Microbiology Assignment

Microbiology Assignment. Exam II BIO 235



1.A 37-week-old infant was delivered by cesarean section and discharged from a Connecticut hospital when he was 10 days old. Two days later he was lethargic and had a fever. When he was readmitted to the hospital, he had multiple brain abscesses caused by Citrobacterdiversus. After a prolonged illness, the baby died. A second infant with a normal pregnancy and delivery died of C. diversus meningitis after a short illness. Nine infants in the hospital nursery had umbilical cord colonization by C. diversus. Environmental cultures were negative for hospital equipment.


a. What is the normal habitat of this gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic, non-endospore-forming, lactose-positive rod?

b.Provide a plan for identifying the source of infection and preventing further infection. (30 points)





Figure 14.4


2) Salmonella heidelberg gastroenteritis occurred on three cruises aboard the T.S.S. Festivale. Figure 14.4 shows on-board clinic visits for diarrheal illness between February 10 and March 3.



a. Explain the incidence pattern shown on the graph


b. What are probable modes of transmission?


c.. What changes would you recommend before the ship books more cruises after March 3?(30 points)



3. A 56-year-old Army officer received a smallpox vaccination at a military vaccination clinic. Within 2 weeks, a painful ulcer was noted at the vaccination site. Because of the appearance of an increasing number of peripheral lesions and because of continued enlargement of the initial ulcer, he was treated. Eventual recovery was complicated by Pseudomonas sepsis and the need for a skin graft at the vaccination site. What was the cause of the ulcer and lesions, and what were the treatments? What caused the Pseudomonas infection? (30 points)


4. In the West Branch Study what are your thoughts on how the investigation was done? It is a classic study. (10 Points)




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Microbiology Assignment

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“The Cell, Lokiarcharum, And RRNA”

“The Cell, Lokiarcharum, And RRNA”. “The Cell, Lokiarcharum, and rRNA”

For your primary post, please respond to one of the following three topics with a post of at least 125 words that addresses each point given in the instructions. Also, please reply to at least one fellow student on any topic.

Topic 1

: Introduction to the Cell. Watch the Khan Academy video “Introduction to the cell” (1)* and then address the following issues.

  • (a) In the video, the narrator says that we might think that since cells are so small, that they must be simple, but “nothing could be further from the truth.” What did he mean by that?
  • (b) Describe features that are only found in eukaryotic (but not prokaryotic) cells.
  • (c) Did anything in this video surprise you, or was it mainly a recap of material you already knew?

Topic 2 [article]: Lokiarchaeum. Read about Lokiarcheum in the article by Yong (2)* and/or the article by Zimmer (3)*. Both articles describe recently discovered evidence about a previously unknown organism. Then, address the following issues:

  • (a) Lokiarchaeum may be a “transitional form” between archaea and eukarya. What evidence suggests this?
  • (b) Describe one way that this relates to this week’s lesson.
  • (c) Cite whichever article you use. If you use both, cite them both. There’s no particular reason why you should need any other source, but if you do use any other source, you must cite it, too.

Topic 3 [research]: Carl Woese. Carl Woese (b. 1928, d. 2012) worked out a new method for classifying organisms based on RNA from their ribosomes. This is called ribosomal RNA (rRNA). Research Carl Woese’s research on the Internet, and then address the following issues:

  • (a) Describe the basic logic of this Woese’s approach. In other words, how can you tell if two organisms are closely-related or distantly-related from their rRNA?
  • (b) Name one of Woese’s most important findings.
  • (c) Describe one way that this relates to this week’s lesson.
  • (d) Don’t forget to cite your source or sources!

References (in Strayer Writing Standards format).

