

Open the Trust data-set

a. Segment the sample into four clusters according to the attitude variables (q12a to q12k), using the k-means algorithm

b. Save the final seeds in a file

c. Replicate the analysis using the final seeds as initial seeds

d. Perform an ANOVA analysis to check whether the clusters are significantly different with respect to income (q60) and age (q51)

e. Extract three principal components from the attitude variables, save the component scores and run the k-means algorithm on the component score

f. Do the cluster averages differ from the previous ones with respect toattitudes, income and age?


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A business mission statement is an integral part of strategic management. It provides direction for formulating, implementing, and evaluating strategic activities. This exercise will give you practice evaluating mission statements, a skill that is a prerequisite to writing a good mission statement. The mission statement for Nestlé is given below: Instructions Step 1 On a separate sheet of paper, write the nine mission statement components down the left side. Step 2 Write “yes” or “no” beside each number to indicate whether you feel the Nestlé mission statement has included the respective component. For any component that you record a “no,” write a good sentence to encompass that component. Step 3 Submit your paper to your instructor for a grade.


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You are a work consultancy and you have been asked to define data, information, information systems and applicable criteria to facilitate the decision making process for a company. To do the report you will need to refer to different chapters and concepts in the Text Book as specified in the questions.


A multinational company with offices in Europe, Asia and America is considering implementing a flexible working schedule where the employees have some choice between working from home and in the office


Part 1

Describe the Knowledge Management Cycle and how it can be applied to this case.

Identify the advantages and disadvantages of flexible working schedules from the company’s viewpoint

Part 2

Describe WiiG’s Hierarchy of Knowledge and explain how you can apply it to this part of the assignment

Explain a way in which you can consult the employees about their willingness to adopt a flexible working schedule within their company

Put forward a proposal on how to introduce a flexible working schedule into the company

Part 3

Explain how the Balanced Scorecard can be adapted to measure the success of the implementation process behind the vaccine passport.

Identify measurable objectives for each of the four perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard for the implementation of your proposal


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Write a literature review that highlights the various human factors aspects in Unmanned Aerial Systems flight.

1)Explore the various cognition and decision-making elements associated with UAS civilian flying. What are some of the human factors challenges for the pilot? Be sure to include how automation and user interface/interaction can play a role in the effectiveness of the pilot.
2) Explore some of the research conducted with respect to various types of experience and whether they correlate to UAS flight ability. Detail how the studies were conducted
3) Conclude the paper with summarizing how human factors is involved with UAS flying. Include your inferences as to what are the most important elements, based on your research, that would make a good UAS pilot.


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