Narrative Essay

Narrative Essay. 4 pages in length minimumNarrative Essay


Caitlin Yoshiko Kandil: “After 50 Years of ‘Asian American’…”

Paulo Freire: Pedagogy of the Oppressed, “Banking Concept of Education.”

Beverly Tatum: Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria? “The Complexities

of Identity.”

Russell Jeung: Mountain Movers, “Introduction.”

Jennifer Ho: Keywords, “Identity.”


Tatum explains that all people possess multiple identities which are shaped by and embedded in our “social, cultural, and historic contexts.” She also notes that our consciousness of these identities and their meanings develop through self-reflection over time. Through Freire, we learned that critical consciousness entails not only the “emergence of consciousness” but also a “critical intervention in reality.”

On a parallel track, we learned from Kandil and Jeung that the term “Asian American” can be traced back to a specific political, cultural, and social intersection in U.S. history. The Asian American identity, then, was created by people who found it necessary to assert an autonomous identity against oppressive forces.

Essay question:

Reflect on your journey in coming into identity-consciousness, specifically your racial and ethnic identities. In a narrative essay answer the following perennial question: Who am I? 

You must apply at least five of the concepts from at least two readings, three of which should be quoted passages.

There are countless ways you can answer this question, so you must “frame” or guide your response based on one or two of the following questions:

Framing questions:

1. Who are you now? Who were you before? And who will you become? In other words, how has your identity consciousness developed over time?


¡ 4 pages in length minimum (no upper limit)

¡ MLA format

¡ 12 pt font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins all around, 100% double spaced

· Relevant and creative title (not “Essay #1” or “My narrative”

Essay question 2:

In an argument-based (i.e., thesis-driven) essay answer the following question: In your opinion, what was the most significant cause and most significant consequence of the creation of an Asian American identity? You must build your argument on the unit readings and provide at least two passages from at least two different readings (total of four passages, at least).

Essay : Asian American Consciousness and Identity



Caitlin Yoshiko Kandil: “After 50 Years of ‘Asian American’…”

Paulo Freire: Pedagogy of the Oppressed, “Banking Concept of Education.”

Beverly Tatum: Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria? “The Complexities

of Identity.”

Russell Jeung: Mountain Movers, “Introduction.”

Jennifer Ho: Keywords, “Identity.”



Tatum explains that all people possess multiple identities which are shaped by and embedded in our “social, cultural, and historic contexts.” She also notes that our consciousness of these identities and their meanings develop through self-reflection over time. Through Freire, we learned that critical consciousness entails not only the “emergence of consciousness” but also a “critical intervention in reality.”

On a parallel track, we learned from Kandil and Jeung that the term “Asian American” can be traced back to a specific political, cultural, and social intersection in U.S. history. The Asian American identity, then, was created by people who found it necessary to assert an autonomous identity against oppressive forces.


Essay question:

Reflect on your journey in coming into identity-consciousness, specifically your racial and ethnic identities. In a narrative essay answer the following perennial question: Who am I?

You must apply at least five of the concepts from at least two readings, three of which should be quoted passages.

There are countless ways you can answer this question, so you must “frame” or guide your response based on one or two of the following questions:


Framing questions:

1. Who are you now? Who were you before? And who will you become? In other words, how has your identity consciousness developed over time?




¡ 4 pages in length minimum (no upper limit)

¡ MLA format

¡ 12 pt font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins all around, 100% double spaced

· Relevant and creative title (not “Essay #1” or “My narrative”

Essay question 2:

In an argument-based (i.e., thesis-driven) essay answer the following question: In your opinion, what was the most significant cause and most significant consequence of the creation of an Asian American identity? You must build your argument on the unit readings and provide at least two passages from at least two different readings (total of four passages, at least).

