Identify An Organism That Lives Within 50 Miles Of Your Home.

Identify An Organism That Lives Within 50 Miles Of Your Home.. Identify an organism that lives within 50 miles of your home.

Locate a diagram of that organism that has the main organs and structures labeled. Be sure to properly cite your diagram and pictures.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper on this topic.

  • Briefly describe the environment (temperature, landscape, food sources, etc.) and describe the organism’s role in the environment.
  • Identify the structures and functions of the main organs found in your selected organism.
  • Explain how the organism in the diagram has evolved physiologically to become suited to its environment.
  • If the organism were to be transplanted to a significantly different environment, how would things change?
    • Would their organ system still be as efficient?  Why or why not?
    • Would the organism survive in this new environment?  Why or why not?

Include the diagram and other appropriate pictures in your paper and make sure to provide a full reference for the images in your reference section.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines including references and in-text citations. Your paper should include a well-written introduction and conclusion. Use only academic research sources.

Identify An Organism That Lives Within 50 Miles Of Your Home.

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Ecological Footprint Analysis of Tropical Rainforest Deforestation

Ecological Footprint Analysis of Tropical Rainforest Deforestation. 13 Ecological Footprint Analysis of Tropical Rainforest Deforestation

Use the table below to answer the questions that follow.


Area of

tropical rain forest (square kilometers)

Area of

deforestation per year (square kilometers)

Annual rate of tropical rainforest loss

















1. What is the annual rate of tropical rain forest loss, as a percentage of total forest area, in each of the five countries? Answer by filling in the blank column in the table.

2. What is the annual rate of tropical deforestation collectively in all of the countries represented in the table?

3. According to the table, and assuming the rates of deforestation remain constant, which country’s tropical rain forest will be completely destroyed first?

4. Assuming the rate of deforestation in country C remains constant, how many years will it take for all of its tropical rain forests to be destroyed?

5. Assuming that a hectare (1.0 hectare = 0.01 square kilometer) of tropical rain forest absorbs 0.85 metric tons (1 metric ton = 2,200 pounds) of carbon dioxide per year, what would be the total annual growth in the carbon footprint (carbon emitted but not absorbed by vegetation because of deforestation) in metric tons of carbon dioxide per year for each of the five countries in the table?

A =

B =

C =

D =

E =

Ecological Footprint Analysis of Tropical Rainforest Deforestation

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Golgi Maturation

Golgi Maturation. The way that proteins move through the golgi has long been a source of contention. Two major models have been proposed. One is a cisternal maturation model, and the other is a model of stable cisternae and mostly vesicular transport. In this paper they set out to try and differentiate these models using a modified Golgi resident protein.


In this paper they talk a bit about Golgi Tubules, these are like vesicles but form as long tubes rather then little circles… don’t worry too much about this issue.



Intro Questions (from last weeks panopto’s and the intro of the paper)

1) What is the main role of the golgi? How do the processes that are occurring differ from one stack to another (in other words, why have different stacks) – what is happening to proteins in these stacks?

2) What are the two main models of Golgi maturation? What is the different between Golgi resident proteins, and proteins moving through the endomembrane system? How would you expect the paths of these two protein types to be different?


Figure Questions:


Figure 1: What is Mani? How is Mani-FM different, and what is happening to Mani-FM when they add AP what about when AP is absent? What is the pellet vs supernatant test telling them?


Figure 2: What is Figure 2 showing them? Why did they do this test?


Figure 3: What are the main findings of figure 3?


Figure 4 a-i : What do they find about the localization of MANI-FM with and without AP within the golgi? Which of the two mechanisms of golgi maturation does this support?


Figure 4 j&k – what does this tell them about Mani-Fm with and without AP?


Figure 5: How is what they are doing in this figure different from what they did in Figure 4? What is this showing them? What did the washout tell them that the initial application did not? Given your knowledge of golgi trafficking, what kind of vesicles would you expect to fine Mani-FM in?


Conclusion Questions: What are the overall conclusions from the paper? Which model of Golgi trafficking does this support? Why is this interesting to us?


More Challenging questions: How are there findings different from previous work? What did they show that no-one has showed about this model before?


Be sure to include a bibliography of your sources.

Golgi Maturation

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Microbiology Essay Questions

Microbiology Essay Questions. I have two mini essay questions that need to be written onto a word document. Both questions can be found on the word doc. These are not full-on essays. They are “mini” essays which means that each essay response should be roughly 2 paragraphs-ish each. Use the quizlet link in the doc for ideas because these essays have already been done before so you may use those ideas. I am attaching a rubric as well so you can follow that.

Essay Questions

1. Discuss several ways in which bacteria are medically and ecologically important.

2. Define mycosis and describe the levels of invasion of the body by fungi. Explain what factors could cause opportunistic mycoses to be a growing medical problem.


*Write up mini essays for both of these questions and use the quizlet link below that corresponds to the questions for ideas

I. Level of Understanding/

Completeness of Answer Did you convey an

understanding of the lesson content?

Did you provide a complete answer to the


0 There is no evidence of student understanding and does not answer the question.

1 – 23 There is evidence in the response that the student has some understanding. Student answers the question partially but not adequately.

24 – 35 There is evidence in the response that the student has a basic understanding of the question and answers adequately.

36 – 40 There is evidence in the response that the student has a full and complete understanding of the question. Student answers the question in an exemplary fashion.

II. Use of Examples and Supporting Details

Did you use relevant and inclusive examples to

demonstrate understanding of


0 No examples or details are provided.

1 – 5 Minimal example(s) have been used and supporting details minimally effective.

6 – 8 Most of the concepts include example(s) and the supporting details are generally thorough.

9 – 10 Relevant and inclusive examples as well as supporting details that demonstrate an integration of concepts.

III. Critical Thinking and Application of

Information Is your application a detailed description of how the lesson content is relevant to your life?

0 No relevancy or application is included.

1 – 17 Brief description of how the concept relates to the student’s personal life (non-majors) or career (majors).

18 – 27 Nearly complete description of how the concept is or will be relevant and useful or applicable to the student’s personal life (non-majors) or career (majors).

28 – 30 A detailed description of how the concept is or will be relevant and useful or applicable to the student’s personal life (non-majors) or career (majors). The application reveals insight into the scientific principles.

IV. Organization Did you maintain a strong sense of purpose and organization?

0 Drifts completely in terms of purpose and organization to the point of disarray.

1 – 5 Strays in terms of purpose and organization to the point of distraction.

6 – 8 Is primarily presented in a purposeful and well- organized manner.

9 – 10 Maintains a strong sense of purpose and organization throughout.

V. Use of Accurate Scientific Terminology

Did you use scientific terminology correctly and concisely throughout your response?

0 The use of accurate scientific terminology is not present in the response or is used incorrectly.

1 – 5 Uses scientific terminology incorrectly at times, or in such as way as to not demonstrate an understanding of the material.

6 – 8 Uses scientific terminology correctly, demonstrating a basic understanding of the material and strengthening the response.

9 – 10 Uses scientific terminology correctly and concisely enhancing the response. The use of terms indicates a thorough understanding of the material.

Microbiology Essay Questions

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