Chapter 01: Cellular Biology MCQ

Chapter 01: Cellular Biology MCQ. 11.   Which phase of catabolism produces the most ATP?

a. Digestion
b. Glycolysis
c. Oxidation
d. Citric acid cycle



12.   A nurse is teaching the staff about the three phases of cellular catabolism. Which of the following should the nurse include?

a. Digestion, glycolysis and oxidation, and the citric acid cycle
b. Diffusion, osmosis, and mediated transport
c. S phase, G phase, and M phase
d. Metabolic absorption, respiration, and excretion



13.   A runner has depleted all the oxygen available for muscle energy. Which of the following will facilitate his continued muscle performance?

a. Electron-transport chain
b. Aerobic glycolysis
c. Anaerobic glycolysis
d. Oxidative phosphorylation



14.   The faculty member asked the student to identify the appropriate term for the movement of small, electrically uncharged molecules through a semipermeable barrier. Which answer indicates the nursing student understood the teaching?

a. Osmosis
b. Diffusion
c. Hydrostatic pressure
d. Active transport



15.   A nurse is teaching a patient about fluid and electrolytes. Which of the following indicates the teaching was successful regarding electrolytes? Electrolytes are:

a. Small lipid-soluble molecules
b. Large protein molecules
c. Micronutrients used to produce ATP
d. Electrically charged molecules



16.   A nurse is reading a chart and sees the term oncotic pressure. The nurse recalls that oncotic pressure (colloid osmotic pressure) is determined by:

a. Concentration of sodium
b. Plasma proteins
c. Hydrostatic pressure
d. Availability of membrane transporter proteins



17.   A patient has a body fluid of 300 mOsm/kg. This lab result is measuring:

a. Osmolality
b. Osmolarity
c. Osmotic pressure
d. Oncotic pressure



18.   In teaching a patient with cirrhosis, which information should the nurse include regarding cholesterol?

a. Cholesterol decreases the membrane fluidity of the erythrocyte, which reduces its ability to carry oxygen.
b. Cholesterol decreases the membrane fluidity of erythrocytes, which reduces its ability to carry hemoglobin.
c. Cholesterol increases the membrane fluidity of erythrocytes, which allows binding of excess glucose.
d. Cholesterol increases the membrane fluidity of erythrocytes, which prolongs its life span beyond 120 days.



19.   A nurse is discussing the movement of fluid across the arterial end of capillary membranes into the interstitial fluid surrounding the capillary. Which process of fluid movement is the nurse describing?

a. Hydrostatic pressure
b. Osmosis
c. Diffusion
d. Active transport



20.   A patient who has diarrhea receives a hypertonic saline solution intravenously to replace the sodium and chloride lost in the stool. What effect will this fluid replacement have on cells?

a. Cells will become hydrated.
b. Cells will swell or burst.
c. Cells will shrink.
d. Cells will divide.



21.   A nurse is teaching a patient with diabetes how glucose is transported from the blood to the cell. What type of transport system should the nurse discuss with the patient?

a. Active-mediated transport (active transport)
b. Active diffusion
c. Passive osmosis
d. Passive-mediated transport (facilitated diffusion)



22.   How are potassium and sodium transported across plasma membranes?

a. By passive electrolyte channels
b. By coupled channels
c. By adenosine triphosphate enzyme (ATPase)
d. By diffusion



23.   Why is potassium able to diffuse easily in and out of cells?

a. Because potassium has a greater concentration in the intracellular fluid (ICF)
b. Because sodium has a greater concentration in the extracellular fluid (ECF)
c. Because the resting plasma membrane is more permeable to potassium
d. Because there is an excess of anions inside the cell



24.   The ion transporter that moves Na+ and Ca2+ simultaneously in the same direction is an example of which of the following types of transport?

a. Biport
b. Uniport
c. Antiport
d. Symport



25.   During which process can lysosomal enzymes be released to degrade engulfed particles?

a. Endocytosis
b. Pinocytosis
c. Phagocytosis
d. Exocytosis



26.   A nurse is teaching the staff about cholesterol. Which information should be taught? The cellular uptake of cholesterol depends on:

a. Active-mediated transport
b. The antiport system
c. Receptor-mediated endocytosis
d. Passive transport



