

Crash Tests The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety regularly tests cars for various safety factors. In one such test, the institute tests the bumpers in 5-mile per hour (mph) crashes. The following data represent the cost of repairs (in dollars) after four different 5-mph crashes on small utility vehicles. The institute blocks by location of crash, and the treatment is car model.

(a) Normal probability plots for each treatment indicate that the requirement of normality is satisfied. Verify that the requirement of equal population variances for each treatment is satisfied. (b) Is there sufficient evidence that the mean cost of repairs is different among the four SUVs at the  level of significance?

(c) If the null hypothesis from part (b) was rejected, use Tukey’s test to determine which pairwise means differ using a familywise error rate of .


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Open the Trust data-set

a. Consider the allocation of respondents according to their job status (q54)

b. Using MDA, explore the role of the following predictors in explaining classification: age (q51), household size (q56), financial condition of the household (q61)

c. According to ANOVA tests, which predictors are statistically different across groups? Which predictor has the highest discriminatory power?

d. Which discriminant functions are significant according to the Chi-square test?

e. How much of the total variance does the first discriminant function explain?

f. Considering the structure matrix, try and label the discriminant functions

g. Compute the percentage of correctly predicted cases. Does allocation of all units to the modal category generate a better or worse prediction rate?


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This exercise presents a somewhat different view of mission statements as compared to concepts. For example, according to Bart, 1997, a mission statement consists of three essential components: 1. Key marketâ€â€Who is your target client/customer? 2. Contributionâ€â€What product or service do you provide to that client? 3. Distinctionâ€â€What makes your product or service unique, so that the client would choose you? For example, if you locate McDonald’s mission statement on the Internet, Bart’s essential components are covered in the following ways: • Key Market: the fast food customer worldwide • Contribution: tasty and reasonably-priced food prepared in a high-quality manner • Distinction: delivered consistently (world-wide) in a low-key décor and friendly atmosphere.


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Your dissemination plan: things to consider


What do you want to achieve, for example, raise awareness and understanding, or change practice? How will you know if you are successful and made an impact? Be realistic and pragmatic.


Identify your audience(s) so that you know who you will need to influence to maximise the uptake of your research e.g. commissioners, patients, clinicians and charities. Think who might benefit from using your findings. Understand how and where your audience looks for/receives information. Gain an insight into what motivates your audience and the barriers they may face.

Remember to feedback study findings to participants, such as patients and clinicians; they may wish to also participate in the dissemination of the research and can provide a powerful voice.


When will dissemination activity occur? Identify and plan critical time points, consider external influences, and utilise existing opportunities, such as upcoming conferences. Build momentum throughout the entire project life-cycle; for example, consider timings for sharing findings.


Think about the expertise you have in your team and whether you need additional help with dissemination. Consider whether your dissemination plan would benefit from liaising with others, for example, NIHR Communications team, your institution’s press office, PPI members. What funds will you need to deliver your planned dissemination activity? Include this in your application (or talk to your funding programme).


Partners / Influencers: think about who you will engage with to amplify your message. Involve stakeholders in research planning from an early stage to ensure that the evidence produced is grounded, relevant, accessible and useful.

Messaging: consider the main message of your research findings. How can you frame this so it will resonate with your target audience? Use the right language and focus on the possible impact of your research on their practice or daily life.

Channels: use the most effective ways to communicate your message to your target audience(s) e.g. social media, websites, conferences, traditional media, journals. Identify and connect with influencers in your audience who can champion your findings.

Coverage and frequency: how many people are you trying to reach? How often do you want to communicate with them to achieve the required impact?

Potential risks and sensitivities: be aware of the relevant current cultural and political climate. Consider how your dissemination might be perceived by different groups.

Think about what the risks are to your dissemination plan e.g. intellectual property issues. Contact your funding programme for advice.

Based on the article above answer the following questions adhering to the discussion parameters below.

  1. Identify and existing research conference or create one and share your dissemination plan with your colleagues.
  2. In your plan you should identify
    1. Who are you targeting based on your research.
    2. Identify your mission or goals for this plan.
    3. Clearly outline the method to be used (virtual-zoom, face to face) to facilitate the dissemination of your research.
    4. What strategy would you use to boost registration of participants? Give three strategies.
    5. Share at least three barriers to research dissemination identify three measures that can be used to overcome these.
    6. Share with your colleagues. If you have never attended a research conference, share your plans to attend one. If you have attended share your experience.


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