1. Pick any topic that interests you that is related to the biopsychology of SENSORY, ATTENTION OR MOTOR SYSTEMS (or combinations of these). Read about your topic of interest from at least two reliable sources (see more about the sources below). Your essay must somehow address the neuroscientific/biopsychology aspects of your topic. One of your sources can be our textbook. Many chapters in the book discuss relevant topics, but the most relevant chapters for this assignment are chapters 6, 7 and 8. Note, however, that you must also have at least one other source. Many topics you could select are discussed a little bit in the book and that could be your starting point, but you’d want to find more information elsewhere.
2. Report to others what you discovered by writing a summary of your findings and posting it in this Canvas discussion board below. You also need to post your summary in the Vericite plagiarism check which is right underneath this discussion in the Canvas module. The minimum length of your summary is 3 pages (when double-spaced). There is no maximum length.
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Order Paper Now3. As mentioned above, one of your sources can be our textbook (but does not have to be). Your sources should be RELIABLE ACADEMIC SOURCES that discuss peer-reviewed research findings. The best way to accomplish this is to locate an actual PEER-REVIEWED JOURNAL ARTICLE (using the library website). It is also acceptable to use a book that discusses research data, or a reliable academic website that cites peer-reviewed research data. However, the website needs to list their peer-reviewed sources so that you can determine where the information came from. WIKIPEDIA IS NOT ACCEPTED AS A RELIABLE SOURCE for this assignment.
4. You also need to read other students’ summaries, and reply to TWO of them by the due date above. You can ask questions, comment on their information, tell about your knowledge related to their topic, etc.
Here are some ideas for what you could research and report about:
You could research a condition in which the sensory, attention and/or motor functions are somehow affected/impaired, often because of brain damage and/or a developmental process. Discuss symptoms, brain regions/neural organization, case studies if applicable, and any other information you find interesting about the condition. Remember that your essay must address the neuroscientific/biopsychology aspects of your topic. You can pick a condition mentioned in our textbook, or find a condition that is not mentioned in the book but is relevant to this question. Some example conditions you could examine:
Apperceptive agnosia
Associative agnosia
Red-green color blindness
Auditory cortex damage
Hearing loss/Deafness
Tinnitus (ringing of the ears)
Astereognosia (inability to recognize objects by touch)
Asomatognosia (failure to recognize parts of own body)
Unilateral/contralateral neglect
Rubber-hand illusion (feeling that an object is part of one’s body)
Congenital insensitivity to pain
Neuropathic pain
Anosmia (inability to smell)
Ageusia (inability to taste)
Simultanagnosia (inability to perceive more than one stimulus at a time)
Optic ataxia (inability to reach and grab objects)
Apraxia (generally: inability to make certain movements; many different kinds of apraxias)
Alternatively, you could
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