Briefly define CSR with reference to its purpose. To what extent should ethics be the basis of CSR decisions?

Briefly define CSR with reference to its purpose. To what extent should ethics be the basis of CSR decisions?.

 Description: Full level of description shown through very accurate details about the process undergone. Analysis: Demonstrates a thorough analysis of problems, possible reasons and implications. Application: Demonstrates an excellent understanding of how to apply the skills and/or the ability to generalise to other learning contexts and/or offers excellent suggestions for future development Evaluation: A very confident self-assessment or new understanding. Organisation: Well-structured in a way entirely appropriate to the subject / task set; very clear evidence of planning; significance of each point clearly follows from previous argument to form a coherent whole; sophisticated use of linking language. Grammar: very good control of wide range of grammatical structures; sentence structures show variety and complexity with only occasional errors. Vocabulary: very good control of broad lexical range; low frequency items, collocations and some idiomatic usages are used although there are some gaps and / or minor slips.

Briefly define CSR with reference to its purpose. To what extent should ethics be the basis of CSR decisions?

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