BIO – Chapter 9 Calculating Ecological Footprints

BIO – Chapter 9 Calculating Ecological Footprints. Calculating Ecological Footprints- Chapter 9




Population (millions) Total paper consumed

(millions of metric tons)

Per capita paper consumed


Africa 999 6 13
Asia 4,117 159
Europe 738 99
Latin America 580 27
North America 341 77
Oceania 36 4
World 6,810 127






1. How much paper would North Americans save each year if we consumed paper at the rate of Europeans?


2. How much paper would be consumed if everyone in the world used as much paper as the average European? As the average North American?


3. Why do you think people in other regions consume less paper, per capita, than North Americans? Name three things you could do to reduce your paper consumption.


4. Describe three ways in which consuming FSC-certified paper rather than conventional paper can reduce the environmental impacts of paper consumption

BIO – Chapter 9 Calculating Ecological Footprints

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Excel Worksheet

Excel Worksheet.

A Skills Approach: Excel 2016 Chapter 3: Using Formulas and Functions

1 | Page Skill Review 3.2 Last Updated 3/19/18

Skill Review 3.2 In this project you will edit a worksheet to compute student grades and grade statistics. Be sure to save your work often!

Skills needed to complete this project: • Using Date and Time Functions

• Using CONCAT to Combine Text

• Formatting Text Using Functions

• Creating Formulas Using Counting Functions

• Using Formula AutoComplete to Enter Functions

• Displaying and Printing Formulas

• Naming Ranges of Cells

• Using the Logical Function IF

• Using the Function Arguments Dialog to Enter Functions

• Working with Named Ranges

• Finding Minimum and Maximum Values

• Calculating Averages

• Finding Data Using the VLOOKUP Function

• Checking Formulas for Errors

1. Open the start file EX2016-SkillReview-3-2. The file will be renamed automatically to include your

name. Change the project file name if directed to do so by your instructor, and save it. Click the Enable

Editing button in the Message Bar at the top of the workbook so you can modify it.

2. Take a look at the two sheets. The first sheet contains the students’ names and their scores. The second

sheet will be used to look up the letter grade for each student.

3. On the Scores worksheet, enter a function in cell B3 to display the current date and time.

a. If necessary, click the Scores worksheet tab. Click cell B3.

b. On the Formulas tab, in the Function Library group, click the Date &Time button.

c. Click NOW.

d. Click OK.

4. The first column should display the full student name. Use CONCAT to combine the values from the

First Name and Last Name columns.

a. Click cell A10.

b. On the Formulas tab, in the Function Library group, click the Text button, and select CONCAT.

IMPORTANT: If you do not see CONCAT in the list, use CONCATENATE function instead.

c. Click cell C10 to enter the cell reference in the Text1 argument box.

d. Press TAB to move to the Text2 argument box.

e. Type ” ” to place a space between the first and last names.

f. Press TAB to move to the Text3 argument box.

Step 1 Download start file



A Skills Approach: Excel 2016 Chapter 3: Using Formulas and Functions

2 | Page Skill Review 3.2 Last Updated 3/19/18

g. Click cell B10 to enter the text reference in the Text3 argument box.

h. Click OK. The completed formula should look like this: =CONCAT(C10,” “,B10)

5. Add the PROPER function to the formula so student names do not appear in all uppercase.

a. Double-click cell A10 to edit the formula.

b. Create a nested formula by typing PROPER( between the = symbol and CONCAT.

c. Type another ) at the end of the formula.

d. Press ENTER. The completed formula should look like this:

=PROPER(CONCAT(C10,” “,B10))

e. Copy the formula from cell A10 to A11:A26 to fill the list of student names. Use any method you


6. Count the number of students to calculate the class size.

a. Click cell B2.

b. Type =COU

c. Double-click COUNTA in the Formula AutoComplete list.

d. Click cell A10 and drag to cell A26.

e. Press ENTER. The completed formula should look like this: =COUNTA(A10:A26)

7. Display your formulas to check for accuracy.

a. On the Formulas tab, in the Formula Auditing group, click the Show Formulas button.

b. When you are ready to continue, hide the formulas and display formula values by clicking the Show

Formulas button again.