  1. Khan Academy, November 29, 2017. Introduction to the cell,  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KfHxF6Vhps
  2. Ed Yong, May 6, 2015. New Loki microbe is closest relative to all complex life,  http://phenomena.nationalgeographic.com/2015/05/06/new-loki-microbe-is-closest-relative-to-all-complex-life/
  3. Carl Zimmer, May 6, 2015, Under the sea, a missing link in the evolution of complex cells, http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/07/science/under-the-sea-a-missing-link-in-the-evolution-of-complex-cells.html?_r=0

“The Cell, Lokiarcharum, And RRNA”

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Interpreting Graphs – Population Growth

Interpreting Graphs – Population Growth. Lab Activity: Interpreting Graphs – Population Growth


Use the graph below to answer questions 1–3.

Read each question, and write your answer in the space provided.

1. What type of population growth pattern is shown in the graph above?



2. Describe the growth of the hypothetical population shown in the graph, beginning with just a few breeding pairs.




3. What is the probable eventual fate of the hypothetical population represented in the graph?




Use the graph below to answer questions 4–7.


Read each question, and write your answer in the space provided.

4. Between what years does this graph predict that the human population growth rate will start slowing?



5. According to this graph, what will the world human population be in 2050?



6. From 1750 to 2000, which type of population growth model (logistic or exponential) does this graph more closely represent and WHY (provide one piece of data to support)?



7. If you could continue the graph to the year 3050, predict the type of population growth model this graph would represent. Explain your answer.



Human Population Growth Name: /50pt Lab

Objectives: You will create a graph of human population growth, analyze factors and conditions that affect it, and use it to predict future growth. Pre-Investigation Questions: Refer to the graph below: Use letters to answer the questions.

1. Refer to the illustration above. Which time period shows exponential growth of the population?


2. Refer to the illustration above. During which time period are the birth rate and death rate equal?


3. Which time period refers to when a population is in decline?




Statistics on Human Population
Year A.D. Number of People (in billions)  
0 .25  
1650 .50  
1750 .70  
1850 1.0  
1925 2.0  
1956 2.5  
1966 3.3  
1970 3.6  
1974 3.9  
1976 4.0  
1980 4.4  
1991 5.5  
2000 6.0  
2004 6.4  
2010 6.9  
2015 7.2  


Instructions for creating your graph.

Place time on the long horizontal (X) axis. Values should range from 0 A.D. to 2010. Place number of people on the vertical (Y) axis. Values should range from 0 to 8 billion. Make sure that your graph is a full page in size, you have the correct unit labels for the X and Y axes, and a title for your graph.


4. It took 1649 years for the world population to double, going from .25 billion people to .50 billion people.

a. How long did it take for the population to double once again?


b. How long did it take for the population to double a second time?


c. A third time?


5. What growth model is human population growth for the 1st 1950 years?


6. What growth model is human population growth for the last 75 (or so) years?


7. Based on your graph, in what year will the population reach 8 billion?


The Earth’s Carrying Capacity: Human factors.

Prior to 1950, the death rate was high, which kept the numbers of humans from increasing rapidly. In the 19th Century, the agricultural revolution increased food production. The industrial revolution improved methods of transporting food and other good. In the 20th Century, advances in medicine, sanitation and nutrition have decreased the death rates further. These factors combined to produce the rapid growth of the human population in the 20th century.

As with any population, humans are also limited by factors such as space, amount of food and disease. The carrying capacity is the number of individuals that a stable environment can support. Authorities disagree on the maximum number of people that the earth can support, though the numbers generally range for 8 to 10 billion. As the population approaches its limit, starvation will increase. Some countries have a much higher growth rate than others. Growth rate is the number of people born minus the number of people that die. Compare the growth rates of the following countries

Most countries are trying to reduce their growth rate. Zero population growth means that as many people are being born as there are dying – to achieve zero population growth, each couple would need to have no more than two children (to replace the parents). Even if this number is achieved, the population will continue to grow because the parents will still live on for decades, as their children have children and their children have children…and so forth. The United States reached zero population growth in the 1980’s, and yet the overall population of the US still increases.

