

Disk Drives Inc. (DDI) is a specialty electronics firm that, having shifted strategies, needs to
adjust the rest of the organization’s design in order to create alignment and survive in the face-paced
external environment. In 2016, two-thirds of its revenue came from the larger disk drives
manufactured in the United States; by the end of 2018, 100% of its revenue came from smaller disk
drives manufactured (led by Mar) in Japan, China, and Indonesia. DDI wants to grow, but the
competition for winning contracts for smaller disk drives is intense and geographically different. The
current functional organization structure (Figure 1) was good for centralized decision-making, but the
VP of HR (Jan) has recommended a global divisional model of organization (called Unit Structure by
Geography (Anderson, 2020, pp. 352-354).

The DDI president (Mary) is concerned with a decentralized model, but understands that fast-
paced decision-making is required to survive in this market. The finance manager (Hugh) is also
concerned about delegating financial authority. The sales and marketing VP (Lonnie) was also
concerned with losing important talent in the USA since much of the work will be done outside of the
USA. The purchasing VP (Lonnie) and Engineering VP (Max) were also concerned about
decentralization and retraining of new regional people. While all leaders have concerns, they all agree
the new global structure is the correct direction. The direction is to hire an OD consultant (YOU) to
work with Jan from HR to recommend a regionalized global structure and outline possible issues and
actions that must be considered by DDI in this organization level change. You are the consultant and
your task is to recommend
1. A new global structure and identify actions that are required as part of this structure
2. Document the stakeholder analysis
3. Diagnosis: identify the correct design component using the most appropriate
diagnostic method
4. Develop a list of appropriate solutions (Org level interventions), which will be
important as this change becomes a reality (e.g. regional recruiting, On Boarding
5. Document a high-level action plan–only the most significant steps are required


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Task: Provide a critical self-reflection of the process of completing

For completing this Task successfully, you must summarize all the academic
knowledge you receive from the module’s content and professional benefits
you received while critically analysed the case study/company selected
including strategic implications and strategic business issues, during the
development of summative assignment which is a Case Study on Nike

Which covers all the Strategy and Every thing which is Nike using
The indicators of a good reflection are:
• It is personal to you
• It is clear how the learning relates to your role or prepares for
a future role
• It outlines the content and method of the learning activity
• It describes how your knowledge, skills and attributes have
developed as a result of the learning activity.
• It identifies any further gaps or learning you did not cover and
how you might fill these.
• It describes how your current practice might change as a result
• It indicates how you will use knowledge acquired for your career


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Product Ais assembled from 10 units of S1 and 4 units of S2. S1 is made of 3 unit of C1,6 units of C2, and 2 unit of C3. S2 is made of 5 units of C2 and 7 units of C3. Assume no inventory on hand, products take 1 day to assemble, subassemblies take 2 days, and lead time of components is 4 days. When should an order be released for C3 if the 100 As are needed by day 9? How many C3 should be ordered? Order 4800 units of C3 on day 1 Order 48 units of C3 on day 6 Order 4800 units of C3 on day 2 Order 48 units of C3 on day 2


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Dole: Analyzing the Marketing Environment

Read the overview below and complete the activities that follow.

Information is power speaks to the importance of good information in decision making. Companies realize the right information at the right time and in the right format is essential for decision makers. Dole is constantly analyzing the environment to make sure their marketing message is on target. As the video plays, answer the questions that appear.

This activity is important because marketing managers need to be aware of changes in the external environment that may represent new opportunities or threats for the organization. In particular, marketing managers need to be able to recognize and understand shifts in consumer attitudes and preferences in order to develop new marketing strategies that are well adapted to changing conditions. Effective market research can enable marketing managers to identify and understand changing conditions and determine how effective potential marketing strategies under consideration might be.

The goal of this exercise is to demonstrate an understanding of the market research process and different sources of information relevant to marketing by considering the application of concepts related to both in the context of a company-specific example.

Marketers are usually the ones entrusted with scanning the environment for changes that might affect the organization. As a result, creating procedures that collect, analyze, and access relevant information is a critical part of marketing management. Staying connected to the business environment is no longer optional. Success is based, in part, on both the quality and quantity of information available to management. As a result, most companies engage in collecting, analyzing, and storing data from the macro environment on a continuous basis known as marketing intelligence.

Click the? button to watch the video. Then, answer the questions that follow.

Customers tend to value _____________ over nutrition.

Multiple Choice

  • simplicity

  • convenience

  • difficulty

  • expediency


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