8. Define a named range for the total possible points up to the class drop cut-off point.

a. Select cells D7:R7.

b. In the Name box, type: PossiblePtsMid

c. Press ENTER.

9. Find out which students have a grade below C at the cut-off point for dropping the class. Enter an IF

function in cell S10 to check if the student’s total points divided by the total possible points through the

midterm is less than 70% (the lowest percentage for a C grade). Use SUM functions within the IF

function. Be sure to use the range name you just defined for possible points. If the student is below a C

grade, display Warning! in the cell; otherwise leave the cell blank.

a. Click cell S10.

b. On the Formulas tab, in the Function Library group, click Logical.

c. Click IF.

d. If necessary, move the Function Arguments dialog so you can see the worksheet data.

e. In the Logical_test argument box, type: SUM(D10:R10)/SUM(PossiblePtsMid)<70%

f. In the Value_if_true argument box, type: Warning!

g. In the Value_if_false argument box, type: “”



A Skills Approach: Excel 2016 Chapter 3: Using Formulas and Functions

3 | Page Skill Review 3.2 Last Updated 3/19/18

h. Click OK. The completed formula should look like this:

=IF(SUM(D10:R10)/SUM(PossiblePtsMid)<70%,”Warning!”,” “)

i. Fill the IF function in cell S10 down for all students. Use any method you want. There should be

three students with Warning! in the Class Drop Cut-Off Point column.

10. Find the highest score for each assignment.

a. Click cell D4.

b. Type =MAX( and then click cell D10 and drag to cell D26.

c. Press ENTER. The completed formula should look like this: =MAX(D10:D26)

d. Copy the formula across the row to cell AB4. Use any method you want. Be sure to leave cell S4


11. Find the lowest score for each assignment.

a. Click cell D5.

b. Type =MIN( and then click cell D10 and drag to cell D26.

c. Press ENTER. The completed formula should look like this: =MIN(D10:D26)

d. Copy the formula across the row to cell AB5. Use any method you want. Be sure to leave cell S5


12. Calculate the average score for each assignment.

a. Click cell D6.

b. Type =AV and then double-click AVERAGE in the Formula AutoComplete list.

c. Click cell D10 and drag to cell D26.

d. Press ENTER. The completed formula should look like this: =AVERAGE(D10:D26)

e. Copy the formula across the row to cell AB6. Use any method you want. Be sure to leave cell S6


13. Compute the students’ total points. Enter a SUM function in cell AC10 to add all the points across for

the first student.

a. Click cell AC10.

b. Type =SU and then double-click SUM in the Formula AutoComplete list.

c. Click cell D10 and drag to cell AB10.

d. Press ENTER. The completed formula should look like this: =SUM(D10:AB10)

e. Copy the formula from AC10 through cell AC26. Use any method you want.

14. Enter a formula to compute the percentage for the first student. Divide the student’s total points by the

total possible points. You will be copying this formula, so make sure the reference to the total possible

points uses an absolute reference.

a. In cell AD10, enter the following formula to calculate the percentage: =AC10/$AC$7

b. Copy the formula from AD10 through AD26. Use any method you want.



A Skills Approach: Excel 2016 Chapter 3: Using Formulas and Functions

4 | Page Skill Review 3.2 Last Updated 3/19/18

15. The grade scale is stored in the Grades worksheet. Before calculating students’ final grades, create a named

range to use in the formula.

a. Click the Grades sheet tab.

b. Select cells B4:C8.

c. Type GradeScale in the Name box.

d. Press ENTER.