27.   Some cancer drugs work during the cell cycle phase where nuclear and cytoplasmic division occurs. What is this cell cycle phase called?

a. G1
b. S
c. M
d. G2



28.   What causes the rapid change in the resting membrane potential that initiates an action potential?

a. Potassium gates open, and potassium rushes into the cell, changing the membrane potential from negative to positive.
b. Sodium gates open, and sodium rushes into the cell, changing the membrane potential from negative to positive.
c. Sodium gates close, allowing potassium into the cell to change the membrane potential from positive to negative.
d. Potassium gates close, allowing sodium into the cell to change the membrane potential from positive to negative.



29.   A cell is isolated, and electrophysiology studies reveal that the resting membrane potential is –70 millivolts. The predominant intracellular ion is Na+, and the predominant extracellular ion is K+. With voltage change, which of the following would result in an action potential?

a. K+ rushing into the cell
b. Na+ rushing into the cell
c. Na+ rushing out of the cell
d. K+ rushing out of the cell



30.   A nurse is teaching the staff about platelet-derived growth factor. Which information should the nurse include? Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) stimulates the production of:

a. Platelets
b. Epidermal cells
c. Connective tissue cells
d. Fibroblast cells



31.   The phase of the cell cycle during which the centromeres split and the sister chromatids are pulled apart is referred to as:

a. Anaphase
b. Telophase
c. Prophase
d. Metaphase



32.   What is the role of cytokines in cell reproduction?

a. Provide growth factor for tissue growth and development
b. Block progress of cell reproduction through the cell cycle
c. Restrain cell growth and development
d. Provide nutrients for cell growth and development



33.   A biopsy of the lung bronchi revealed ciliated epithelial cells that are capable of secretion and absorption. These cells are called _____ columnar epithelium.

a. Simple
b. Ciliated simple
c. Stratified
d. Pseudostratified ciliated



34.   The nurse would be correct in identifying the predominant extracellular cation as:

a. Sodium
b. Potassium
c. Chloride
d. Glucose



35.   The student is reviewing functions of the cell. The student would be correct in identifying the primary function of the nerve cell as:

a. Sensory interpretation
b. Conductivity
c. Maintenance of homeostasis
d. Communication



36.   The student is studying for a pathophysiology exam and is trying to remember the definition of amphipathic. The student should choose which of the following to be correct?

a. All cells have a membrane that is composed of lipids.
b. Cells have organelles that have specialized function.
c. Molecules are polar with one part loving water and one part hating water.
d. Cells have receptor sites that other substances attach to and create additional functions.





1.   A nurse recalls that the four basic types of tissues are (select all that apply):

a. Nerve
b. Epithelial
c. Mucosal
d. Connective
e. Skeletal
f. Muscle



2.   Characteristics of prokaryotes include which of the following? (Select all that apply.)

a. They contain no organelles.
b. Their nuclear material is not encased by a nuclear membrane.
c. They contain a distinct nucleus.
d. They contain histones.
e. They contain a cellular membrane.



Chapter 01: Cellular Biology MCQ

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Bioregional Portrait

Bioregional Portrait. Bioregional Portrait: (50 pts. possible) The following assignment was modified from one that was developed by the Biology Faculty at BC, and derived from the Bio 100 Student Module. One of your major writing assignments in Biology 100 is a “Portrait of your Bioregion”. There are a number of questions asking you to research your own personal environment and your place as part of that ecosystem. We define your home place as your watershed, ie. giving it biological rather than political boundaries. Nature does not recognize human made boundaries which are often lines drawn arbitrarily on a map. Nature’s boundaries are rivers, oceans, lakes, and mountains. Your watershed is all the area drained by a stream, river or lake – literally from where the water is shed or flows.

All too often we concentrate on far away, exotic, ecosystems like tropical rainforests and forget that we, too, live in a unique biome – the temperate rain forest. This assignment is asking you to explore your particular part of that biome up close and personal.