Analysis: Use the graph you created and the information above to answer the following questions.

8. What factors contributed to the world’s overall population growth in the last 150 years. List at least 4.




9. Why does a population not level off during the same year it reaches zero population growth?




10. What do you think the Earth’s carrying capacity for humans is?


11. If the carrying capacity of the earth was 9 billion people, when would this number be reached (according to your graph)?


12. What will happen when the human population exceeds the earth’s carrying capacity? Explain in a few sentences.
























( LABELS: )Population Growth Pyramids.

Analysis: Comprehensive population growth models. Answer the questions completely.

13. What is it called when a population increases at a steady, rapid rate?



14. Refer to the graph containing Germany. Which age group had the least amount of males?



15. Refer to the graph containing Guatemala. Which age group has the most individuals?



16. Which country has a nearly equivalent distribution for each age group?



17. Label the graph that illustrates a population “DECLINING”.

18. What is your justification?



19. Label the graph that illustrates a population “EXPANDING SLOWLY”.

20. What is your justification?



21. Label the graph that illustrates a population “EXPANDING RAPIDLY”.

22. What is your justification?



23. Label the graph that illustrates a population “STABLE”.

24. What is your justification?



25. Based upon what you know about these countries, what do you find interesting about the rate of growth of a country and its economy, standard of living, health factors, and other social influences?

Interpreting Graphs – Population Growth

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The most important aspect of a good microscope

The most important aspect of a good microscope. 1.    The most important aspect of a good microscope is




the number of ocular lenses.

2.Select the statement(s) that accurately describe homeostasis.

The body has the ability to detect change, activate mechanisms that oppose it, and maintain relatively stable internal conditions.

The loss of homeostatic control can cause illness but cannot cause death.

Internal conditions are absolutely constant and must not fluctuate within a range.

The internal state of the body is best described as a dynamic equilibrium in which there is a certain set point and conditions fluctuate slightly around this point.

The first and fourth choices are correct.

3.    Which of the following statements is not true regarding inclusions?

Inclusions are not enclosed by a membrane.

nclusions have no functions that are necessary for cellular survival.

Inclusions can participate in ATP production in the cell.

Inclusions could be viruses or bacteria inside the cell.

None of the these is a false statement.

4.    Which of the following statements is true about the glycocalyx?

All animal cells have a glycocalyx.

Even between identical twins, the glycocalyx is chemically unique.

The glycocalyx helps one cell adhere to another.

All of these are true statements.

Only the first and third statements are true.

5.    Cells of all species have many fundamental similarities because of

spontaneous generation.


common ancestry.

the laws of randomness.

6.    What is the volume of a cuboidal cell that measures 5 µm on each side?

125 µm2

25 µm2

25 µm3

125 µm3

None of the choices is correct.


7.    In 1859 Louis Pasteur determined beyond all reasonable doubt that

cells arose from non-living matter.

cells only arose from other cells.

cells do not spontaneously generate.

All of the choices are correct.

Only the second and third choices are correct


8.    Dynamic equilibrium can be described as having a certain set point for a given variable where internal conditions remain constant at this point.



9.    Which of the following best distinguishes a Law from a Theory?

A law is a generalization about the predictive ways in which matter and energy behave, while a theory represents information that can be independently verified by any trained person.

A law is a generalization about the predictive ways in which matter and energy behave, while a theory is the result of inductive reasoning based on repeated, confirmed observations.

A law is the result of inductive reasoning based on repeated, confirmed observations while a theory is an explanatory statement or set of statements derived from facts and confirmed hypotheses.

A law is an explanatory statement or set of statements derived from facts and confirmed hypotheses while a theory is information that can be independently verified by any trained person.

10.  What is the surface area of a cuboidal cell that measures 5 µm on each side?

25 µm2

150 µm2

25 µm3

150 µm3

None of the choices are correct.

The most important aspect of a good microscope

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