16. Now you are ready to create a lookup formula to display each student’s final letter grade.

a. Return to the Scores sheet, and click cell AE10.

b. On the Formulas tab, in the Function Library group, click the Lookup & Reference button, and select


c. Click cell AD10 to enter it in the Lookup_value argument box.

d. Type GradeScale in the Table_array argument box.

e. The rates are located in the second column of the lookup table. Type 2 in the Col_index_num

argument box.

f. In this case, you do not want to specify an exact match, as the percentage grades do not match the

grade scale percentages exactly. An approximate match will return the correct letter grade.

g. Click OK. The completed formula should look like this: =VLOOKUP(AD10,GradeScale,2)

h. Fill down for all students. Use any method you want.

17. Before closing the project, check your workbook for errors.

a. On the Formulas tab, in the Formula Auditing group, click the Error Checking button.

b. If errors are found, use the error checking skills learned in this chapter to find and fix the errors.

18. When Excel displays a message that the error check is complete, click OK.

19. Save and close the workbook.

20. Upload and save your project file.

21. Submit project for grading.

Step 2

Upload & Save

Step 3 Grade my Project

Excel Worksheet

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Case Studies in Neurology

Case Studies in Neurology.

ignment Details

Focus on Case Studies in Neurology

For this assignment you will respond to three case studies.

What is a Case Study?

“A case study is a narrative used to help you practice real-life analysis and communication skills. It is a learning tool that provides readers with “enough detail…to understand the nature and scope of the problem, and…serve as a springboard for discussion and learning” (O’Rourke, 2007, p. 391).

Use your textbook and academic resources from the Library to support your responses.

Access the Library directly from Course Resources for this class, or through the student portal. Be sure to cite and reference all your sources. The Library has a feature that allows you to automatically create an APA formatted reference.

Your completed case studies should be between 750–1000 words, and all sources must be properly cited using APA format.


  1. Amy is cooking dinner for her family. She moves to pull a pot off the stove and accidently touches the burner. She reflexively pulls her finger away from the stove and immediately feels the pain.
    1. Which receptor neuron is responsible for sending information from her finger to her peripheral nervous system?
    2. Is this receptor neuron, an afferent or efferent neuron?
    3. Explain where the information from the receptor neuron is sent and how does it result in Amy moving her finger away from the stove.
    4. Describe the three classes of neurons involved in this response.
    5. Evolutionarily, why do you think the human body has this system in place?
    6. What might happen if we did not have this response?


  1. Glen, who is 45 years old, begins to notice that his hands shake (tremors) when he is performing everyday tasks such as signing his signature. His family members have noticed that he also has muffled speech and tends to shuffle when he walks. He is diagnosed with Early Onset Parkinson’s disease.
    1. What is Early Onset Parkinson’s disease?
    2. What specific cell type is affected in Parkinson’s disease?
    3. What is dopamine? What effects does dopamine have on the body?
    4. Explain the structure of a synapse and why Glen’s neurologist would prescribe him a dopamine agonist?
    5. Glen has genetic testing performed and it is determined that he does carry an autosomal dominant mutation in the SNCA gene associated with Early Onset Parkinson’s disease. Glen has three children. Would you advise his children to have genetic testing performed to determine if they also carry the disease mutation? Why or why not?


3. Patricia, who is 37 years old, discusses with her physician recent symptoms that she has experienced including blurred vision, numbness in her fingers and face, dizziness, fatigue and weakness. The physician performs multiple neurological tests and she is diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS).

  1. What is MS?
  2. Is MS a disease of the central or peripheral nervous system?
  3. What is the main cell structure affected in MS?
  4. How is the action potential of a neuron affected in MS?
  5. The origins of MS are not clear. What do scientists hypothesize to be the causes of MS?

Your assignment should be written in an essay format. The assignment requires you to include details from research including the course materials and sources you locate on your own. Remember to use APA format to cite your sources of information, both within parenthetical citations and also within a reference page at the end of the project.