One of the objectives of this assignment is to help you better understand and appreciate the ecosystem in which you live. Part of the injunction to “Think globally, act locally” implies a knowledge of our local environment. Another objective is to ask you to think about the size of your own ecological footprint. How lightly do you step upon the land? Do you know how you use natural resources and are you using them wisely?

For this assignment think in terms of providing a stranger a unique picture or snap shot of your own personal environment and how you interact with it. Tell that person what you observe from where you live, not what you can read on the Web or hear from city officials. Everybody will have a different picture even if they are neighbors. Even identical twins living in the same house will present different portraits because they are looking through different eyes.

You can call local government offices, utility companies, etc. for further information. Mostly, though, we want to go outside around your home and observe what else shares your space. Don’t look up in a book for your trees and birds – go outside and look at them.

Think about how the land forms around you were made and how humans and other animals have shaped those land forms. In terms of European settlement the history of the Seattle area is quite short, but humans have lived in this area for at least 12,000 years.

Portrait of your Bioregion – For this assignment you need to answer ALL of the following questions about your local ecosystem. Your answers should be as complete as possible, with citations from where your information comes from.  Feel free to include drawings, photos, etc. answer the following questions in detail to describe your Bioregion. I’ve provided some hints inblue.

  1. Describe exactly where you live. Draw a map if you like. This should not include your address, describe where you live in terms of the geography without any man made points of reference.
  2. What is a watershed? In which watershed do you live? This means your own personal watershed according to the biological definition – do not ask the local water utilities for the name of your watershed. Here is a site that will also help identify your watershed. The more specific you can be the better.(Links to an external site.)
  3. Name five trees in your area, (within one or two blocks of your house). Which ones are native? This site might be helpful.
  4. Name five resident plus any three migratory birds in your area.
  5. Where is your local water supply stored? Look around your neighborhood for the nearest water tower or reservoir.
  6. Where does your wastewater go and what happens to it along the way? When you flush your toilet what happens to it? Where are the pollutants removed? Is primary, or secondary, or tertiary treatment done there?
  7. You’ve changed the oil in your car and now you need to get rid of the old oil. How do you do that in a way that is safe and environmentally sound? Be specific in your answer, where exactly would you take it.
  8. What was the area you live in like 50 years ago? 100 years ago? 200 years ago? Include people, places and nature in your description. What what was happening to the Indigenous Peoples of your Bioregion during each time period? The History Link is a helpful resource at: (Links to an external site.)
  9. Name some animals (non human) which share your place. Include both wild and domestic beings.
  10. What type of energy do you use to heat your house, from where does this energy come? What environmental effects does this type of energy have? All forms of energy have negative environmental effects, figure out what you use first.
  11. Name the nearest creek or stream to your home, and trace its passage from source to outlet. Include above and below ground portions. Google maps can be helpful here or a topo map.
  12. List the nearest local, and state, and national park to your house, what kinds of activities are allowed in each of these (hunting, fishing, camping, motorcycling, horseback riding etc.)

Points will be assigned for depth and breadth of information and for creativity in presenting the information. Create a picture of your own Bioregion so that others can see the value and complexity of your environment.

Include with your answers a list of references to indicate where you obtained your information. Use the format in the MLA guidelines to construct a bibliography for the references that you use on each question. After you have assembled your bibliography, make sure your citations are formatted correctly. Do not use footnotes or citations of any kind within the body of this assignment. The LMC Librarian Instructions for  MLA Bibliographies are found at: at:

BC Library Media Center Homepage: (Links to an external site.)

Permanent Reserve (behind the Circulation Desk):

Maps:City of Bellevue City of Seattle
King and Snohomish Counties
City of Bellevue topographic mapsAtlases:Puget Sound Thomas Guide 2001
Washington Atlas and GazetteerWeb Sites:City of Bellevue (Links to an external site.)

City of Seattle (Links to an external site.)

King County Department of Natural Resources
 (Links to an external site.)Washington State Department of Natural Resources (Links to an external site.)

Natural Mapping Program in Washington (Links to an external site.)

On the bottom left side of the home page click on “Site Map” then click on “Outreach”. Scroll down to “The Nature Mapping Program” and click on the URL: to get to the Nature Mapping Program in Washington State. Next, click on “Maps”, and finally, click on “Washington Maps” or scroll down and click on a particular Genus and species mapped in Washington State. Have Fun!!!!!

