genes that produce muscle-specific proteins, such as those needed in contractile tissue. Amazingly, expression of MyoD in fibroblasts causes these cells derived from skin connective tissue to produce proteins normally only seen in muscles. However, some other cell types do not transcribe muscle-specific genes when MyoD is expressed in them. Which of the following statements below is the best explanation of why MyoD can cause fibroblasts to express muscle-specific genes? (a) Unlike some other cell types, fibroblasts have not lost the muscle-specific genes from their genome. (b) The muscle-specific genes must be in heterochromatin in fibroblasts. (c) During their developmental history, fibroblasts have accumulated some transcriptional regulators in common with differentiating muscle cells. (d) The presence of MyoD is sufficient to activate the transcription of musclespecific genes in all cell types. 8-35 A virus produces a protein X that activates only a few of the virus’s own genes (V1, V2, and V3) when it infects cells. The cellular proteins A (a zinc finger protein) and the cellular protein B (a homeodomain protein) are known to be repressors of the viral genes V1, V2, and V3. You examine the complete upstream gene regulatory sequences of these three viral genes and find the following: 1. V1 and V2 contain binding sites for the zinc finger protein A only. 2. V3 contains a binding site for the homeodomain protein B only. 3. The only sequence that all three genes have in common is the TATA box. Label each of the choices below as likely or unlikely as an explanation for your findings. For each choice you label as unlikely, explain why. A. Protein X binds nonspecifically to the DNA upstream of V1, V2, and V3 and activates transcription. B. Protein X binds to a repressor and prevents the repressor from binding upstream of V1, V2, and V3. C. Protein X activates transcription by binding to the TATA box. D. Protein X activates transcription by binding to and sequestering proteins A and B. E. Protein X represses transcription of the genes for proteins A and B. 8-36 In mammals, individuals with two X chromosomes are female, and individuals with an X and a Y chromosome are male. It had long been known that a gene located on the Y chromosome was sufficient to induce the gonads to form testes, which is the main male-determining factor in development, and researchers sought the product of this gene, the so-called testes-determining factor (TDF). For several years, the TDF was incorrectly thought to be a zinc finger protein encoded by a gene called BoY. Which of the following observations would most strongly suggest that BoY might not be the TDF? Explain your answer. (a) Some XY individuals that develop into females have mutations in a different gene, SRY, but are normal at BoY. (b) BoY is not expressed in the adult male testes. (c) Expression of BoY in adult females does not masculinize them. (d) A few of the genes that are known to be expressed only in the testes have binding sites for the BoY protein in their upstream regulatory sequences, but most do not. 8-37 Which of the following is not a general mechanism that cells use to maintain stable patterns of gene expression as cells divide? (a) a positive feedback loop, mediated by a transcriptional regulator that activates transcription of its own gene in addition to other cell-type specific genes (b) faithful propagation of condensed chromatin structures as cells divide (c) inheritance of DNA methylation patterns when cells divide (d) proper segregation of housekeeping proteins when cells divide 8-38 Which of the following statements about DNA methylation in eucaryotes is false? (a) Appropriate inheritance of DNA methylation patterns involves maintenance methyltransferase. (b) DNA methylation involves a covalent modification of cytosine bases. (c) Methylation of DNA attracts proteins that block gene expression. (d) Immediately after DNA replication, each daughter helix contains one methylated DNA strand, which corresponds to the newly synthesized strand. 8-39 Which of the following statements about the Ey transcriptional regulator is false? (a) Expression of Ey in cells that normally form legs in the fly will lead to the formation of an eye in the middle of the legs. (b) The Ey transcription factor must bind to the promoter of every eyespecific gene in the fly. (c) Positive feedback loops ensure that Ey expression remains switched on in the developing eye. (d) A homolog of Ey is found in vertebrates; this homolog is also used during eye development. Post-Transcriptional Controls 8-40 Which of the following statements about riboswitches is false? (a) Riboswitches can block the production of mRNAs. (b) Riboswitches can control the translation of mRNAs. (c) Riboswitches are made from rRNAs. (d) Riboswitches can bind metabolites. 