Narrative Essay

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Envirmental Science Worksheet

Envirmental Science Worksheet. Name:



Online Scavenger Hunt for Success

The Basics (each question worth 5 point) 20 pts total

1. Every field is impacted by the environment, be it being the source or a product, source of a service, a concern to meet an environmental regulation…. How do you feel learning about the environment will impact your future career? (minimum of 50 words; question worth 5 points)

2. Everything is made from chemicals. In blogs or news articles, you might hear about chemicals being a concern, but this is too vague. For example you can say water is a problem because it is a chemical, but this is still not saying why. Find an example of a chemical you want to learn about. Question worth 5 points

a. What is this chemical made from?

b. How can it be helpful?

c. What it is likely to pollute (air, water, or land)?

d. How can the problem be lessened?

e. Provide a full reference for your authoritative source you used to answer this question

3. Ozone is a complex chemical. In the1980’s a big concern was the hole in the ozone. What is the current status of the ozone hole? Now, you might hear more about ozone warning while driving. What causes this and why is it is problem? What references did you use to answer this question? (minimum of 50 words; question worth 5 points)

Completing Research (5 points each- 3 for correct example, 2 for reason) 20 pts total

In science a research paper needs to have authoritative sources and all facts need to be cited. This does not mean you want to have lots of quotes, but instead paraphrase your material and cite the source

Many times if it tempting to use popular media as a source. However, this means it could be biased.

Go to:

1. Find one source that could be considered Left biased and explain why (minimum of 20 words; question worth 5 points).

2. Find one source that could be considered right biased and explain why (minimum of 20 words; question worth 5 points).

3. Find a source that is considered conspiracy-pseudoscience and explain why with an example of pseudoscience (minimum of 20 words; question worth 5 points).

4. Find a pro-science source that might be ok for a research paper to get more current information then a peer reviewed source. (minimum of 20 words; question worth 5 points)

Citing and referencing help (each topic 10 pts) 30pts total

Using the library, find 3 separate articles to help you write about 3 of the following topics below (remember to choose 3 topics, not just 1). Please pick 3 topics from this list: endangered species, environmental toxin, farming, sustainable building materials, or water pollution to answering the following questions:

1. Why would you use this article? (3 pts)

2. Create a full reference for this source (2 pts)

3. Paraphrase a fact from this source and insert an in-text citation (2.5pts)

4. Find a quote Create an intext citation (2.5pts)

Envirmental Science Worksheet

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Panopto Desktop Recording too

Panopto Desktop Recording too. Your Lab Signature Assignment is an oral report on a microbial disease. Create a three- to five-minute video response that includes the following:

  1. Select a disease that affects humans or animals whose causative agent is a bacterium, virus, fungus, protozoa, or other microorganism.
  2. Create and deliver a presentation on your chosen disease in which you report on each of the following in detail:
    • Causative Agent: Describe and classify the microbe involved. If known, explain how the microbe causes/transmits the disease or interferes with normal body function. Also, describe the vector and/or life cycle for the microbe (if applicable).
    • Population(s) affected: What population(s) is/are at highest risk of contracting the disease? Are there any groups of people who should be tested? Please include statistical/geographical data and trends (from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, World Health Organization, or other source [,, etc.]).
    • Course of Disease: What are the usual signs/symptoms of someone with the disease? How is the disease diagnosed? What is the usual time course for recovery? Are there complications and/or long-term effects?
    • Interventions: Describe possible treatments and/or medical interventions. Is there a vaccine available? How can the disease be best prevented or kept under control?

Videos can be recorded using any software or tool, but all videos are required to be uploaded to My Panopto Videos for assignment submission.

You can also use the Panopto Desktop Recording tool to create your video.

Panopto Desktop Recording too

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BIOLOGY ESSAY QUESTIONS. Answer five of the seven essay questions (no extra credit for extra work)


Each essay question is worth 20 points. Response should be at least 150 words long. Sentences should be well developed, show logical and independent critical thinking, understanding of the concepts and their application to provided case studies/scenarios. Answers should be written in your own words.


1. While working at an excavation, an archeologist found several small skull bones. She examines the frontal, parietal, and occipital bones and concludes that the skull belonged to a child not even one year old. How can she tell the child’s age from examining the bones? Explain the importance of her finding in relationship to the infant’s postnatal development.


2. Michael is a thirty year old salesman who spends approximately 4 days each week traveling to visit with customers in his region. During his routine physical he casually mentions to his physician that he seems to be sweating more profusely than normal and most rooms that once were comfortable are now too “hot”. Michael also reports that he seems to be losing weight even though his appetite has increased. He also complains that he has a shortened attention span and that he always wants to be moving around. Despite the fact that he feels fatigued, Michael claims to have difficulty sleeping and seems to have more frequent bowel movements, occasionally accompanied by diarrhea. The physician checks Michael’s medical history and finds that indeed he has lost 15 pounds since his last physical.