Bioregional Portrait

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Wildlife. Assignment 5

1. Loggerheads, like the ridley turtles, are diurnal nesters:

A. True

B. False

2. Loggerheads nest over the greatest geographic range of any sea turtle.

A. True

B. False

3. The scientific name for the Kemp’s ridley turtle is: ____________________________

4. Andres Herrera’s contribution to sea turtle knowledge and conservation was:

A. The protection of arribada sites in Costa Rica

B. The determination of the genetic origin of loggerhead populations

C. N one of the answers is correct.

D. The discovery of the “lost years” of the Kemp’s ridley

E. The discovery and recording of a Kemp’s ridley arribada.

5. In 1947, 40,000 Kemp’s ridley females were photographed on a nesting beach in Costa Rica. Sadly, by 1980, fewer than 300 females came ashore to nest

A. True

B. False

6. Japan is too far north (too cold) to permit loggerheads to nest on Japanese beaches

A. True

B. False

7. By 1990, biologists estimated that the number of female Kemp’s ridleys in the entire Gulf of Mexico numbered _________________, making it one of the most endangered species in the world.

A. Less than 100

B. There are no estimates of Kemp’s ridley numbers from this time period.

C. About2000

D. About500

8. During their “lost years”, loggerheads are at sea in ocean currents for 2-5 years.

A. True

B. False

9. Headstarting” turtles is controversial because of the ethical considerations regarding the skin grafts used for marking these young turtles

A. True

B. False

10. It takes about 25-35 years for a loggerhead to become a reproducing adult.

A. True

B. False

11. Unlike most other sea turtles, adult male Kemp’s ridleys do not migrate, and adult females rarely leave the vicinity of the Gulf of Mexico.

A. True

B. False

12. The scientific name for the loggerhead turtle is: __________________________

13. One of the reasons that Kemp’s ridleys are vulnerable to overexploitation is that the bulk of nesting occurs along 29 miles of beach in Florida.

A. True

B. False

14. Mitochondrial DNA testing has provided a window into the lineage of the various populations of loggerheads around the world

A. True

B. False

15. Research indicates that one effect of shade from tall buildings in Florida on nesting beaches is cooler beaches, resulting in a higher proportion of ______________ nestlings compared to beaches without tall buildings

16. Since TEDs are now being used in many places throughout the world, fishing practices are no longer a significant mortality source for loggerhead adults.

A. True

B. False

17. The primary purpose of the “ridley dance” is:

A. to scare away predators
B. to signal that this territory is taken
C. All of these answers are correct.
D. to compact the sand over the eggs
E. to display availability to male ridleys

18. Loggerheads are referred to as “keystone species” because they:

  dig up the bottom in foraging areas and thus alter the composition of the ocean bottom communities
  A. all of these answers are correct

B. transfer huge loads of ocean nutrients to the land around nesting beaches

C. provide habitat for symbionts as “living reefs”

D. distribute shells of prey (calcium) throughout their foraging areas


19. Kemp’s ridleys never leave the Gulf of Mexico.

A. True

B. False

20. The primary predator of loggerhead nests in the U.S. are


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Asexual Reproduction

Asexual Reproduction. 1) For this assignment you must interview two people. Ask them this multiple choice question:
From where is the large majority of the mass of a block of wood of derived? (Show them a real piece of wood or a picture of a piece of wood)
1. Nutrients in the ground taken up by the roots
2. Water in the ground taken up by the roots
3. Out of thin air
4. The Sun

Then ask them why they think that their answer is correct. Finally report to them the correct answer and explain why it is correct.
In your write-up, please include the answers and explanations of the persons you interviewed.

2) For this assignment you are to demonstrate your knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of sexual and asexual reproduction. Watch the following two videos:
Next, to get credit for this assignment, please 1) submit at least three advantages of asexual reproduction; 2) submit at least three advantages of sexual reproduction; and 3) describe the example of the fish in the ponds of Sonora mexico and what it demonstrates about the importance of sexual reproduction.

Asexual Reproduction

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