8-41 Which of the following is not involved in post-transcriptional control? (a) the spliceosome (b) dicer (c) mediator (d) RISC 8-42 MicroRNAs ____________________. (a) are produced from a precursor miRNA transcript (b) are found only in humans (c) control gene expression by base-pairing with DNA sequences (d) can degrade RNAs by using their intrinsic catalytic activity 8-43 For each of the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the best word or phrase selected from the list below. Not all words or phrases will be used; use each word or phrase only once. MicroRNAs are noncoding RNAs that are incorporated into a protein complex called __________________, which searches the __________________s in the cytoplasm for sequence complementary to that of the miRNA. When such a molecule is found, it is then targeted for __________________. RNAi is triggered by the presence of foreign __________________ molecules, which are digested by the __________________ enzyme into shorter fragments approximately 23 nucleotide pairs in length. tRNA phosphorylation riboswitch RISC destruction acetylation procaryotic methylation DNA double-stranded RNA mRNA dicer single-stranded RNA rRNA mitochondria 8-44 The extent of complementarity of a miRNA with its target mRNA determines ___________________________. (a) whether the mRNA will be degraded or transported elsewhere in the cell (b) whether the mRNA will be transported to the nucleus (c) whether RISC is degraded (d) whether the miRNA synthesizes a complementary strand 8-45 Which of the following statements about miRNAs is false? (a) One miRNA can regulate the expression of many genes. (b) miRNAs are transcribed in the nucleus from genomic DNA. (c) miRNAs are produced from rRNAs. (d) miRNAs are made by RNA polymerase. 8-46 Which of the following statements about RNAi is true? (a) The RNAi mechanism is found only in plants and animals. (b) RNAi is induced when double-stranded RNA is present in the cell. (c) RISC uses the siRNA duplex to locate complementary foreign RNA molecules. (d) siRNAs bind to miRNAs to induce RNAi. How We Know: Gene Regulation – The Story of Eve 8-47 The gene for a hormone necessary for insect development contains binding sites for three transcription regulators called A, B, and C. Because the binding sites for A and B overlap, A and B cannot bind simultaneously. You make mutations in the binding sites for each of the proteins and measure hormone production in cells that contain equal amounts of the A, B, and C proteins. Figure Q8-47 summarizes your results. In each of the following sentences, choose one of the phrases within square brackets to make the statement consistent with the results. Figure Q8-47 A. Protein A binds to its DNA-binding site [more tightly/less tightly] than protein B binds to its DNA-binding site. B. Protein A is a [stronger/weaker] activator of transcription than protein B. C. Protein C is able to prevent activation by [protein A only/protein B only/both protein A and protein B]. 8-48 The Drosophila Eve gene has a complex promoter containing multiple binding sites for four transcription regulators: Bicoid, Hunchback, Giant, and Krüppel. Bicoid and Hunchback are activators of Eve transcription, whereas Giant and Krüppel repress Eve transcription. Figure Q8-48A shows the patterns of expression of these regulators. Figure Q8-48 The eve promoter contains modules that control expression in various stripes. You construct a reporter gene that contains the DNA 5 kb upstream of the eve gene, so that this reporter contains the stripe 3 module, the stripe 2 module, the stripe 7 module, and the TATA box, all fused to the LacZ reporter gene (which encodes the β-galactosidase enzyme), as shown in Figure Q8-50B. This construct results in expression of the β-galactosidase enzyme in three stripes, which correspond to the normal positions of stripes 3, 2, and 7. A. By examining the overlap of sites on the stripe 2 module, as depicted in Figure Q8-48B, what is the biological effect of having some of the transcription regulator binding sites overlap? B. You make two mutant versions in which several of the binding sites in the Eve stripe 2 module have been deleted, as detailed in items (i) and (ii) below. Refer to Figure Q8-48B for the positions of the binding sites. (Note, however, that because many of the binding sites overlap, it is not possible to delete all of one kind of site without affecting some of the other sites.) Match the appropriate mutant condition with the most likely pattern of Eve expression shown in Figure Q8-48C. Explain your choices. (i) deletion of the Krüppel-binding sites in stripe 2 (ii) deletion of the two Bicoid-binding sites in the stripe 2 module that are marked with an asterisk (*) in Figure Q8-48B Vat this reporter contains the stripe 3 module, the stripe 2 module, the stripe 7 module, and the TATA box, all fused to the LacZ reporter gene (which encodes the β-galactosidase enzyme), as shown in Figure Q8-50B. This construct results in expression of the β-galactosidase enzyme in three stripes, which correspond to the normal positions of stripes 3, 2, and 7. A. By examining the overlap of sites on the stripe 2 module, as depicted in Figure Q8-48B, what is the biological effect of having some of the transcription regulator binding sites overlap? B. You make two mutant versions in which several of the binding sites in the Eve stripe 2 module have been deleted, as detailed in items (i) and (ii) below. Refer to Figure Q8-48B for the positions of the binding sites. (Note, however, that because many of the binding sites overlap, it is not possible to delete all of one kind of site without affecting some of the other sites.) Match the appropriate mutant condition with the most likely pattern of Eve expression shown in Figure Q8-48C. Explain your choices. (i) deletion of the Krüppel-binding sites in stripe 2 (ii) deletion of the two Bicoid-binding sites in the stripe 2 module that are marked with an asterisk (*) in Figure Q8-48B

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