Basic Writing Requirements:

  • Between 750–1000 words not counting the title or reference pages.
  • Include a title page, double space, font size 10 or 12.
  • Include a well-developed introduction and conclusion
  • Provide exceptional content.
  • Demonstrate superior organization: use logic.
  • Free of grammar and spelling errors.
  • No evidence of plagiarism.
  • Use APA style for all citations and references.

Case Studies in Neurology

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Skeletal System

Skeletal System.

  Experiment 11: Skeletal System of the Fetal Pig

In this exercise you will become familiar with the skeletal system of the fetal pig. Because the fetal pig had not reached its full gestation, many of the bones have not fully developed, but are instead still cartilaginous. Still, we can look at this structures to gain a better understanding of the axial and appendicular skeletons, along with the joints.


Fetal Pig Dissection Tray

Dissection Tools Kit String (should still be tied onto pig’s hooves)  


1. To begin, lay your underpad down and place your dissecting tray on top of it. Lay out your dissecting tools. Be sure you have all of your safety equipment on before beginning the experiment.

2. Once prepared, gently open the bag your pig is in. Note: DO NOT destroy this bag or empty out the preserving solution within the bag, you will need it for the whole semester.

3. Lay your pig into the dissecting tray, dorsal side facing up. Slide the strings over the dissection tray to hold the pig in place.

4. Look at Figure 21 displaying the skeletal system of a grown pig. Notice the similarities and differences between that of your human skeleton and that of the pig.

Figure 21:  The pig skeleton

6. Due to the rigidity of your pig, it typically will not stay in this position on its own so you will need to hold it while you examine the skeletal system.

7. Begin by examining, through the skin, the axial skeleton as shown in Figure 21. Feel the bones of the skull, then continue down the vertebral column feeling the vertebrae along the way. Notice that the tail of the pig is composed of caudal vertebrae. Note your observations in Table 34.

8. Slide the strings off of the dissection tray and gently turn your pig ventral side up. Slide the strings back under the dissection tray after the pig is correctly positioned.

9. Feel the thoracic cage of the pig. Though you will not cut into the pig today, feel the similarities that occur between the fetal pig and the human skeleton model. Note your observations in Table 34.

10. Turn your attention to the appendicular skeleton. The pig’s four appendages correlate to the human arms and legs. Use Figure 21 as a guide to try and feel the different bones of the arms and legs (humerus, femur, tibia, etc.). Note your observations in Table 34.

11. In Figure 21, look at the pelvic girdle of the pig. This structure appears noticeably different than that of a human. However, the innominate bones of the pig are created by the ilium, ischium and pubis.

12. Focus your attention on the joints of the pig. The pig should be fairly rigid due to the preservation fluids. However, you should still attempt to produce the movements created by synovial joints on the pig (e.g., flexion, rotation, etc.). Notice the joints at which these movements are possible. Do they correlate to human movement? Note your observations in Table 34.

13. Take a photograph of your pig in the dissection tray for the upload document. Make sure that your name is written on a piece of paper that is clearly visible in the background of the photograph.

14. You are now finished with the external observations of the skeletal system. Remember that as you dissect into your pig, you will be able to touch and feel the bones of the skeletal system. As the dissection progresses, always take note of the bones present within the fetal pig.

15. To finish, locate the bag the pig came in. Gently place the pig back into the bag and tightly secure the bag with a rubber band, or place in the zip-seal bag provided in the dissection box.

16. Place the pig back into the cool environment you had previously stored it in. Remember, the best place to keep the pig is in a cool, dark place.

17. After your pig has been put away, clean off your dissecting tray and dissection tools with soap and water. There should not be any biological scraps because you did not cut into the pig. However, biological scraps should not be thrown into the garbage.

18. Clean the area in which you worked with soap and water as well. As long as the underpad has not been damaged, keep it for future experiments.

Figure 22:  Palpate the skeleton of the fetal pig using gloved hands.


Table 34: Skeletal Region Observations
Skeletal Region Observations
Axial Skeleton  
Appendicular Skeleton  









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Skeletal System

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