Results of Michael’s physical examination and tests performed by endocrinologist concluded that Michael had Grave’s disease, a form of hyperthyroidism believed to be autoimmune in nature. Michael was presented with a number of possible treatment options. After considering all the options, especially the possible effects of radiation on gamete development, Michael chose surgical removal of the thyroid gland. Following successful surgery, Michael was prescribed synthetic thyroid hormone to ensure that his body was receiving adequate thyroid hormone and told to return within 2 months for a follow-up evaluation of circulating thyroid hormone concentrations. He was also cautioned to carefully monitor his calcium intake.


a. Thyroid hormones exert their effects on cells in a manner similar to steroid hormones; describe the mechanism of action of thyroid hormones.


b. Why would an imbalance in thyroid hormones have such widespread effects on the body?


3. Charlie is badly burned in a fireworks accident on the Fourth of July. When he reaches the emergency room, the examining physician determines the severity of the incident as a third-degree burn. What therapeutic measures is the physician likely to recommend? What are the major concerns with third-degree burns? Are third-degree burns more or less painful than the second-degree burns? Explain.


4. E.M.S. went to bed about 11 PM after a busy evening of entertaining friends and family. He was awakened at 2 AM with chest pain that radiated to his left shoulder, arm and fingers. His son took him to the emergency room, where he was immediately given oxygen by mask and nitroglycerin. His chest pain was relieved in about 39 minutes. An ECG revealed evidence of myocardial ischemia but no evidence of a myocardial infarction. He was admitted to the cardiac intensive unit for further evaluation.


a. What’s the most likely cause of the pain (what’s the name of the condition and what causes it)?


b. What kind of medication is nitroglycerin and why does it help to relieve the pain? What are other treatment options for this condition?


c. Define the underlined terms.


5. Until recently, 6-year-old Billie had no apparent health problems. About 1 week ago, she started to lose weight despite a healthy appetite. She urinated frequently and complained of being tired. Her mom noticed that she was very thirsty and was getting up in the middle of the night to urinate. On examination, her blood sugar was elevated. She was diagnosed with type 1 (juvenile-onset) diabetes mellitus.


a. Which homeostatic mechanism is not properly functioning?


b. Explain the physiology of this disease, what’s going wrong? Be specific.


c. What can happen if the diabetes is not controlled?


6. Keith is a college student. He is extremely busy studying and working part-time. Keith sleeps in late and therefore does not take time for breakfast. He rushes off to class. At lunch he has time for only French fries. When he gets home from school, he eats canned corn (only corn, nothing else) and washes it down with water. Then, he goes to work, only to start the same routine the next day.


When Keith is confronted about his poor diet, he responds, “The French fries are a good source of carbohydrates. Since they are fried in oil, I get my daily requirement of fat. At supper time, I eat corn and it has a lot of amino acids in it.” You, a medical student, suggest that Keith see a doctor. Keith complies and makes an appointment with a doctor. The doctor’s report looks like this: Keith is pale and underweight, his urine and blood pH are low, and the ketones in the urine and blood are high. The Na+ concentration in the blood is low. Keith seems to have possible nerve problems. The doctor explains that Keith is pale due to anemic conditions brought on by the poor diet. With a poor protein diet, Keith’s erythrocytes may not be making adequate hemoglobin. Because his diet is very low in carbohydrates, his body is metabolizing fat, which is causing the weight loss. By products of fat metabolism are ketones, which are acidic. This accounts for the increase in ketones in the urine and the blood and a drop in the pH. A drop in blood pH will inhibit the small intestine from putting Na+ into the bloodstream. Sodium ions are necessary for proper nerve function. In short, Keith needs to begin eating well-balanced meals.


a. Why is corn considered to be an incomplete protein?


b. How are ketones formed?


c. How are sodium ions involved in the nervous system?


d. How does this scenario relate to fad diets?


7. Analyze the need of climbers of Mt. Everest to set up camps at various levels and stay in those camps for a predetermined amount of time before proceeding with their climb to the top of the mountain.



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